Take the Cake (22 page)

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Authors: Sandra Wright

BOOK: Take the Cake
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“It’s something I read about when I was in college,” Kate began. “The Egyptians believed that when you reached the afterlife, your heart was weighed by the god Horus and you were asked two questions: did you find joy in your life, and did you bring joy to the lives of others.” She glanced down at the tattoos and gave a small smile. “I figured that was as good a template for a happy life as any.”

Michael nodded, his gaze not moving from Kate’s face as she spoke. “And the Latin?”

“I was a Literature major, so Latin made a kind of sense.” She smiled and wrinkled her nose at Michael. “And anyway, it’s like having a special secret, and I can choose who I let in on it.”

Michael reached over to pull her up and onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist as she dipped her head to kiss him. His arms tightened around her as she hesitantly touched the tip of her tongue to his lips, and he opened his mouth to draw her in. Within moments the kiss became urgent, more heated. Kate began squirming and then to Michael’s shock she wriggled out of his arms and off his lap completely.

“I’m sorry,” he said, lifting a hand out of reflex to run it through hair he realized was no longer there. “Have I done something wrong?”

“Quite the opposite,” Kate murmured and rose up on her knees so that she could throw a leg over his hips to straddle him where he sat on the sofa. She draped her arms around his shoulders, her fingers curling against the nape of his neck, and Michael closed his eyes as she lowered her mouth toward his. Michael’s hands floated up from her hips to clutch convulsively at the hem of her T-shirt, and he bunched the soft fabric in his hands before breaking off the kiss to gaze at her. Kate leaned her weight back, creating a delightful friction that had him biting his lip as she looked at him.

“What is it?” she whispered.

Michael dropped his head to rest his forehead against her throat, breathing in her familiar scent.

“I want …” He stopped and licked his lips, trying to gather his thoughts. “I want to touch you, so very much.” He looked into her eyes. “Can I have you?”

“Only if I can have you.” Kate smiled.

It was, Michael reflected later, the smile outside the bar that had sealed his fate. The way she had bitten her lip in an instant of vulnerability before she had given herself over to the evening ahead. Trailing kisses across Kate’s collarbone, he gently pushed her T-shirt up, watching with hooded eyes as she reached down to assist, taking it off and dropping it onto the floor before reaching to remove his. He had leaned forward as she had tugged at his collar, the sight of her disappearing for a moment as the shirt was pulled over his head. And then they were touching and tasting, their hands restless as they explored the topography of each other’s bodies.

Kate began to move her hips against his, making him groan into her mouth, and she shivered as he ran his fingertips and down her back, cupping her backside to pull her harder against him.

He reached up to trace the swell of her breast with a finger, following the edge of the lace cups, sliding the strap off her shoulder until she reached behind to unfasten the clasp, clutching his head to her chest.

“Kate,” he muttered between kisses, “I need … Can we …” He was stuttering, trying to find the words.

“Yes,” she answered, knowing that he was trying to say. She climbed off his lap and pulled him to his feet and took him to her bed.


David finished his drink, set the glass down with a flourish, and gestured at the almost empty glass Wren was nursing. “Can I get you another?”

Wren glanced at her drink and finished off the mouthful that was left. “Sure, why not?”

David excused himself from the table, returning a while later with two more glasses of red wine. He raised his glass to hers in a brief toast as he sat down, and then leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. The evening had taken an unexpected, but by no means unwelcome, turn.

He looked up as he heard Wren give a quiet snort of amusement, and then followed her gaze to see a couple in a nearby booth indulging in an overt display of affection. David raised an eyebrow at Wren and looked at the couple again, glancing away quickly as the woman’s hand disappeared beneath the table. He couldn’t see what she had done, but winced in sympathy as the man gave a sudden jerk. Enthusiasm was one thing, but style went a long way as well as far as he was concerned.

“Do you think it’s love?” he asked in a dry tone.

“Please,” Wren scoffed. “She’s practically eating that guy. I’m almost tempted to send her some cutlery so she can make a better job of it.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” David mused as he looked at the enthusiastic couple. “There certainly seems to be a level of fondness there.”

“For the next couple of hours at least,” Wren agreed. “I don’t think that’s Hallmark love you’re looking at there.”

David took a sip of wine and glanced at Wren again. “You don’t sound like a believer.”

Wren considered this for a moment. “Did you know that the word ‘love’ has more definitions than any other word in the dictionary? Just one little word, four letters, but it’s one of the most difficult things in the world to define. It’s like they invented a word for the condition and have been struggling to define it ever since,” Wren mused, holding her glass of wine up to admire the way the light shone through the red hue. She was pretty sure she had some silk at home that color.

“Condition? You make it sound like a sickness,” David replied in an amused tone.

“Well, it is.” Wren paused. “It’s viral. One person falls in love, and then it gets transmitted. You can’t eat, you can’t sleep, and the only thing that can cure you is someone else that’s suffering from it as well.”

There was a thoughtful silence between the two.

“All that fuss over just four letters,” Wren mused.

“True, but it’s just four out of twenty-six,” David pointed out.

“Interesting,” Wren said in a thoughtful tone as she leaned her elbows on the table and propped her chin in her hands. “I hadn’t thought of it like that.”

“Sure. You’re freaking out over four letters, but just think about the Roman alphabet: twenty-six letters supporting our entire culture.” David picked up his folded newspaper and gave it an idle glance. “Twenty-six fragile little squiggles that underpin everything we do.”

“Who said I was freaking out?” Wren said, frowning a little.

“Hey.” David shrugged. “You can get your freak on all you want. At least you’re prepared to talk about the subject without getting starry-eyed and grabbing the nearest bridal magazine.”

Wren made the mistake of snorting with laughter just as she was about to sip her drink and was sent into a spasm of coughing as the alcohol hit her windpipe. Within seconds she was bent over in her chair coughing and sobbing for air as she tried to clear her throat. By the time she had gotten herself under control, David was helpless with laughter himself. Wren accepted a napkin and a glass of water from a passing waitress with a watery smile, and mopped at her streaming eyes, still giving the occasional cough as she settled back down.

“The last time that happened I was in grade school.”

“Oh, God, I’m so sorry,” David wheezed. “Are you okay?”

“I think I’ll live,” Wren replied. “I can’t believe that just happened, though.” She picked up her glass of water and took several small careful sips. “I suppose I should be used to expecting the unexpected whenever you’re around.”


A sound woke Michael up, and he blinked into the darkness of the room for a moment, unsure of where he was. The sound came again, and he realized that it had come from Kate, her head tucked against his shoulder. He hadn’t understood what she had said, and so he lay there in silence wondering if she was going to repeat herself.

She shifted her head a little, a small frown appearing on her forehead, and he gently reached over to brush a strand of hair off her face. Kate gave a soft sigh and repositioned herself against him in her sleep, her hand creeping up to rest on his chest. It was a small gesture, but to Michael it felt like a significant moment.

He knew he was falling in love with her.


Chapter 14

Afterglow and Google

Kate blinked and opened her eyes to discover Michael dropping a trail of kisses along the valley of her breasts, working his way up toward her throat. Michael’s hazel eyes crinkled as he gave her a sleepy smile. “Good morning,” he rumbled, before leaning in to nuzzle the side of her neck, nibbling and sucking on her delicate skin. Kate closed her eyes again, putting her arms around him to hold him closer, reveling in the feel of his body on top of hers and turning her head for his kiss.

“Kate,” Michael said as he raised himself onto his elbows.

“I know.” Kate arched up to kiss his throat. “I want you, too.” She twisted in his arms to reach for the bedside table. There were the sounds of a foil packet tearing, breathless fumbling and laughter, and then silence as his mouth was on hers again. He put his hands on her hips to hold her steady as he slid into her, and they held their breath for a long moment delighting in the heat and pressure where their bodies met.

Michael began to move, rocking further inside her as Kate made a soft growling noise and sank her teeth into his neck. Kate hooked her ankles around his hips, wrapping him up in joy as she felt an itch begin to tingle underneath her skin.

Kate’s world shrank to nothing but the feel of Michael’s body on and in hers. She screwed her eyes shut as she urged him deeper, shivering as she tried to get closer still. The itch was getting stronger now and was maddeningly just out of reach. Michael slid a hand under her shoulder, pulling her toward him.

“Let go,” he urged. “I’ve got you.”

Kate could feel the pressure of release growing stronger as it moved through her to follow the path that Michael’s hand was taking, down between the two of them.

“Oh.” She tried to move away, the feeling was too much, but Michael held onto her and sank his teeth into her shoulder. The shock of it sent the pressure inside her flaring up and out, making her skin want to scream as her muscles contracted around Michael, and he followed her into pleasure with a hoarse groan. Afterward, Michael held onto her so tightly that it almost hurt, but she clung to him anyway.

“I want to spend the day in bed with you,” Michael said at last, brushing a kiss against her temple, pushing the sweaty hair off her forehead.

“Sounds good,” Kate replied, “but …” She turned to look at the bedside clock and gave him a regretful smile.

“I know,” he sighed. For the first time he found himself wishing that he had an office job, somewhere to go that would fill up his day instead of sitting at home and thinking about Kate as the hours ticked on.


Wren popped another piece of gum into her mouth and checked her watch, breaking into a light jog when she saw the time.

David had seen her home again after dinner and, after nothing more than a brief kiss on the cheek, had turned and left. Wren had stood at the top of the stairs, jingling her keys from palm to palm, wondering why he hadn’t kissed her properly, and why she wanted him to. The man was infuriatingly hard to categorize, which made it even harder for her to read the game play, if he was even playing a game in the first place. She could not, for the life of her, work out what it was that David wanted, and much to her surprise, she realized she wanted to know very much.

She reached the bakery and noted with satisfaction that she was exactly on time.

Fifteen minutes later, she was still waiting when Emily arrived.

“What’s going on?” Emily said as she drew near.

“Not sure.” Wren frowned. “But it’s not like the boss to be late. I think I’ll give her a call.” She dug in her bag for her cell phone and had started to dial when Emily tapped her on the arm and pointed. Wren turned to see Kate hurrying down the street toward them, throwing her hands up in the air as she saw them looking at her.

“I know, I’m late,” Kate said as she reached the door and began to unlock it. “Sorry, guys.”

“No problem, boss,” Wren said as she and Emily followed her inside, “so long as you’re okay.”

“Oh, I’m good,” Kate said in a breezy tone, flicking on the coffee machine and dropping her bag in the kitchen. She returned to the front of the store and powered up the stereo system, selecting a Kylie Minogue album to get the day started.

Wren raised her eyebrows as the synthesized pop music began to pulse through the store, and she exchanged a surprised look with Emily. “Someone’s in a good mood this morning,” she commented.

“Well, she did see Michael again last night,” Emily replied as she tied on her apron, brushing it down to smooth out a slight crease. “We’ll find out soon enough anyway. Let’s get the day started.”

Wren followed Emily out into the store and waited as Kate finished making their morning coffees, accepting hers with a smile of thanks.

“So, boss,” Wren ventured, “you’re looking pretty happy this morning.”

“Thanks, Wren,” Kate replied. “I’m feeling pretty damn good this morning, so it’s nice to see it shows.”

Wren took a step closer. “Oh, it shows, all right,” she said, flicking Kate’s hair aside to examine the pink rash that marked the side of her neck. “So how’s Michael this morning?”

Kate clapped a hand to her neck in a bid to cover up the stubble rash and gave Wren a horrified look. “Is it that obvious?”

“Not if you wear your hair down,” Wren reassured her.

“I can’t do that when I’m baking,” Kate remonstrated, ducking down to peer at her distorted reflection in the chrome side of the coffee machine. “Damn,” she swore softly.

“Maybe you can just put your hair up while you’re in the kitchen and take it down when you’re out here,” Emily suggested.

“Maybe some concealer,” Kate muttered.

“Wait a minute, hang on here.” Wren waved a hand. “What’s with the big cover up?” She shrugged at Kate. “You got laid. Are you ashamed of it?”

Kate thought back over the morning and couldn’t stop the slow smile that spread across her face. “Hell, no.”

“Well, then, just put your hair up and be done with it.” Wren nodded. “Chances are most of the people that notice the rash will be jealous anyway.”

“Good point,” Emily noted. “I know I am,” she added on a sigh.

Kate hesitated, and then reached for the hair elastic she wore around her wrist, and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. She ran her fingertips over the spot on her neck where Wren had pointed out the stubble rash and could feel the warmth of the irritated skin.

“Don’t worry about it,” Wren advised. “You’ll be so busy soon, you’ll forget it’s even there. Anyway,” she went on, sipping her coffee, “we’ve got more important business to attend to.”

“Right. What’s today’s quote, Wren?” Emily asked, stirring sugar into her coffee and taking an appreciative sip. “And by the way, I love your shirt.”

Wren glanced down at her chest and then looked back at Emily with a grin. “Isn’t it great? It’s a 1970s men’s tuxedo shirt. I had to make a few modifications, but I think it looks pretty damn good.”

Kate agreed as they fell to admiring Wren’s handiwork. She’d teamed the shirt with jeans and a pair of two-tone brogues, creating a very eclectic look, but one that was entirely Wren. Kate glanced at her own attire with a mild pang. Michael had delayed her considerably this morning, not that she was going to complain. She had managed to wriggle into her jeans and a deep violet shirt before having to make a dash for the door. Michael had insisted on escorting her to work, and they had spent a long time standing at the corner kissing each other goodbye for the day before she literally had to run.

“You know, Wren, one of these days I might just unleash you on my wardrobe,” Kate ventured, laughing at the look of amazed delight on Wren’s face. “What? Come on, it’s not that big a deal.”

“Not that big a deal,” Wren said to Emily. “You know how long I’ve been waiting for this?
.” She turned back to face Kate and pointed a stern finger. “I won’t be forgetting that offer.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Kate said, laughing. “But before you start giving me an overhaul, how about you give us a quote for the day?”

Wren put her cup down and reached for the chalk, squinting at Kate before breaking into a smug grin and walking over to pick up the chalkboard. She propped it on a table and wrote quickly, then showed it to the girls. Kate rolled her eyes and Emily applauded at the words:

Love is friendship on fire.

“All right, all right, let’s get to work,” Kate said, waving the girls on as she headed back into the kitchen. She was going to have to think hard to come up with something to match that one.

Emily was making up the bagels for the day and Wren was checking the condiment supplies on the tables when Kate appeared with the first tray of cupcakes.

“Okay, guys, here they are,” Kate announced as she slid the tray into the display case.

“All right, boss, what have you come up with today?” Wren wandered up to the counter with her tub of sugar packets and napkins, setting it down as she waited for Kate to reveal the daily special.

Kate flicked her ponytail and gave Wren a smug smile. “I think I’ll call these ones
Lemon Afterglow
, lemon meringue cupcakes.”

Emily laughed as Wren and Kate exchanged a nod, equally acknowledging each other in the ongoing competition.

Wren gave the golden meringue tips a considering gaze and then arched an eyebrow at Kate. “Afterglow, huh?”

Kate felt her cheeks redden.

“Definitely afterglow,” Wren said with satisfaction. “Nice one, boss,” she added as she carried the tub out into the kitchen.

“That’s a really great shirt she’s got on,” Emily commented as she watched Wren go.

“She’s very talented,” Kate replied, reaching over to snag a slice of cold turkey meat for a quick snack.

“So why is she waiting tables?” Emily asked, swatting Kate’s hand with the spatula as Kate swiped another slice.

“Beats me. I love her to bits, but those talents of hers are wasted here, I know that much.”

“Hmmm.” Emily slathered a bagel with cranberry jam and kept working. “I guess as long as she’s happy. Life’s too short to have an average day at work.”


David walked out of the elevator and headed past the reception area toward his cubicle, calling out greetings as he went. It was his last week on the job at the newspaper, and it was a good feeling.

He stopped in at the kitchen long enough to grab himself a coffee, and then settled down at his desk. He was drumming his fingers on the hard wood, waiting for his computer network log-in to finish, when someone leaned over his shoulder to deposit a cupcake in front of him. Twisting in his chair, he looked up to see Karen, one of the Food and Wine editors, grinning at him.

“What’s this for?”

“A bakery sent some over this morning chasing a review, but I don’t need the carbs so I’m sharing the wealth. Send me an email later letting me know what you think of it.”

“Sounds like a fair trade,” David replied with a grin.

“You’re welcome. You’ll be helping me with the article, so just make sure you get back to me this afternoon.”

“Will do.” David touched two fingers to his forehead and flicked them out in a quick salute, turning back to his computer as Karen headed over to the next desk, cupcake box in hand.

He sipped his coffee and peeled off the cupcake wrapper, taking a healthy bite. He chewed as he scanned his emails for the morning. The cupcake seemed nice enough, but he knew where Karen could get better. He set the cupcake down beside his coffee and started to type. Every so often he took another bite, and each time he did, he thought about Wren. They’d run into each other twice now, and each time they did, he realized that he wanted to see her more. The next time he saw her, he was going to get her number and, as he realized he didn’t know it, her last name.


“Hey, Kate,” Emily ventured. “What did you say Michael’s surname was?”

“Forrester. Why?” Kate answered, looking up from the mixer to see Emily mouthing the name, deep in thought.

“Huh? Oh, Brad and I were talking the other night, and I couldn’t remember what you said his surname was. Brad had a few guesses, but I’m not sure if we’re talking about the same guy.” Emily cocked her head. “Have you looked him up?”

“No, but I haven’t had the chance to yet. He told me I’d probably find something if I looked on Google, though,” Kate replied. She switched off the mixer and considered her options. “How’s stock looking out front?”

Emily stuck her head back into the shop front and had a quick look at the display cabinets. “We’ll hold for an hour or so yet.”

Kate leaned against the counter, playing with her ponytail while she thought. Decision made, she collected her laptop from her bag and powered it up.

“You’re going to look him up now?” Emily said, surprised.

“It’s as good a time as any,” Kate answered, plugging in the power cord after she’d glanced at the battery status. It only took a couple of minutes for the laptop to be ready, and she clicked on the Google page and typed in her search.

“You guys are quiet. What’s going on?” Wren popped her head into the kitchen.

“Kate’s looking up Michael on the net,” Emily answered, glancing up at Wren briefly and then looking back at the screen.

“Oh, I’ll be in on that. Lemme see,” Wren said, stepping up to the counter to gaze at the screen.

Kate tapped her fingers on the counter as she waited for the page to load. When it was complete, her eyes widened. The three women stood silent, staring at the search results, which numbered in the tens of thousands: reviews, publishers, distributors, articles, book club groups, fan societies, online book sellers, and media interviews.

“Huh,” Wren ventured, reaching over to scroll through some of the search results. “Well, he’s an author, all right.” She looked at Kate who was still staring at the screen. “And you didn’t know he was
Michael Forrester?”

“Can’t say that I did,” Kate replied.

“C’mon,” Wren scoffed, “a book hound like you didn’t connect the dots? Didn’t the name even ring a bell?”

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