Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)
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Asia grabbed the handle, moved
it back and forth in a sawing motion. The beast tried to grab her but could not. She added a twisting motion, shredding anything in that area of its back and chest, not stopping until its’ arms fell limp to the side. Removing the sword she moved to the side and with two blows separated the head from the body.

took several deep breaths. Hawke grabbed the beast by its feet and dragged it away. At the moment she didn’t care where. Asia’s body throbbed to complete the mating. One moment her skin itched to be with Hawke, the next, tingled. Hot and then cold. The signals all pointed to one thing, they needed to complete what they had begun.

Now that the immediate danger passed,
her wolf pressed her to mate. She gazed in the direction he’d gone. They had a lot to discuss. His memories threaded with hers but didn’t overwhelm. A sense of rightness replaced her normal parasitic fear. The constant shame she carried for decades, disappeared like a fine mist in the morning sun. The weakness she feared never materialized, instead a sense of empowerment spread through her mind and body.

sensed his return, morphed into her familiar male persona and wondered at the bundle he held in his hand.

It’s their heads. Those three won’t rise again
.” He picked up the last one a few feet from her and extended his other hand to her.

Holding onto the sword,
she took his hand, and they returned to Chacal’s.

Chapter 23


In the distance Asia saw Chacal standing on the veranda watching
their approach. His billowing cream colored ruffled blouse and tight pants seemed out of place against the backdrop of the contemporary structure. She wondered what he thought of all of this. His property destroyed, home attacked, and he never said a word.

Chacal ever say anything to you?”


“No. That’s weird.”


“There’s been an attack,
his plane’s gone, those dead things are on his property… I thought he would talk, help….”

We have a place of refuge, food, water, a bed. That’s help. Everyone’s strengths are not on the battlefield.”

knew that but the man made her uncomfortable. “
Can’t put my finger on it but he creeps me out
.” She squeezed Hawke’s hand as they stepped beneath the portico. Chacal turned before they reached the porch are, she glanced at Hawke and they followed. Chacal led them down a different hall until eventually reaching the suite of rooms they had been using. Before Hawke could say thank you, the man turned and disappeared like a specter or something of that sort.

Once inside Hawke wrapped
his arms around her waist, lifted and spun Asia around chasing Chacal from her thoughts.

Mmmm, I want to see you,” he murmured as she clung to him.

Holding tight,
Asia morphed into her base form and slid down his chest. His fingertip outlined her nipple, causing the dark bud to tighten. He pulled the gray shirt from her body and stared.

“So beautiful,”
he whispered before bending to pay homage to each nipple. The press of lips on her skin ignited a simmering heat. Her legs trembled when his mouth closed around her nipple. Liquid fire, scorching in intensity, raced through her system, building her need to a fevered pitch.

she groaned holding onto his shoulders. “Stop teasing.” Her fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt, and pulled hard. The material ripped apart at the seams.

“Oh yeah,
you want this?” Hawke stepped back removing the material while holding her gaze.

vision narrowed onto his lips. At that moment nothing else mattered. Her skin itched from the heat. Like an addict she craved his particular touch, his smooth taste and his sexy scent. The howl from her wolf escaped through parted lips, surprising them both. She pulled off her boots and two quick moves.

eyes lit with an inner glow when she wore nothing but a come-get-it-smile.


pivoted and dove for the bed. Hawke caught her legs, widened them and pulled her toward him. Her wolf took exception at such an easy conquest and kicked him. She leapt over the side of the bed and peeked in his direction.

remained by the bed with arms across his chest, clearly unbothered by the kick to his chest. The longer Hawke stared at her, the harder her pussy throbbed with need. But her contrary wolf demanded he conquer first before getting the goods.

glanced toward the bedroom door, then back at him and scooted to the side. Before she could blink he’d leapt across the bed, pulled her in his arms and they rolled across the floor. Without thought, her beast took over and she pushed at him with both feet. Hawke moved at little but didn’t move enough for her to break free. Asia tried to grab his hands, to push him off. Nothing worked. He was just as fast, and stronger. If she could have broken free, she would have.

The certainty of that knowledge stopped
her wolf. Hawke proved worthy on every level. She couldn’t win against him in a fight. On a subconscious level she had realized that back in the lab when she called Jasmine to pull his wolf. He leaned forward, and she turned to the side, offering her neck. Hawke groaned, placed small kisses along her shoulder before his incisors scraped against her skin.

She sensed his question held a deeper meaning. Sharing bodies was one level, but mating required the joining of everything.


Hawke touched her chin and turned her face to meet his gaze.

I yield.” The words came from a place deep inside she hadn’t visited in decades. The place where hopes, dreams and to-do lists were hidden from those who would destroy every part of her. At that moment, she released them for the dark, remote corners of her mind. Freed them to enter the light of commitment she read in his eyes so they could take root in the fertile ground of their mating.

pulled her into his embrace, and opened his link and bit down on her neck. They joined on a different level than on the battlefield this time. Hawke brushed against her purple essence, wooing her to his deep red. Then the two, her essence and his, danced. So caught up on what happened on their spiritual plane, she hadn’t realized he’d entered her until her walls tightened around his cock in welcome. Arms loosely laced around his shoulders, Asia faced him on his lap, riding him like a seasoned cowgirl.

Pleasure arced up
her back as he lifted and slammed her back down on his steel rod. Their essence twisted and intertwined in harmony with their movements. Lightheaded she clamped her knees to his waist as he increased the speed. Colors exploded behind her eyelids robbing her of breath. The two links merged into one and then separated, this time both bore traces of the other color. The merged again and her world burst into a thousand pieces as she spiraled high and lingered while waves of orgasmic bliss rolled through and over her.

couldn’t see until Hawke appeared and wrapped his arms around her tight. They remained suspended in their links, absorbing each other’s energies. Nothing in life prepared Asia for this moment. Her thinking realigned. Her vision sharpened. Her hearing clarified.

The slow ticks caught
her attention, and she followed the trail of the sound to the chip embedded in Hawke’s brain. Asia tried to pull out the device and couldn’t. “
Stop ticking
.” The sound stopped. Surprised and pleased, she told Hawke what happened.

Tell the thing to shut down permanently, see if that works

ounded like a good idea. Asia instructed the chip to stop working permanently. “
Since it stopped ticking I can’t be sure about the permanent part.
” Now that they were linked, the chip carried a foul odor, or her dislike of all things Liege conjured a scent. Either way, the damn thing had to go. “
Can I tell it to dislodge and flush out through regular channels? Would that be safe for you?”

I don’t know. Go ahead and try, if anything goes wrong, you’re here

Asia ha
d forgotten he held her on a spiritual plane and sexually they were still connected. Humbled and emboldened by his confidence, she spoke to the chip. “
Dislodge and pass through as waste, leave no traces or damage.”
She waited and nothing happened.

Everything okay?”

repeated what she said, and he tightened his hold. “
You are wonderful. I’m doubly blessed by the Goddess with a beautiful and smart mate.”



.” But thoughts of past transgressions, mistakes, and shortcomings flew fast and furious across her consciousness. Embarrassed, she tried to break free of their embrace. Hawke would not release her.

Instead his
memories brushed against her, slow at first, as if testing the waters. Asia saw the blood on his hands, not from war, but as a vessel for the Liege. Surgery after surgery, scalpel in hand Hawke sliced, implemented, and ran tests on innocents. Year after year, atrocity after atrocity he butchered his people at the bequest of others. The sheer weight of his shame eclipsed hers and she wondered how anyone could survive the heaviness of such a load.

After everything I’ve done… all the blood I spilled, bad choices I made… the Goddess gave me a gift… you. There must be something worth saving, redeemable, since you’re my mate.”
Hawke’s voice cracked as his wolf turned from her. Asia’s wolf trotted after him and rubbed against his side, and licked his muzzle. She understood. In light of what he dealt with, her challenges were insignificant, at least in his mind.

Few people could
know or understand what you went through. The feeling of being a puppet and manipulated and used. Seems we’re both worth saving because the Goddess gave me you
.” Asia placed a kiss on his chin.

But unlike you, I was a coward. After a while my wolf hid like a pup sucking on his mum’s tits. I should’ve fought harder against them, done more to help the others –”

And you would have died.
” Her voice rising to gain his attention, and derail him from this train of thought. “
They would have killed you,”
she said, her tone full of conviction   remembering how Lord Boris broke a younger Hawke.

he met her gaze. “
You sound sure of that. Why

closed their link and rested her head against his shoulder. The solid beat of his heart offered comfort. She listened for the chip. “The chip’s quiet. I’ll check tomorrow to see if it moved.”

stroked her head twice and cupped her cheek with her palm. “Why are you so sure the Liege would’ve killed me? You shut down our link so I can’t see. What do you know?”

I saw what happened when you were younger. The things Lord Boris and a few others did to break you. Your wolf held out a long time and didn’t stop until they replaced the metal in your arms and then later your legs. I guess the computer chip was installed around that time?”

“No. The chip came first. But after the surgeries were successful, the computer controlled the metal bone structure.
You’re right, that’s when my wolf stopped fighting.” Hawke stared at her. “What else did you see?”

Asia frowned. “
You can’t access your memories?”

Not yet. They’re blocked and I can’t push through. Why? Can you see yours?”

A kernel of hopeful excitement rose in
her belly. “No. Mine are blocked or missing or fake because the Liege tampered with my mind and gave me different identities through the years. That’s why I tried to rescue Gunnolf; he knew things about my past.”

Gunnolf? You knew Gunnolf? How?” Hawke leaned back against the bed holding Asia in position.

you I guess. It used to hurt when I tried to look inside my memories. Now, I get nothing. I finished a job and was on my way home when Gunnolf spoke to me.” She told him about the conversation and her later adventure.

“Gunnolf used to be around;
I think any way, in the beginning. It is possible I killed him, but I’m not sure.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “I’ll search and share your memories if you want.”

Asia swallowed hard glad
they had worked around to this point. “I’d like that.”

A loud pinging noise shot through the room. Hawke’s arm tightened around
her. Neither moved. The sound came again, this time with a voice.

I need you and Hawke out here. We have a lot to do with a short window.”

“Who is that?”

“Angus. La Patron’s litter mate. Jasmine, my Mistress and mate to La Patron told me he was on his way but I forgot with everything going on.”

nodded, lifted her from his hardness, causing them both to groan at the separation. “Both of us need to shower and get dressed.”

Feet now flat on the floor, the
vee of her thighs were mouth level for him and he kissed her mound. The warmth of his tongue slid between her wet lips and brushed against her clit reigniting her flame.

The sound reverberated in the room again and then Angus spoke. “
You’ve got ten minutes, Asia.”

moved forward and widened her stance. His tongue and fingers moved in and out, pushing her closer and closer to her release. Hawke’s teeth grazed her clit and then he sucked hard. She bucked forward, arched her back and exploded against his mouth. Her body shuddered and her legs buckled. Holding onto her hips and thighs, he held her in place.

I love how you respond to me,” he said in a low growl.

she nodded and stepped back so he could stand. He took her hand and led her to the shower. Small tremors continued to race through her while using the cloth, cleaned her from top to bottom. Asia took the cloth from him and traveled the breadth and width of his body, discovering what made him gasp, or laugh or moan. By the time they stepped out the shower and dressed, forty minutes passed. Perhaps the mating bond obscured time, and made everything else unimportant, she didn’t know. But they hadn’t rushed, and even as Hawke entered her again in the shower, she didn’t want to stop feeding the hunger for him. Hand in hand, they left their room wearing goofy smiles, definite byproducts for the newly mated.

BOOK: Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)
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