Take (Temptation Series) (39 page)

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She was stunning, draped in a bright-red dress that plunged low at the neckline and then fell away to her knees. With the slight baby bump, she was radiant.

“Hello,” she beamed, and as Tate smiled at her, she opened her arms and embraced him in a warm hug.


“I thought you might like to see a friendly face. I remember my first function with Cole down at the Shedd Aquarium, and it was—”

“Intimidating?” Tate suggested.

. And overwhelming,” she sighed and stepped back. “I spent the whole night talking to a complete stranger. Well, not the whole night.”

The grin that came across Rachel’s face was deviant, and it almost reminded him of the way Logan looked when he was thinking of something particularly…sinful.

“Lovely lady though,” she finally finished.

Tate winked down at her and nodded. “I’m sure.”

“You look hot by the way. Seriously…smokin’ hot. I think I’m probably the luckiest female on the planet tonight. I’ve got Cole, and I saw Logan walk in with you. Don’t tell him this, but I’ve never seen him look more handsome
than he does tonight, and then you? Yep,” she said, popping the ‘p’ and making Tate laugh. “Pretty sure everyone in here is gonna think I’m one lucky lady.”

“Well, we’re all
lucky to be seen with such a beautiful woman as yourself.”

Rachel practically glowed as she giggled. “
, flattery. It will get you everywhere.”

“Yeah, it’s how I put up with Logan. Tell him he’s hot and he rolls right over.”

“Does he now?” Rachel taunted as she leaned in and bumped Tate’s shoulder.

Laughing, Tate shrugged. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“Oh, but it’s so fun down there.”

“How about you point out our table and then I’ll get us a drink from the bar.”

Rachel turned around and pointed over to where Cole was standing at the other end of the room, and then he saw Logan walk up and stand next to his brother.

One was light, the other dark, but both men were equally commanding.

It was easy to see how their practice was so successful. They were intelligent and charming, and as Tate stood there sizing them up, he also realized they were both ridiculously attractive men.

They shared a father, Tate knew that, but the man must have had some seriously strong genes, because these two men were something else.

“They’re impressive, aren’t they?”

Tate looked down at Rachel to see that she too was staring over at her husband and brother-in-law.

“Logan’s never looked more attractive. It’s all in his smile. This is the first time I’ve ever seen him

Tate touched a hand to Rachel’s lower back and felt his heart warm at her words. “He makes me happy too.” She looked as if she may tear up, so Tate gestured behind him. “I’m gonna go get those drinks. What can I get you?”

“Hmm…A virgin strawberry daiquiri please.”

Tate gave her arm a squeeze and then turned around to make his way toward the bar. He needed something to kick these nerves down a notch, and one quick shot of something would do the trick.


* * *


Logan stood beside Cole, drink in hand, as a long-standing client of theirs walked away to their table.

“You arrived on time tonight,” Cole joked as he turned his way. “Should I thank Tate for that?”

“Definitely not. He’s late for everything.”

“Well in that case, I’m happy to see you
here and on time.”

Logan raised his glass of champagne and took a sip. “Yeah, about tonight. I need to tell you something.”

“What did you do?”


“Does this have something to do with Tate’s ex? Because I sent off everything we needed to. If you did anything—”

“Would you stop? It’s nothing to do with that lunatic.”

Cole sighed and rolled his shoulders as if he were relieving himself of
burden. “Okay…then what is it?”

“The new client you met with last week—LPCW Architecture. Did you meet both partners?”

Cole frowned at him. Logan knew his brother was getting annoyed—more so over the fact that he was questioning him than anything else.

“No. I only met Lance Powell. His partner, Christopher, was out of town.”

Logan said nothing, just stared at Cole for a moment, and that was all it took.

Cole was nobody’s fool, and when he felt as though he’d been played, you better get the fuck out of his way.

“Are you trying to tell me that
Christopher Walker who owns half of the biggest architecture firm in Chicago is

Logan brought his glass to his lips and nodded as he drained it and then placed it on the tray of a waiter walking by.

“Yeah, pretty much.”

, Logan.”

Logan grabbed ahold of Cole’s arm and steered him over to the side, since he looked like his head was going to explode.

“You think you might have said something, oh, I don’t know…
this week?

Logan sighed and reached up to fiddle with his tie. “I’ve kind of been trying to deal with making Tate feel comfortable, and then I found this out, and just…Well,
. I don’t know what to tell you.”

Cole looked like he was grinding his teeth, and Logan wasn’t surprised. He was also more than aware that, if Cole found out the entire truth about Chris, he would likely go postal.

“How long have you known?”

“Since Monday.”

“Of course. This is great. Just fucking great.” Cole’s eyes scanned the room, and Logan knew he was searching for him.

“He’s not here yet.”

“How do you know? We probably won’t even recognize him. It’s been years since college.”

Logan thought
, but not since I last saw him.


* * *


Tate stood at the far end of the bar and waited as the other guests were served. He’d been keeping an eye on Logan throughout and just saw him walk off to the side with Cole, where they were now standing in the midst of what seemed like a very heated debate.

Oh shit. Probably smart to wait until
simmers down.

“Good evening.”

Tate turned to his right and saw a blond-haired man stop beside him.

“Hi,” he offered, figuring it’d be rude of him not to try and at least make small talk with Logan’s associates.

“This is some function they’ve thrown tonight.”

Tate looked around at the tables all set for fine dining, the low lights, and the band playing. Then he turned back to the open bar.

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s fairly impressive.”

He felt the man beside him shift a little closer, and Tate turned to see if someone had maybe moved on the other side of the guy. When it was clear there was no one there, Tate then focused on the man again. He was smiling at him in a way he’d only ever had one man smile at him before, and
was Logan.

Clearing his throat, Tate moved as discreetly as he could, adding a small space between them. “So have you been to one of their events before?”

“No,” the man told him, shaking his head. “But you
remember your first.”

, Tate thought, turning to the bartender, who finally stopped in front of him. “Can I get a shot of tequila, a gin and tonic, and a virgin strawberry daiquiri?”

As the guy went off to fill his order,
blond guy
once again shifted closer and, this time, touched his arm. Tate looked down at the fingers on his sleeve and saw a wedding band on the man’s left finger. Then he brought his eyes up to blue ones focused on him.

But unlike Logan’s heated stares, this man did nothing for him—except perhaps make his skin crawl.

“You’re very attractive.”

Right, okay...Guy obviously saw me with Logan and is what, hitting on me?

“Thank you,” Tate said, trying to be gracious as he pulled his arm away.

“You must hear that all the time though. What’s your name?”


Logan had come on strong when they’d first met, no doubt about it, but it was interesting to Tate that he’d had such a different reaction to him than he was having to this man. To this

“My name’s Tate.”
And I don’t care who you are.

Again, the man’s hand found his arm, and this time, he added a healthy dose of pressure.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tate. Has anyone ever told you that you have incredibly sexy hair?”

It was obvious the guy wasn’t taking a hint, so Tate leaned over and said softly as to not embarrass him if his wife were around, “I’m sorry, but I’m taken.”

He was about to back away when the hand on his arm moved up to his bicep, keeping him put. Then the guy told him, “I don’t care.”


Logan’s voice was low, but it was clear as fucking day as it cut through the air and had Tate looking over his shoulder.

Logan was livid. Tate had never seen the look that was on his face as he glared at the man who was
holding his arm. His blue eyes narrowed and focused in on the hand touching him. Then he took a step closer and said in a voice that was dripping with rage, “Take. Your. Hand. Off. Him.”

It took Tate about one second to work out exactly
was touching him.


He finally removed his hand, and Tate stepped away to stand beside Logan, who promptly took his.

Tate made sure to interlace their fingers as he held on tight.

His silent

His silent

Logan looked at him, and the rage from seconds ago had been replaced with love and pride. Everything they’d been through over the last few weeks was worth

Tate nodded, and as Logan turned back to face his fear, he knew it was going to be okay.

“Mr. Walker, you’re new to Mitchell & Madison and a guest here tonight, so maybe you didn’t know, but please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Logan Mitchell, and this is Tate Morrison, and he is










Special Acknowledgments


As the second installment of Logan and Tate reaches you all, I would like to give a huge shout-out to the people who have helped make this happen.


First and foremost, Candace and Kimberly, for the many hours you put in reading the guys, chapter by chapter. You each had such a wonderful knowledge of them and brought out the best in me and their characters. Thank you for helping me to tell their story.


Second, a big thanks to Judy, Renee and Jen, for beta reading and making sure they were ready for the rest of the world. I appreciate your eyes more than you know.


Third, to the lovely Mickey Reed for immersing herself in the world of Logan and Tate, and making them shine in the best way possible.


Lastly, I’d like to thank all of the readers who fell in love with Logan and Tate’s story. I’m a huge fan of the M/M genre and to have such an overwhelming response to the men I thought up is extremely overwhelming and humbling. I thank each and every one of you.


I hope you continue to enjoy their journey and love the boys as much as I do!


Xx Ella


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