Sweet Convictions (17 page)

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Authors: C. Elizabeth

BOOK: Sweet Convictions
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After Selby left, I returned to the rapacious couple. I knew what they wanted. I too wanted it.

“J, can you get us some more drinks in please babe? We’re popping to the ladies to er, powder our noses,” Jade asked Jax.

shweetums, what’s on order?”

“Another red for Gemma?” she question
ed as she looked over at me for corroboration.

“Yeah, that’s great, thanks.”

“And I’ll have a mojito please my darling.”

Jade took me by the hand and led me to the ladies where we shared a cubicle.

“I’m glad you stayed,” she said.

“Me too.”

“Come here, I’ve got a little something for us to enjoy together.”

She pulled out a small compact mirror from her bag, along with a bank card from her purse and a small bag of white powder.

“I take it you’re not planning on powdering your face,” I joke

A few buzzing minutes later, we were kissing frantically. She was sat on
top of the toilet tank and I squatted over the toilet seat with my legs extended to each side. She started to finger me before we were interrupted by one of the bar ladies. I recognised her crusty voice.

“I know what’s going on in there ladies. Get
yourselves out here right now before I call the police,” she demanded.

“What the hell do you mean you know what’s going on? I’m going for a pee for fuck sake,” I
bellow from behind the temporary safety of the locked door.

“I’m serious, come out in the next
thirty seconds or you’ll be dragged out.”

We’re paying customers. We’ll finish pissing and then we’ll come out!” Jade roars before hearing her stomp out and the door slamming it shut – her fingers still inserted inside of me might I add.

“Shit, let’s go,” I said scrambling about the tiny
cubicle before exiting.

Go with me on this,” I told her as I forced a few fake tears and left the WC with a tissue held up to my nose. I walked straight to the grouchy cow behind the bar and put on the best performance of my life as I pretended to cry and explained to her that I was in the toilet with my friend talking because my partner and I had just split up. Boy oh boy the shame and embarrassment that spread across her face was a beautiful sight. We not only got an apology but a free drink each too.

Back at the table the three of us laughed about what had happened, down
ed our drinks and left anyway. We headed to a club two bus stops away. Laser lights shot across the room and ricocheted off the walls as progressive house played at its highest. We danced non-stop for a couple of hours until we were drenched with sweat.

“Right, let’s go,”
Jade shouts into my ear above the music.

Nooo, let’s dance some more,” I whined.

“Dance or fuck?” she asks.

“Oh. I’ll call a cab,” I insisted.

As soon as we got into the house,
I gulped back a pint of cold water to rehydrate and entered their bedroom to find them kissing and groping.
Jeez, start without me!
Obligingly, they stopped, looked up and called me over. I undressed, crawled dazedly into the middle of them and awaited their attention.

First in was
Jade. She lay on her side with her head tilted onto her hand and with the other she lightly stroked my breasts with the very tips of her nails. Jax went straight in for the kill and headed south for the winter. Forget tenderness. He wanted it all. He flicked his tongue over my pussy like there was no tomorrow. He stayed there for ages as he played with himself to get hard. It turned out that he had had too much coke so he struggled to get a full hard on. Still, we paid it its due attention.

Once he had successfully
accomplished his personal goal of making me reach an orgasm, Jade and I both took a hold of his semi of a semi and licked it simultaneously as we stared ravenously into each other’s eyes. We took it in turns to fully wrap our mouths around his floppy flesh to suck it hard and fast in the hope it would harden and she could be fucked.

We had agreed some rules beforehand
. He was not permitted to enter me but could do anything else he’d like. Well that was good enough for me.

, our cock-sucking attempts were to no avail. It remained droopy and lifeless so instead we turned our attention to one another whilst he lay back, relaxed and watched as he inhaled another line.

I remember how s
he clawed at my thighs, ran her nails along the insides and down to my stubbly shins as I tensed. She wrapped her hands around both my ankles, lifted them into the air as she knelt on the mattress, shoved all of my toes on one foot into her mouth and sucked on them.
What is it about people and sucking on toes?
Whilst she did this, my eyes were closed for all of a few seconds, so it felt, and when I reopened them, Jax was standing at the edge of the bed behind her. He was fitting her waist with a strap-on with which, of course, she fucked me giddy as he attempted to fuck her from behind. Oh god, that was one seriously incredible random night.

The thoughts begin to drive me a little stir-crazy again and I open and blink my eyes into focus. I lift myself from the sofa and walk around the corner to find where the lovely breeze that’s been tickling my toes is coming from. Er...hello...only to discover huge French doors opening up onto...wait for it...a private beach!
How the bollocking ball bag did I miss this?!

I head straight for the doors and as I step outside, my sandals fill up with soft pristine white sand. I delight in the sensually hot white granules slipping between my toes.
It’s insane that they have an actual beach outside this place. Okay so it’s man-made and more like a small lagoon or lake rather than an authentic beach but it has sand and tall palm trees so it’s not that far off from a salty coastline paradise.

I remove my shoes
, stroll across to the outside bar and take a seat on one of the high wooden stools. The sun is scorching and the humid summery breeze dances across the back of my neck, sending tousles of hair over my face which instantly cling to my lip gloss like a fly caught in a web. I carefully, without smudging it, move the strands away from my lips as I order a cocktail.
Shit, I shoulda brought my sunglasses.

I’m handed my
concoction. It’s over-the-top-humungous and vessel-like. It’s served in a hollowed out pineapple decorated with mini umbrellas, swivel stick and a curly straw—of course. I have to hold it with both hands, it’s so big. Just the way I like it. Yeehaaa!

I take a deep breath in, hold it and slowly exhale as I capture the obscenely remarkable setting of the blue skies that almost merge with the distant blue sea and white sands. I become slightly annoyed that I hadn’t known about this or I’d have been out here every day.

shlurp up the remainder of my drink and order another.
When in Rome...or shall I say, when in sexual heaven

I make my way over to one of the sun beds.
However, this is no ordinary sun bed for one; no, this is a super king size sun bed adorned with chunky midnight blue coloured cushions and extra puffy pillows. Forget sun bed, it’s a bed-bed! I fall forward onto it and hug it. I love it and I want to marry it. I lay there squeezing it as I ponder about my time here and how it’s exceeded, by many a mile, my initial expectations.

Two hours later, I awake. I’m stinging.
Shit. I fell asleep in the sun. What a dick!
I take a sip of my now hot cocktail and spit it out as I lift myself up and painstakingly head back to my room.

I t
urn the power shower taps to cold, adjust it to a gentle massage setting and climb in to cool my sunburn.
Fuck, I’m burnt to fuck!
I’m annoyed. I guess, not only at the stupidity of falling asleep under the central body of the entire solar system, or even the utter stinging sensation but more at the fact that it’s almost time to leave.

lather shampoo into my hair, which by the way also hurts. I look down as I watch the bubbles slid down my slight jelly belly. My clit convulses and I become hot all over again. The pain seems to be numbed. For now.

I begin to
massage my hard, high peaked nipples and close my eyes as I run my hand down my front and slip my fingers inside my aching pussy.

Mmm,” I groan contentedly, sliding my fingers in and out trying to make myself come, but I’m interrupted by a knock at the door.
So much for this morning’s knock being the last

“For fuck sake,”
I complain turning off the shower and grabbing my robe.

“Yes who is it?”
I enquire from the bathroom.


“Yes, hi
Mike, I’ll be with you in a moment. Hold on a sec,” I say as I scurry about trying to get covered up brushing my hair at the same time.

I stand
for a second to gather my breath and open the door. What a sight he truly is.

embarrassed. I look anything but pretty. In fact, I look like a cat that’s accidentally fallen into a bath. Stunned, dishevelled and traumatised.

he says in a way I’ve not seen from him before; almost wanting.
But they’re not allowed to participate. It’s one of the many rules

“Hey, come in. Are you my host for my last day then?”

“I am indeed. Were you hoping for someone else?” he asks concerned.

“Not at all.
Every time I open the door, it’s like opening up a lucky-packet. It’s a surprise every time, and always a pleasant one at that.”


“Well, my luggage has been taken downstairs already so not much you need to do really.”

“Oh, there’s one thing I need to do
,” he says in a rather chilling tone as he slams the door shut.


He places his hands on my shoulders and rips off my robe. He rams me hard onto the bed; my neck almost jolting out of place.

Mike, what the fuck?” I’m feeling uneasy and unsure but at the same time, I’m inanely aroused.
Well that’s a little fucked up isn’t it? Although, is it, considering I know him. It’s not like a complete stranger’s broken into my room. Although, would that be such a bad thing in such a place as this?

“Shut the fuck up bitch! Do you want me to gag you?”
he says with a razor sharp bite.

What the hell’s going on? Yesterday he was
so sweet and gentlemanly and now he’s being a rough bullying prick

“Stop it. Get off of me
. I thought it was against the rules? And besides, you’re fucking hurting me.”

“I said shut the fuck up you
dirty teasing whore. You want it. You know you want it.”

“No, I don’t. Not so fucking
brutal. Who the hell are you?” It’s as if he has multi-phobic personalities. I surreptitiously begin to take pleasure from his sordid aggression.

“I’m your worst nightmare you
sleazy cock-teasing slut,”

Mike, is this part of the...” But before I could finish the question, he gags me with a scarf, bites my bottom lip, kisses my forehead and dismounts the bed. He walks around the bedside, places one of my wrists into a pair of handcuffs and fastens it to the poster. He doesn’t utter a word and neither do I – well I can’t anyway.

I wriggle about some more
pretending to fight my way to freedom. Of course, it becomes quite obvious that it’s no longer what I want. I observe him closely as he moves slowly and slyly to my other hand to repeat his entrapping techniques before moving towards the end of the bed and pulls out from his pocket a long thin rope. He ties it around my left ankle and secures it to the end poster replicating his enslaving deeds on the other side.

I continue to breathe heavily
locking sight on him as he salvages a little box from his jacket. He shakes it about like a box of breath mints.
Oh god, now what?
My heart starts to speed up as he takes out...tweezers?!
What the shitting hell is that about? What’s he gonna do, pluck me til I come?

He directs his hands and the
tweezer thingy to my left nipple.
Oh shit, shit, shit, this is gonna hurt like fucking fuck!
I hold my breath as he applies the first clasp. I look down at the second one which is dangling from a thin chain. It’s linked to another tweezer-like thingymajig. He succinctly takes a hold of the second contraption and clips it to my right erect attention-seeking nipple.
Okay, so it’s not too bad actually.
I relax into it.

feels odd at first—a little uncomfortable and yet the slight pressure sends a prickling sensation through my boobs. 

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