Taken by You (3 page)

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Authors: Carlie Sexton

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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“Do you want the usual?”

Kate smiled to herself. He knew what she liked on her pizza.
It was extremely special in her book, that they were starting to really know each other’s likes and dislikes.

“The usual sounds perfect
, just like you.” Kate felt it was just fine to be a bit gushy at that moment. She needed the levity.

Neil waggled his eyebrows in response to her. She loved that he could be so playful. His gesture had the promise of an evening filled with passion
, yet his eyes also spoke of tender love and concern. She felt so lucky.

Neil called the restaurant and placed the order for pick
up. “I’m going to go upstairs and change. They said it would be thirty minutes.”

“Okay,” she said.

Neil bounded up the stairs to the master bedroom. Kate followed behind, thinking that changing clothes sounded like a good idea. Actually, she just wanted to add more clothes as she felt chilled by the night air. After she slipped on a sweatshirt and changed from her flip-flops to her cozy slippers, she finally felt warmed. Neil changed into jeans and a long-sleeved button-down shirt. He looked sexy no matter what he had on.

figured I would run by the store before picking up the pizza. Would you start a list for us? I know we need eggs and milk.”

“Yeah, I’ll go start a list right now
,” Kate replied. She went down to the kitchen and took out the notepad and a pen, and wrote down the items that needed replacing.

Neil walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned her head back into his shoulder. “
You know I’m here for you, right? Everything is going to be okay,” he spoke softly into her ear.

She inhaled sharply and nodded. “I believe it when you say it,” she said
, turning to face him in a hug. He had become one of the few people that she could truly count on.

Kate, I love you and I’m never going to let you go,” he said, wrapping her face up with his hands.

“I know. I love you
, too. I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”

Neil bent down to kiss her. He picked up the shopping list from the counter.

“Thanks for making the list. I’ll be back soon, my beauty.” He kissed her on the lips again and then headed out the door.
She was so thankful that this wonderful man loved her so completely, and considered her his beauty. She doubted he could fathom how affirming that was to her fragile heart. After all, she was abandoned by her father, and then suffered the death of her boyfriend.

He left and she poured herself another glass of wine. She made her way into the living room and took out her Rhetorical Theory textbook and began reading chapter 12. She knew that preparing for class was the best thing that she could do right now.
That class that seemed strangely empty since Mark’s disappearance. Thinking about Mark, even for a second, naturally led to Roger invading her thoughts. She knew that he was back from Germany and she needed to be extra careful at all times. She hoped that her absence had not made his heart grow fonder.

She had been living under the guise
of out of sight, out of mind. But now she would need to assume that he was looking for her and that he was more clever than she probably realized.

The thought of him sent shivers
across her body. How could a man who seemed so normal be a killer? If circumstances had been different and she hadn’t met Neil, she might have considered dating Roger if he had been single. She had enjoyed his company and he had seemed nice. Plus, he was attractive. He didn’t look like a creepy serial killer. Rose had undoubtedly thought the same thing. But he isn’t nice, he’s a high-functioning sociopath who kills people. How was that even possible? What had happened to him to make him turn out this way? Maybe that was a question for Dr. Cox on her next visit. Having him to talk to right now was a huge support in her life. She had spent the month while Roger was gone talking about her fears. What if he found her? How would she survive him?


Neil returned with the pizza and three grocery bags. Kate put the groceries away while he put salad and pizza on their plates. They sat on the bar stools at the island to eat. It was too chilly to eat outside on the terrace.

“Roger is back in town,” she said
, looking over at him. The tone of her voice resonated with worry. “Do you think he will try to find me?”

“Yes, I think that he will look for you. That’s why I think that you should quit your job.
Transferring to the UTC store probably isn’t going to be enough.”

“I don’t want to talk about that right now. I need my job to pay my bills,” she said
, annoyed that he was bringing this up again. But then she realized it was her own fault. She’s the one who had brought up Roger. This was the only thing that they had argued about since she moved in. “I have too much on my mind with my dad to get into an argument with you right now.”

Neil leaned over and kissed her on the temple. “I know. I don’t want to argue either. Let’s just table it for now. Just know that I am just looking out for your welfare. I don’t want anyth
ing to happen to you. You are my world and I can’t imagine my life without you,” he said, caressing her cheek with his hand. “If he does anything to hurt you, I don’t know what I would do.”

“I can’t imagine being without you either. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me
,” she said. “I hope that you know how much I appreciate everything that you have done for me and that you are important to me too.”

“I haven’t done anything but care about you. You deserve to be cared
for. You are an extraordinary woman.”

Kate smiled at him. They ate the rest of their meal in silence. She didn’t have the energy to even ask him about his day. She was emotionally drained and just wanted to go to bed early. When they each took their last bite, she cleared their plates, rinsed them, and put them in the dishwasher. Neil sat there
just watching her. When she finished, he held his hand out to her. She took it eagerly and he led her upstairs. He brought her into the bathroom and turned on the water to fill the tub. He checked the temperature of the water, adjusting it slightly. Then he poured in the bath salts that she loved so much. The scent of jasmine filled the air and calmed her soul.

He turned to look at her
; his eyes blazing with passion, a look so intense, it could have melted the clothes right off her body. He moved toward her like a predator stalking his prey. A grin spread across her face as she knew he was going to make her forget all of her troubles, at least for the evening. He had a talent for making her disregard everything in the world but him. A talent that she was only too happy to help him perfect.

He guided her toward the bathtub. It was one of her favorite places to spend time. They had spent many evenings curled up
there, washing each other, kissing and revving things up for steamy lovemaking. He made her toes curl, skin tingle, and the earth fall away.

Neil began taking off her clothes. He started with her slippers and
, as they came off, she put her feet on the soft rug that covered the tile in front of the tub. He then skimmed her yoga pants from her hips down to her ankles. She put a hand on his shoulder as he lifted one foot at a time to remove them. He was on his knees and he stopped long enough to savor the aroma radiating from between her thighs. He nuzzled her clit with his nose and then spread her apart with his fingers. “Oh, baby, you are so beautiful,” was all she heard him say before he put his mouth on her clit and began licking. He devoured her and as he did it, her nipples became hard and her sex began pulsing.

Before her knees buckled from the frenzy Neil was creating, he rose to remove the rest of her clothing, kissing each breast as he revealed them.
He removed her sweatshirt and T-shirt all at once. Now she was completely naked in front of him. He kissed each of her breasts again and then grabbed her hands, placing them on his belt. She undid his belt and pants, sliding them down his muscular legs and revealing his impressive package. When she was down on her knees, she didn’t finish removing his pants, nor did she take off his shoes. Instead, she grabbed onto his hard shaft and slid him into her mouth. Neil gasped as she began licking and sucking him. He put one hand on the shower to steady himself.

She realized that they weren’t going to make it into the tub, so she pulled away and turned off the water. She then removed his shoes and the jeans that had pooled at his feet.

“The bath can wait,” she said, taking him by the hand and leading him into the bedroom. She pushed him down on the bed and knelt down on the floor between his legs. Before she made a move, she looked up and down his muscular body. She put her hands on his shoulders and slowly moved them down his chest, over his abs, and finally clutched him, grazing his inner thighs with her fingernails. She continued what she had started just seconds ago. Neil’s soft groans told her everything she needed to know as his head fell back. As she continued engulfing him in her mouth, he reached down and rubbed circles on her nipples simultaneously. Her eyes locked on his as he did that. She knew the effect she was having on him; it was evident in her mouth. His sounds of ecstasy spurred her on as she continued driving him wild.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and made her stand up.
Moving her toward the wall, he began kissing her as he walked her backwards.

, you turn me on so much. I need to be inside of you. Do exactly what I tell you.”

Kate nodded. She could feel the
throbbing between her thighs in anticipation of what he was going to command her to do.

“Turn and face the wall. I want to see that sweet ass of yours,” he

She did as
she was told.

“Put your hands up against the wall and spread your legs apart.”

Being dominated by him was such a turn-on. She followed his directions completely without question.

, you’re so beautiful, Kate. There isn’t a man alive who wouldn’t want to be me right now.”

He rubbed his hands
along the sides of her thighs to her hips, pulling her hips toward him as he stepped forward. He began rubbing her slit with his hard girth. Kate arched her back, making herself more accessible. She moaned softly as she felt him rubbing against the folds of her tender flesh—it was intensely erotic. He reached around with one hand and began rubbing her clit in a circular motion. He did this as he thrust into her wet core, then he slowly pulled almost all the way out. He continued his relentless circling as he moved in and out of her body. Kate could feel herself clenching deep within and he began pushing her higher and higher.

, Neil,” she cried, feeling herself beginning to pulsate. With his other hand, Neil began rubbing her nipple. The moment it became stiff, she came hard, choking out his name amid cries of pleasure. Neil moved both of his hands to her hips as he picked up speed. He found his release, crying out her name and telling her how good she felt. He pulled out of her and she sunk down to the floor; her legs had become wobbly from the position and the indescribable pleasure.

“That was amazing,” she said
, looking up at him. “I’d like an instant replay please,” she said glancing coyly through her lashes.

“Then you shall have one, my beauty. How about after our bath?”

“It’s a date,” she said, reaching for his outstretched hand. He drew her body to his, embracing her and whispering over and over just how much he loved her.

Chapter 3

Roger woke up to find a woman
in his bed. At first, in his grogginess, he thought it was Kate. His mind was so focused on her. Thoughts of her consumed him and he swelled in his boxers. He wanted Kate so fiercely, but he was stuck here with a stand-in. Rose didn’t hold a candle to Kate, but she was fun to fuck. Maybe he’d let her live after all of this but it was so tempting to kill her. She didn’t have anyone in her life who would miss her. She was just a horny bitch willing to go to bed with him the first night they met. Kate would never do that.

He and t
he new Rose, that he had only met a week ago, had been inseparable the last few days except for working. He had cooked dinner for her and she had spent the night. He reached his hand out to touch her hip as he moved closer, pressing his body against hers. She felt his hardness and instinctively wiggled her perfect ass up against him, stirring his desire even more. It was six a.m. and he figured that they had plenty of time to fool around before she had to get ready for work.

He began kissing her neck and she stirred, moaning softly. He was ready to go and he pressed his hardness against her backside again. He then snaked his arm under the sheets and glided his hand from her breast, down her stomach, to the area nestled between her legs. As his fingers reached her sensitive flesh, she lifted her leg slightly to give him
better access. He rubbed slowly and gently until he slid his finger inside of her to feel her wetness. He pulled his finger forward to the clit and began swirling and tantalizing her. She moaned and pushed against him again. She was just as ready.

raised her leg to rest on top of his. She was now open enough for him to slip into her tight wet sex. As he penetrated her, she exhaled loudly and moved her head back toward him. He continued playing with her clit, drawing her closer to orgasm. He began to feel her pelvic muscles tighten around him and her breathing became more ragged. Then she exploded, spasming and moaning out his name. His movement picked up as he drove harder into her, coming inside of her wet heat. He cupped her breast as he released himself into her.

He really didn’t care if she had an orgasm or not but he had learned when he was younger that he needed to give women what they wanted if he was going to keep them around. Rose could prove to be a useful bitch at some point so he’d keep her around for now

“Now that’s
what I call a good morning,” she said, giggling. “I could wake up like this every day.”

, too,” he said, biting her shoulder lightly, fighting the urge to rip her to shreds for not being Kate. “Let’s take a shower together,” he ordered, hoping she wouldn’t pick up on his expertly hidden anger.

After they showered Rose made a fresh pot of coffee
, scrambled some eggs and made toast for them. It was nice to have someone taking care of him like his old Rose used to do. Soon he would have Kate to fulfill all of his wants and needs. Rose was simply the opening act until he could get to the main event—Kate.

After Rose left his apartment
and headed for work, Roger got ready to search for Kate. He knew that she had both school and work. Finding her at work would be easier than at school, so he would start there first. He didn’t have a great deal of time since Paulina had emailed him that she and Jacob were moving back to California sooner than expected. He would pick them up at the airport in a week. Paulina had been arguing with her mother and she needed to get away as soon as possible. It would complicate his plans concerning Kate, but he would figure a way to work it out. For now, finding Kate was his top priority. He didn’t know why he couldn’t just be happy with Rose. But, he knew this need to have Kate was an unquenchable desire that he urgently needed to fulfill.

He drove to Nordstrom and staked
out the employee entrance. It was nine o’clock and he knew that Kate was in class, but he wanted to be waiting when she arrived. He watched as many associates entered the building to begin their shifts. Time passed quickly. At about ten, he knew that Kate would be on her way soon. He just had to be patient.

two hours passed and Kate didn’t show. Maybe she had been changed to the late shift. He knew that meant she would be working from one to ten that night.

He decided to call the store and ask to speak with her. Perhaps that would give him something to go on. He had the number on his speed dial. When the operator answered, he asked fo
r the children’s department.

“Thank you for calling the children’s d
epartment. This is Lori.”

, Lori. I’m calling for Kate. Would you please put her on the phone?”

“Oh, I’m afraid I can’t because Kate no longer works here
,” she replied.

He hissed at Lori through clenched teeth. “What do you mean? She quit? When did she quit?”

“She quit several weeks ago.”

“Do you know where she is currently working?”

“I’m afraid I have no idea where she is now. She didn’t leave any forwarding information. She just quit without even giving notice.”

“Okay, thanks,” he said
, ending the call. He grabbed the steering wheel and squeezed it tightly. Why would she quit her job? This didn’t make any sense at all. She had talked about how much she liked her job and her co-workers. Something didn’t add up.

Kate must have
thought that he had killed Rose. “Fuck,” Roger yelled out, as he hit the steering wheel. He needed her to make his life perfect. He was not going to settle for mediocrity any longer with the regular women he dated. His foster mother had always told him he was special and damn it if he didn’t deserve to have exactly what he wanted. Nothing was going to stand in his way.

Roger sat in his car for a while thinking about where Kate could be working now.
It seemed most likely that she would have simply transferred to another Nordstrom. She needed a flexible schedule to be able to attend school. It was logical that she would stay in retail and transferring to another location would be the easiest thing for her to do.

He decided to go to Horton Plaza and check out the Nordstrom
there. He would casually walk around the store and look for her. He’d be shopping for Kate instead of clothing.

He got on 163 South and headed toward downtown
, it only taking fifteen minutes to get there. After parking his car, he made his way toward Nordstrom. The mall wasn’t that busy since it was a weekday.

The first floor had ladies shoes, cosmetics, handbags, hosiery, and men’s clothing. He
wandered around and was approached by many sales people offering assistance. Kate was nowhere to be found. He continued his search on the second floor, which was wall-to-wall ladies clothing. Again, he didn’t spot Kate. The third floor was a bust as well. He decided to take a break in the café and call the store to ask for Kate. The operator told him that no one by the name of Kate Simmons worked there.

He had struck out
; anger welling up inside him, from wasting an entire day and getting nowhere. It was almost four o’clock in the afternoon and he had plans to see Rose tonight after she got off work.
Rose will be getting it rough tonight . That’s what I would be doing to my Kate, as that’s what she would deserve for causing my fury.
He would have to spend tomorrow at SDSU searching. On Friday, he would check the Nordstrom stores at UTC and North County Fair.

Now that he had a plan, he decided to go home and do some paperwork for his company. He had hired a guy to do window tinting for him so he would have more free time for his extra-curricular activities. Alan had worked for him while he was in Germany visiting Jacob. Everything had gone smoothly and he was going to keep Alan on to do the manual labor while he lined up the jobs.
Alan was exactly what he needed so he will be able to lavish all the attention on Kate that she deserves. He had jobs booked for the next two weeks so he could spend his time looking for Kate. He had a gut feeling that it wouldn’t be long before he found her and she was sharing his bed.
Soon, my love. We’ll be together soon.

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