Sweet Agony: A Collection of BDSM Erotica (14 page)

BOOK: Sweet Agony: A Collection of BDSM Erotica
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         Chapter One


James stood watching her, the sneer on his face telling her plainly that he was not pleased. “I said make a choice, Beth. It’s simple really. You pick three and I pick three. After that, it's all in my hands. No worries left for you.”

The glint in his eye and the sinister tone of his voice let Beth know that there certainly were
going to be worries after her decision, worries a plenty, but not of the usual kind. That was why she had come here after all, to forget about the stressors of her life. She looked up at him, chewing her bottom lip, the flickering amber flames of the candles dancing across the stormy grey of her eyes, showing her fear and indecision. He smirked at her inner struggle; then raised an eyebrow as she dared to meet his gaze for a moment, making Beth look down again.

James had spread every last ‘toy’ he owned out upon the bed in anticipation of her arrival, and now he was gleefully watching as she was forced to pick which of them would punish her sweet body.

God she looked glorious, all decked out and ready to be tormented. Just the sight of her made his cock swell painfully. This of course made him even more impatient, causing him to issue a low growl to hurry her along. It wasn’t that watching her wasn’t pleasant, but hurting her was so very much more fun, and she was ready, oh so ready for what he had in mind. He’d made sure of it.

When she’d gotten to his house, he’d stripped her bare, rubbed a warming oil all over her body, including into the cleft between her legs and the
tight little puckered hole between her ass cheeks, snarling at her when she had dared to moan in pleasure from his touch, then placed a black leather collar around her neck, pinned up her hair, and slipped a pair of ‘come fuck me’ shoes on her feet, in preparation of their game.

Now he sat across the room in full Master mode, dark blue eyes steady, chest bare, hard as steel, legs, ass, and cock encased in tight leather pants that outlined the bulge of his semi hard shaft. He was watching her every move, taking in every shiver, as she tried to decide on which punishment or pleasure items she wished for him to use upon her.

She chewed at her lip again, and heard another sound of impatience come from her Master. He was becoming exasperated with her, and that wouldn’t do at all. Part of her, the Beth inside that had yet to be tamed for the night, wanted to turn to him and tell him to just fuck off and give her a minute, but she knew she didn’t dare. The skin on her ass cringed at just the thought.

She stepped forward, looking over everything, trying to think of the best way to go about this, wanting to, needing to, choose the right ones. If she picked the worst of the lot, the ones that hurt
the very most, perhaps he’d be proud of her choices, proud that she had chosen to be strong and take the worst of the pain. Maybe he’d go easier when the time came to use them, or not. This was James she was talking about here. Or maybe, if she picked only things of pleasure, then the end result wouldn’t be so bad either. Beth sighed at that ridiculous idea too. He’d simply make her wait hours on end, hovering on the brink of orgasm, begging to cum. Oh hell, how could she choose? Somehow she knew he’d have a solution she wouldn’t care for, whatever she did.

“Pick your choice of play things, or we up it to four a piece. I’m tired of waiting for you, Beth.”

“Sorry, Sir. I will.”

James sighed in exasperation. “Beth, what do I always tell you when you say you are sorry?”

Beth made a face, furious with herself that she was managing to make him even more impatient with her. God she hated this struggle within herself that she went through every time they did this. Once she was in sub space everything was great, she knew the script, the pain was intense, a way to exquisite pleasure and release, all she had to do was obey. But until then, during the time she kept screwing up and
being pissed off at herself and him, anything could happen to make her punishment worse.

“You tell me I’m not sorry yet, but I will be very soon, Sir.

“And do you believe me when I say that, Beth?”

“Oh yes, Sir.”

“Then pick your fucking implements of pain! ”

Beth jumped, and quickly picked up the riding crop. She hated its sting, but he rarely gave her more than twenty or thirty all told with it because he never ever wanted to break her skin. The crop was wicked and raised welts the moment it was slashed across her skin, so he had to be a bit careful with it. She hoped it would be a good choice.

That decision made, her eyes scanned the rest of the items. They had all been used on her in one form or another before, so she knew what each felt like. It wasn’t fear of the unknown here. It was what he would do with them that was in question. How many, how much, how hard, where?

She ran her fingers over the various vibrators, skimming quickly over the large one he gleefully used in her ass when he said she’d been a very wicked girl. ‘Naughty girls get punished and
fucked, Beth’. He loved telling her that as he shoved it in hard, twisting and thrusting until she cried and came. That one would stay put if she had any say on the matter. Then there was the remote control egg which he would turn on at will and then tell her she wasn’t allowed to cum. He should try not cumming when a vibrating egg was jiggling away on his sweet spot!

There were all sorts of vibes with bumps and stimulators, nipple clamps and little clips that went on her clit. Things that felt good, oh so good, and things that felt oh so bad. And as much as she wanted to choose one of the good things, she let them be. If he thought she was out for pure pleasure, he’d call her a slut and get right down to the pain in no time flat without letting her cum for hours. Nope that wouldn’t do. Instead, in the end, to the accompaniment of more growls, made to hurry her along, her hand rested on the juicer.

It was a curious thing that went in her bum and drove her wild, and that in part was the problem. She’d never in her life seen such a thing before James had pulled it out one night long ago. He had a trove of things she never would have even guessed the use of, if he hadn’t
schooled her in them, but the juicer, the juicer had to top them all.

It was made out of glass, and one end had a large dildo shape with a nice bulbous head, kind of fluted like a juicer for making fresh orange juice. It also had lots of little bumps for added sensation. The other end had a small crank so the person in control could turn it fast or slow inside his or her lover. The feel of it when it was all greased up, spinning away in her ass was incredible, and it made her absolutely insane. That was the problem though. It made her lose control. Absolutely, completely, turned her into a screaming banshee unable to do anything but cum and cum and cum. She had a love /hate relationship with a loss of control of that magnitude, and James knew it, on the other hand, that was why she was here wasn’t it?

She picked it up quickly before she could change her mind. Okay, that was two things. Beth heard James clear his throat and knew she’d better hurry. Her eyes scanned the items remaining and landed on the wide leather strap. God the thing hurt like hell. Had to be five inches across and none too soft either. Made it feel as if her skin was being pealed right off her body. She’d never in her life seen such a huge strap in
any store, and had asked once where it had come from, but he hadn’t told her, only smirked. On impulse, perhaps because she knew deep inside that she really needed this punishment to let go of all the things she’d been keeping bottled up inside, she picked it up and turned to him.

“I’m ready, Sir. Here are my things. I hope you approve.”

“Took you bloody long enough, Beth.”

“Yes, Sir. I know I did, Sir. Please help me see the error of my ways.

“Oh I will, Beth. I will. You’ll be seeing them real soon. Feeling them too. Now it’s my turn. But first…”

He came forward with a wicked grin on his face, and took the glass juicer from her hand, then went to the freezer and placed it inside. Beth groaned, knowing how much harder it would be to take that thing when he decided to use it on her. It was big, and now it would be chilled as well. So much for it giving her nothing but pleasure.

James heard her, and was on her in a flash, gripping her face in his hard hand, eyes cold as ice, daring her to make a sound, nostrils flaring as if scenting her fear and desire. The man she loved long gone, the evil one rising up to play his role to
the hilt. She shivered again, at his nearness and his fury, her lip quivering in anticipation, her stomach fluttering almost uncontrollably.

“Something to say, my little bitch?”

“No, Sir.”

“Damn right there isn’t. Now, as I said, my turn. Don’t move.” He circled her, looking her over head to foot, and Beth could feel his eyes upon her, judging her flesh, thinking of what he intended to do, where he wanted to inflict the most pain, where he wanted to lay the first lash.

She did as he had commanded, standing still as stone in her collar, though her body tingled, both from knowing what was in store and from the heat of the oil he’d rubbed into her skin. She kept her eyes down cast staring at the toes of her ‘come fuck me shoes’, her legs trembling ever so slightly, waiting, waiting, dying.

His hand trailed across her back, squeezing one ass cheek, then moved around to her front, grazing the smooth as silk skin between her hips, one finger trailing lower, just brushing the very top of her pussy lips. She knew that if he delved in between them his fingers would come away very wet, and knew also that he would chastise her for it. These games were meant to pleasure, but he always called her a slut and a whore for
becoming wet and needy because of the things they did. The humiliation was part of the game. She wasn’t supposed to get wet until her Master said she could. Problem was, she always did.

Luckily, he didn’t explore her further, though part of her longed for his touch upon her clit, but those activities would wait for later. He walked to the bed instead, and stood, arms crossed over his bare chest, ivory skin glowing in the candle light, sleek, muscular, animalistic, feral, hers.

His hand went down and picked up the tawse with no hesitation at all, and Beth had to stifle a moan. He had a habit of using it, not just on her ass, but on her breasts and her pussy as well. He slapped her repeatedly on her clit, not too hard but not too soft either, until it was throbbing and tingling, and her body was in a mass of confusion, then he either commanded her to cum while whipping her harder, or flung it aside and fucked her sore red cunt while she came and cried at the same time. It was heaven and hell rolled into one.

Next he chose the solid wooden hairbrush. To Beth it was somehow erotic that at times he gently brushed her hair with the same implement that he used to turn her bum bright red. Then lastly, his hand hovered over the cane and she
shut her eyes. Please no, please, no, not on top of the belt she’d chosen, but when she opened them, she saw that he had indeed picked it up.

He turned to her then, smiling a smile that didn’t come close to reaching his evil eyes. “Now then, I’ve decided I get one more. You were a naughty girl, Beth. You made me wait far too long and for that I get a bonus pick.” She closed her eyes again. “Now, pet, don’t pout or I’ll make you pick again as well. Don’t worry, this one is for fun.” That said, he picked up a large vibrator and turned it on, its hum filling the room.

“See, all for you, kitten.” Oh yeah, she knew it was all for her. He would torment her to no end with that thing. Fucking her over and over, bringing her to the edge repeatedly, but never allowing her to cum. Making her beg and plead and promise to do anything if only he’ll fuck her.

“What, pet? Nothing to say?” She stood mutely, knowing full well that everything that came to mind would get her in trouble. “Very well. Are you ready, Beth?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And you know full well the only way to stop me once we start?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then ask me, pet. Do what I require of you, and we’ll begin.”

He always became so damn proper right before they started. So insistent that they follow the same ritual, but who was she to argue. Beth walked to him her hips taking on a seductive sway because of her shoes, and one by one took the items he had chosen from him. She kissed them each in turn and laid them at his feet. She then did the same with hers, minus the juicer that was still in the refrigerator. When she was done, she knelt before him, head bowed and began the mantra that started every session they’d ever engaged in, knowing full well that by saying the words, she was relinquishing all control of her body and giving it over to him. His to hurt, his to fuck, his to punish, his to pleasure, however he saw fit for however long, unless of course she said her safe word, which she never had.

“Please punish me, Sir. I know that in your hands there cannot be pleasure without first experiencing the ecstasy of pain. It is what I wish for. It will let me be free. I give myself to you now.”

“As you wish, my sweet slut. Stand for me my little bitch and let us begin. You’ve been a bad,
bad girl, Beth, and are in much need of correction. Oh this is going to be fun, isn’t it?”

BOOK: Sweet Agony: A Collection of BDSM Erotica
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