Szereto, Mellanie - Two from the Triangle [Bewitching Desires 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (15 page)

BOOK: Szereto, Mellanie - Two from the Triangle [Bewitching Desires 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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His anger ebbing, Owen leaned over to press his lips to her forehead. “We’ll fix this together. You found us, and I’ll be damned if I’m letting you go.”

* * * *

A horde of dragonflies zipped around Heléna’s stomach as she descended the staircase to the foyer between Heath and Owen. Today’s journey down the steps would change her life more profoundly than the trip to the Macska mansion library three days ago.

Her sisters had escorted her along the hall to the gathering of the witches, with them inviting her into their welcoming arms before she even related why she’d asked to meet them. Their request that she perform a simple incantation hadn’t surprised her. The effortless execution of an
ad motus
incantation had, though. What had seemed impossible for weeks had suddenly become second nature again. Her powers had been restored. Had the transfer of Great Grandmother’s power from the spell caused the change? A final gift from the matriarch?

Standing up in front of her entire family to join with her pilots was much more nerve-wracking than taking the vow of the coven. A single touch from her sister Lujza would allow the joining or end the greatest joy in her life. Confirmation of conception was the only obstacle standing in the way of tying herself to her mates.

Heléna guided her lovers to the main parlor, the site of many a ceremony when the weather chased them inside. Dozens of warm smiles greeted her as she stepped through the open doorway.

Great Aunt Szabina extended her arms toward Heléna, Owen, and Heath. “Come, come. We are anxious for the seventh joining in this cycle to occur. It is cause for much celebration.”

Stopping before the new matriarch, Heléna mustered her courage. She had to get one very important detail taken care of first. “Matriarch, may I speak to my sister for a moment?”

“Of course, daughter. Rebeka, will you please—”

“Not Rebeka.” Heléna tensed as she realized she’d interrupted her most-respected elder. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean to be rude.”

Instead of a grim line of censure, Szabina’s mouth twitched as if she held in an amused grin. “You seek advice from Lujza?”

A chorus of whispers spread through the room, the family apparently finding a request for counsel from the most outspoken, sarcastic witch of their clan ridiculous.

Lujza growled and rolled her eyes as she stepped forward. “What makes everybody think I can’t give my baby sister good, proper guidance? Keep the reins tight and remind them often who’s boss, Heléna.”

Male laughter echoed off the walls. Her mates clearly didn’t believe in that plan.

Heléna pulled her sister aside for privacy, standing on tiptoe to whisper in her ear. “Tell me. I need to know before we begin the joining ceremony and I find out...” The sentence was impossible to finish. “Am I?”

“That’s all?” Fisting her hands on her hips, Lujza looked down at Heléna with raised eyebrows and a smirk. “I could’ve told days ago if I’d known you weren’t sure. You were already pregnant when you took the oath of the coven on Tuesday.”

“I was?” Heléna reached for her sister’s arm to steady herself. Relief stole control of her muscles. She’d truly found her life-mates.

“Well, yeah. Worst case of the heebie-jeebies I’ve ever had.”

Szabina cleared her throat. “I believe we are ready to continue now.”

Heat crept up Heléna’s neck at the realization everyone had probably heard the entire conversation. “Yes, Aunt Szabina.”

A pair of grins met her when she turned toward Heath and Owen. If she’d had any doubts about their willingness to become parents so quickly, they vanished in that instant. Each of her men slid their fingers through hers and gently squeezed when she once again stood between them.

The matriarch unrolled a piece of paper. “My family, today we will witness the joining of another of our sisters. Before she and her true mates speak the vows, I will share a parting message left with me by our beloved mother, Romána.”

Heléna blinked back stinging tears at the mention of Great Grandmother. The wise leader of the Macskas had spoken the truth about Owen and Heath, somehow seeing what the future held in store—not only for herself, but for all of them.

Uncurling the paper, Szabina read. “‘Loved ones, as you gather for the joining of Heléna and the men who are to become her life-mates, remember that I am with you in spirit. Let not my physical absence dampen the joy of this new beginning. Our greatest enemy has been destroyed, and the Macska witches will have the benefit of peace and harmony with our allies from the Order of the Elements. Sweet Heléna, I wish eternal blessings for you, Heath, and Owen. The Goddess and the Fates have chosen well for you. Love each other and be happy, children.’”

She released the lower edge, and the paper rolled back into a scroll. Slipping the message in her skirt pocket, she smiled. “I add my own blessings to those our mother wished for you before her destined end. Heath Ulrich, do you willingly offer your love and your life to Heléna and your loyalty to the Macska clan?”

Lifting his hand to stroke Heléna’s hair, he met her gaze. His gray eyes brightened, and utter contentment washed over her. “I do.”

“And, Owen Vance, do you promise your heart and life to your mate, protecting the secrets of her family?”

Owen’s face lit up as he placed his free hand over Heléna’s flat belly, making her pulse skip a beat. “I do.”

Without waiting for the new matriarch’s prompting, Heléna recited the vow she’d written months ago in anticipation of this day. The simple memorized line now had the names of her true mates. “I will love and cherish Heath and Owen with all my heart and soul until the day I die, sharing my life and all that I have, and protecting them from harm.”

A single nod told of Szabina’s approval. She leaned in to kiss each of them on the cheek. “Long life and happiness to you, children.”

At the proclamation, the family gathered around them to offer blessings and congratulations until a sudden hush fell on the crowd. A ripple of serenity brought elation to Heléna’s body and mind. The others had unmistakably felt it too—Romána’s presence among them.

Peace to you, Great Grandmother.

* * * *

Stealing away from the open doorway of the Macska parlor, Patience Wyndham shifted into her ethereal form and returned to her lair with a single thought. As she settled into the wooden chair in front of the vanity dresser, she shifted again—this time into the corporeal being she’d once been. Picking up the brush, she ran the bristles through her waist-length black mane. Traveling through time and space always made a mess of her hair.

One down, one to go. And I didn’t have to lift a finger.

Now to set her next plan in motion.





When her fingers aren’t attached to her keyboard, Mellanie Szereto enjoys hiking, Pilates, cooking, gardening, and researching for her stories. Many times, the research partners with her other hobbies, taking her from the Hocking Hills region in Ohio to the Colorado Rockies and the Adirondacks of New York. Sometimes, the trip is no farther than her garden for ingredients and her kitchen to test recipes for her latest steamy tale. Mellanie makes her home in rural Indiana with her husband of twenty-five years and their two children, one dog, and two cats. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Indiana Romance Writers of America, and Hearts Through History Romance Writers.

Also by Mellanie Szereto

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 1
: Two if by Sea

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 2:
Two Knights of Passion

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 3:
Two Fated for One

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 4:
Two Pirates to Treasure

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 5:
Two Times the Trouble

Ménage Amour: Bewitching Desires 6:
Two Roped and Ready

For all other titles, please visit

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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