Taken (15 page)

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Authors: Lisa Lace

Tags: #Romance / Fantasy

BOOK: Taken
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She was already walking out on the field, her face expressionless. She was giving herself up.

"Lyzette. No," he said.

"My life is worth nothing compared to yours," she said. "These people need you. Nobody needs me."

She turned to the Delanor, and he saw a muscle jump in her jaw. She was not as calm as she looked.

"I'm ready to go," she said.

"Lyzette." Mikael felt like his heart was being torn out.

"Here, sign this," Deese said, shoving a paper at Mikael. "It confirms I own her now."

Numbly, Mikael signed. He looked up at Lyzette. She tried to smile at him, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Enough good-byes, you two," Deese said. "She's mine now."

He waved the paper at Mikael.

"And I say we're going."

Deese sauntered off the field, followed by Lyzette.

She didn't look back.

Lyzette couldn't believe she was at the mercy of this cruel man again. He got into the carriage, and she followed, sitting across from him.

"Sit here, next to me," he said. "I want a preview of what's to come."

She moved slowly to his side of the carriage. When the horses started unexpectedly, she fell into him. He put his hands out. He did not intend to catch her. Instead, he placed both palms on her breasts and squeezed, copping a feel.

She sat down beside him in disgust when he let her go. Immediately, he slid a hand into the slit of her long blue dress, moving it slowly up her leg until he brushed her panties. She had to clench her teeth together to bear it. He was her master now.

She realized that she had been very wrong about Mikael. He never treated her like a slave, not since the beginning of their relationship. He had always concerned himself with her she wants. She had never been a slave to Mikael.

But she was a slave now, there was no doubt about it.

"Put this on," he said, handing her a necklace. She obediently fastened it around her neck.

"Touch me," he told her next, unzipping his pants. Very reluctantly, she freed his erect cock that was quite long but not very thick. She wrapped her hand around it and pumped up and down.

"Yeah, so good," he said, closing his eyes. A minute later, he came all over the carriage floor.

"The other slaves will clean it up, don't worry," he said. He tucked himself back in his pants. "You don't have to do anything like that. Just service me whenever I want you to, for the rest of your life. It may be short if I decide to kill you," he added as an afterthought.

Lyzette said nothing. She tried to wipe her hand off on her dress discretely.

Deese closed his eyes and appeared to be resting. That's when Lyzette wondered how the hell he was alive when she had seen his dead body lying on the floor. Mikael set the stun gun to lethal when he shot Deese. Had it malfunctioned?

She didn't worry about it too long. She was his slave now. She needed to figure out a way to cope with being around Deese for the rest of her life.

She had no idea what to do. There wasn't a team of women to help her this time. She stared out the window. The carriage was going straight across the plains to the mountains. Before, when she had been his captive, they blindfolded her and took her to his townhouse in the city.

It appeared they were heading to his mansion, way out of town. She turned around, trying to see which way they had come. If she managed to escape, she would need to remember which way to go to get back. She had seen it on a survival TV show. You always looked behind you to know what to look for when you returned.

Twenty minutes later, they pulled into a huge manor house. Deese passed her into a servant's care.

"Make her ready for me. I will have supper and a bath, and then I will return to my chambers. I'll see you later," he said to Lyzette. She couldn't suppress a shudder.

She knew there would be no rescue this time. Mikael had signed the papers. Legally, she was Deese's, and he could do whatever he wanted with her.

The servant took her to the bathhouse and stripped her down, making her get in the hot water. An old woman scrubbed her down until her skin hurt. At least she was clean. She let Lyzette out and handed her a towel. The servant led her to her room and pointed to a chair.

"Your night clothes are there. Stay here until he calls you," she said, giving Lyzette a look of disgust. Then she went out and locked the door.
Lyzette sighed and looked at what was on the chair. A leather bra with holes for her breasts to stick out and leather crotchless panties. Great.

She didn't put them on, but went to the bed and got in, discarding the towel on the nightstand. She closed her eyes and slipped her hand down between her legs. She had been doing it every day since Mikael stopped making love to her. Her other hand plumped her breast as her finger slid up and down her slit. She thought of Mikael and how he had touched her. His kiss. His body covering hers. How he filled her up.

She came quickly, her body shuddering. But it wasn't like with Mikael. It scratched her itch but didn't get rid of it. Only he could give her satisfaction.

Maybe it was good things ended this way. She wouldn't be able to take it if Mikael sent her away because she was tainted.

She would be used goods now, for sure. But it didn't matter. She would never see Mikael again.

Her eyes closed and she slept.

She woke to the feel of someone snuffling her neck and groping hands all over her body where she didn't want them. What the hell? She put her hands on him and pushed hard. He went flying off the bed and landed with a thump.

"You fucking bitch," she heard Deese say from the floor.

She was up in a second and across the room, trying to cover herself.

"You're mine. You have to do what I say. And if you don't," he said, getting up slowly and going over to the table and picking up something long and black. "If you don't, I will enjoy teaching you a lesson."

A whip. It was a real whip.

"I don't tolerate insubordination from my slaves," he said.

Lyzette froze in place. He was going to whip her. And it was going to hurt. Then her self-protective instincts kicked in.

"You don't want to do that," she said, trying to sound coy. "If I'm bleeding and crying, how will I suck your cock?"

"You could do both," he said, and she saw that he was getting hard, and he let the whip drop back on the table.

"Not very well. I need to focus on you and your needs," she said. "Because I belong to you now. Thank goodness, now I have a real man to serve."

Lyzette thought that she was laying it on a bit too thick, but Deese seemed to like it.

"That's right. Come here," he said.

She sauntered over, trying not to tremble because of her intense fear.

He pulled her to him and kissed her. It was disgusting, but she knew better than to show her real emotions. All she had to remember was that kissing him was better than being flogged. Wasn't it?

His hands began roaming again. He put both hands on her breasts and massaged them, tweaking the nipples until they were tight and round.

He took this as a sign of her arousal and dropped his hand between her legs where she was still dripping and slippery from her self-stimulation and dreams of Mikael.

"So wet for me," he said when he felt her.

"How about I suck you first," she said, trying to look seductive. She wanted to avoid having him fuck her for as long as possible.

He swallowed, looking at her red lips.

"Just think of your big cock going in and out of these lips," she whispered. She had no idea where she was getting her acting skills. Her desperation fueled creativity.

"Yes," he said, breathing heavily. "Yes."

He sat down on the bed and dragged her roughly down to her knees on the floor.

"Suck me, bitch," he said. "You're mine now. And you do what I command, slave."

She didn't remind him that it had been her idea to blow him. It was better if he thought he was in control.

And that's when Lyzette had an epiphany. If he only thought he was in control, that meant that he wasn't. And if he wasn't. Then she, Lyzette, was in control of her life for the first time.

She was amazed at her brilliant conclusion.

"Suck me," he said, and grabbed her hair, pushing her mouth down to his erection.

She would suck him, and it would be disgusting, but she would do it because it was a part of her plan.

Lyzette had a plan.

She was in control. And that, she found, made all the difference.

Chapter 19

Lyzette sucked off Deese, and he had wanted to cum on her breasts, so of course he had. Then he lay back on the bed. Perhaps he was tired. The stun gun must have hurt him, even if it hadn't killed him. He seemed like an old man. She snuck away as soon as he fell asleep and showered off his cum.

Now she sat at a table beside the whip and worked out the details of her plan. She would prevent him from fucking her as long as she could. She would fill a bag with all the food she could get tomorrow. She would walk off into the mountains, and she wouldn't come back.

It was dark outside, and she could see the moons out the window. Deese snored on the bed. For the first time in her life, Lyzette felt like she was going to make things happen. She was in charge. It was a heady feeling she had never experienced before.

She knew then her mother had been wrong, probably about a lot of things, but definitely about taking action. Her mother always told her that she had to accept whatever happened to her and make the best of it.

But now Lyzette knew that wasn't true. She felt a strength inside of her that had been there all along, waiting to rise. It had got her through a lot of terrible things in her life, and it would help her now as well.

The next day, she put her plan into place. She was terrified. When she woke up in the early morning light, she saw that Deese had left. The maid that brought her breakfast informed Lyzette he always swam for two hours in the morning in a nearby lake.

Perfect. She had an hour.

She ducked into the kitchen and asked the cook for some food for her hike. She explained how she liked to go on long walks. The cook gave her a dirty look but filled the bag with all sorts of snacks that were perfect for a long trip. After she hid, she would make the journey back to the city. It would take a long time, but she could do it.

Her well-spring of confidence was new and amazing. Lyzette couldn't believe how good it felt to believe in herself. She had never thought she could do anything before. After her epiphany, she knew she could never go back to being her old, unhappy self.

She would free herself from this madness. She would get off this damned planet. And she would make a new life for herself the way that she wanted it.
She told another maid that she was going for her daily hike and got a vicious stare for her efforts, but she didn't care. She was starting a new life today.

She headed up a trail that led to the peaks. She got off the trail as soon as she could and made her own way. She splashed through some streams, hoping the water would make it hard for dogs to track her.

The day was beautiful, and she enjoyed herself. She made her way further and further up the mountain until she came to a bit of a plain between the peaks. It seemed like a good place to stop and rest. There was a lovely little stream that looked clean. Lyzette took a drink and ate a few pieces of dried meat and fruit. It was the most delicious meal she could remember. She felt free and happy in the mountains and wished she could stay forever.

She kept walking as long as she could. When the sun went down, she rolled up in a blanket and went straight to sleep. She was exhausted.

Lyzette woke to the sound of aircraft landing beside her in the middle of the night. She sat up and put her hand up to block the lights. What was a personal aircraft doing out here in the mountains?

But she didn't wonder long. Two big men got out and came towards her. The Delanor's men. They pulled her to her feet and dragged her back to the aircraft, throwing her inside so hard she banged her head. Tears filled her eyes.

She felt let down that her escape attempt hadn't worked. Then she realized that she had tasted freedom for a few hours. If she had done it once, she could do it again.

Lyzette wished she could share her new self with someone who would care. Of course, Mikael's face popped into her head, and she felt a longing for him. But she pushed the image and the feeling away, focusing on what she could do. She could affect her reality. She could change things. She could do this.

Her mother was wrong. Her mother would have said, spread your legs and keep him happy, so he doesn't use that whip on you. But Lyzette had made a decision based on what she wanted. Maybe she was about to pay for her choices, she thought. The personal aircraft landed in the courtyard of the Delanor's mansion. But it had been worth it to discover her inner strength. She would get away from the insanity and create a life for herself.

No one was going to stop her.

Fifteen minutes later, Lyzette still believed that she was going to get away. When the lash of the whip bit into her back, she was less certain her escape attempt had been a good idea.

The Delanor was furious.

She couldn't help the screams. She had no idea it was painful to be whipped. If she had, she wouldn't have been caught.

"What were you thinking, you little bitch?" he cried.

Lyzette didn't tell him what she had thought as the blood ran down her back and dripped onto the floor. She was leaning over the table in his room, completely naked as he flogged her.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't find you and that I would trust my slaves? I have a tracking device on you!"

He hit her again, and she screamed. It fucking hurt, she couldn't help it, though she was sure he liked to hear her pain.

A tracking device? The necklace he had given her when she arrived. Why had she continued wearing it?

He lifted his arm again, and Lyzette cringed. She waited for more agony, but it didn't come. The Delanor gasped for breath and couldn't bring his arm back far enough to swing. Lyzette wondered how close he had come to death. He seemed terribly weak.

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