Read Sweet Ride Online

Authors: Maegan Lynn Moores

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

Sweet Ride (19 page)

BOOK: Sweet Ride
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“Jack!” I scream,
burying my face into his neck.

“I need to get inside
you,” he grunts, walking us to the door, but it’s locked. “Keys?”
he asks impatiently. I pull them out of my purse and hand them to
him. He quickly unlocks the door making sure he wastes as little time
as possible.

With my legs still
locked securely around his waist, he shuts the door and walks us up
the stairs, straight into my bedroom. Immediately after closing and
locking my bedroom door, Jack gently throws me on my bed. My eyes are
glued on him as he begins removing his clothes. One by one, each
piece of clothing falls to the floor as he exposes his ripped chest,
chiseled abdomen and finally, my personal favorite, his rock-hard

If he’s buck-ass
naked then I want to be, too. I hurriedly rip my clothes off my body,
flinging them to the side, not caring where they land. I lie on the
bed fully exposed to his hooded eyes.
Just fuck me already!
want to scream, but I don’t.

The bed dips when he
kneels on the mattress and he slowly crawls up my body. His tongue
leaves a hot, wet path in its wake, as he tastes my skin from the tip
of my toes to my mouth. His hips land between my spread legs, but as
soon as his torso presses my body into the mattress, the usual
panicked feeling I get when being pinned down occurs. I twist my body
until I’m out from under him.

Lying on my side, I
feel him move up behind me. His arm hitches my leg behind the knee
and brings it up to the side, opening me up perfectly for the beast.
I hear the telltale sound of a condom package being opened. My breath
hitches in anticipation, but nothing happens. I’m about to say
something, when I feel the flutter of his breathing against my neck.
His lips touch my ear, and he growls, “I’m going to make you come
until you can’t breathe.”

Yes, please! Then he
slams into me and makes good on his statement. Who knew that the lack
of oxygen would feel so damn good?

Chapter 11
Dinner Chez De Luca

Sunday’s finally
here, and Jack’s taking me out for dinner tonight, but don’t ask
me where. He still hasn’t supplied me with any details other than
to dress casually. Even though I’m dressed casual tonight, it still
took me two hours to pick out an outfit. For some reason, everything
I picked seemed wrong. I finally decided on wearing this cute, white
summer dress I picked up at the mall last week, paired with my brown
cowboy boots. I think I look pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.
I hope Jack likes it.

At around six o’clock
the doorbell rings, causing a flutter of butterflies to awaken in the
bottom of my belly. God, the things this man does to me. Even just
the thought of seeing him sends my lady parts into a tizzy. I grab my
purse and fling open the door. Before me stands the best male
specimen I have ever laid eyes on. Jack’s dressed to kill, and I’m
a willing victim. He stands there looking sexy as hell decked out in
jeans and a black long-sleeved button-up shirt with the sleeves
rolled up enough to expose his tattoos.

Jack lets out a low

“You certainly know
how to make a man late for his reservation, babe,” Jack says.

“We’re not even
close to being late, Jack,” I counter.

“Not yet,” he says
seductively. With that, he swoops me into his arms and carries me
toward my bedroom.

We’re half an hour
late as I climb into his car. My cheeks are flushed, still riding the
orgasmic high he so willingly delivered. It must’ve been some high
because I completely zone out the entire drive to the restaurant
until Jack starts turning into a private driveway. I snap back to
reality and take in my surroundings.

“Jack, what’re we
doing? Are we lost?” I question as I notice we’ve pulled up to a
large colonial style home.

“Nope, just trust
me,” he answers.

I should’ve paid more
attention on the drive over. What part of town are we in? Why are we
stopped at a house? Is this some type of fancy new restaurant?
Something très chic that has yet to catch on? I have so many
questions, and Jack doesn’t seem interested in explaining anything.

“You can be so
frustrating sometimes!” I exclaim.

“Payton, I promised
you an excellent meal, and trust me you’ll get one. Just go with
it.” He smirks.

Jack rounds the car and
opens my door for me, then carefully takes my hand in his. We walk in
silence to the front door. Once there Jack opens it and we walk
inside. I can hear chatter and laughter ringing down the hallway that
the door opens into. Well, this is getting more and more mysterious
by the second. That’s when I see a short, pleasant-looking woman
come running (or maybe waddling is more accurate) down the corridor.

“Jack, my boy,” she
says joyously, putting her hands on both sides of his face and giving
him a peck on the lips. Then directing her attention to me, she asks,
“Is this your Payton? She’s gorgeous!” With that, she yanks me
into her arms and squeezes tighter than any bear hug I’ve ever
received. Who is this lady? She seems delightful, but I have no clue
how I should react. I kindly hug her back on a less extreme level.

“Payton, this is my
Ma,” Jack drops the bomb. Holy shit!

We’re late for supper
at his mother’s house because we had sex. Please tell me that we
didn’t have sex right before coming to his mother’s place. The
first time I meet his family is with a post-sex glow. I’m so not
happy right now. What kind of first impression is that? I shoot Jack
a glare. He’s lucky looks can’t kill because mine would have
knocked him dead.

“Ma, this is mi
bella, Payton,” he continues.

Obviously my look isn’t
warning enough. We’re going to have a talk later; somewhere I won’t
make an ass out of myself. That cocksucking motherfucker. No warning!
How do you spring something like this on someone?

“So nice to meet you,
Mrs. De Luca,” I say nervously.

“Call me Maria,
sweetie,” she responds, giving me a sweet smile. “Now, come in,
come in! Supper’s just waiting on you two!” she says teasingly.
“Everyone’s here!”

Everyone’s here? What
has Jack done? He is so dead.

We head down the hall,
which is decked out in family photos. I’ll definitely have to check
those out later. Hopefully, there’s some embarrassing childhood
photos of Jack there. I need to take some form of payback. The
hallway leads straight into the kitchen, which is any chef’s wet
dream—soapstone countertops, stainless steel appliances, beautiful
lighting fixtures—this is an amazing kitchen. Not that I’d use it
often, but it’d be nice to look at. I can smell home cooking, but
there’s no sign of it around. That is, until we hit the dining
room. The large oak table must seat at least sixteen and is spread
full of food. It looks exquisite! The smells combined with the look
of real life food porn makes my stomach moan in anticipated pleasure.

“You don’t keep her
fed!” Jack’s mother glares at him.

“I didn’t want to
spoil her appetite,” Jack tries covering himself.

COME MEET PAYTON!” his mother yells into the adjoining room.

What have I gotten
myself into? Who am I going to be meeting? This is all new to me.
I’ve never been brought home to meet the family before. What if
they don’t like me? Well, I’m pretty sure that at least one
person in there isn’t going to like me, and that’s Isabelle. I
hear a group of people talking and laughing as they enter the dining
room. I watch as two women, a man, and two little girls walk in the
room. As they appear, I feel Jack’s arm glide around my back, his
hand resting on my hip as he holds me against him. I look up and see
him staring at his family with a wide grin on his face and a twinkle
in his eye. This is something I didn’t expect. Clearly Jack’s a
family man. Who knew?

I tear my eyes away
from his handsome face and observe the group of people walking toward
us. A curvy brunette, who looks to be around my age, and a younger
version of Jack’s mother, head straight for us. Even though she’s
obviously trying to emulate JWoww from
Jersey Shore
with her
big hair, huge boobs, heavy make-up, and barely-there clothes, she’s
actually quite beautiful. Jack’s hand drops from my hip, and he
pulls her into an embrace, resting his chin on top of her head. “Hey
pip-squeak, no boyfriend this time?” he mutters.

“No, you scared the
last one off when you showed him your gun,” she says, laughing
softly and poking him in the ribs.

“That prick wasn’t
good enough for you, Sofie,” he clips out.

“Watch your mouth,
Jack. Just because you’re a grown man doesn’t mean I won’t wash
your mouth out with soap,” his mother scolds. “And don’t think
that I don’t know you’re smoking again, young man!” Jack rolls
his eyes and sighs.

Sofie giggles into
Jack’s chest then turns to look at me. Her eyes are the same color
green as Jack’s, and they sparkle with happiness. Taking a step
closer to me she says, “Hey Payton, I’m Sofie, Jack’s baby
sister. It’s awesome to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much
about you, I feel like I know you already.” Wish I could say the
same. I didn’t know she existed until this very moment. She wraps
her tiny little arms around me and squeezes tightly, but then pulls
back and glares at her brother. “FYI Jack, your description doesn’t
do her justice. She’s a freaking goddess!”

“Umm, thanks,” I
say, unsure of how to respond to something like that. “Nice to meet
you, Sofie,” I add. She releases me and that’s when I’m
enclosed in another set of arms belonging to the other pretty
brunette. This brunette’s almost the spitting image of Sofie, only
few years older. She isn’t as endowed or dressed as provocatively.
Instead, she’s wearing jeans and a cowl neck sweater. “Hi Payton,
I’m Gia, the middle sister.

“Hi Gia.”

“I’m so glad to see
that Jack finally brought you here to meet all of us. You’re all
he’s talked about non-stop for the last few weeks,” she says,
pulling back and grinning. “Heard about the little ‘shit fiasco’
at the restaurant. Too bad it never actually happened to Isabelle.”
She then releases me and hugs Jack, and everyone bursts out laughing
at her remark. Brushing it off, I watch them as they greet and tease
each other like siblings often do.

“Uncle Jack!” the
two blonde haired girls scream as they rush toward him. Jack lifts up
the younger girl as she reaches him, hugging her, and blowing
raspberries into her neck as she giggles. The older girl wraps her
arms around her uncle’s waist and hugs him tightly.

“Girls, I’d like
you to meet my girlfriend, Payton,” he says, introducing me.
“Payton, these knockouts are my nieces, Rylee and Lily. Rylee just
turned ten, and little Lily here is five years old,” he says
proudly, looking at the two little girls like they’re the most
precious things in the world. It makes my chest feel all kinds of
warm and fuzzy.

“She’s pretty,”
Lily whispers in her uncle’s ear.

“Very pretty,”
Rylee adds, still hugging Jack, but looking at me.

“I guess your dad and
I are lucky guys then, because we’re surrounded by beautiful
ladies,” he says, winking at me.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Suddenly, I’m imagining Jack and me married with our own family. Is
it possible? I doubt it. If Jack finds out about my past, he won’t
want me. Jarod and his buddies made sure of that.

The man that entered
the room with everyone snaps me out of my thoughts as he approaches
me and extends his hand. I shake it as he introduces himself, “I’m
Kurtis, Gia’s husband and father to these little rugrats.”

“Hi Kurtis, good to
meet you,” I return.

Okay, I know this isn’t
everybody. Where’s his sister Isabelle? I’m kind of hoping she
doesn’t show because I’m not sure I’m ready to face her yet.
What will I say to her if she does? Umm, I hope you didn’t get the
shits the other night. I didn’t really mean it. Yeah, right. Who am
I kidding? This’ll be a disaster if she shows up. As if on cue, in
walks the supermodel herself. Perfect!

She stops as she enters
the room and stares at me icily. “What the fuck’s she doing
here?” she snaps.

“Isabelle Rosa De
Luca! Watch your mouth! You should be ashamed of yourself,” her
mother scolds.

“Sorry, Ma,”
Isabelle mumbles as she blushes and looks down at the floor in shame.

Jack hands Lily over to
her father and walks over towards Isabelle. I hear him tell her in a
gruff voice that he wants a word with her in the kitchen. She nods
then leaves the room. Jack comes back to me and says, “I’m going
to explain everything to her. She’ll get over it.” Yeah, right. I
don’t think it’s going to be that easy.

As he leaves the dining
room, his mother approaches and once again wraps her arms around my
shoulder. “Let’s get you fed. Put some meat on your bones,” she
says while directing me to a seat. Everyone else sits around the
table and, shortly after, Jack and Isabelle re-enter the room. He has
his hand on her back and both are smiling. I guess their little chat
went over well. Thank God!

Jack sits in the empty
chair next to me, and Isabelle occupies the one directly across from
me. I feel the warmth of his hand on my upper thigh as he gives it a
reassuring squeeze. I glance over at Isabelle and make eye contact.
Her eyes are still cold and uncaring as she returns my stare. So, I
haven’t been forgiven. She still hates me.

“Payton,” she
greets with a nod.

“Isabelle,” I
return. Yep, this is going to be awkward.

“Okay, now that
everyone’s met. The food’s getting cold. Dig in,” Jack’s
mother says. Spread all across the large table are dozens of Italian
dishes. Everything looks and smells amazing; I don’t know where to

“I don’t even know
where to start,” I mutter to Jack, a little overwhelmed.

BOOK: Sweet Ride
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