Sweet Reward (29 page)

Read Sweet Reward Online

Authors: Christy Reece

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Sweet Reward
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   Within minutes of entering her apartment, Mia had changed into her workout tights and sports bra. The anxiety of the last few hours had created a surge of adrenaline that desperately needed an outlet. Jared had called and said he was on his way; if he didn’t get here soon, she would leave without him. The gym at LCR headquarters was as well equipped as any professional gym in the city. An hour of lifting and then maybe a long run would eliminate this pent-up energy.

If something hadn’t interrupted Philippe and pulled him
away from the luncheon, she might well be at his home right now. Would she have been able to put him off or would she have acquiesced, knowing she had no choice?

She didn’t question why this new scenario had her so uptight. Of course she didn’t want to sleep with the man. If he was guilty of what they suspected, she didn’t want to be within a thousand miles of him. But that wasn’t the biggest reason she was having such difficulty. That reason had one name: Jared.

How could she do it after having been in Jared’s arms? Okay, yes, they’d agreed: no ties, no strings … only passion. But to have to be with Philippe after what she and Jared had shared twisted her stomach into giant knots. It felt wrong on so many levels.

Asking another operative to step in for her was impossible. She was the only one with a connection to Philippe, the only one he seemed to want right now. Yes, another woman could probably attract his attention, but how many operatives would be able to get into his home, possibly see his files? Only her.

Philippe wanted her to move in with him. While at his house, she would have access to his private quarters. If any information existed, she would find it. And if she couldn’t find it in his home, then she would have to keep digging. How long and how far would she have to go? Move in with him? Have sex with him? Hell, if he proposed marriage, would she consent in hopes of nailing the bastard? Just how deep would she have to dig before they had what they needed?

That led her to another conclusion. Jared needed to step back and let her work with another operative. Someone she wasn’t involved with … someone who could stay emotionally detached. He wouldn’t like it, but she had no
other choice. Bottom line? She couldn’t have Jared listening to her having sex with another man. She just couldn’t.

The door to her apartment swung open, and he was there.

Mia faced him, her mind whirling, her body trembling. “I need to work out.”

Jared eyed her carefully. Her eyes were dilated and slightly wild; the skin on her face was pulled tight, as if every muscle was strained. Her agitated movements indicated she was teetering on the edge. Fortunately, he had a cure.

“I’m taking you to my place.”

She nodded quickly, not arguing for once, which concerned him even more. Mia not arguing meant she had something major to discuss. So did he, but it could wait. What she needed—what they both needed—was his first priority right now.

Jared grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to the door. They didn’t speak. He watched her lock her apartment door and then together they walked to the elevator. Since their elevator incident, he hadn’t been able to get into one without thinking of what had almost happened. And now, as they stepped into this one, he knew she was remembering, too.

Their body heat filled the small space. Jared didn’t dare look at her … if he did, he would be lost. The workout he had planned didn’t include working off steam in a public elevator.

At last, the doors opened. This time Mia grabbed his hand and they walked out together. He’d parked in the underground area, far away from prying eyes. Now that Mia was on Ricard’s radar, they had to be careful of being seen in public. Ricard might well have someone watching her.

One of the stops he’d made was to pick up a helmet for her. Mia’s looks were too distinctive; she needed cover. He carefully placed the helmet on her head and tightened the chin strap. Her eyes, usually so dark he could see his reflection in them, were somber, too serious. He wanted to erase that look.

“Let’s go,” he growled. Straddling the bike, he took her hand and pulled her on behind him. Then they were off.

With Mia’s arms around him, her front pressed to his back, he was tempted to take the bike onto the open road and let her fly. The photographs of Mia in her house in Chicago had told him she was a risk taker. So was he, normally. But there was one risk he wouldn’t take, and that was with Mia’s life. No matter how much he needed to feel the speed. Besides, there was a much better and safer method of working off this excess energy bubbling inside them.

Minutes later, they were at his place. The second floor was his apartment and the first floor was a gym—though calling it such was generous. The space was strictly utilitarian, with free weights and a few pieces of equipment along one wall. The biggest part of the gym was a large matted area for hand-to-hand fighting. Other than Lucas, Mia was the only person he’d ever brought here.

Nice thing about living in a warehouse: he could park inside. He stopped at the large metal door and jumped off the bike. After unlocking the door and sliding it open, he gestured to Mia. She had no problem handling the bike and smoothly rode it inside.

Afraid that the bike might be too heavy for her, Jared quickly grabbed hold of it, allowing her to get off. She gave him an absentminded “Thank you” as her eyes roamed around the large interior.

Seconds passed, and for some reason, Jared grew tenser. Having anyone’s approval hadn’t been an issue for so long, he was surprised to realize how much he wanted her to like his place.

Finally, she whirled around and flashed him a brilliant, delighted smile. “It’s fabulous, Jared.”

Seeing her smile after the strained, pinched look on her face earlier did something to him. He’d do just about anything to keep that bleak expression off her face.

“Take a look around. I’m going to change clothes.”

As he headed upstairs to his living space, the thought hit him of how oddly good it felt to have Mia in his home. By most people’s standards, it was probably close to slum living. For someone like Mia, who’d grown up around wealth and privilege, it probably looked even worse. But instead of worrying about her judging him, he somehow had known that the starkness and lack of decor wouldn’t bother her.

He quickly stripped and pulled on a pair of loose pants. When he turned, he was surprised to find her standing behind him. Either he was getting rusty or she could move with cat-silent stealth.

“I wanted to see where you live, too.”

Her gaze roamed around again. What did she think when she saw the large area that consisted only of a king-sized bed, a bureau, a desk, and a sofa? A kitchen and a bathroom took up the rest of the space. Did she see emptiness, as many people would? Or did she see it as he did—open space and freedom?

Once again, she gave him a brilliant smile. “I like it—a lot.”

“You ready to work out?”

The smile dropped and her expression changed to one that echoed within him. Eyes locked, they began a slow
walk toward each other. Stopping within inches of her, he asked softly, “Tell me what you want.”

With that desperate look back in her eyes, she whispered, “You.”

His body was already primed and ready for the sweet release only she could provide, but he knew he had to hold off. The needs they had now were wild and dangerous. Pulling her to him, her body flush against his, he leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers. “Let’s work off some steam first … okay?”

When she nodded, he let her go. One more second with her plastered against him, and he’d forget good intentions. Taking her hand, he led her down the stairs and then stopped in the middle of the room. Distancing himself several feet from her, he said softly, “Show me what you’ve got.”

Adrenaline and wild desire mixed together made for a powerful aphrodisiac. Every cell in Mia’s body felt like a glowing ember, smoldering with heat, just waiting to be ignited to full flame. She had never wanted and needed like this before. And never had she sparred with another person with the craving for sexual release so close to the surface. The feral heat in Jared’s eyes told her nothing was off the table—he could handle anything. Everything within Mia told her to test him.

Strength and stamina were his allies; quickness and agility would be hers. She sprang toward him with a double somersault, her foot connecting with his chest. As he grunted and moved back, she landed on her feet and, without a pause, whirled and kicked again, barely grazing his shoulder.

She backed away slightly and grinned. His answer was a gruff, husky laugh that sent vibrations of pleasure throughout her body. She’d never orgasmed without
touch before but had a feeling that if anyone could manage the feat, it would be Jared.

“Very nice,” he said, and then he smiled. Distracted by the beauty of that smile, she never saw him move.

Hands grabbed her shoulders, whirled her around, and slammed her back against a hard chest. Jared wrapped his arms tight around her. Mia tried to break the hold by knocking her head against his throat, but he was too quick. With her arms restrained, her only other recourse was her legs. Just as she raised one, quick as a flash, Jared wrapped one of his legs around both of hers. Their breathing heavy, they froze in this position. His erection was hard, throbbing and insistent as it pressed up against her butt. It took every bit of her willpower not to rub herself against him.

“Give?” he asked softly.

“Not yet.”

His arms dropped away from her, and he stepped back. Mia turned and almost gave in when she saw his face. Jared hid his thoughts and emotions better than anyone she’d ever known. But right now, there was no doubt what he wanted. His eyes gleamed like she’d never seen them before. His mouth, usually a straight line, held a sensuous curl. And if she doubted that look of need, she had only to drop her eyes lower. The enormous erection he sported gave her every indication of how this would end. Though she desperately wanted that too, she couldn’t help but heat things up just a little more.

She sprang toward him. Jared caught her easily and took her to the ground. The mat beneath was softer than the floor, but there was still an impact. Jared took it all, allowing Mia to land on top of him. She rose and straddled him, balancing herself on her knees. With a smirk of pure insolence, she said, “I knew I could take you down.”

“Anytime you want to go down on me like this, feel free.”

The sexually loaded words pushed her past the brink. Mia raised her arms and began to tug on her sports bra. Jared’s hands stopped her. She looked down and watched as he slowly slid his fingers beneath the material, and then she gasped as those long fingers captured her nipples between and tightened around them. The erotic pleasure-pain as his fingers tightened and then released put her at the very edge. Without thought, she moved her hips, allowing her mound to cover the hard penis jutting beneath the material of his pants.

Eyes locked together, they rode each other slowly as his fingers tightened and then released her nipples with the same rhythm as his hip thrusts. Ecstasy zoomed. Gasping, riding the wave of pleasure, on the precipice of one of the most incredible moments of her life, she finally let go and felt herself falling into a peaceful and beautiful velvet darkness.

Before she could recover, Jared rolled her over and stripped her with urgent efficiency. Mia tried to cooperate as much as possible, but her limbs felt weighted and so relaxed she could barely move them. Finally she was nude, and he had managed to get his pants halfway off before he was between her legs.

Poised at her entrance, he stopped and muttered thickly, “I don’t have a rubber.”

“ ’Kay.” She meant to convey that she was protected. And given her nonexistent sex life before Jared, she was healthy. No way could she get those words out.

He needed no other encouragement and thrust deep. She gasped; accepting him gladly, Mia wrapped her legs around his waist, closed her eyes, and gave herself up to the marvelous heat consuming her once more.

Teeth clenched for control, Jared fought the impending
explosion. He’d never had sex without a condom. His first sexual experience had been at fourteen, and he had made sure he was protected. The thought of bringing an unwanted child into the world went against everything he believed in, even when he’d been a clueless kid. He’d seen too many unwanted children—after his parents’ deaths, he’d become one himself.

So why the hell was that not an issue with Mia? Maybe when his mind was functioning again, he’d have the answer. Right now, all he could do was concentrate on the fire and heat consuming him as he thrust, retreated, and then went deeper.

She was right there with him, her gasps, moans, and little cries urging him on. Needing an even deeper connection, Jared lifted her legs from around his waist and pushed them forward. With his arms on either side of her head, he propped himself up and then lowered his body once more, going as deep as possible. Mia’s dark eyes glittered up at him as she let out a little gasping cry.

“Too much?” His voice was so strained he wondered if she even understood him.

“Just right,” she whispered.

Agreeing with her one hundred percent, he covered her mouth with his and plunged deep, the rhythm of his cock keeping time with the thrusting of his tongue. Seconds later, electric sensations zipped up his spine and he exploded. Mia held him as he thrust over and over, and then blessed peace enveloped his entire body and he collapsed on top of her.

Gasping as if he’d just run sprints in the desert heat, Jared rolled away and sprawled out beside her. His mind was reeling, his body on total meltdown. Never had he come like that. He turned his head to check on the woman who had just given him the most incredible sexual experience of his life. The satisfied smile curving her mouth told
him she realized what she had accomplished. Usually silent during sex, Jared knew he’d made quite a few noises. And if her expression was anything to go by, Mia was quite pleased.

Unable to be this far away from her, he gathered her slender body against his and softly kissed the curve of her beautiful mouth. Lifting his head, he said, “We are still alive … right?”

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