Taken (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 2)

BOOK: Taken (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 2)
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Shadow Creek Shifters


Madison Johns


Copyright © 2014 Madison Johns

Taken, Shadow Creek Shifters, Madison Johns



Cover by Tina Adams

Edited by Cindy Tahse


Disclaimer: M/F/M Red-Hot Shifter Ménage Romance. This book is not intended for anyone under the age of eighteen or anyone who is bothered by explicit content that includes strong sexual content, situations, and language between two mountain lion shifters and a human.




Thanks to
The Wolf Pack: For Readers who like a good howl
Facebook group and all of the ARC readers I’ve found there. I’d also like to thank all of the paranormal authors who have been kind enough to answer questions and emails even though I know that they’re very busy themselves. The support I’ve received writing this genre is some of the best of my writing career. Reinvention is not an easy thing to do for any author and, as always, I consider myself very lucky indeed. Thanks to all of the readers who thirst for the next word, the next line, and always the next book. You all inspire me to work harder, dig deeper, and keep at it. I’d like to also thank my beta reader Donna H.

Chapter One

Katlyn moaned in her sleep, every nerve in her body at attention. As fingers moved across her mound, she was both shocked and awed at the response he was able to evoke. She wasn’t able to conceal the gasp that escaped her lips, or the aching that began deep inside. When her nipple was taken into a hot mouth, she didn’t know nor care which of her mates it was, since she was on fire. She could feel the perspiration that came to the surface of her skin as she became hotter and hotter, her mind reeling at the sensations that forced their way into her befuddled brain. She continued to keep her eyes closed as fingers, hands and tongues worked her into a mating frenzy that drove her insane with need. Every morning, it was the same. Brendan and Chase would spend hours arousing her, but it also always ended the same, with frustration when they wouldn’t enter her, and oh, how she wanted to feel their hardness between her legs, claiming her as theirs over and over again. Sure, they would make sure she found her pleasure, but she so wanted them to mount her with fervor, just as they had before.

Katlyn snapped her eyes open just for a second, gazing deep into Brendan’s eyes for a moment, and knew which position he’d assume. He always took the front while Chase the rear. Brendan continued to gaze at her as Chase hitched her hips to the side, and now Brendan and Chase sandwiched her between them, each of them pressing their hard bodies against hers. Katlyn’s legs were parted and a hard cock was placed between her thighs, but instead of trying to gain entry, it simply was rubbed between her thighs while Chase rubbed his cock against her ass. She tried with all of her might to rub herself against Brendan’s hard shaft, but he chuckled low in his throat and she sighed in protest. She allowed them both to rub against her for a minute or two, but then she arched her back, pushing against Brendan’s cock, and she exploded on the spot at the sensual contact as the soft skin that covered his hardness rubbed against her inner most folds. Her folds parted just enough that her clit was able to get the contact she wanted as her juices slickened Brendan’s cock, giving him all the lubrication he needed to continue his caressing movements, driving her nearer to the edge. She wanted to fall off to the other side of bliss, but not this way, not without feeling a hard cock between her legs.

“Brendan, don’t torture me anymore. I can’t take it.”

Chase used his cock to tickle her ass while his palm found a breast. “We don’t have time and you know it,” he said as he squeezed her breast. “You’ll be late for school.”

“I don’t care. I’m not going anywhere if someone doesn’t fuck me now.”

Brendan tentatively touched her lower abdomen, his palm covering the place where their babies now grew inside her. They didn’t know she carried twins just yet, and she had plenty of good reasons not to tell them—like their hesitance to make love to her.

“We don’t want to hurt you,” Brendan said, removing his cock from between her legs.

“I’m pregnant, not dead.”

Brendan’s finger found her moistness and he slowly fucked her with it. When she felt Chase move away, she groaned in protest, but when she heard the snap of the tube of lube opening, she smiled. She switched positions until her ass was completely in his direction, and as he slipped a finger between the cheeks of her ass, he began rubbing her ever so slowly, teasing her so badly that she begged, “Please, I-I can’t wait any longer.”

She gasped as Chase’s finger found the opening he sought. So here Katlyn was, like every morning, being fingered by her mates while they pressed their bodies so closely against her that she didn’t know where one began and the other ended. It didn’t take long before she threw her head back and Chase nuzzled her neck, bringing her closer to the brink. Katlyn didn’t understand how she didn’t only have one orgasm, but prolonged ones that were a series of peaks and valleys, as sensations flooded over her that seemed to go on and on. Just when she thought it was over, it had really only begun. Her mates knew exactly how to evoke a grand mal of orgasms that they wrenched out of her. Even while she thought she just wasn’t capable of feeling that good, they took her even higher.

Katlyn screamed as her entire body pulsated, her breasts heaving, and her pussy squeezing Brendan’s fingers. Instead of the men stopping, they moved their fingers insider her even harder until she went totally limp on the bed. She couldn’t think at this point, just laid there, her pussy still tingling, until much later when her alarm clock went off.

* * *

When she snapped her eyes open, both of her mates were long gone, like they were every morning when she arose. They insisted every morning she have an orgasm, but neither of them seemed all that interested in getting one of their own. They just weren’t all that concerned with themselves, just in pleasing their mate. And boy, how they pleased Katlyn. So Brendan and Chase were hesitant now that she was pregnant, but she vowed that she’d make a stand when she came home from school today. She’d insist that they take her like they did before she was with child, every which way they wanted. Katlyn missed having them inside her, bringing her to orgasm, and she just wouldn’t allow them to deny her any longer.

Katlyn sauntered to the shower and blasted herself with the strong spray of water as she turned on the nozzle. How she wanted to linger longer in the shower, but time was not on her side today. She had to be at the classroom earlier than she had planned since she looked forward to getting to know the parents a little better. She knew very little of who any of the children’s parents were. She’d only briefly met them, save for the new alpha, Raphael, who would be bringing Maxwell.

* * *

An hour later, Katlyn was dressed and ready to head out the door, but as she passed a cabin, she let herself in with the key hidden under a rock. Quietly, she crept inside, listening for a sound, but when silence greeted her, she called out, “Tessa, are you here?”

A dark shape shuffled to the door and leaned against the wall. But then light began to show through the window and Tessa backed up. Katlyn followed her and gazed deeply into her eyes, “Are you awake still?”

“Of course I am. It’s not much past dawn, and you should know I can’t stand the sunlight anymore.”

“I know. I just wanted to pop in and ask if you needed anything.”

Tessa laughed. “Turning back time might be nice, but there’s no sense in thinking about that now.”

It was obvious that Tessa still thought about the past and the night she was changed for all eternity. Turned into a vampire at the age of twenty-five by the woman that ran the ranch, Paige.

“If I could turn back the clock, I’d never have left you alone with Paige.”

“Don’t blame yourself, Katlyn. It’s not healthy for you or your children.” She frowned. “How do you really feel about being pregnant by mountain lion shifters? Are you really okay with it?”

Katlyn sunk to a chair. “Actually, I think I was in shock when I found out. I mean, I never dreamed of getting pregnant at twenty-five by two shifters, but I wasn’t thinking all that much about taking precautions when I conceived. It just seemed natural between the three of us when we were together. I don’t think Chase thought all that much about it, either. He doesn’t seem eager about becoming a father. And now, both Brendan and Chase seem reluctant to be intimate with me. Oh, sure, they pleasure me, but neither of them will—you know.”

Tessa smiled. “I wish I knew. I mean, I really hope that one day I’ll be able to find what you have, Katlyn, two shifters who adore you and care enough about you that they don’t want to injure you. Perhaps you should take them to your next doctor’s appointment so she can explain that they can’t really injure you by making love to you.”

Katlyn cringed at the thought. “But then they’d know I’m having twins.”

“You mean you still haven’t told them?”

“I will when I know for sure that they’re accepting of the fact that I’m with child. I don’t even know for sure if they want children. There are so many things I just don’t know about them.”

“You still never answered my question, Katlyn. How do you feel about the fact that your children will be half human and half mountain lion shifters?”

Katlyn’s hand fell to her abdomen. “It’s overwhelming, to say the least. It’s a good thing I’m teaching shifter children now. Perhaps in time, I’ll be able to accept it, but I’m not all that sure how it even works.” She buried her face between her hands. “It scares me to think that my children will be able to shift into mountain lions. I can’t imagine how much trouble and danger they could get into if they ran off.”

“Well, you have a long time before you’ll have to worry about it since you’re only three months along, but you might want to spend time with the parents of the children you’re teaching. They might be able to ease your mind. But, first and foremost, you’ll have to tell your mates that you carry twins.”

Katlyn faced Tessa and nodded. “I know you’re right, but that’s not why I came here this morning. I’m worried about you, Tessa. How are you, really?” When she didn’t answer, she pressed further. “So, are you angry at Paige?”

She shrugged. “She started me on the medication right away. It does help with the cravings. The blood bank also supplied me with a bottle of blood. So I have everything any new vampire should ever need to survive without taking a human life.”

Tessa picked up a bottle of pills from her end table and she swallowed it down with a grimace.

Katlyn stared warily at her now, since she so didn’t answer the question. “How is the medication working?”

“It’s not without its side effects. I’ve been getting terrible migraines, and—” Tessa pulled up her sleeve and Katlyn gasped at the lesions that covered her forearm.

Katlyn tried her best not to look horrified. “How long have you had that? It looks horrible.”

“I know, right?”

“You need to see a doctor, and soon.”

Tessa laughed. “You’re kidding. And will this doctor have hours after dark, too? Or be able to treat a vampire?”

“How should I know? I just know that you need medical attention before you get really sick.”

“You do know I’m already dead, right?”

Katlyn shook her head, tears threatening to fall. “Please, don’t say that.”

“Sorry, but if you came here to offer me any advice about how I should deal with my recent condition, I’m afraid there’s nothing further to talk about. Now, go along to the school as your blood is singing to me, and it will take an hour before the medication kicks in.” Tessa smiled weakly and Katlyn got up to leave while the going was good.

Katlyn didn’t believe for a moment that Tessa had forgiven Paige so readily for turning her. “If you insist, but I can’t help but think that you’re harboring deep feelings of anger about what Paige did to you, and I hope you can come to terms with them.”

“And what about you?”

“Sure, I was angry, but she seemed to be genuinely sorry for what she had done to you.”

Tessa only stared back at Katlyn, which wasn’t any kind of response. Since when had she become so emotionless? When Tessa still continued to silently stare at Katlyn, she made a hasty retreat since she didn’t know what Tessa might be capable of now.


Chapter Two

Katlyn had more on her mind as she drove a UTV (utility terrain vehicle) to the schoolhouse. Now, she had Tessa solidly on her mind. As if worrying about her pregnancy wasn’t enough, she was worried about Tessa’s lesions. While even though she was no longer human, that certainly couldn’t be good. If Tessa didn’t want to speak with Paige about it, she certainly could. Paige needed to take some kind of responsibility for Tessa since she was the one who’d turned her, and possibly that might just open up the lines of communication between Paige and Tessa. It was unhealthy to keep everything bottled up like that. Katlyn knew Tessa was holding back, but was unsure how she’d be able to encourage Tessa to really confide in her.

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