Sweet Justice (19 page)

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Authors: Christy Reece

Tags: #Suspense

BOOK: Sweet Justice
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Their hands and fingers worked with frantic speed, their clothes magically disappearing in a matter of seconds. Seth’s eyes roamed over her entire body, heating Honor everywhere his gaze touched.

Unable to wait, Honor wound her arms around his neck and pressed against him, groaning at his heat, loving the feel of his hard, naked body.

Holding her loosely, gently, Seth let his mouth travel from her cheek down her neck, to the hollow of her shoulder. “You know what I used to fantasize about?” His voice was the rough, sexy growl of a fully aroused male.

“What?” Honor asked softly.

“Remember the first time we danced?”

“Yes.” She smiled at the memory. “Seconds after we met.”

“I used to replay that moment in my mind, with some subtle differences.”

She pulled back to see his face. “And what were those differences?”

Glittering midnight-blue eyes roamed over her face. “We were completely alone. And totally nude.”

“Mmm. Maybe we could make that fantasy a reality.

Want to?”

Instead of answering her with words, he pushed her backward until her bare bottom met the bookshelf. She smiled, knowing he was reaching for the Bose radio on the second shelf.

His mouth tilted in a teasing grin, he said, “Got it set already?”

“Of course.” Seth knew she had a weakness for sappy old love ballads. When they were together, he used to tease her that she and his grandmother liked the same music.

She heard a click and then, as if she’d made a special request, Nat King Cole’s velvet voice began to sing “Unforgettable.” No song could have captured her thoughts better. Seth was unforgettable. No matter what happened in the future, she would never forget him.

Moving her away from the bookshelf, he led her to the middle of the room and began a slow, swaying dance. Melding herself to him, Honor lost herself in Seth’s fantasy. Her eyes fluttered closed as big, callused hands glided down her back to cup her bottom. Hard, hot, and throbbing, his erection pressed up against her stomach.

She rubbed her face against his chest and murmured, “I’d forgotten what a good dancer you are.”

“It helps to have the perfect partner.”

Her heart clenching at his words, she tightened her arms around his neck, loving the feel of the muscular, sexy male body moving against her. Endless moments passed as they glided around the small bedroom, allowing the music to take them away, to another place, another time.

As the last notes faded, Seth stopped. “Ready to move on to another fantasy?”

Aroused to the point of no return already, she asked, “And what would that one be?”

“The one where I kiss and lick you all over until you’re screaming for me to come inside you.”

Her breath hitched in response to those sexy words said in his slow, rough-edged voice. Whispering soft kisses over his chest, she murmured, “Sounds wonderful. And then let’s do my fantasy next.”

“Which one is that?”

“Where I let you lick and kiss me all over and then scream for you to come inside me.”

“Damn, that sounds even better than mine.” Lowering his head, he covered her mouth with his. Honor opened, inviting him inside. Tangling her hands in his hair, she gave herself up to the heat and incredible desire.

What tomorrow held, she didn’t know. All she could concentrate on now was that she’d ached for Seth for five years and if tonight was all she’d ever have of him, she was going to make memories that lasted as long as she lived.

Seth breathed in Honor’s scent, a blend of honey, spice, and sensual female arousal, a fragrance that grew sweeter with each passing moment. Holding her silken, slender body in his arms and gliding around the room was a fantasy come true. How many nights had he woken, so hard and aching that he could barely breathe from the want? This had been one of his most frequent dreams. He just hadn’t known that the reality would be so much better.

His hands moved down the satin-soft skin of her back and then lower, to cup her beautiful ass. Lifting his mouth from hers, he watched the play of desire on her face as one of his hands moved around to her silky stomach, then traveled down to brush lightly at the soft curls between her legs. Her eyes, usually a mix of gold and green, were now a dark, solid green, shimmering with heat. His fingers gently caressing her, Seth carefully watched her expression as arousal took control. He loved the flush of her cheeks, the way her beautiful mouth opened slightly with her increased breaths. When he pressed his fingers into the moist folds, her breath hitched, and then she gave a low, sexy feminine moan of approval.

Throbbing with need and close to explosion, Seth refused to give in so soon. Dropping his hands, he stepped back.

“What are you doing?”

He went to his knees before her, pressed a soft kiss to her belly, and swirled his tongue around her navel. “Enjoying myself,” he murmured. “Got a problem with that?”

Laughing softly, she threaded her fingers through his hair. “Absolutely not.”

While another old love ballad soared around them, Seth lowered his head. Spreading the soft folds of Honor’s sex with his thumbs, he used his tongue to spear deep and then dance inside her. The gasps and soft pleas from the woman above him blended beautifully with the music as he played and flirted, teasing her arousal to the next level.

Needing more, Seth lifted her leg and propped her knee on his shoulder. Growling “Hold on,” he delved deeper. Thrusting and retreating, he licked at her, loving her taste, the quivering, throbbing response in the slick knot of nerves at the top of her sex. His tongue gliding and dancing, he led her to the brink and kept her suspended and on edge, her gasps and groans sweeter than any music he’d ever heard. Then, unable to wait any longer, he suckled hard, pushing her over. Soft, hitching sounds came from her throat as she tugged on his hair, then reaching her peak, she let out a soft, keening cry.

Seth couldn’t wait any longer. Surging to his feet, he scooped her into his arms and carried her the few steps to the bed. Dropping her gently onto the mattress, he followed her down, and with one powerful stroke buried himself deep.

Surrendering his mind to the soft, warm, giving body beneath him, Seth knew there was nothing left for him to lose. He’d lost his heart long ago to this brave, beautiful woman.

Little did Honor know that she’d always had him. And no matter what happened in the future, she always would.



“And this is where the community comes together for our weekly meetings.”

“What kind of meetings?” Anna asked.

“We meet once a week, sometimes twice, if it’s deemed necessary, to hear Brother Alden speak on a variety of subjects.”

Lucy’s deliberately vague answers were wearing thin, but since she was the only one Anna was allowed to speak to, she had little choice. For someone who didn’t seem to have a thought in her head other than what her husband or the mysterious leader known as Brother Alden had put there, Lucy was surprisingly deft at steering away from topics she didn’t want to discuss.

This morning Anna had been untied, allowed a delicious if too brief shower, and given some clothing. Wearing an ankle-length, white corduroy dress and soft leather flats similar to Lucy’s, she had stepped outside, where she’d been introduced to the “community” she was to become a member of … “when the time was right.”

Since she was just as determined that the time would never be right to be part of this oh-so-freaky community, she wanted to learn as much as she could. The more she knew, the better her chances of a successful escape.

The moment she’d walked out into the bright sunlight, she had been stunned by her surroundings. This was a thriving, busy community. At least a dozen large buildings lined a wide paved street. Another street held about twenty or so smaller structures that were apparently houses for the older members of the community. Still other members lived in a communal house about the size of a small hospital.

“Here’s our garden,” Lucy said. “In the spring, once the coldest nights have passed, we work in shifts to get everything planted.”

At least three acres of land, if not more, spread out before them. “Who works the garden?”

As if reciting a mantra, she said, “Every able-bodied person old enough to hold a tool in his or her hand is to assist.”

“How many people live here?”

Lucy shrugged and turned away. “As many as there needs to be.”

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Anna followed her once more and then paused when Lucy stopped in front of one of the smaller houses. “This is where I’m allowed to live with my Ben.”


Lucy turned toward her, hurt gleaming in her eyes. Okay, so she shouldn’t have put so much sarcasm into that word. But, dammit, did the woman have an independent thought in her head? Why would she want to be with a man who was not only twice her age but treated her like a puppet?

Hoping to repair the damage, Anna quickly said, “It’s nice. Do you have children?”

“Not yet. Ben says we will soon.”

Biting back another sarcastic comment, Anna asked, “How long have you been married to Ben?”

“A little over two years.”

Lucy couldn’t be older than nineteen. “How did you two meet?”

“A mutual friend introduced us.”

Mutual friend, my ass
. Lucy had most likely been taken just like she had. Were all the women in the community kidnap victims? If so, how was it possible that these people had been getting away with abducting women all these years? And just what the hell did this perfection training involve? Had Lucy been a normal teenaged girl before these freaks got hold of her?

“Where did you live before you came here?”

“My life didn’t begin until I moved to Tranquillity.”

Anna didn’t know if she should weep for this beautiful, obviously brainwashed girl or snap at her to stop being so damned stupid. “How long has this community been here?”

“I don’t know. Since as long ago as Brother Alden created it, I guess.”

Another non-answer. Anna gazed around as they continued to walk. Since they’d begun their tour this morning, she’d seen a dozen or more people performing various tasks. Repairs on one building, painting another building. Three women watched over a handful of children in a small play area. Everyone seemed so focused, like worker bees, intent only on their own tasks. The few times she’d tried to meet someone’s gaze, the men had looked straight through her as if she didn’t exist and the women’s eyes had skittered away.

“This is where I spend much of my time.”

They stopped in front of a medium-sized structure. “What is it?”

“Our school.”

“Are you a teacher?”

“Not yet. I don’t have the knowledge and experience to teach, but I help as much as I can. Perhaps Brother Alden will allow you to assist, too.”

The cliché “over my dead body” fit so well here, but Anna had a feeling that this wasn’t a foreign concept to these people. If they were bold enough to kidnap and brainwash people, murder wouldn’t be that much of a stretch. Her best bet was to keep as low a profile as possible until she could figure out a way out of here.

“How many children live here?”

“I don’t know. Fifteen or so, maybe.”

So not only had women been abducted, they’d been forced to bear children. Anna hadn’t thought she could get more furious or terrified.

They continued on a path that led to some steep steps. Lucy stopped at the bottom of the steps and pointed upward. “Just on the other side of the hill is where Brother Alden lives.”

Anna tensed. Was she ready to meet this mysterious leader everyone seemed to worship? Was he the man she’d seen when she’d first been taken? That evil, slimy grin would live in her memory for years. What would she do if she saw him? Since she had returned, she’d been drugged frequently. Her limbs were weak and her feet were just now recovering from her barefoot escape. Could she find the strength to destroy this monster if she had to confront him?

“Are we going up there?”

Lucy looked both horrified and astounded by the question. “Oh no, we’re not allowed to venture anywhere close. Ben goes occasionally, but the women of the community must stay away unless sent for.”

That was just fine with her. Being summoned to the palace of the king—or whatever the hell “Brother Alden” thought he was—wasn’t something she wanted. Getting the hell out of here was her one and only focus. If she could escape without ever having met him, she could definitely live with that.

They turned away from the steps and Anna swallowed a startled yelp. Ben stood behind them, along with another man.

Giving her that oddly gentle smile that made her want to punch him out, Ben asked, “What do you think?”

“Think about what?”

“Tranquillity. You’ll enjoy living here. I’m sure of it.”

Was there a right response to that arrogant comment? If she said yes, would he even believe her? After babbling when she’d first met him about the crazies who had abducted her, she knew better than that. However, telling him there was no way in hell she ever planned to live here would most likely get her punishment of some sort.

Using Lucy’s tactics of a non-answer, she said, “It’s certainly thriving.”

She watched warily as Ben gave the man beside him a look. The man, a little smaller than Ben, fortyish, with fiery red hair and an equally fiery handlebar mustache, grinned at Anna. “I think you’re right, Ben. I believe she will do me just fine.”

“This is Brother Harbin Meeks. He’s going to bid for you.”

Comprehension came instantly.
Like hell!
Anna whirled around, took a leaping step, and rammed into a broad chest. Looking up, she stared with wild-eyed terror at a giant. The man who’d abducted her.

Brown eyes glittered down at her with the most terrifying expression she’d ever seen. “Going somewhere?”

With her heart pounding so hard she could barely hear over the noise, she heard Ben say from a distance, “Brother Alden, what an honor to have you join us.”

His gaze never leaving her face, he said, “Has she been behaving?”

“She’ll never leave us again,” Ben said. “We’ll make sure of that.”

A wide grin spread across his face, but his cold eyes narrowed in speculation. “That’s good to hear. But I’d like to hear those words from her.”

Anna remained stubbornly silent. Maybe that was a stupid thing to do, but pretending that she wanted to stay in this psycho community went well beyond her limited acting skills.

The man nodded, looking oddly satisfied at her defiance. “Now I know why Tabitha was so insistent on this one. My daughter enjoys training the stubborn girls the most.”

“Brother Harbin is going to bid for her.”

“Excellent. I believe she’ll have several men vying for her.” Finally lifting his gaze from Anna’s, he looked at the men standing behind her. “Brother Meeks, prepare your petition, along with your preferred names.”

A big hand came toward Anna’s face, and she couldn’t help but flinch and jerk away. The hand grabbed her hair and held her in place. “Someday soon, you’ll be kneeling at my feet.”

Too scared to even pretend bravery, Anna could feel her eyes glazing over in tears. When one rolled down her cheek, the man reached out his other hand and lifted the teardrop with his finger. He looked down at the glistening drop and then brought it to his mouth. “Delicious.” Lowering his head, he whispered softly, “I’ll make sure it’s your first of many.”

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