Taken In The Night: Bred in Darkness Episode One (2 page)

BOOK: Taken In The Night: Bred in Darkness Episode One
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Fear welled up in her but she was beyond anything but the feel of him inside of her.  She wrapped her legs around him as he began to thrust harder and deeper into her.  The man began kissing her neck, then sucking it as he whispered something guttural that sounded like some kind of Gregorian chant.  The sensation of his mouth on her skin, the need of his cock pounding inside her combined with the power of his voice sent another orgasm crashing through her body.   Then he opened his mouth and his teeth seemed to almost reach for her neck.  Her mind cried out to struggle, but she kept moving her hips against him even as his mouth tore at her throat and he began to suck at her neck.  She felt her heart beating, actually heard the blood pounding through her head and leaving through her neck.

Screams and shots sounded outside of the bus.

 “Jerrod!  They found her!”  The yell came from the front of the bus.

The man was up and off of her instantly.  She heard noises in the front and the sounds of objects bouncing on the windows.  She tried to follow, but the man put his hand on her chest.  "Stay here and do not move from this spot.”  From a compartment above the bed he pulled out a massive pistol.  It looked like the silver jewelry that Vera collected, and it looked to Vera like it could take down a large aircraft.    Still naked and wet from her juices, he cocked the weapon and disappeared from the bedroom. 

Still in a daze Vera sat naked, clutching the bed sheets to her breast as gunfire and screaming filled her ears.   She knew she should run.  It was the same voice in her head that had urged struggle just moments ago.  She tried to move her hand, and though it was sluggish, it moved.  She looked down at it and saw that the bed sheet was covered with blood, her blood.

 The site of her blood woke her from her stupor.  She stood, fought off dizziness, and pulled on her clothes.  She had no idea where he had thrown her bra. 
Fuck it.
Bras were cheap and she had more in her suitcases.  She didn’t know how much blood she had left. 
None of that in the suitcase.  Fuck.
   A gunshot exploded and she heard one of the tour bus windows crash.  She saw her purse lying where she had absently dropped it next to the couch—
on my way to fuck a total stranger in a random vehicle
—and she snatched it up. 
Just what I need, leave my ID and end up back here for round two.

Nobody was in the front of the bus.  Vera exploded from the side door at a full out run into a world turned on its head.  She saw ten or eleven of the diner’s customers, the ones she thought looked like they belonged at a truck stop.   Now they lay scattered across the ground in pools of blood. 
How long have I been back there?
It seemed impossible that the three from the tour bus could have murdered all of them, but when she saw one of them emerge from around the corner covered in gore with a smoking gun clenched in his hand she knew it was the only explanation.

"Jerrod!"  He called out with a smile, "You've lost control of her, brother, and now your little rabbit runs.  Shall I bring her back for you?" 

"Like hell you will you fucking psycho." Vera snarled under her breath and dashed around the corner towards her car.  Her hands were already fishing her keys from her purse and moving them to the door.  Adrenalin and fear made her hands shake and she dropped her keys, kicked them, and watched them skid below her car.

 Vera dropped to her belly on the oil-stained blacktop and fished them out of a shallow puddle of sticky fluid.  It was blood. As she stood, a wave of dizziness overwhelmed her.  She stared transfixed at the site as the thick red liquid rolled from the keys to her hand and down the white flesh of her arm. 

Movement caught her eye and brought her back to the moment.  It was the chunky redhead waitress who had served her dinner.  She was just standing there with a blank look on her face, undoubtedly in shock from everything that was happening.  The sight of her brought Vera back to reality in an instant. 

"Lady, snap the hell out of it get your ass in the car.  We are leaving NOW!"  Vera unlocked the door and swung into the driver seat.  She started the car and was reaching across to unlock the passenger side when she stopped.  The redheaded waitress was still just standing there.  But instead now her head was tilted to the side and upwards.  As if listening to something.  A second passed and then the girls eyes suddenly came into focus and her gaze snapped to Vera. They were filled with hunger.  Vera stared and realized the woman’s mouth was covered with blood.  The woman licked at her lips. 

The waitress crouched down letting out a scream that sounded something like a baby crying and a wolf howling.  She sprang upwards, clearing the eleven or twelve feet to the car and landed on the hood with a shocking thump.  Vera felt the dizziness wash over her again just as the redhead woman crashed a fist through the windshield and grabbed at her.  The woman’s hand was caught, but her fingers stretched for Vera, just an inch or two from her face. 

"Get the fuck off my hood you fat bitch" Vera screamed and slammed the car in reverse, blasting out of the out of the parking space.  The waitress-thing lost her balance for a moment and Vera but stayed on the hood, lodged up to her elbow in the windshield.   Vera slammed the breaks, popped the car into drive, and jerked the car to the right.  No luck, the woman stayed.   Vera drove faster and cranked the wheel back and forth.  The only effect was to pull the woman’s body up so she completely covered the windshield. 

The force of the impact tore the waitress and the front windshield from the car sending them flying across the lot.  Vera's head slammed into the airbag which instantly exploded from the steering wheel.  Vera groggily raised her head and saw through a red haze that she’d slammed into a cement light pole. Vera looked to where the redhead lay broken on the ground in a pile of glass.  Red and black was closing in at the corner of her eyes.  She looked and saw that the wounds in her neck were still bleeding.  She considered leaving the car to check on the woman, but as she glanced at her, the woman stood and shook her body the way Vera might shake off a hard hit at a soccer game. 

Vera stared, almost dream-like, at the nightmare ahead of her as the redhead walking towards her, mouth open, fangs exposed.  She crawled back onto the hood of the car mouth moving up and down, tongue licking her bloody lips.  She made choked hungry noises.  Vera felt darkness closing in on her.

"You." It was the man’s voice.  "Over here."  Vera looked up and saw the woman do the same.  Then, the waitress’ head exploded with a deafening boom.  Vera felt sticky warmth over her body and looked in horror at blood, bone, brains, and strands of red hair.  She raised her hand to scream and saw the man she had just been fucking lower the giant silver pistol.  He was still naked.  He walked toward Vera’s door, muscles rippling, and Vera realized with a shock that she desperately wanted to feel him inside of her again.  By the time he reached her door, her wounds finally overcame her, and Vera slipped into darkness.


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