Sweet Sins (25 page)

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Authors: Madison Kent

BOOK: Sweet Sins
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“I know you didn’t but I did. I don’t give up that easily. When I see something I want, I go after it. Besides, you have to at least show me around your agency. Maybe I can drum up some business for you. I know a lot of wealthy people.”

He had said the magic words. She was never one for turning down a potential agency contact, no matter how remote. She knew he might be able to offer her business advice also. Maybe after all a friendship with him might prove useful.

For the next week, she found flowers at Paramount’s doorstep every day. By the end of the week, candy and other small items began to arrive. She dispersed these things as quickly as they came and was happy that the girls accepted them.

He had come to visit her at Paramount and met Ashton and Chloe. They both decided he was too boastful for their tastes but still thought he was useful to have around because he also was very generous and helpful. They had needed assistance setting up some new wall décor and he brought two friends over and took care of everything.

On Friday a black leather jacket with gold studded collar arrived for her.

“Damon, this really is too much. I appreciate it but I can’t accept.”

“You must, I insist and I’m on my way to your place now and I’m taking all of you out to lunch.”

“Stan included?”

“Yes, whoever is at the office is welcome.”

“What’s the harm,” said Ashton, “Besides there’s safety and fun in numbers. If we all go together, we’ll have a good time.”

Despite his shortcomings, everyone received Damon kindly because he never came empty handed and was always willing to throw money around. For a bunch of starving models, it was hard to not be friends with him.

Ashton asked, “You definitely have to invite him to the Christmas party now. Besides, just think of all the stuff he might bring. We can hit him up for some of the liquor and snacks.”

“OK, but you ask him. I don’t want him to think it’s coming from me.”

Damon and Arianna’s relationship was just peculiar. She was not all participating in it, but he was pursuing her and was indifferent to her coolness and her lack of interest in him. It seemed the more she distanced himself, the nicer he was to her.

Damon did volunteer to bring a couple cases of beer, alcohol; poinsettia’s to decorate the house and also a sound system that would be good enough for a professional nightclub. He had paid thousands for his system and hauled it all over to her house for this occasion. Cheryl, one of the custom fashion designers, was putting on a fashion show for them as part of the entertainment. No one had declined her invitation and she suspected it would be a blow out of a party. Good, she thought, everyone needed this, especially her.

“With all the stuff this guy’s done for you, you should have at least given him a second thought. I mean, after all, where is Adam?” asked Ashton with disapproving glance.

“Don’t say it. I’m happy Damon’s here and glad for all the goodies but he’s not Adam. It doesn’t change anything. I can’t help it. I wish I could. Time will tell if I can grow any feelings for this guy, but I just don’t see it happening.”

The night of the Christmas party came and she appraised the decorations with pleasure. The smell of the chili cooking and bratwurst grilling filled the house with a lovely aroma. She was busy prepping the house for last minute details, lighting candles and setting out extra chairs. The children had already gone to sleep and she expected Ashton at any moment. Thank goodness for her. She could always count on her and waited for her appearance at all events. She expected there might be as many as 100 people that would extend. That would mean they would have to spill out onto the porch and backyard. She had a large patio and yard and Damon had hooked outside lights up.              
              As she waited, she had the overwhelming sense that she just wanted to cry, but she would not. All this beauty, the business, her new friends, why wasn’t he here to share it with her.

The doorbell rang and Arianna gratefully hugged Ashton hello.

“Hey, there’s about ten cars coming up right behind me. I didn’t think anyone would be here until at least 8:00PM or so, not this early. Well, it’s begun. Let’s have a blast.”

Everyone who entered was decked out and looking like they were attending a Hollywood premiere. It was a fantasy, if Adam was here, she would have thought she was the luckiest girl in the world. This was awesome. People vied for Damon’s microphone to just get into center stage and give a shout out, make a speech or sing a quick song. What a night!

“Hi there, baby doll!”

“Damon, how are you? Everyone is loving your sound system. It would have never been the same without it. Thanks a million.”

Damon came closer to her and put his arms around her. With a smile, she quickly exited his embrace.

“I’ll get you a drink. See if you can find a place to sit, the fashion show’s ready to begin. I’m sure you’ll love that, lots of hot girls wearing slinky clothes.”

“If you see anything you like, I’ll buy it for you for a Christmas gift.”

“You know, Damon, you are getting harder and harder to ignore. Damn it, stop being so nice to be. I just can’t like anyone right now.”

“I told you, you’re one hot chick and I’m sticking around until you fall in love with me. I’ve been around and I’ve never met anyone quite like you and I don’t intend to lose you.”

“Come on, you’ll probably someone in the fashion show that you’ll want to date. I don’t buy it, a guy like you. I’m sure girls come easy for you.”

She took his hand and gave it a thank you squeeze and he smiled at her.

“Arianna, if I wanted to take you somewhere for the weekend, could you set it up with their Dad to watch them. I’ve bought two tickets to New Orleans and booked a suite in the French Quarter. Have you ever been to New Orleans?”

Feeling a little stress at his remarks, she steadied herself against the wall of the great room.

“Yes, yes I’ve been. It’s an enchanting city. Perhaps another day, another time but even if I wanted to go, Joshua’s been sick. I just checked on him and he’s running a fever and is sick to his stomach.”

“Well, his Dad can handle that.”

“I know. It’s not that but when they are so little, he would be scared if I left him when he was sick. I just couldn’t. I wish you would have told me before, I hope you can get a refund on the tickets.”

“I am disappointed but I’m not getting a refund. I’ll just take one of my other friends. Are you sure you won’t change your mind? We can do some partying there and you need a break from all of this.”

“Ashton, it’s all turning out so incredibly well. What a great party. Look at those gorgeous outfits that Cheryl designed. She is more talented that I thought. I wish I could afford to purchase some of her stuff. It’s so original.”

People continued pouring in and she, Stan and Ashton were at their best, mingling a little salesmanship with dancing and drinking. They met in Arianna’s bedroom and spoke about the several new people that had already signed up for classes and into the agency.

When the fashion show was over, Cheryl was all smiles. She had made multiple sales and was gleaming and thanking Arianna for allowing her to present her show.

“Hey, you’re a lucky girl. Five outfits,” said Cheryl.

“What do you mean?”

“Damon bought you five outfits.”

“No way. I don’t know what to say. I’ll have to accept because I want you to have the money and I’ll be able to wear you stuff and tell everyone about you. It’s a little uncomfortable since he’s not with me in any way.”

“Well, maybe you should think about being with him. I would.”

“I’m just happy for you that you’re show was a success.”

She went to seek Damon out. “You crazy guy—you can’t keep spending money on me like this. It’s just too much. I’m grateful but all the stuff you’ve bought for the office, for me and the boys, I don’t know how to repay your kindness to us.”

“Come with me to New Orleans. No obligations, just as friends. We’ll get to know each other. I’ll get us separate suites. We’ll just have a good time.”

Arianna knew that if she ever were to decide to go away with Damon, it could never be to New Orleans. Arianna had never spoken to Damon about her connection to that place and Adam. In fact, she had spoken very little about Adam. That was sacred territory that she usually only spoke of with chosen few like Ashton and Chloe.

“Look, you’re the closest thing to a real Santa Claus to me and the boys and I wish I could return your affection and kindness but despite that he left me, I still love Adam, desperately, hopelessly. I’m sorry Damon.”

“OK, I’m licked. Please accept all these things. I want you to have them and I’ve got enough money to let go of some of it to people I like. No regrets. I’ll keep in touch and you have my number if you ever change your mind. I’ll be back tomorrow to pick up the sound system and say good-bye to the boys.”

“I’m sorry, truly sorry. You’re such a great guy, maybe another time, another place, it might have been. I’ll miss talking to you and your extravagant surprises. Thank you for everything.”

Suddenly saddened by the loss of this new friend, she hugged him and for a brief moment thought she might ask him to spend the night and try to let go of Adam’s memory, but the words didn’t come from her mouth. In the end, it was always Adam.

She had painted a black box for herself to live in. She wasn’t with him but she couldn’t leave him even though he had left her.

It would be Christmas in three days; maybe he would call her just to see if she was surviving, to wish the boys a Merry Christmas.

There were few presents under the tree for the children but not like in Christmas’ past. Friends had asked her to come over but she didn’t feel like being the third wheel at their celebration. She felt that would only make her feel lonelier and more abandoned to watch other’s hold each other and have warm memories.

Christmas morning brought just the three of them huddled in the king size bed, hugging and laughing. This was all she really needed. She made a special blueberry pancake breakfast and read them Christmas stories with candles burning brightly on the table.

The doorbell rang and she didn’t answer it, sure it was one of the neighbor’s calling to invite her over. She didn’t have the emotional strength to engage in small talk today. She just wanted the boys and her to celebrate this day in their own fashion.

She was preparing their turkey when Joshua asked permission to retrieve a ball from the front yard. She could see him from the kitchen ledge and agreed. He let out a whooping yell and called her and Brent.

Gifts were piled in front of the door; some so heavy Brent could not pull them in. Included in all this wonder was a large basket of food tied with glossy ribbons.

“Look, Mama, Santa was here.”

“Yes, you’re right boys, Santa was here. And who deserves more presents than you; you’ve been such good boys.”

Delightfully they ripped open packages of GI Joe men, a train set, coloring books and clothes. She felt weak from gratitude and wanted to drop down on the floor and cry from his generosity; even after all she had done to rebuke him. Damon did have a good heart underneath his braggadocio.

The day was warm and wonderful because of Damon. She relished in the children’s laughter’s and giggles over all their new found wealth of fun. She waited for the call from Adam but it did not come. Perplexed and saddened that this stranger had tried to help her have a lovely Christmas but Adam did not even acknowledge them. She was finally now beginning to give up hope.

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