Take Me On (23 page)

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Authors: Katie McGarry

BOOK: Take Me On
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Nothing is ever easy. My relationship with Kaden and Jax is as messed up as ever, Matt wants me back, my father wouldn’t even talk to me last night after the fight with my uncle, West Young told me he loved me and I told him I needed time.

There’s a darkness inside me, this shadow that keeps me from delving into my emotions too deeply and saying it back. The last boy I loved hurt me and I’m, once again, dating a fighter.

As I walk into the gym, the uneasiness spreads. Actually, it battles against the overwhelming sense of home. When I’m here, when I’m training, it’s the only time the darkness fades away. I pause outside the locker room and watch as Kaden and Jax spar in the ring.

I try to deny it, but West also drains the darkness from my soul. I don’t want to love him, but I do. Something within me is broken; a contagion that obliterates my relationships. Like with Kaden, Jax and my father. If I continue this with West, will I also destroy him?

“You’re late!” Jax dips between the ropes and yanks off his headgear as he trots over to me. “I came early hoping we’d talk.”

I stayed locked in the attic last night and arrived late hoping we wouldn’t. “Had stuff.”

“Yeah.” He scratches the back of his head. “I didn’t call you a slut again. I was talking about what happened last year and Dad heard.”

Whatever. I roll my eyes and Jax plants a hand on my arm. “Come on, Hays—give me this. I don’t apologize to just anyone.”

And I’d really prefer the avoidance route. “I’m late and need to change.”

Jax tilts his head and sort of grins. “Are you gonna make me do this?”

“I’m not making you do anything.”

I attempt to step past him and Jax falls to his knees. He stretches out his arms to create his massive wingspan. The pounding on the bags stop and guys yell and taunt Jax from around the gym. My eyes widen. He’s humiliating himself for me.

“Hear me out,” he says. “Otherwise, I’ll be following you around like this for the rest of the day.”

A few guys slip out of the locker room and I slide to the side to let them pass and motion with my chin for Jax to join me. He stands and the gym returns to routine.

“Of all the stories you could share with your dad, why share that?” I whisper.

His eyes narrow at the mention of his father. “I wasn’t sharing with him. I was outside, talking to Kaden, and I didn’t know he was around to hear.”

“You regularly bring up I’m a slut?”

“You’re not a slut. Look, you’re dating West and it’s bringing back bad memories. Kaden and I were talking because we’re both worried. You blocked us out when you dated Matt and you’re blocking us out again. Matt hurt you, Hays, and we don’t want to see you hurt again.”

I search his eyes, wishing I could ask what he knows. “Matt didn’t hurt me.”

“Every time you walk into this gym you go ghost white. That never happened before Matt. I don’t know what he did to you, but he did something. He killed a part of who you were and Kaden and I will be damned if West finishes you off.”

“West isn’t Matt.” He’s not. A shimmer of panic weaves through me. What if I’m making the same mistake twice?

The metal cage vibrates when Kaden beats his hand against it. “Let’s go, Jax.”

Jax shoves his headgear back on. “Just saying that history seems to be repeating itself. Think about it.”

Just crap.

The door to my grandfather’s office opens and out steps my father. Pure, utter joy skips into my bloodstream and my face aches with the smile. My dad came. This means he’s back and he’ll be okay and he’ll sleep again and he’ll smile again and he’ll be my dad. I don’t care about the job. I don’t care about the money. I care about my dad.

Dad gestures for me to join him and I’m hesitant as I head over. Any time with my father is like Christmas morning, but a vibration of nerves strings me out like a drug.

John offers a halfhearted smile and any type of smile from him scares the pee out of me. “Shut the door behind you.”

I do and sink into the chair across from John. Dad leans against the filing cabinet and stares at a large envelope on John’s desk. John picks it up, opens his mouth to say something, then shuts it while handing the envelope to me.

Nausea kicks in as I think of the million horrible things it could be, but none of them make sense until I see the return address: the University of Kentucky.

My hands shake and I inhale deeply. Large envelope. I got in. I was accepted.

“Congratulations.” There’s a heaviness in my Dad’s voice that catches my attention. The smile I hadn’t even known formed on my face fades.

“I picked up the mail today,” he continues. “I hope you don’t mind, I already opened it.”

I flip it over and slide my hand along the already unsealed flap. Mind? Yeah, I do, but I could never say anything to upset my father, so instead I empty out the contents.

While my father and John scrutinize my every movement, I scan through the mountains of papers and brochures, finding everything but one crucial item. “The financial aid?”

John fingers a paper on his desk. “Some grants, a small student loan, work-study, but no scholarship. I’m sorry.”

My ACT scores weren’t high enough. I suck at tests but rock it out in class. While my brain knew this would be the outcome, my heart didn’t. I nod and bite the inside of my mouth.

“I was accepted.” I try to lift my lips, but they tremble. Dammit, this should be a good moment.

“Haley,” starts John. “Your dad and I talked and I’m going to try to take out a loan—”

“You can’t,” I cut in. “You put everything into this gym and the heater just died.”

I’m not stupid. John doesn’t live in a camper because he thinks it’s cool. He, like everyone else, has made hard decisions to stay afloat. There’s no way he can handle more bills.

“It’s the only option,” says my dad.

“I’ll work two jobs or I’ll go to community college.” Though that also costs money I don’t possess. “I’ll find a way to save money, work for a year—”

“No!” Dad bangs his hand against the cabinet and I jump. My father has never been one to lose his patience, to lose his calm. “Not acceptable. You’ll take what we give you.”

“Dad—” I argue.

“I said no!” he shouts, then tears out of the office. The blinds on the window of the door sway when the door slams shut.

I look at John and my mouth grows slack. “What did I do?”

“It’s a hard position for a man to be in when he can’t care for his family, especially his daughter.”

“I don’t want him to worry about me. I can figure this out on my own.”

“That’s just it. He wants to provide for you and he sees how hard you’re working to take care of him.” He pauses. “He told me what happened last night. Your boyfriend almost cost you the roof over your head.”

I wilt and wish the earth would engulf me. “I know and I tried to apologize to Dad.”

“There it is. Right there. You shouldn’t be apologizing to him. It’s killing him. You’re his daughter. He’s your father. The roles at this point shouldn’t be reversed.”

“I promised to make it work with my uncle and I failed. This is my fault.”

“Your fault? Did you cost him the job? Did you force Maggie to get sick? Did you create the recession that caused half of those fighters out there to not be able to pay gym fees? There is no fault. There’s how life works. Your father’s having a hard time accepting the hand he’s been given. And you’ve chosen to roll over and play dead. I’m not sure which one of you is worse.”

We’re silent and the packet becomes a pregnant elephant on my lap. “I lost his meds.”

“That was a battle. Not the war. You used to have better perspective.”

For months I worried about being accepted into college and now I wish I would have never received the acceptance. I toss the paperwork to the floor. “How do I help him?”

“This is something he has to work out. In the meantime, you keep going forward.”

Forward. But I want to go back...back home, back when Dad had a job, back when there was hope. “I’m worried about him.”

John’s silent for a few seconds. “I am, too. I’m worried about all of you, your mom included. It’s a heavy burden on me that I can’t provide a proper home for

“Mom’s aunt Vi contacted her again. She wants us to move to California to live with her,” I say this to gauge his reaction. My great-aunt Vi is his sister-in-law, my grandmother’s sister. She and John hated each other, but she loved her sister and my mother.

“Your mom told me.” He glances away. “I told her she should consider it.”

“Mom wants to wait until Kaden and I graduate.” If I don’t win a scholarship by then, I could be moving with them. “Maybe Dad will do better in California.”

The grim set of his lips creates a crawling sensation along my skin. “What?”

“Your father’s in a bad place. He used to be a fighter, but I’m not sure he has fight left in him anymore.”

“He’s a fighter.” Even the best fighters have a rough time running uphill with weights on their backs. I just have to take a couple of those weights off. The first place to start is to win that scholarship. “I’ll spar. Today. Tomorrow. Whenever. In exchange, I need a letter from you for a scholarship and I also need you to train West.”

“I’ll train West if you agree to fight for me. Not spar.”

I can’t fight. “Then I’ll spar if you give me the letter and Jax and Kaden. Tell them they have to help me with West.”

John cracks a rare real grin. “Now we’re talking.”


On the floor, I tighten the screw, then test the half door attached to the wall that, in theory, keeps people from behind the bar. Last night, somebody tore it off the hinges during a fight. Today: good as new. Satisfied, I sit back and observe the few people milling about. The same thought circles my mind: Is one of these guys my mom’s brother?

It’s Saturday and for the millionth time, I wish Haley had a cell. This whole only talking to her when I see her is too old-school for me. Last night I asked her if we were still a couple and she asked for time. Waiting until Monday at school to discover the answer is driving me insane.

“It’s killing you, isn’t it?” Abby plops onto a stool and I stand. How the hell does she know about me and Haley? She swivels to survey the tables. “Wondering which one it is.”

Ah, the brother. “Is he here?”

She pops peanuts into her mouth. “Nope.”

“Would you tell me if he was?”


I lean my back against the bar and rest my elbows on it. “You could be lying to me about my mom coming here to meet her brother.”

“I could. But I’m not.” She glances around. “Where’s Denny?”

Abby’s completely deadpan. There are two sides to the chick: full of shit and lethal. Either way, she’s hard-core. “He’s in the back with a delivery truck.”

“Did he leave me food?”

I reach behind the bar and hand her a foam container. Her eyes light up. “Spaghetti!” Abby twirls the noodles onto a plastic fork, then motions toward the swinging door. “You actually are handy. Impressive.”

I push the door again, awed by the sense of pride. “My dad will be disappointed I didn’t fuck something up.”

She humph-chuckles at my statement. “Your father is rather bitchy. By the way, Rachel might come home soon.”

Abby gains my full attention and my hands sweat. I want Rachel home. She needs to be home, but... “Her legs?”

“She’ll move around again, but with or without assistance, they don’t know.”

I rub at the muscles of my neck, somewhat relieved, somewhat devastated. Rachel should be maneuvering around the hood of her car, not constrained. When she’s home I’ll have no choice but to face her and I’ve got to find a way to make this up to her.

I watch as a new guy walks in. He has blond hair, like my mom. Blue eyes, too, but he’s rough as hell. “That one?” I ask.

“Not telling,” she mumbles through the food in her mouth.

“You didn’t even look.”

“Because I wouldn’t even answer.” She drops her voice to try to mimic me.

“Why would Mom lie? She told us she was an only child and that her parents died.”

“You can’t get it out of your mind, can you?”

I shake my head.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know more. It’s the stuff of nightmares. It even gives me cold chills if I think about it at three a.m.”

A sickening darkness curls in my gut. “It’s my mom, Abby.”

“And if she wanted you to know, she would have dropped the bomb during one of your swanky dinners.” Abby tears off a piece of a roll and shoves it in her mouth. Is Rachel aware how often Abby goes without food?

“Don’t do it,” she says to the noodles. “You’re in my world because Rachel loves you and I love her. Just ’cause Daddy took you back, it doesn’t give you the right.”

“The right to what?”

She peeks at me from the corner of her eye. “Feel sorry for me.”

The guilt that I pitied her slices through me. “Then I’ll go back to hating you.”

“Good. Did you do it?” she asks. “Did you give Matt what he wanted?”

“Is it a medical condition that causes you to talk in riddles?”

Abby actually smiles. “Fine. Matt wants the fight next month to be between you and him, not you and Conner, but he doesn’t want to be the one to cause it because he’s trying to stay on Haley’s good side.”

“You’re making shit up now.” Because there is no way she can know all this.

“I have super hearing.” She pokes me in the head with one finger. “I even have the ability to hear your thoughts. You’re thinking about Haley and sex.”

I wasn’t, but now I am. Jesus, Haley can kiss and her skin is so damn smooth... I sigh. And Haley may no longer be mine. “You’re full of shit.”

“Maybe, but I do sleep with one of the guys from Black Fire and he’s a talker.”

Damn. That was blunt. “Then aren’t you betraying your guy by spilling to me?”

She snorts. “I said I sleep with him, not married to him. What I do for a living—it’s better to be a free agent. If he wants to get all sentimental afterwards and talk, that’s his problem.”

I assess Abby. “You don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of you.”

“Nope.” She sucks up a noodle and it smacks her on the lips. “I take that back. I care what Rachel thinks. She’s the only person besides Isaiah to ever like

The way she emphasizes the
causes me to look beyond the dark hair, hoodie and lethal. “You’re doing it again,” she says.

I hold up my hands. “I’m back on the page—you’re a heartless bitch.”

“That’s better. Here’s the info dump. Matt wants to fight you because he hates you. He figures if he can kick your ass, Haley will dump you because you’re weak or you’ll bail on her because you’ll hate that she thinks you’re weak.”

A slurp of spaghetti. “But he wants you to provoke him into taking the fight, so Haley will be all like, ‘No, West, no! Stop being mean to Matt. He’s harmless in that psychopath way.’ If he provokes you, then he’s the mean guy and he’s campaigning as Mr. Nice Guy. Fallen for it?”

“No.” But my intestines twist at how close I was to taking a swing at Matt. I hate being played. “So what if Matt and I go at it instead of me and Conner? I’d rather go against that bastard.”

“Good, because you probably will. I’m ready for the spoiler— If it does come down to you and Matt in the cage, if he hands your ass to you, will Matt be right? Can you stand to look the girl you care for in the eye knowing that in public her ex proved he’s stronger than you?”

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