Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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“Hopefully see you soon, Ev.” He winks and she chuckles as she walks away.


“Who’s Liam?” I ask as I peer into the box. There’s everything we’re going to need in it. Toiletries, cleaning products and lots of cans, packets and bottles of food and soft drink.

“Liam West. I went to uni with him. Haven’t seen him in years though.” He answers casually and I nearly choke on my own breath.

“Liam West.” My jaw drops wide open. “As in the multi-millionaire CEO Liam West, who dates movie stars and actresses and models and is on the Times Rich List and has, like,
Bentleys, a Porsche and a helicopter?”

James frowns, then doubles over with laughter.

“I have no fucking idea how many modes of transportation he has. But you’re hilarious. Did you read all that in a magazine?”

I frown. “Yes. Actually I did.”

He shakes his head and walks back through to the kitchen with the box, packing all the items away in cupboards.

“We sort of lost contact when his company took off. It was just after we graduated. Evelyn’s his grandma. They’re good people.”

Liam West.
Again with the contacts. He knows so many cool people. I sip on my wine and walk back out the kitchen with him following behind. It’s a nice evening so I wander onto the deck again.

“Where are we anyway? I can’t believe I don’t even know.”

He grins. “Yorkshire Moors.”

“Really? How
Wuthering Heights
of you.” I haven’t eaten much today and I feel the wine going to my head.  I sway and open out my arms. I suddenly feel like singing so I do in a dramatic voice. “Heathcliff. It’s me, Cathy. Come home. I’m so cold. Let me in-a-your window.”  I twirl round and move my hands up to my face, miming a window, and sway my body to each side emulating Kate Bush.

“You’re an idiot.” He says playfully.

I stop and flutter my eyelashes at him. “But you love me, right?”

“More than anything.” He kisses me and I relax into his arms, enjoying the cool breeze on my skin and the warmth of his body wrapped around mine.

“I’d really like to get you in a bikini now.” He says quietly. Shit, I didn’t bring one. Damn, damn, damn. Ugh, if he’d just have told me what we were doing I would have been prepared.

Then a smile curves my lips.

“I didn’t bring one.” Before his grin drops completely I step back. “We can do one better than that though.”

I place my glass on the patio table and watch James’ face as I slowly peel off my top. I love seeing how he reacts to me. I unbutton my jeans, and edge them down over my body and his eyes follow my hands all the way down and back up again. I reach out for the hem of his t-shirt and pull it over his head. He trails his fingers lightly over my arms and back, leaving goose-bumps on my skin when he unclasps my bra and throws it down on the deck floor. My eyes burn into his exposed torso, and I run my hands over the defined muscles on his chest and abs. I lick my lips and feel myself flushing at the thought of riding him in the hot-tub. But we still have too many clothes on.

As if reading my mind he hooks his thumbs into the sides of my pink lace underwear, and lowers his mouth to my nipple, licking then sucking the tightened bud. My hands move straight to his hair and I thread my fingers through the thick strands. He lets my nipple go without a loud pop and drops his gaze to the underwear he starts to slip down my thighs. He kisses down my stomach as he pulls my thong over each foot and flings it onto the discarded pile of clothes.

“You’re beautiful, Laurel.” He says with absolute conviction and it makes me want to melt inside. His hands grip my hips hauling them forward, and his mouth meets the apex of my thighs with insistence. I cry out when his tongue jets out to lap at my clit, and his fingers dig into my ass.

“Fuck, you’re so wet already, babe.” The tender swipes of his warm tongue make my legs shake and I have to use my hands on his shoulders to steady myself.

“You turn me on so much.” I choke out, and the vibrations of his low growl against my flesh have me moaning his name loudly. I’m so thankful we’re in the middle of a forest with no-one around for miles.

He hooks my leg over his shoulder, and spreads me wide open with his thumbs. I don’t have anything to lean back against so I grip his head tightly to me and when he spears his tongue inside me and relentlessly rubs my clit with his finger, I feel the familiar heat of the orgasm building quickly.

“God, you taste amazing. I want you to come on my tongue, babe.”

He pulls his tongue out, strokes at my clit over and over again then pushes it back inside and licking thoroughly at the walls of my pussy.

My legs begin to shake and I come hard, shuddering violently, hands still clinging to his messy hair like it’s my only lifeline.

Death by orgasm.

Hell of a way to go.

“Mmm, delicious.” He places a gentle kiss against my clit, then moves to my inner thighs and I lower my trembling leg again to let him up. He kisses all the way back up my body and my hands feel their way over the hard muscles of his biceps and round his shoulders. Before I recover fully and my mind is able to articulate something worth saying, he picks me up against him and places me in the hot-tub. The water’s warm and the bubbles feel so good against my sensitive skin that I can’t help but moan quietly in contentment.

“Stay here, beautiful. I’ll be back in a minute.”



Chapter Five




I lick my lips and fuck, I can still taste that sweet pussy that’s got my dick hard as a rock. She needs to climb on top of me in that hot-tub and ride my cock until we both erupt. I undo the top button of my jeans as I walk inside the cabin, and that doesn’t give me enough room so I unzip them too. I open the fridge in the kitchen and pull out a beer, and a bottle of champagne. I search the cupboards for a flute. Ev said she put some in here. When I find one, I clink everything together in my right hand and move through to the lounge. The cabin has an awesome media and sound system.

I should know, I designed the thing.

And that’s why I’ve decided to buy it off the Wests. Ev was happy to let go of one, and this one is the most secluded from the rest of the park. I use the remote and Sam Smith’s soulful voice comes humming through the hidden speakers on the deck outside.

I stop and smile when I see Laurel relaxing back with her elbows up on the edge of the sunken tub and her head tilted back, eyes closed. I rest the bottle of beer and glass on the timber floor, hastily strip out of my jeans, and sit with my legs in the water. When I unwrap the foil of the champagne bottle and pop the cork she opens her eyes and watches me.

“You spoil me.” She grins and takes the glass out my hand.

“You’re worth it.” I throw her a wink before picking up my beer and sinking down into the warm bubbles.

“Careful though, I could get used to this.”

“Actually, I was hoping you’d say that.”

She studies my face then takes another sip from her glass. “Why?”

“Because it’s ours.”

“W-what?” She frowns and her eyes dart across my face which I purposely leave neutral.

“You heard.” I say, enjoying the way she puts the glass down, and shifts forward, all her attention on me.

“I did but I don’t think I heard

“You did.” I say simply, trying desperately not to grin from ear-to-ear like I really want to do. This is going to be our getaway cabin, our home from home when all I can think of doing is losing myself in her for an entire weekend. And I can hardly wait.

“Evelyn sold it to me.” I correct myself, “To us.” I bought it off her with the money I made on my last project, an apartment complex in London. They paid me a bucket load, and usually I’d just save it. I’ve never been a huge spender, my house was the biggest purchase I made, but that was sensible. Now, I want to spend my money on Laurel. I put her name on the deed too.

“So, wait. You bought it. With your own money. But it’s mine too. Why would you do that?”

Did she seriously just ask me that?

Her head’s tilted to one side. She’s breathing heavily, her lips slightly parted. Her eyebrows meet in the middle creating two frustrated little lines that I want to just kiss away.

How can she not know?

She watches me closely as I stand up slightly and reach for her hand. As soon as it meets mine I pull her to me, creating a huge splash in the water as I slump back against the side and arrange her legs either side of mine, my hands skimming over her back.

“Laurel. You’re my girl. Everything I have is yours. It may not be a Bentley, or a helicopter…” she smirks at me and starts playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. If I didn’t have something important I want her to know, I could easily fall asleep from the soothing strokes against my skin.

“…But it’s yours. I have enough money that I live comfortably and I’ve never been bothered about buying flashy things. But when I do splash out, it’s something important. Like this cabin. It’s not just for me. Holidays, time together, trips with friends. It’s for us.”

I hope I can get her to understand.

“Everything I do, is with
in mind. Because I love you. And I want forever with you. It’s that simple.”

Her eyes glisten with the warning of tears.
That’s not what I was going for.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Shit, she’s going to cry. Nice work, asshole.

One tiny stream of water falls down her face and I wipe the wetness away with my thumb. Fuck, I’ve never been good with words and now I’ve just gone and fucked up a sexy as hell evening. What a loser. She places her hands in between us and plays with a ring on her right hand.

She needs a matching one on the left.


“Babe.” I whisper as the tears drift down in quick succession. Then she does something totally unexpected.

She laughs.

A full-blown, musical, sweet sounding giggle that pulls my brows in as far as they’ll go.

What the fuck?

Now I’m confused.


I’ll never understand them.

“I’m s-sorry.” She stutters out and tries to pull air into her lungs. She chokes out another laugh. “Holy shit, I can’t breathe.”

“Wanna let me in on your trail of thought? ‘Cause I tell ya babe, I have no idea what it is.”

She shifts self-consciously in my lap but carries on smiling.

“Sorry. God, that was inappropriate. But I promise, I was laughing at myself. You, James Dawson are amazing, and sweet, and romantic. And I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you but I’m glad I did it. Because I’ve never been this happy, and it’s all because of you.” She puts her arms back round my neck and lowers her soft lips to mine, kissing me gently. 

“Oh, and the awkward laughter was me realising what a
I’ve become. All mushy and sentimental and swooning at speeches like that. Seriously, you make me act like a
damn you!” She laughs and playfully hits my chest and the mood is lightened in an instant. Her eyes get back that mischievous twinkle that my cock loves to see. 

“Last time I checked you were a girl.”

She captures her pink, plump bottom lip between her teeth and leans in close. “Maybe you should check again. Just to make sure.”

Now this is going in a better direction.

I raise an eyebrow when she grinds her hips against me. She lifts her body off me, just slightly and her perfect round tits rise just over the bubbles on top of the water. I palm them both in my hands and she leans her head back, moaning softly.

Fuck, she’s mine. All mine.

My hands squeeze and caress her tits, and I rub my mouth over every inch of them, murmuring against her skin, “Definitely sexy as fuck female.”

I push them both together and lick across both nipples at the same time which causes her to inhale sharply and press into me further. She glides herself over my hard cock easily, the water easing the way, and if her thighs clenching round my hips are anything to go by, it’s hitting just the right spot.

“God, I need to be inside you.” 

.” She responds quickly and I feel her hand roam beneath the water and wrap around me. When she pumps her fists up and down, I nearly come right there and then, but I still her hand and mumble against her lips. “Inside you, babe. I want to fill that sweet pussy of yours.”

I hold my cock in one hand, and wrap the other round her waist as I ease her down onto it. My eyes never leave hers while she takes every inch of me slowly, until her ass meets my balls and I’m in as deep as I can go.

“Shit, you’re so tight. This little pussy’s clenching me like it never wants to let go.”

“Mmm, it definitely doesn’t.” She rocks her body back and forth slowly, and I reach out to brush a few strands away of hair away from her face so I can see those gorgeous blue eyes that suck the breath out of me. My hands feel out all the soft skin they can find, touching, stroking, worshipping. I bury my lips in her neck and inhale the faint floral, liquorice smell of her perfume mixed with strawberries from her shampoo. It’s a heady combination.

Her hands drive through my hair and she tugs until her mouth is crushed against mine and her tongue sweeps against my lips demanding entry.
That’s my girl.
I happily give it to her and our tongues meet, licking at each other thoroughly. She tastes amazing, like Champagne and cherry lip gloss and I could spend all night out here, the warm water lapping at our bodies while she rides me until we’re both falling apart wrapped round each other.

“James, I’m going to come.” She moans into my mouth.

“That’s it babe. Let go.” I whisper in her ear and move my hand down to rub over her clit. She burrows her face into my neck, tightens her fingers in hair and clenches round my cock as she comes so fiercely it pulls my orgasm from me immediately. I groan loudly and grasp her hips tightly to me as my cock erupts inside her. Our breathing starts to slow but the pants are still coming out forcefully. My limbs feel heavy, completely sated and drowsy.

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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