Sweet Torments: The Best of Alex Jordaine (7 page)

BOOK: Sweet Torments: The Best of Alex Jordaine
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What set Lauren’s antenna twitching was when Sam stopped banging on about Lisa all the time, when she stopped talking about her at all. That made her uneasy, suspicious. Now she was more than suspicious. She was certain they had become lovers. Or almost certain. Lauren decided that she’d challenge her about it as soon as she came out of the shower, and that’s what she did.

Sam padded into the bedroom naked, fluffing her blonde hair with a towel.

‘What are you up to?’ Lauren asked, throwing a combative gaze Sam’s way.

Sam noticed, averted her eyes. ‘Finishing drying my hair,’ she said, painting an innocent expression onto her face. ‘Trying to decide what to wear tonight.’ She folded the wet towel neatly over a radiator.

‘You know what I mean,’ Lauren said, deliberately staring at her, forcing her to meet her eyes.

Sam brazened it out. She looked at her blankly as if she had no idea at all what she was talking about. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘But I don’t know what you mean.’

‘I repeat,’ Lauren said, her eyes darkening further as she fixed her with her most penetrating gaze. ‘What are you up to?’

‘Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Sam said, still doing the Miss Innocent act. ‘I’m not up to anything.’

Lauren stepped in closer, shifted her weight from one foot to another. ‘You’re fucking someone else, aren’t you?’ It wasn’t a question.

Sam shook her head. ‘You’re out of your mind,’ she replied in an affronted tone, moving seamlessly into righteous indignation mode. ‘I don’t have to put up with this.’

‘Tell me the truth,’ Lauren persisted, straining the words through her teeth.

‘It is the truth.’

That was when Lauren slapped her round the face. She did it very quickly. And hard. And twice. She delivered one hard crack to her left cheek and then another, even harder one to her right cheek. The second slap was so hard that it sent her staggering backward. A dark flush smudged across Sam’s cheekbones. But she said nothing, just began sobbing.

Lauren grasped her hair and put her face very close to hers. ‘Tell me the fucking truth,’ she rasped, her eyes flashing with anger.

No reply. More sobs

‘Quit blubbering!’ Lauren ordered sharply. Sam swallowed back another sob, coughing.

‘You’re fucking someone else aren’t you,’ Lauren said, gazing at her with all the warmth of a rattlesnake. ‘You’re fucking Lisa, or would it be more accurate to say that Lisa’s fucking you?’ Sam tended to take a passive role in lovemaking, didn’t have much choice but to do so when Lauren was having sex with her.

Sam finally capitulated. She nodded yes. Her eyes were teary and red.

Bingo, thought Lauren. She’d had her suspicions confirmed. ‘Say it, bitch,’ she commanded.

‘Lisa’s fucking me,’ Sam said, almost soundlessly.

‘Why?’ Lauren asked. ‘Why Lisa?’

‘She does things to me I like, kinky things.’ Sam replied, not meeting Lauren’s eye. She was trembling all over.

‘What sort of things?’ Lauren said, grabbing her chin, making her look at her.

‘Honestly, Lauren,’ Sam said in a wheedling tone. ‘You really don’t want to know.’

‘Yes I do,’ Lauren said. ‘Tell me.’

‘She pisses on me,’ Sam said quickly.

So, Lauren thought, there was one mystery solved. It had been the acid aroma not of guilt but of urine that she’d been picking up on her bedmate when they were having sex. ‘No kidding?’ she said.

‘No kidding,’ Sam replied.

‘What else?’

‘She ties my wrists up and blindfolds me and … and …’

‘And what?’ Lauren hissed. ‘Spit it out.’

‘F … fists me.’

‘What else, bitch?’

‘She spanks me.’

you?’ Lauren said incredulously, emphasising the word. ‘That’s a bit tame, isn’t it?’

‘How do you mean?’

‘Doesn’t she whip you, take a belt to you?’

‘No, she never has.’

‘Why, for chrissake?’

‘We didn’t want to leave any marks,’ Sam explained. ‘We didn’t want to make you suspicious.’

‘Didn’t work, did it?’ Lauren said with a snort of derision.

‘No.’ Sam bowed her head in apparent shame.

‘Would you like
to beat you?’ Lauren asked.

‘Y …yes,’ Sam said falteringly, but she was starting to look shifty, expectant.

‘Punish you for what you’ve done?’

‘Yes.’ Sam’s eyes had begun to light up.


‘God, yes,’ Sam gasped. It had only been a matter of moments but she had done a complete
. She was almost drooling.

‘Beg me to beat you,’ Lauren commanded.

‘Please beat me, Lauren,’ Sam said, her breath coming fast and furious by now. ‘I’m begging you.’

‘Lay on your stomach on the bed,’ Lauren ordered as she removed the heavy black leather belt that she had around the waist of her denim minidress. She took off the dress; she was braless. She then removed her black shoes and her black thong.

Sam lay face down on the bed, her face buried into the pillow, holding onto the iron headboard and twitching her thighs, waiting for Lauren to start beating her naked backside. She didn’t have to wait long.

Lauren raised the leather belt and swung it through the air. It landed with a crack on its target, causing Sam to gasp at the sudden pain that seared across her backside. She was still trying to draw breath when Lauren brought the belt down again. It was even more agonising. A third and fourth stroke followed in swift succession and then down came the belt again. Each time Lauren struck Sam with it she made a noise into the pillow and her body twisted as if trying to get her grip loose from the headboard. She’s loving it, the whore, Lauren thought. And so was Lauren. Her pulse was raging and there was a burning feeling between her legs. But that wasn’t all. She felt liberated somehow, as if she was unleashing something deep within herself that she’d kept restrained for far too long.

As the savage beating continued, Sam began to tense and untense her thighs desperately to try and contain the furious pain, but to no avail. Lauren continued to thrash her backside mercilessly, causing numerous welts to spring there like fresh cut flowers. Sam was crying and moaning into the muffling pillow. Her naked, lacerated body glistened with sweat, her thighs with love juice.

Lauren finally stopped beating her and put the belt to one side. ‘You like being fisted by Lisa, do you?’ she said and Sam nodded into the pillow.

‘Turn over,’ Lauren instructed, her eyes still blazing but with something much more than anger now. Jesus, she was enjoying this. Her heart was pounding and her pussy was wet. Her nipples had become as tight as stones. She felt full of sexual energy, full of

Sam twisted, releasing her hold on the headboard as she rolled onto her back, her body arching towards Lauren. She was slack-mouthed and her eyes were glazed with lust, her pupils so dilated that she seemed almost to have no iris. She opened her legs wide apart, wantonly wide. Her pussy was wet and sticky and dripping with liquid.

Then Lauren put a hand down on her and started to rub, started to grind her fingers against her clitoral bud. She put two fingers into the slickness of her pussy, feeling the soft, wet darkness of her insides. And Sam thrust her hips lasciviously against her probing fingers. She was in a delirium of lust, knowing more – much more – was to come.

Lauren’s fingers were really working her pussy now and she twisted a third one in. She drove all three of them deep inside her, plunging hard into her wet sex. Sam was tight around her fingers as Lauren snaked her hand down to rub her stiff, shiny clitoris again, this time with her thumb, and at the same time she inserted a fourth finger into her wet, wet vagina.

She forged deep into her wetness several times before she inserted her thumb. She had her whole hand inside Sam’s sex now, plunged into the hot, oozing wetness of her. Sam’s breath was coming quicker and quicker. Her sex was soaking, drenched. Lauren’s hand was drenched too as she pushed and pushed until Sam climaxed, shaking and moaning. Her face screwed up as her orgasm reached its peak and she cried out loudly. Lauren removed her hand. Her palm and wrist were soaked. The bedspread was wet with juice.

Now for that bitch Lisa, Lauren thought. She picked up Sam’s mobile phone from the dressing table and threw it in her direction. ‘Phone her,’ she said.


‘Don’t play dumb with me,’ Lauren snapped. ‘Lisa, who else?’

‘What do you want me to say?’

‘Tell her I’m away for a couple of days,’ Lauren said. ‘Tell her you need her now, this evening.’

‘What if she says she can’t come?’

‘Do it.’

‘I will, but …’

‘Just do it, bitch,’ Lauren cut in. ‘Tell her to be here in an hour’s time.’

Sam did it, she made the call. Then she handed the phone back to Lauren.

‘What did she say?’ Lauren asked.

‘She said she’d come round.’

‘In an hour?’

‘In an hour.’

Great, Lauren thought. Fantastic. Enough time to do what she wanted to do. She left Sam on her back and went to the chest of drawers and put the phone back on its top. She opened a drawer and took out three black silken scarves. She tied Sam’s wrists to the bedstead with two of them and used the third to blindfold her. Last but not least, Lauren took hold of her own discarded black thong and stuffed it into Sam’s mouth.

Fast forward an hour. A sharp buzz broke the silence of the apartment. Lauren went to the panel by the front door to respond. ‘Yeah,’ she said in a passable imitation of Sam’s voice.

‘It’s me,’ Lisa said, announcing her presence at the apartment block’s entry panel. Lauren buzzed her in so that she could push open the front door. A few moments later there was another sharp sound, the doorbell. Lauren was still naked when she opened the door. Lisa looked startled. She gave a sharp intake of breath not at Lauren’s nudity but that it was her, not Sam, who had come to the door. Lauren had gone away for a couple of days, that’s what Sam had said. What the hell was going on?

Lauren looked at the girl’s confused face and then let her gaze wander down her body. She had to admit she could see why Sam had fallen in lust with Lisa. She was remarkably good looking, a brunette with a small, pretty nose, full lips, and perfect white teeth. She had a youthful face and unusual grey eyes. Lauren didn’t like her eyes, though. They looked sly.

Lisa was dressed in a dark top with no bra, her nipples stiff and sticking out underneath the fabric. She also had on a skimpy black leather skirt – no more than a pelmet – and flat black pumps. She was quite petite and her hands, their nails covered in dark red polish, were small. They were positively dainty, Lauren thought. She used one of those tiny hands to fist Sam. So fucking what!

‘Where’s Sam?’ Lisa asked suspiciously.

Lauren gazed at her with a calmness she didn’t feel. Then her lips broke into a reassuring smile. ‘Don’t be concerned,’ she said. ‘Everything’s OK. Sam’s told me all about your affair with her and I don’t mind.’

Lisa’s mouth fell open. ‘You don’t?’

‘No, not at all,’ Lauren said, holding her with her blue eyes, her winning smile, her
smile. Her voice remained perfectly calm, belying the seething emotions she felt within. ‘I want you too,’ she added. ‘Sam and I both want you.’

Lauren watched the girl think, could see her breath quickening. ‘You do?’ Lisa asked.


‘Oh.’ She was lost for words.

‘Come into the bedroom,’ Lauren said. ‘Sam’s waiting there for you – for us. Follow me.’

Lisa gasped in surprise and ill-concealed erotic pleasure when she was confronted by the sight of Sam in the bedroom, wrists bound to the headboard, blindfolded and gagged. Her eyes gleamed and her breathing became short and shallow. Lauren could see her excitement, could tell she was really turned on. This was going to be
kind of sex.

‘Take off your clothes,’ Lauren said.

‘Sure,’ Lisa smirked. She tried to present a cool exterior as she undressed, like she did this sort of thing all the time, it was no big deal. But her eyes were even shinier now, her breathing even shallower, and her face had become heavily flushed. She looked good naked, Lauren thought. She was well shaped and had high, small breasts with nipples as hard as bullets. Her sex was shaven clean.

Lisa chewed at her lip and waited for Lauren to tell her what to do next. This was Lauren’s show, she’d clearly decided. And she was more than happy to be a part of it.

‘Time to play,’ Lauren said, gesturing to Lisa to come over to the bedside. ‘I want you to get onto your hands and knees on the bed and lick Sam out.’ Lisa obediently got onto all fours and brought her lips to Sam’s sex. She was soon sucking and licking her pussy voraciously, making her shiver and squirm in her bonds.

Lauren buckled on a strap-on dildo and doused it with lube as Lisa continued to move her tongue hungrily over the slippery lips of Sam’s sex, lapping at her, drinking from her. Lauren admired the way Lisa wiggled her backside in the air, admired the straining hollow of her hips, as she worked so energetically on Sam’s pussy with her mouth and tongue.

Lauren didn’t rush to start fucking Lisa but she didn’t waste any time either. She eased the strap-on dildo into Lisa’s tight, moist sex, causing her to issue a pussy-muffled groan of pleasure. Lauren started to slowly pump into her from behind. All the while Lisa continued to lick and lap at Sam, her face glistening with her juices.

Lauren carried on fucking Lisa with the strap-on, thrusting in and out in a slow, rhythmic motion, her hands on her quivering thighs as Lisa continued to lick inside Sam. Finally Sam groaned deeply beneath her gag and shuddered and shook to an almighty climax.

Lisa hadn’t climaxed, though, Lauren knew that. But then Lauren wasn’t finished either, not by a long chalk. She withdrew the strap-on from Lisa’s wet pussy and, pulling her head back by her hair roughly, began to push the dildo into the opening of her anus.

Lisa squealed. ‘You’re hurting me,’ she whimpered.

‘Good,’ Lauren replied as she pushed the dildo through her tight sphincter and entered her fully.

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