Read Sweet Addiction Online

Authors: Maya Banks

Sweet Addiction (27 page)

BOOK: Sweet Addiction
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“Ping-Pong?” she asked with a laugh.

“Yeah, and if you hit the balls overboard, you have to go in after them.”

She laughed harder and followed him to the doorway leading to the interior. They were shown into a luxurious bedroom and a moment later, their luggage was brought in.

“If you’d like to change into something more appropriate …say a bikini, the captain has said we’ll leave dock in just a few minutes.”

“A bikini, huh.”

He grinned. “Absolutely. The fewer clothes you wear for the next several days, the happier I’ll be.”

“How did you arrange this?” she asked, looking around, still stunned by the sheer opulence of the yacht. Cole was a wealthy man, yes, but this wealthy?

“Connections,” he said smugly. “It always pays to have friends in high places.”

She went into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Thank you. I’m so excited I can’t see straight.”

He returned her hug and held on to her for a long moment.

“We’re going to anchor off a small private island. You can swim right off the boat or we can boat into shore and laze on the beach or we can sunbathe right here on deck. Whatever your whim is, I’m here to fulfill it.”

She pulled away and shook her head. “Sometimes I tell myself you can’t possibly be real.”

“Bet you won’t say that with my dick inside you later,” he said in a silky voice.

She shivered and goose bumps prickled across her arms.

He smiled and then leaned in to kiss her. “Get changed. Meet me topside.”

When Ren stepped back onto the deck, she didn’t see Cole anywhere. Assuming he was with the captain, she walked gingerly across the deck but quickly realized she wasn’t going to take a tumble.

Gaining more confidence she went to the rail, gripping it tightly as she stared over the ocean. It was like looking over a lake on a calm day. The only ripples were caused by the yacht as it plowed through the water. And it was so brilliantly blue that it hurt her eyes to look at it.

After a moment, she relaxed and rested her forearms on the side so she could lean forward. The breeze whipped at her hair and she vaguely thought she should have put it up.

A few days on the water with nothing more pressing to do than soak up the sun? Heaven.

A firm hand slid over her bare ass and remained there, caressing boldly. “Oh I like,” Cole murmured as he fingered the string of her thong. “So easily accessible. The question I ponder is whether I should take your pussy or your ass. This position is ideal for either.”

Shock thrilled through her veins and she started to rise but Cole’s hand pressed down on the small of her back.

“Oh no, stay right where you are, darling.”

She heard him unzip his jeans. He hadn’t changed into swim or loungewear.

Was he really going to fuck her right here on deck where anyone could see them? Not that there were many people. So far she’d only seen the captain but wasn’t there usually a steward? And could the captain see them from wherever he was piloting the boat?

She had no further time to contemplate the what-ifs. Cole spread her ass cheeks and his cock nudged impatiently at her pussy. As soon as he fitted the head to her opening he shoved forward, seating himself deeply within her body.

She gripped the rail to brace herself as the force of his possession sent her forward. Already she was teetering on the verge of orgasm. The excitement of him taking her right here in the open had her on edge. And he was big inside her. She was tight around him. She hadn’t been fully prepared for his entry and she gripped him like a fist.

He was relentless, not giving her time to adjust. He too seemed to like the tightness. His fingers dug into her ass and he made low noises of satisfaction as he drove into her.

“I wonder if you have any idea how fucking sexy you are,” he growled. He pressed in close, his body flush against hers, his mouth hovering just over her ear. He buried himself in her flesh, gripped her hips, held her in place and fucked her some more.

“When I came on deck and saw you standing here against the rail, wearing just that thong and a bikini top that barely covers your nipples, I damn near swallowed my tongue.”

She closed her eyes, leaning back into his chest, entranced by his words of praise.

Your legs are spectacular. You’re lean but curvy in all the right places, and your skin, my God, your skin. It reminds me of twilight, dusky and creamy, soft and so goddamn beautiful. And your hair. I have the most perverted fantasies about wrapping my cock up in your hair and coming all over it.”

Her breath hitched and caught. Her fingers tightened around the rail until they were white and bloodless at the tips. It fascinated her that both he and Lucas loved her Korean features. Not just accepted but found her exceptionally beautiful and celebrated the traits that marked her Asian heritage.

Like Cole, Lucas loved her skin and her hair. Loved the lilt of her eyes and the unusual mix of brown and green.

Lucas was a match to her dark hair and skin. Cole was her opposite. Light to her dark, his hair a muddy blond, his eyes blue and piercing where Lucas’s were dark and sometimes menacing. Not that Cole was all sweetness. He could be as formidable as Lucas but perhaps it was more incongruous on him.

In her most secret fantasies, she wondered at what a child of hers and Cole’s would look like.

“Am I boring you, Ren?” Cole asked menacingly. He bit into the column of her neck, inciting a yelp from her. He slapped her ass with a stinging blow that had her immediate attention.

“What the fuck is your problem? You’re zoning out. Does my dick not interest you? Should I ram it up your ass? Will that get your attention?”

He pulled out of her, wrapped his arm around her waist and jerked her back from the railing. He pushed her roughly to her knees, his hand wrapped in her hair.

“If you aren’t enjoying my attentions, you’ll at least see to my pleasure.”

The blunt head of his dick bumped against her lips. She opened her
mouth, not even trying to defend herself. He was right. She’d given him the ultimate disrespect when he was giving her nothing but the best.

He slid to the back of her throat and stayed there several long seconds, until her eyes watered and her throat convulsed. Only then did he let off and allow her to catch her breath.

His hand wrapped tighter in her hair and he pulled her head up, angling her jaw so that his entry was better. Then he pushed in again and began fucking her mouth with long, ruthless strokes.

“Kneel there and take it,” he gritted out. “Make it easier on yourself, Ren. Don’t fight me.”

No, she wouldn’t. Later, she’d fight because she remembered the turn-on for them both when she resisted and he subdued her, forcing her to his will. It was a practice she’d never dared with another man. Not even Lucas. She’d always been afraid of what would happen if her partner went too far, got too caught up in the act.

But Cole wouldn’t hurt her. Had never hurt her. No matter what he thought or felt guilt for.

Would he remember pinning her down, her being helpless and him slaking his lust? Would it still be a source of arousal for him?

It hadn’t come to her until now. A sharp memory brought on by his command for her not to fight. Was he even now telling her the opposite?

No, he looked too pissed. Too firm. Far too disapproving. He wouldn’t be playing a game now. He wanted to punish her and she’d take it because it was what she deserved.

His other hand slid over her cheek, over her ear and into her hair on the other side. He gripped her head with both palms and held her in place as he fucked her noisily. The wet sucking sounds, mixed with her gag, filled her ears.

Her body was electrified. Her nipples hardened painfully. Her pussy
spasmed as sharp pleasure coiled in her pelvis and spread through her stomach.

His control and dominance over her aroused her in a way she could never hope to explain. She simply couldn’t describe the euphoria that accompanied the bite of discipline. She panted around his cock, so far gone that she was barely cognizant of her surroundings.

But then his voice. Like a whip. Cutting through the haze.

“Tell me, Captain, is she not the most beautiful sight you’ve seen? There’s something about a woman swallowing a man’s dick that fires the senses.”

Her eyes flew open and her gaze locked on the captain standing a short distance away, the bulge between his legs evident even at such a distance. To his side stood another young man, his gaze raking over Ren as Cole shoved his cock farther down her throat.

Her entire body trembled and fire swept through her veins. Oh God, she was going to come and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

She closed her eyes, trying to ward it off but it pooled in her groin and tightened unbearably. She let out a cry around Cole’s erection and then went utterly senseless as her orgasm lashed her like the slap of a leather crop.

Just as suddenly her mouth filled with semen. She choked at first but his fingers wrapped cruelly around her jaw and she heard his warning from a distance, breaking the fog that surrounded her.

“Don’t you fucking spill a drop. Hold it in your mouth. Don’t swallow. And don’t lose a drop.”

She was smart enough to obey even though she was completely undone by the sheer power of the moment.

He jerked at his cock, coaxing every bit of his release onto her tongue. Then he thrust again, sliding deep, coating his cock with the cum in her mouth.

Tighten your lips and clean every bit off my dick as I pull out.”

She did as he ordered and he slowly dragged his cock over her lips, coming away from her mouth as clean as she could manage.

“Now let them see,” he said. “Let it slide over your lips and down your chin. Make them imagine that they just came all over your pretty mouth.”

She relinquished her hold on the warm liquid and allowed it to seep over her lips and down her chin until it dripped to the deck below.

“Goddamn,” the second man, the one she guessed was the steward, said in a hoarse voice. “Fucking amazing.”

“Yeah, she is,” Cole said, his voice tight with pride. “And she’s mine.”

The captain turned as if to go, but Cole stopped him.

“Gentlemen, if you don’t mind. I have a punishment to mete out. I’d like you to stay and observe.”


aptain Mike nodded his head. “As you wish, sir.”

Cole looked in C.J.’s direction. The young steward looked like he’d swallowed his tongue and a little like he was in love. Ren had that effect on men. Who could possibly resist a beautiful, willing, submissive woman who made the art of submission look elegant and spiritual.

Ren’s calm acceptance of Cole’s demands awed the other two men. By the time he was through with her punishment, she’d make slaves of both the other men, which amused Cole since she was the submissive. But then, wasn’t he himself an absolute slave to her every want and need?

She had all the power in this relationship. She had the ability to break him or make him the happiest man in the world. He had control because she gave it and for no other reason. She reveled in it and she was so damn beautiful that his teeth ached.

“Your belt, please,” he said calmly to Captain Mike. Then he looked to C.J. “I
assume you have an oar of some type? It must be a smooth piece of wood. Coated and treated with no possibility of splinters.”

“I have a decorative oar, or rather the c-captain does,” C.J. stammered. He looked apologetically in Captain Mike’s direction. “That is, if you don’t mind, sir. The one on your wall is a perfect size.”

Cole stifled his smile. The young man looked so eager to witness what came next that he seemed afraid that if he didn’t proffer the perfect piece of equipment that there would be no punishment.

Mike nodded. “Fetch it.”

Cole decided to tease them a bit and up the stakes. He waited patiently, Ren on her knees in front of him the entire time, his cum still smeared on her face, until C.J. hurried back with the small oar.

He handed it to Cole and Cole inspected it, turning it over and over, feeling for any sharp edges, splinters in the wood or any grooves that would hurt Ren more than necessary.

Then he lowered the oar to his side as Mike handed him the belt he’d been wearing. He turned his attention to Ren, staring down at her upturned face.

“You’ll take your punishment and if you make a single sound, you’ll suck the cocks of both men while I fuck you from behind. And I won’t be easy, Ren. I’ll fuck your ass and I won’t be nice and prepare you.”

C.J.’s mouth fell open and he shifted in agitation but nothing he did could hide the bulging erection he sported.

“On your feet.”

She rose, faltered and then regained her footing. He put a gentle hand to her elbow so she didn’t fall and then guided her toward the railing where he’d fucked her just minutes ago.

“Hands on the rail. Chin up. Legs apart. If you make a single sound, I’ll make good on my threat.”

Mike and C.J. closed in and stood to the side. C.J.’s eyes were wide but Mike’s
glittered with lust. Cole knew he was hoping like hell that Ren broke. Cole knew better.

BOOK: Sweet Addiction
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