Sweet on My Tongue (3 page)

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Authors: Robby Mills

BOOK: Sweet on My Tongue
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Desperation returned with a vengeance. She took him as far
as she could manage into her throat in this position. Her talented tongue slid
over his shaft as she sucked. He had to work his hips to help pull back.

“You’re a lethal weapon,” he told her seconds before sealing
his lips over her pussy.

Jasmine bucked, moaned and sent hot vibrations up his shaft.
Once again where he wanted to be, Tim wasted little time coating his tongue
with her luscious nectar. He let his chin lightly grind against her piecing as
he buried his tongue inside her.

She bucked against him so he pinned her hips to the mattress
with his hands. Probably not fair since his were thrusting his cock into her
mouth. She didn’t protest so he didn’t change tactics.

With her hands gripping his thighs, he fucked her mouth as
she rode his face. Wet heat and tight lips drove him mad but he focused on her
pussy, drawing more delectable juice out. When her body bucked and her moaning
interfered with her blowjob, Tim stood. Gazing down at her succulent body, he
once again realized he must have done something right to be given this gift.

“I think I’m ready now,” Jasmine moaned as she sat up,
leaned across the bed and grabbed the condom.

She tore open the pack with her teeth, tossed the foil
packaging aside and turned. The smoldering look in her eyes promised another
experience he would never forget. This night would go down in history for him.
He could see it now. At eighty years old he’d be telling anyone who’d listen
about the gorgeous woman who fucked his brains out one night.

Thoughts of the future evaporated as her hands rolled the
latex down his cock. Jesus, her touch was lethal. Every muscle in his body
clamped down like a vise.

“How would you like me?” she asked, grazing her fingertips
up his bunched abs.

“Hands and knees.” He didn’t even have to think about it.

She took her position, tossed her hair over her shoulder and
shot him a
come and get it
look. He went. The mattress gave under his
knees. He gripped her hip with one hand and his shaft with the other. Jasmine
cocked her ass up, at the same time pushing back. As soon as his head nudged
against the slick opening of her tunnel, he knew all the control in the world
wouldn’t do him any good.

Chapter Five


Digging his fingers into her curved hip, he pressed his head
through her tight opening. He wished he could feel her soaked pussy but some
things had to sacrificed. Instead he focused on how her delicate muscles gave
as he gently surged forward. They clamped ferociously tight around every inch
of him, making his head spin.

“Oh God,” she whimpered. “That’s good.”

Inch by inch he made his way into her body. Sweat beaded
over his flesh as she seemed to constrict further. Muscles rippled around his
growing cock, forcing him to clench his teeth.

“More,” she cried out, bunching the bedspread in her hands.

If he thought her mouth felt sinful, this was off the
charts. She was not a loose woman in any context. Her body hadn’t been used
excessively, that was for sure, which meant she picked and chose her sexual
partners with discriminating taste. Knowing that helped him regain his control
a little. He would not disappoint her.

Finally he had himself buried balls-deep. He took a moment
to enjoy the feel of her snug body and enjoy her out of control pulsing around
him. He also needed to catch his breath. From here on out it would become

“Please, Tim. Fuck me. I can’t take it. You feel too damn

“Easy,” he whispered, smoothing his hand up her spine.

“No, not easy. Hard, brutal. I’m on the edge here.”

He could tell by the frantic sound of her voice. Still, he
spared a moment to run his tongue along the languid line of her back until he
reached the nape of her neck. Jasmine arched, whimpered more and screwed her
ass against him. The slight motion had him drawing in a ragged breath.

“Let me enjoy your body a moment,” he whispered, hunching
over her body and cupping a dangling breast in his palm.


He shouldn’t have done it but unable to resist, he smoothed
his hand down her tummy until he reached her clit. A few hard tugs on the
silver ball made her strangle his cock. The engorged organ gave a hard throb in
warning. Tim clenched, fighting the orgasm boiling in his balls. Okay, tease
time was over.

He straightened, gripped her hips and pulled back. Jasmine
panted desperately, muttering incoherent words. He was right there with her.

With all but his head removed, he surged forward, slamming
into her body with such force she jolted forward. Her cry of pleasure and
growled demand for more were met. Each pump of his hips encased him in a glory
he never knew before. Her tight, hot, eager pussy squeezed until he couldn’t
stand it. He had a choice. Either stop and regain his control or swing for the

Tim came to an abrupt halt, dragging a growl of protest from
her. She turned her head and glared at him over her shoulder. He’d never seen
such wild, desperate eyes before.

“Tell me what you want, Jasmine.” God, he loved saying her
name. Tim withdrew slightly and stopped.

“Pound my pussy,” she demanded in a rough voice. “Pound it
so hard I can’t walk for a week, damn you. Make me come so hard I scream loud
enough to wake the people on the tenth floor, and after I come, fuck me more.”

Well, okay then. He could do that. “Brace yourself, baby.”
Tim pulled all the way out, nudged against her opening again and drove so hard
he thought they’d both shoot across the bed onto the floor.

His hips worked like a piston, driving, drilling and fucking
her sweet body. He glanced down, watching his cock slip in and out. Jasmine
bathed the condom in thick, heavy syrup with each thrust.

“Yes,” she growled.

Somehow she tightened further. He knew she was there, all it
would take is a little more and she’d plummet. Could he last through her
orgasm? Only one way to find out. Tim reached under her, grabbed her little
ball and twisted as he buried himself balls-deep inside her.

Jasmine’s body turned rigid. Her muscles clenched and then
she pulsed around him as she screamed his name. Holy fuck, she actually
screamed his name. No one had ever done that. It could have been the shock that
helped stave off his orgasm or the need to continue fucking her but he didn’t

He pumped through her fisted muscles, gasped, snarled and
choked his way through her, milking his cock, but he never exploded. His body
poured sweat out, he shook his head and possibly bruised the tender flesh on
her hips, but he held it together.

After her clawing at the bed and speaking in tongues died
down, her body settled. The clenching of his cock withered away until she fell
forward. He gave her a few moments, he needed them as well.

“That was incredible,” she whispered. “You didn’t come.”

“You said you wanted me to fuck you more,” he reminded her.

“And I know how to do it.” She separated their bodies.

Tim hated pulling from her, but when she instructed him to
sit on the bed and then straddled his hips, he figured it was okay. Jasmine
gripped his come-drenched, condom-covered cock and slid her hot little body
down onto him. Oh fuck yes, now he could watch her breasts bounce.

“Ride me, Jasmine.”

She leaned back, braced herself and began with a slow ride.
The look of her stretched out, her fleshy breasts jiggling and pussy devouring
him took the sex to another level. She was still strangling his cock but she
moved more easily over him now.

Tim reached between them, tapped her clit a few times and
grinned when she tightened more. “You like that.”


He tapped again, twisted her piercing a few times, rubbed
and then tapped again. He knew she couldn’t come again so soon but she was
building up to it. Jasmine picked up her pace, rode him like a bucking bronco
and before he knew it, Tim was on the verge of exploding.

“Not sure I can wait for you,” he told her. Nope, it wasn’t
going to happen. He’d pushed the limit. Her pussy had fucked him past reason
and right into insanity.

“Then don’t.” Jasmine pushed him down to his back,
continuing to ride him hard.

His hips thrust up to meet her and finally her body
conquered him. His orgasm ripped out of his balls, blasted up through his cock
and exploded. He arched his back, punched his head back into the mattress and

No part of his body was left untouched by the pleasure. It
burned, tingled, curled his toes and made him temporarily blind. Jasmine
continued bouncing on him, drawing it out until he was sure he’d never have an
ounce of come again.

He didn’t want it to end. He loved feeling this out of control,
adrenaline rush of pleasure, but sadly, it withered. After a few moments of
catching his breath, he forced his eyes open and found Jasmine sitting on top
of him, fingering her clit. With nothing more to give, he ran his hands up her

“Come here, baby. Sit on my face and I’ll give you what you

Her excited grin melted his insides. She let his deflated
cock slip from her body and positioned her pussy over his face. Tim gripped her
hips and lowered her. Gentle wasn’t needed now. Jasmine wanted to come. He
would give her a good orgasm.

His tongue speared inside her tunnel, pumped a few times and
then he sucked her clit. She wiggled, swayed and did an erotic dance of lust on
his face. He knew this would be the last time he got to taste her so he
devoured soaked flesh, licked and ate until she squirmed, panting rapidly.

Her sweet nectar coated his lips as her erotic aroma filled
his nose. Fresh, sweet, an aphrodisiac he knew he’d never find again. Jasmine
cried out, ground herself against his mouth and came as he filled her with his
tongue. She reached down, grabbed his head and stared into his eyes through her

When it ended she pulled away, stretched out beside him and
rested her hand on her tummy. Tim rolled to his side and watched her come down
from her sexual high. God, she was beautiful.

He took a chance, cupped her breast and gently caressed her
nipple. She rolled her head to the side and smiled.

“I don’t know who tossed you aside, Tim Rockwell, but they
couldn’t have been very smart.”

He grinned like a fool. Yep, this exotic woman had done some
serious repair to his ego. “Well, there’s more to a relationship than sex.
Guess I wasn’t very good at that part.”

“As attentive as you are, I find that hard to believe.
You’re a giving man.” She wiggled her perfectly shaped eyebrows. “An extremely
giving man. That can’t be faked.”

“Are you going to stay the rest of the morning?” He hoped
so. They only had about two hours to sleep but he wanted her here when he woke

“I’d love to.”

Chapter Six


After two solid hours of hard sleep, Tim awoke to the alarm.
He quickly shut it off, drank in the sight of Jasmine curled up in his bed and
once again thanked God for this spectacular gift. He thought about forgoing a
shower and waking her up by crawling under the sheets and feasting again, but
time was running short.

He quietly slipped from bed, showered, shaved and packed his
toiletries into his shaving kit. When he came back into the bedroom, Jasmine
was sitting up, the sheet bunched at her hips and her exquisite breasts proudly

“You should have gotten me up. I would have showered with

Tim groaned out loud. “Baby, I wouldn’t make my plane.”

“Give me ten minutes and I’ll drive you to the airport.”

He thought about that a moment. “Okay.”

She took a quick shower, gathered her clothes, dressed and
they left the room hand in hand. As Tim closed the door, he glanced inside one
last time with a smile. Good thing rooms couldn’t talk.

Their carefree chatting on the way to the airport felt comfortable.
He learned a little about his sexy rebound. She was educated, held a lucrative
position at a well-known company and didn’t date much. She liked different
kinds of music, didn’t watch much television or movies and loved to try new

Once Tim had his luggage checked in, they found a coffee
shop, grabbed a few muffins and killed time together. Too bad they hadn’t found
each other sooner on this little trip. He might be considering relocating.

“Tim, would it be all right if we kept in touch?” She rooted
around inside her purse and pulled out a card. “I know this can’t go anywhere
but I would like to chat with you every once in a while.”

He couldn’t believe his luck. A big, goofy grin spread
across his lips. “You have another one of these and a pen?”

She handed him a card and pen. He wrote down his cell
number, landline number and address. As he pushed it across the table, he said,
“Call me, text me, show up at my front door anytime you’d like.”

“Same goes for you.” She tucked his information away.

How soon could he be back in Florida? “I really like you,
Jasmine, and it wasn’t just the sex either. You’re a remarkable woman. Don’t
ever change.”

She leaned across the table. “Don’t you ever let another
woman toy with your head and feelings again. If they do, send them my way. I’ll
straighten them out and then remind you how great you are, not just in bed

His flight number echoed through the terminal. They tossed
their garbage, she walked him to his gate and they shared a gentle,
affectionate kiss that kept him smiling all the way home.

He realized something as he watched the clouds outside the
plane’s window. His failed relationship with Deb wasn’t all her fault. They
both had drifted, changed over their two years together. Maybe they could have
worked a little harder at it, but at this moment it seemed things worked out as
they were supposed to. He couldn’t muster up one bit of bitterness against her

It took a bright smile from a warm woman to open his eyes
and show him he’d gotten bored and needed to experience new things. He silently
wished Deb luck in her new life and hoped she found what she needed. He was
sure going to have fun finding what he needed.

As he disembarked the plane his phone chirped, indicating a
new message. He quickly glanced at it. Jasmine had already sent him a welcome
home text with an attached picture of a particular little silver ball he liked
so well. Yep, a whole new world waited for him and he couldn’t wait to jump in
with both feet.

“Tim?” His sister stepped up to him with a confused look on
her face. “You okay?”

He wrapped his arm around her and directed them through the
throng of people. He couldn’t stop smiling. Yeah, this goofy look wouldn’t go
away for days. The sun felt warm, possibilities were endless and he still had
the sweet taste of Jasmine on his tongue.

“That good?”

“That fucking good. Thanks, sis, that trip is just what I

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