Taken by the Pirate Billionaire (8 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Pirate Billionaire
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“They’re just sleeping pills,” she whispered back to her pale image.

Two little sleeping pills. Granted, twice the dose that Lucy said to take. But Devon was a large man and he’d probably needed a bigger dose. Even then, it would probably only make him woozy, not knock him out.

And in the morning, he’d just remember falling asleep after some good foreplay. Maybe. Hopefully.

Still, she’d had to leave before watching him take another sip of the tainted wine. Her acting skills were pretty much between level shitty and sucktastic. He would’ve realized something was wrong right away.

Renee took a deep breath before going back to rejoin Devon on the patio.

He smiled at her as he sipped his wine. Her stomach rolled and she dropped her gaze.
Don’t think about it.

She sat at the table and picked at her dinner, too nervous to eat very much, but hoping the wine calmed her nerves.

“Not hungry?” Devon raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at her plate.

No use trying to keep faking it.

“My mind is on other things.” She glanced at him through her eyelashes in what was probably an awkward attempt at being flirtatious.

“I may be able to help with those other things.” Devon laughed and set down his fork, then tossed his napkin on the table. “Let’s go inside.”

And here we go

“I have a fantasy,” she murmured once they were back in the bedroom. “That maybe you could help me with.”

“Is that so?”

She started unbuttoning his shirt. “Mmm hmm.”

She slid the shirt off of his shoulders and then reached for his belt buckle.

“I’ve always wanted to have a man defenseless and at my mercy.”

He made an interested sound, a deep type of growl in the back of his throat.

“What did you have in mind?”

Renee unzipped his fly and then pulled his pants down so he stood in only his boxers.

“Well, for starters, this.” She fell to her knees before him, nuzzling him through the thin cotton.

The answering hiss of pleasure had her smiling, and through the boxers she closed her mouth over his growing erection.

His fingers tangled in her hair.

“I like what we’re starting with,” he said thickly. “What comes next?”

“Eventually, you do.” She sucked him through the cotton, and his cock strained against the boxers. When she lifted her head, she asked, “Would you let me tie you up?”

“You want to tie me up?” His fingers tightened in her hair.

“Only if you’re comfortable with it.”

“Sweetheart, you can do anything you want.”

Renee stood up.
Well, that had been easy enough.

She looked around for her purse, and then remembered she’d left it outside.

“Give me a second.” She winked. “I came prepared.”

When she returned a moment later Devon—now naked—was reclining on the bed, watching her approach with a lazy look in his eyes.

Lazy? Or were the drugs already kicking in? She’d have to work fast.

“Scarves,” she announced, producing the various colors of silk from her purse. “And I promise this won’t hurt a bit. That is unless you want it to.”

Devon smiled, baring teeth this time as she went to work tying him down. First she secured each of his wrists to the wrought iron headboard of the bed. Next, she tied each of his ankles to the bedposts at the foot of the bed.

Renee sat back on her heels to admire her handiwork.

There, that should do. She eyed the result with satisfaction. Now she was in complete control.


Devon kept his breathing even as he watched her steadily, waiting to see what she’d do next. He suspected it was more than sex, though hoped it wouldn’t completely eliminate the potential for it.

“So this fantasy thing,” she began, trailing a finger through the patch of curls on his chest. “I’ve heard that rumor about you being descended from a pirate. Is it true?”

What the hell? That was not at all what he’d expected her to say.

“Reading the tabloids, are you?”

Her eyebrows drew together and her lips thinned. “It’s not just the tabloids.”

“So you have a pirate fantasy? Is that it?” He quirked an eyebrow. “If getting tied up and ravished is on your bucket list, you’re doing it wrong. And you could have warned me so I could at least find my eye patch.”

Her scowl deepened. “I just was curious if there was any truth to it. Because it would be kind of hot if you were.”

He gave a brief smile. “I really have no idea. My concern is with the present, not the past.”

She stared at him, not seeming pleased with his reply. She leaned forward and drew her tongue across his taut stomach and his abs clenched.

      “So no super cool gold bars, or fabulous jewelry passed down in the family then?”

      What was this? An interrogation?


      She moved her mouth lower and he struggled not to groan. On second thought, if this was an interrogation, she could keep at it.

“No cool emerald necklace, gold rings, or, ruby brooch?”

“Sweetheart, I don’t own any
he drawled, emphasizing the word jewelry with as much derision as if she’d asked if he owned a bra.

Her jaw clenched. “Oh come on now...”

She trailed kisses down the rest of his abdomen until she reached the top of his cock. She kissed his thigh.

Unwittingly, his hips arched against her mouth. The flimsy scarves held him down a bit, though.

“I’d show you the crown jewels if I had them. But seeing as I don’t, you’re just going to have to settle for the family ones.”

She glanced up at him from where she lay between his legs. “You’re looking a little tired, Devon, are you feeling okay?”

He watched her through half-mast. “There are ways to wake me up.”

“Hmm. Duly noted,” she said, before her mouth closed over the head of his erection.

Devon groaned, and his head dropped back against the pillows as he did exactly what she asked.

Pleasure slammed through him as she licked and sucked at him, before taking him deep into her throat. Her tongue continued to stroke the underside of his cock, rubbing against every damn sensitive spot he had.

Being tied up was a novelty. This was a complete roll reversal.

“Take off your dress and let me look at you.”

She ignored him, pleasuring him without mercy. Not that he wanted any. His abs contracted and he knew he was getting close. Maybe she did too, because she backed off and lifted her head.

“Do you like me being in charge?” She pushed her dress up over her hips and straddled him.

“Currently undecided,” he replied tightly. “Ask me again in a fifteen minutes.”

She wasn’t wearing any panties, and he knew if he flexed his hips there was a good chance he’d almost enter her.

. Almost wasn’t good enough.

“What is it you want, Renee?” 

“You know what I want.” 

He gave a slow smile. “Well then bring your pretty pussy to my mouth, sweetheart, and I’ll give it to you.” 

Her cheeks flamed and her mouth flapped. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Are you sure?” 

She definitely wanted it, by the small little moan she made.

“I want to suck on your tits,” he commanded. “Come up here, sweetheart. Now.”


His words were shocking and pretty much on the vulgar side, and yet Renee eased up his body anyway until her breast was above his mouth.

He parted his lips and sucked her inside, sending pleasure rocketing through her.

Why was she obeying him? Wasn’t she supposed to be in charge?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Her breathing grew heavy as his tongue flicked the tip of her nipple. She glanced down and met his cocky gaze, and felt the first stirring of unease.

He seemed awfully alert for someone who had drunk wine laced with sleeping pills.

She tried to pull away, but his teeth closed tighter around her flesh. Everything started to spin as pleasure assailed her. Even with him tied down, she felt her control of the situation slipping away.

With a laugh he released her nipple and stared up at her.

“Just admit you’re a pirate,” she whispered and lowered herself a bit so the tip of him slipped just inside her body.

Bad, Renee, he needs to wear a condom

She had to close her eyes for a moment, savor the sensation of just having him barely inside her. When she tried to open her eyes again she realized it took more effort.

Devon watched her, the pleasure was gone from his narrowed eyes and his smile seemed awfully cold.

“How are you feeling, Miss Hawkins?”

“How am I feeling?” she repeated, shaking her head trying to clear it from its sudden fog. “What do you mean how am
feeling, how are

Renee slid off of his body and staggered to her feet. God, what was going on with her? She could barely form a sentence.

“You look a little tired, Renee, are you feeling all right?” Devon threw her own words back at her.

Oh fuck
. She went numb. “You switched wines?” 

He didn’t answer, but his silence confirmed her guess.

“Dammit, there were two pills,” she mumbled.

He frowned. “Two pills? That’s a bit irresponsible of you, wasn’t it? What were you thi—”

“No lectures, asshole.” Two pills may not have much effect on someone his size, but it would knock her out and hard. No wonder she felt so sluggish.

How much time did she have? How long ago had she drank it? She grabbed her purse and stumbled towards the door. At least Devon was tied up. That’d give her a few minutes.

“I really don’t think you should drive, sweetheart.”

Renee gave him the finger, though it might’ve been a more of a thumb’s up, as she ran out of his room and down the hall.

Now that she knew she’d been the one drugged, her mind did the whole psychological bit and she started to feel more out of it.

She pulled open the front door and hurried out, tripping on her own feet.

She shook her head, trying to clear the muddiness as she swung open the door to her car. If she could only drive a few blocks, pull off into an alley or something.

Get the hell away from

Renee dug into her purse for her keys and came up empty.

“Shit.” She tried to keep her eyes open. It felt as if there were ten-pound weights on each eyelid. “Where the hell are my keys?”

He’d taken them out of her purse. Probably had known she’d try and run.

She rolled her head to the left and saw the front door swing open. It must have been an illusion—Devon striding across the yard toward her. It couldn’t be him, because he was tied up still.

God, it was so hard to not shut her eyes. She just needed to close them for a second.

Just for one little...

Chapter Eleven


How much did she drink last night?

Renee groaned, struggling to surface from the grogginess. She reached a hand up to rub her forehead, but her wrist only went so far. She opened her eyes and stared into blackness.

Her throat locked and she flailed, trying to move her arms and legs. Panic sliced through her as she remembered all the little details before everything had gone to black.

And now, she was clearly restrained in some kind of fur-lined bondage. Her legs were spread-eagled, and her arms were tied to each side of the bedpost.

An alarmed whimper escaped her dry mouth.

“Ah, sweetheart, you’re awake.” 

Renee turned towards the sound of his voice. “Untie me.” 

“It’s not really a matter of tying, sweetheart. I’ve used other methods.” 

Her pulse jumped. “Take off the blindfold.” 

“Not just yet.” His footsteps moved across the room towards her and she jerked again at the straps, desperate to free herself.

“Release me, Devon,” she begged. “This isn’t funny.” 

“Was it funny when you put pills in my wine and then tied me up?” 

She drew her lip between her teeth and whispered, “That was different. I wasn’t going to hurt you.” 

“Is that what you’re worried about, Renee? That I’m going to hurt you?” 

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