Take One

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

BOOK: Take One
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Karen’s book
Oceans Apart
changed my life. She has an amazing gift of bringing a reader into her stories. I can only pray she never stops writing.

Susan L.

Everyone should have the opportunity to read or listen to a book by Karen Kingsbury. It should be in the
Bill of Rights

Rachel S.

I want to thank Karen Kingsbury for what she is doing with the power of her storytelling—touching hearts like mine and letting
God use her to change the world for Him.

Brittney N.

Karen Kingsbury’s books are filled with the unshakable, remarkable, miraculous fact that God’s grace is greater than our suffering.
There are no words for Ms. Kingsbury’s writing.

Wendie K.

Because I loaned these books to my mother, she BECAME a Christian! Thank you for a richer life here and in heaven!

Jennifer E.

When I read my first Karen Kingsbury book, I couldn’t stop.… I read thirteen more in one summer!

Jamie B.

I have never read anything so uplifting and entertaining. I’m shocked as I read each new release because it’s always better
than the last one.

Bonnie S.

I am unable to put your books down, and I plan to read many more of them. What a wonderful spiritual message I find in each

Rhonda T.

I love the way Karen Kingsbury writes, and the topics she chooses to write about! Thank you so much for sharing your talent
with us, your readers!

Barbara S.

My husband is equally hooked on your books. It is a family affair for us now! Can’t wait for the next one.


I can’t even begin to tell you what your books mean to me.… Thank you for your wonderful books and the way they touch my life
again and again.

Martje L.

Every time our school buys your next new book, everybody goes crazy trying to read it first!


Recently I made an effort to find GOOD Christian writers, and I’ve hit the jackpot with Karen Kingsbury!


When Karen Kingsbury calls her books “Life-Changing Fiction,” she’s merely telling the unvarnished truth. I’m still sorting
through the changes in my life that have come from reading just a few of her books!

Robert M.

I must admit that I wish I was a much slower reader … or you were a much faster writer. Either way, I can’t seem to get enough
of Karen Kingsbury’s books!

Jillian B.

I was offered $50 one time in the airport for the fourth book in the Redemption Series. The lady’s husband just couldn’t understand
why I wasn’t interested in selling it. Through sharing Karen’s books with my friends, many have decided that contemporary
Christian fiction is the next best thing to the Bible. Thank you so much, Karen. It is truly a God-thing that you write the
way you do.

Sue Ellen H.

Karen Kingsbury’s books have made me see things in ways that I had never thought about before. I have to force myself to put
them down and come up for air!

Tabitha H.

Take One


Copyright © 2009 by Karen Kingsbury

This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.


This title is also available in a Zondervan audio edition.


Requests for information should be addressed to:

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

ISBN-13: 978-0-310-29053-7

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kingsbury, Karen.

Take one / Karen Kingsbury.

p. cm.—(Above the line series ; bk. 1)

ISBN 978-0-310-26616-7 (softcover)

1. Motion picture producers and directors—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3561.I4873T36 2009



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Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado
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Interior design by Michelle Espinoza

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To Donald, my Prince Charming …

How I rejoice to see you coaching again, sharing your gift of teaching and your uncanny basketball ability with another generation
of kids—and best yet, now our boys are part of the mix. Isn’t this what we always dreamed of? I love sitting back this time
and letting you and God figure it out. I’ll always be here—cheering for you and the team from the bleachers. But God’s taught
me a thing or two about being a coach’s wife. He’s so good that way. It’s fitting that you would find varsity coaching again
now—after twenty years of marriage. Hard to believe that as you read this, our twentieth anniversary has come and gone. I
look at you and I still see the blond, blue-eyed guy who would ride his bike to my house and read the Bible with me before
a movie date. You stuck with me back then and you stand by me now—when I need you more than ever. I love you, my husband,
my best friend, my Prince Charming. Stay with me, by my side, and let’s watch our children take wing, savoring every memory
and each day gone by. Always and always … The ride is breathtakingly beautiful, my love. I pray it lasts far into our twilight
years. Until then, I’ll enjoy not always knowing where I end and you begin. I love you always and forever.

To Kelsey, my precious daughter …

You are nineteen now, a young woman, and my heart soars with joy when I see all that you are, all you’ve become. This year
is a precious one for us because you’re still home, attending junior college and spending nearly every day in the dance studio.
When you’re not dancing, you’re helping out with the business and ministry of Life-Changing Fiction™—so we have many precious
hours together. I know this time is short and won’t last, but I’m enjoying it so much—you, no longer the high school girl,
a young woman and in every way my daughter, my friend. That part will always stay, but you, my sweet girl, will go where your
dreams lead, soaring through the future doors God opens. Honey, you grow more beautiful—inside and out—every day. And always
I treasure the way you talk to me, telling me your hopes and dreams and everything in between. I can almost sense the plans
God has for you, the very good plans. I pray you keep holding on to His hand as He walks you toward them. I love you, sweetheart.

To Tyler, my lasting song …

I can hardly wait to see what this school year brings you, my precious son. Last year you were one of Joseph’s brothers, and
you were Troy Bolton, and Captain Hook—becoming a stronger singer and stage actor with every role. This year you’ll be at
a new high school, where I believe God will continue to shape you as the leader He wants you to be. Your straight A’s last
year were a sign of things to come, and I couldn’t be prouder, Ty. I know it was hard watching Kelsey graduate, knowing that
your time with your best friend is running short. But you’ll be fine, and no matter where God leads you in the future, the
deep and lasting relationships you’ve begun here in your childhood will remain. Thank you for the hours of music and song.
As you finish up your sophomore year, I am mindful that the time is rushing past, and I make a point to stop and listen a
little longer when I hear you singing. I’m proud of you, Ty, of the young man you’ve become. I’m proud of your talent and
your compassion for people and your place in our family. However your dreams unfold, I’ll be in the front row to watch them
happen. Hold on to Jesus, Ty. I love you.

To Sean, my happy sunshine …

What a thrill it was watching you play tackle football for the first time this past school year. No question you were the
fastest receiver on the field, always open and ready for a touchdown catch. Your papa would’ve loved watching you and Josh
play under the lights, but I still believe he has a window, that somewhere in heaven he has a great seat with a perfect view.
New things are just around the corner for you, Sean. I can hardly believe you are starting high school in the fall, taking
on a host of new adventures in the process. Always remember who you are and whose you are as you venture into that next step.
One of the things I love most about you, Sean, is your beautiful smile and the way your eyes light up when we’re together
as a family. Keep that always. You are a bright sunbeam, bringing warmth to everyone around you.

One thing that will stand out about this past year is your crazy ping-pong skills. I absolutely love playing against you,
Sean. You’re quick as lightning and it makes me a better player. Of course … I never really thought I’d be hoping for a win
against my little boy. But then, you’re not all that little anymore. I’m proud of you, Sean. I love you more than you know.
I pray God will use your positive spirit to always make a difference in the lives around you. You’re a precious gift, Son.
Keep smiling and keep seeking God’s best for your life.

To Josh, my tenderhearted perfectionist …

The weeks of this past school year have flown by, and you have grown right along with them, my precious son. So many memories
will remind me of your eighth grade year, but some will always stand out. The week, for instance, when you scored five touchdowns
in your team’s city championship—three rushing, two on interception returns. Then that same week you turned around and scored
a total of eight goals in two intense soccer games against the top teams in our state. Amazing. No wonder I’m always seeking
to make our devotions about staying humble!

Seriously, sweetheart, God has given you tremendous talent in sports. I have no doubt that someday we will see your name in
headlines and that—if God allows it—you’ll make it to the pros. You’re that good, and everyone around you says so. Now flash-back
to that single moment in a broken-down Haitian orphan-age. There I was meeting Sean and EJ for the first time when you walked
up, reached up with your small fingers and brushed back my bangs, and said, “Hi, Mommy. I love you.” It might’ve taken six
months, but I knew as you said those words that you belonged with us. The picture becomes clearer all the time. Keep being
a leader on the field and off. One day people will say, “Hmmm. Karen Kingsbury? Isn’t she Josh’s mom?” I can’t wait for the
day. You have an unlimited future ahead of you, Josh, and I’ll forever be cheering on the sidelines. Keep God first in your
life. I love you always.

To EJ, my chosen one …

Here you are in the last few months of seventh grade, and I can barely recognize the student athlete you’ve become. Those
two years of homeschooling with Dad continue to reap a harvest a hundred times bigger than what was sown, and we couldn’t
be prouder of you. But even beyond your grades, we are blessed to have you in our family for so many reasons. You are wonderful
with our pets—always the first to feed them and pet them and look out for them—and you are a willing worker when it comes
to chores.

Besides all that, you make us laugh—oftentimes right out loud. I’ve always believed that getting through life’s little difficulties
and challenges requires a lot of laughter—and I thank you for bringing that to our home. You’re a wonderful boy, Son, a child
with such potential. Clearly, that’s what you displayed the other day when you came out of nowhere in your soccer qualifiers
and scored three goals. I’m amazed because you’re so talented in so many ways, but all of them pale in comparison to your
desire to truly live for the Lord. I’m so excited about the future, EJ, because God has great plans for you, and we want to
be the first to congratulate you as you work to discover those. Thanks for your giving heart, EJ. I love you so.

To Austin, my miracle boy …

Here it is, baseball season again, and once more I smile when I see you up to bat. You take your sports so seriously, but
even more than that, you take your role as our son seriously. The other day we were driving somewhere and you said that your
friend Karter made an observation. “Austin,” he said, “I think you’re going to grow up to be just exactly like your dad.”
You shared that story proudly and beamed at us from the backseat. And up in the front seat, your dad had tears in his eyes.

Yes, Austin, you are growing up to be like your daddy. There could be no greater compliment, because your dad is the most
amazing man. The bittersweet of knowing that every morning you stand a little taller is juxtaposed with the joy of knowing
that Karter is right. You’re a little more like your dad every day. I love your tender heart, Austin, the times late at night
when you come to me, tears in your eyes, and tell me you’re missing Papa. The other kids miss him too, but I don’t hear it
from them as often as I hear it from you. Papa’s still cheering for you, Son. As you soar toward your teenage years please
don’t forget that or him. You’re my youngest, my last, Austin. I’m holding on to every moment, for sure. Thanks for giving
me so many wonderful reasons to treasure today. I thank God for you, for the miracle of your life. I love you, Austin.

And to God Almighty, the Author of Life, who has—for now—blessed me with these.

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