Sweet Cheeks

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Authors: J. Dorothy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Sweet Cheeks
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SWEET CHEEKS © Copyright 2014 by J. Dorothy

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission of the author or except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical article or reviews.


Contact Information: https://www.facebook.com/heartbreakersj.dorothy

Cover design: J.Dorothy

Publishing history: First edition, 2014

Published in Australia by Amazon digital services




To my lovely brothers and sisters. You are the bomb.

Love you guys heaps. xxx



A single car door slamming is good. Two, is not good. I wait for it. One slam. I hold my breath and start to count. Two slams.
He’s bringing her home again. I wish he’d give it a rest for one night. But then they were always inseparable.  Makes me sick. She makes me sick.

I rub my hand over my belly. It's so cute the way it pokes out now. I love it. I love it because it feels real, like this is actually happening. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want this baby. It’s an added advantage too, because Cam loves it. I make sure to show it off as often as I can. I wear all things tight and tiny, in the hope, he might decide I’m the better one for him. Which I am. She left him. Left him broken hearted, and now she waltzes back in here like nothing is different. Which it is. If only she’d been gone an extra month or two, I would have snagged him. He was drifting in my direction. My tactics were working. Well until I got pregnant. That really wasn’t a tactic. But I would have made it work in my favor. Cam would make the best dad on earth. Oh god I love him. I want him. And I certainly don’t want her to have him.

The front door creaks open and I hear two sets of footsteps walk down the hall. I know he’ll be holding her hand, or touching her somehow. They can’t keep their hands off each other. Ugh. Every time I see her, I want to smack her hard, and I know she feels the same about me. Calls me Sweet Cheeks behind my back. I’ve heard her and Cam laughing about it. But jokes on her, because I kind of like that nickname. I’d run a ten thousand mile marathon to hear Cam whisper that delicious name in my ear. I shiver at the thought, and pull my already tiny t-shirt a little higher to show off my rounded swollen treasure pot. He’ll be drawn to it. Drawn to me and not her. Well that’s the plan.

I stand as they both walk in the door. Bailey is such a train wreck. She really needs to do something about her fashion sense. I don’t get what Cam sees in her. She has no class. Today the ensemble is a tight pair of black jeans, and black t-shirt. It's almost summer, and let's face it, what girl in her right mind wears jeans this time of year, when you have every excuse to show off your hot body. And even though I hate her, she does have a rocking body. Or she would, if she showed a bit more flesh. And don’t even get me started on her dry, poor excuse for hair. She could do with some salon time for sure.

I rub my hand over my belly, slow like, and give Cam my winning smile. “Hi there, Mister builder, have a good day?”

“Hey, JJ,” Cam says and comes over to me in an instant, so I rub my belly some more. He leans down and pats my stomach. I glance over to Bailey and see a flicker of pain cross her face. She's never seen Cam do that before. I expected her to be annoyed, not upset. That piques my curiosity a little.  I wonder what her problem is. She knows the baby isn’t Cam’s and Travis is the father. Hmmm might have to prod a little.

“You want to feel, Bailey,” I ask. “He started kicking last night. It’s only a little flutter, but he’s going to be a tough little nut for sure. Aren’t you Treasure Pot ... “I say all gooey like, and watch her face again.

She turns away from me and Cam, muttering, “Ah ... no thanks. Maybe another time.”


Cam of course doesn’t stay and play with me. He makes his way back to her and hugs her from behind, whispering something in her ear, which makes her grin big.


I hate seeing that smug expression on her face. Like she’s the winner, and I’m the loser. Let me tell you here and now Jennifer Jaimeson is no loser. Never have been and never will be. I’ll do whatever it takes to win.

“I baked you some cookies, Cam,” I say, and watch Bailey’s grin fade.

My cookies are so much better than hers. In actual fact I’m finding my niche in baking. I’ve tried heaps of different jobs over the past couple of years, but now I'm working at Mrs Winter’s bakery and loving it. She’s ancient and can’t see what the hell she’s doing, so I do all the baking. I mean she has taught me a few things, but I would have figured it out anyway. And my baking is far better than hers. We get loads more customers now. Particularly guys. They just love my chocolate chip cookies. I always save the best for Cam though. No one gets his cookies.

Cam smiles at me, and I melt a little. Can’t help it. I’ve always loved his smile.

“Good,” he says. “Need my fix. I hope you baked enough for two though.”

Two? What?
Bailey never touches my cookies, and I certainly wouldn’t offer them to her. I narrow my eyes, noticing Bailey has her smug grin back again. 

Cam chuckles. “We’re going to have a visitor for a few days. “

Oh? Oh. I was hoping it would just be me and Cam for a few weeks, while his mom’s overseas visiting her sister. Then I swallow hard. Oh no. I hope he isn’t planning on Bailey being a permanent resident. I mean I know she’s slept over a few times. I made myself scarce on those occasions, couldn't handle all the love-fest in the morning. I’ve been really good in this pregnancy, not feeling nauseas or anything, but seeing those two all cosied up might just vamp up the puke metre. Poor little Treasure Pot, I don’t want him getting sick either.

I say him, but I don’t really know. I refuse to find out. I love surprises, and I want my Treasure Pot to be a surprise. Boy or girl, I don’t care. I just want to hold him and love him.

I smile at the thought and Cam chuckles. “You look happy,” he says.

“I am. But who's this mystery visitor. And more importantly, is he hot?”

“How do you know it’s a
?” Bailey asks, and arches a brow.

“Well, I know it’s not one of Cam’s
girlfriends. Most of them live
town,” I emphasise and smirk at the bug eyes Bailey gives me. I love it when I get one up on her.

Cam shakes his head. “There are no ex girlfriends, JJ. You know Bailey, has, and always will be, my only girlfriend.” He kisses her on the cheek and hugs her tighter.

“Just a little joke,” I say with as much sweetness as a sour lemon. “So who is it?”

“You remember Tanning?”

Tanning? Tanning?
Name rings a bell. I scrunch up my face, trying to put a face to the name.

“We went to High School together,” Bailey says and rolls her eyes.  

I so want to stab those big brown eyes out of her head, but I continue to smile sweetly.

“Oh. Yeah. Tanning. Geek right?  Big glasses, braces, science club. Skinny little thing.”

Bailey is shaking her head. “He wasn’t a geek. He was a really nice guy. He left to do an apprenticeship in senior year.”

Oh, I remember him now. Well I remember kissing him. He was a good kisser, though I’d never admit that to anyone. Didn’t want it known I enjoyed kissing a nerd. That wouldn’t have been good for my image. Then I remember why I kissed him.

I laugh. “Oh. Yeah. Remember the time Will hooked him up to the goal posts, and he couldn’t get down. So funny. He was hanging there like a trapped bug for ages.”

Bailey snarls at me. Literally snarls.

“That wasn’t funny,” she states with a scowl. “Those meat head jocks were always picking on him and bullying him.”

I shrug. “It was just harmless fun. Anyway, I’m sure he loved the attention.”

Cam sighs at me. “I doubt it. As Tanning told me, that was your fault  JJ.”

“My fault? What did I do?”

“You lured him to the boy’s locker room, and then you were all up in his face, and when the guys got in from practice, you pretended like he was coming on to you.”

“Lured?” I laugh. “That’s ridiculous. I never lured anyone. If they chose to follow me around like some love-sick puppy, I can‘t help that. And anyway, he was coming on to me. Everyone did.” I shrug again. That, is a true fact. I never had to make an effort with anyone. Well except for Cam.

Cam shakes his head. “Either way, he’s staying for a few days and I need you to be nice to him. He’s still a bit jaded by all that high school stuff, and I haven’t exactly told him you’re living with me.”

“Why ever not? And of course I’ll be nice. I’m always nice.”

Bailey snorts out a laugh, and I glare at her. She's such a bitch.

Cam sweeps her up in his arms, and she squeals as he carries her out of the room, saying over his shoulder, “You could start by baking some more cookies. Tanning’s favorite are butterscotch.”

I hear Bailey giggle, and they carry on as they always do. I am not staying here listening to that. Tanning can bring his own damn cookies. I’m out of here. I decide to go to my and Treasure Pot’s favorite place for dinner.

Pizza and milkshakes, here we come, little buddy.



My hands are covered in flour, there’s the sweetest chocolate taste in my mouth, and I’m in heaven. Mrs Winters is out front serving customers and I’m baking up a storm. Cam got me thinking about butterscotch, and I’ve decided to combine that flavour with dark chocolate and macadamia nuts. The combo is divine. I’m naming these Sweet Cheeks, just to get up

We’ve already sold out the first batch and I’m onto my second. Treasure Pot has been quiet all day and I’m not feeling that tired considering I’ve been on my feet since five this morning, and it’s already noon. But I’ll probably be ready for a nap after this. I might go home early and soak in a nice hot bath. Cam’s mom has the best claw foot bath in her private bathroom. I often sneak in there when she isn’t home. Now it’s free rein seeing as Cam’s working all day and she’s left the country.

I quickly stir the mix and spoon it onto the tray. The trick is not let them dry out, you need the mixture nice and moist. I put them in the oven and clean up the bowls and spoons, then wipe down the counter tops. I like a tidy kitchen, can’t stand messy cooks. Or lazy cooks. Because that’s what messy cooks are.

“Mama's cooked up a storm, Treasure Pot, now we’re going home,” I say softly, rubbing my apron clothed belly.

I love this apron. Cam gave it to me when I got this job. He’s so thoughtful. It’s covered in little cakes and sweets, and I wear it every day. I often fantasise about the day when I can wear it for him, surprise him when he comes home from work, dressed in my apron and nothing else. In the fantasy he kisses the chocolate off my face. Oh, did I forget to mention the chocolate fondue on the stove. Oh, and the strawberries and champagne chilling in the fridge.
Oh my, yes.

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