Taking Aim (13 page)

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Authors: Elle James

Tags: #Contemporary romantic suspense, #Harlequin Intrigue, #Fiction

BOOK: Taking Aim
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She circled her arms around his neck and pressed her naked breasts into his chest. “Then what are you waiting for?” Jacie slid her calf up the back of his leg.

Zach kissed her as he cupped her bottom and lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist and backing her against the wall.

He reached beneath her to unfasten his jeans. His member sprang free and nudged her opening.

“Are you always this hard in the morning?” she asked.


She sucked in a deep breath, so ready for him to come inside her, but not too far gone to be stupid about it. “What about protection?” She kissed his cheek, then his eyelid, trailing her lips across to the other eye.

Zach carried her across to the bed and dumped her on the mattress.

“Hey. That’s not very romantic,” she protested.

“Shut up and hand me my wallet,” he said through gritted teeth.

She found the leather billfold and pulled out a package similar to the one they’d used the night before. “Last one.” She waved it at him. “Better make this count.”

“Oh, I will.” He dove for it.

Jacie dodged him and held it out of his reach. “Not yet.”

“What do you mean, not yet?”

“As you eloquently put it, shut up, and let me show you.” Her lips curled in a wicked smile. She pressed her palms to his chest, forcing him onto his back. “I hope you’re not one of those men who thinks foreplay is overrated.”

“I am.”

“Then prepare to be proved wrong.” She straddled his jean-clad hips, lowering herself enough to touch his hard shaft, but not enough for him to enter her. At the same time, she kissed him full on the mouth, taking his tongue with hers in long, sexy strokes.

Oh, yeah, she liked touching him and could see herself doing it a lot more. If he’d let her.

“Hell, Jacie, I’m about to explode. Could you hurry it up?”

Her lips slid across his chin and down to his chest, where she nibbled on the tight little brown nipples. Jacie wasn’t a virgin, but she’d never played with a man before Zach. She liked it a lot. Her trail led her lower, bumping over the taut ripples of the muscles of his abdomen to the thatch of curls at the base of his shaft.

She wrapped her fingers around his hard, thick member. “Is this fast enough?”

“Hell, no.” He leaned up on his elbows, his eyes widening as Jacie touched her lips to the tip and swirled her tongue around the circumference.

Zach dropped to his back and sucked in a deep gulp of air. “Wow.”

“Like that?” She did it again, this time followed by slipping his shaft into her mouth and applying a little suction.

He groaned, his hands lacing through her hair. “I can’t take much more.”

She gave it to him anyway, going down on him until he filled her mouth.

Her blood sang, the fire burning low in her belly flaring, crying out for her to get on with it and take him inside her. Now.

Unable to hold out any longer, Jacie sat up, rolled the condom down over him and mounted, easing down over him.

Zach wrapped his hands around her hips and guided her up and down. “That’s nice.” Then he flipped her onto her back and thrust into her. “But this is better.”

Jacie had to agree as he rocked in and out, the friction sending her to the edge and over.

At the same time as her body exploded in a tingling burst of sensations, Zach hit home one more time and remained buried deep inside.

Minutes later, they both drifted back to earth and the reality of the sunshine edging around the side of the curtains.

Zach rolled to the side, slapped her bottom and smiled. “Get up. We have work to do.”

“How can you move after that?” Her body still vibrating with her release, she lay for a moment longer, basking in the afterglow. She moaned and sat up. Today they had to find her sister. “I’ll be ready in five minutes.” And she dashed for the bathroom.

Inside she stared at the stranger in the mirror. Her face was flushed, her lips bruised, her hair all over the place. Jacie had never felt more alive and desirable than she did at that moment.

She found a plastic-wrapped toothbrush beneath the sink, scrubbed her teeth and finger combed her hair. With nothing to tie it back with, she was forced to leave it down. Then she splashed her face with water and was finally ready to dress. That’s when she remembered all her clothes were in the other room and she’d have to parade once more in her birthday suit in front of Zach.

So much for modesty. But then they’d made love twice. Why should it matter? With a deep breath, she threw back her shoulders and marched out.

Zach held her jeans and one of his T-shirts. “Yours was torn and bloody.”

When she held out her hand for them, he raised them out of reach, his gaze panning her body from top to toe. “If only we had more time.”

His heated gaze made her body burn. “If only my sister wasn’t still missing.” She wiggled her fingers, wishing she had the luxury of lying around in bed with Zach all day. “Your T-shirt will fit me like a dress.”

“It’ll look better on you than it does on me.” Zach handed over the clothes, his fingers dropping to tweak her naked breast before he sighed and stepped away. “I called Hank. He’s expecting us in thirty minutes.”

“Then we’d better get going.” She slipped her arms into his T-shirt and pulled it over her body.

Zach’s gaze followed the fabric all the way down.

“Eyes up here, cowboy.” Jacie pointed to her own eyes and laughed.

“Can’t help it. You have a great body.”

Her cheeks heated again. “Let’s find my sister and you can tell me more about it.” Jacie pulled her jeans up over her legs and zipped them, deciding going commando wasn’t so bad after all. Once she had her boots on, she glanced around the room. “You have my sister’s phone?”

Zach patted his pocket. “I do.”

“Then let’s go.”

At the door Zach pulled her back and into his arms. “You know I leave after this job is over.”

Jacie swallowed hard, pasting a smile on her face. “I know. I’m just in this for the sex,” she shot back at him as flippant as she could make it sound.

Then she pushed through the door, her chin held high, her heart sitting like a lead weight in her belly. Hell, she’d known from the start that Zach was on assignment from Hank’s talent pool. He’d move on to the next job once they found Tracie. Jacie had known the ending of their story from the start, and she’d chosen to have sex with Zach anyway.

Still, the thought of Zach leaving made her day duller and darker than the rain-laden skies. Finding her sister would be bittersweet, but it had to happen.

Chapter Thirteen

Zach dropped the cell phone on Hank’s desk. “Can you have someone hack into this and see if there are any numbers or information Tracie might have been using to go after the DEA agents?”

“Will do. My tech guy, Brandon Pendley, just got in and I had him working on hacking into the FBI database.” Hank stood with the phone in his hand. “I’m sure this will be a piece of cake for him.”

“While you’re with Pendley, I need information on Enrique Sanchez. Anything you can find out. His address, family, friends. Anything. As soon as you can get it.”

Hank’s gaze moved from Zach to Jacie. “Someone we should be aware of?”

“I got word that he’s connected with La Familia. Jacie and I will hit the diner and see if we can find out anything else about him. Then I’m going to pay him a little visit.”

“I’ll get Pendley right on it.” Hank frowned. “If you think you need backup, I can have three other CCI men in less than an hour—including me.”

Zach nodded. “I’ll let you know. Have Pendley call or text the information as soon as he has anything.”

“Will do.” Hank nodded toward the window. “The joint operations team is expanding their search, supposedly sending feelers out to the other side of the border to see if they can locate Tracie. The FBI regional director is an old friend of mine, Grant Lehmann. He said he was giving the search top priority.”

Jacie inhaled and closed her eyes for a moment. “It just seems so pointless. Is anyone actually going to find her?”

Zach slipped an arm around her and hugged her close. “Yes. And we’re going to start by following the leads to Enrique.”

“Let me get Brandon on this phone and the information you need to find Enrique. Then before you go, let me arm you with a few things you might need in your efforts. I should have given them to you before, but I wasn’t sure if you’d actually employ them.” Hank waved them to the back of the house and down the steps to a reinforced basement.

The first room they entered had computer screens lining the desks and larger screens affixed to the walls.

A young man wearing blue jeans, his hair hanging down to his collar and a single earring on one ear, glanced up. “Hey, Hank, who’ve you got with you?”

“Brandon, meet Zach Adams and Jacie Kosart.”

Brandon stood and held out his hand to Jacie. “You’re the twin?”

Jacie shook his hand. “That’s right. I’m Tracie Kosart’s sibling.”

“Sorry about your sister.”

“Don’t be, just help me find her.”

“On it.” Brandon shook hands with Zach. “Nice to finally meet you in person.”

“Actually,” Hank added, “it was Brandon that found you and recommended I hire you.”

Zach grinned. “Thanks. I think.”

“Hank’s a good man. You’ll like working with him.”

Zach made note of the fact that Brandon had said working with Hank, not for him. That indicated a level of teamwork and trust, reinforcing Zach’s decision to go to work for Hank.

Hank handed the cell phone to Brandon. “Tracie Kosart’s cell. Hack it for any information you can get out of it. But before you start, locate Enrique Sanchez for us.”

Brandon gave a mock salute. “On it.” He dropped back into his chair, and his fingers flew over the keyboard, his concentration fully on the screen in front of him.

“Brandon will have information about Enrique before you leave the ranch.” Hank swept his hand to the back of the room. “Now, if you’ll follow me.”

Zach wondered how large the basement actually was as he followed Hank deeper into the maze.

Hank stopped at a steel, reinforced door and clicked numbers into a keypad. The door slid open and he stepped aside and gestured for them to follow. “Please.”

Inside, the walls were painted a stark white and lined with racks filled with every kind of weapon imaginable.

Jacie spun in a circle, her eyes wide. “Holy crap, Hank, where’d you get all these?”

“Some of them I bought, others I had manufactured in one of my plants.” He pulled a canvas bag off a hanger and handed it to Zach. One by one, he plucked armament off the shelves. “You might be able to use these incendiary grenades if you need to create a diversion.” He tucked the grenade into the canvas bag and moved to the next shelf labeled CS Gas. “If you need to get the enemy out of a reinforced location, these come in handy. Here, you might need these, as well.” Hank handed him a pair of night-vision goggles.

“Hank.” Zach shook his head. “I’d be scared if I wasn’t convinced you were one of the good guys.”

“I wanted my operatives to be prepared for any event.”

Zach held up his hand as Hank prepared to shove more into the canvas bag. “I’d never get past the gauntlet of the joint ops team outside with much more than I have in here now. I could use nine-millimeter ammo and a couple tracking devices.”

“Got it.” Hank handed Zach several clips and boxes of rounds and a web belt with straps that would hold clips and grenades. “And take this.” He handed him a shiny SIG Sauer Pro. “In case you need a backup.”

Zach stuffed it all into the canvas bag. “That should about cover a small war.”

“You’re in cartel territory,” Hank reminded him. “They have far more firepower than that.” The older man handed him three small disks. “Keep one somewhere on your person at all times. Tuck it in your underwear or shoes, just don’t let it out of your reach. If you get into trouble, I’ll be able to locate you.”

“Sounds like you expect big trouble.” Jacie shivered.

Zach wished he could shield her from all this, but she was smack dab in the middle and might as well be mentally as well as physically prepared with major hardware. “When we locate your sister, she’s likely being held in a guarded compound. Getting in might not be a problem. Getting out with your sister will prove more challenging.”

Jacie’s chin tipped upward, though her face had paled several shades. “I’m not afraid.”

Hank stared hard at her. “You should be. The cartels are ruthless.”

Zach nodded. “He’s right. I’ve seen what they can do to a captured woman. It’s not pretty.” He closed his eyes as memories of Toni’s torture washed over him. “On second thought, Jacie, you should stay here with Hank. You’d be better off here monitoring efforts than getting caught up with the cartel.”

“You know how well I stay put. Take me with you now or I’ll follow you anyway.”

Hank chuckled. “I might have to hire you onto my team. I hear you’re a good shot.”

Jacie nodded. “I am. But I’m not interested. I like my job. Getting shot at by a negligent hunter isn’t nearly as scary as getting shot at by an angry cartel member.”

Hank shrugged. “The offer’s there if you change your mind.”

Zach hooked Jacie’s arm. “If you’re done negotiating, let’s get out and find your sister.”

Jacie shook her arm loose as she exited Hank’s armory. “What? You don’t like the idea of me playing undercover cowboy?” Her eyes narrowed. “Why?”

“It’s too dangerous.”

“And it’s not as dangerous for you?” She flipped her ponytail over her shoulder. “Sounds a bit chauvinistic to me.”

At that moment, they passed Brandon’s desk. “Give it up, dude. You’ll never win.”

Zach growled, his gut in a knot at the thought of Jacie being in harm’s way every day. She made a good point about double standards, but he couldn’t help it. His instinct to protect her was strong and he was struggling to get past it. If he could tie her up at Hank’s and be assured she wouldn’t find a way loose, he’d have left her rather than take her with him to interrogate Enrique.

Brandon gave Zach a sticky note. “That’s Enrique’s home address. It’s just outside town. Be careful, the man has a police record of assault and battery. He’s a mean dude.”

“Thanks.” Zach tucked the note in his pocket and placed his hand on the small of Jacie’s back, guiding her toward the stairs.

“For the record, take the job if you like. It’s your life.”

Jacie paused with one foot on the step. “That’s right. It is my life. And you’re not staying around anyway, so why should it bother you?”

His gut clenched. He’d told her that he’d be out of there as soon as the case was over. Why it hurt hearing this from her, he didn’t know, but it did. Zach had to remind himself not to get attached, although he feared it was too late. “Now that we’re agreed, keep moving or we’ll be here all day.” He slapped her bottom as she climbed the steps out of the basement.

“My, my, we’re grumpy, aren’t we?” She threw a twisted smile over her shoulder at him. “Didn’t get enough sleep?”

Her teasing wink only made him want to spank her again, or kiss her. Either would have been just as satisfying at that point, but not nearly enough. He wanted to take her back to bed and make love to her.

Unfortunately now was not the time or place.

“Here, hold this, it will look less conspicuous than if I walked out carrying it.” He handed the canvas bag to Jacie before they left the ranch house and crossed to where he’d parked his truck. He glanced up at the steely gray skies, glad for the added darkness, yet hoping the rain would hold off until he had a chat with Enrique.

Bruce Masterson emerged from the operations tent and waved at them. “Jacie!”

“Just keep going,” Zach urged.

Jacie placed a hand on Zach’s arm and brought him to a stop. “What if he has information about Tracie?”

Zach smiled down at her and spoke between clenched teeth. “You’re carrying weapons that aren’t necessarily legal for civilians to own.”

“Oh.” Jacie hiked the bag higher on her shoulder. “Now’s a good time to tell me.”

“Just make it short.” Zach turned to face the FBI agent and nodded, his arm slipping around Jacie, pressing her and the bag against his side. “Masterson.”

“Adams.” Bruce nodded curtly toward Zach and turned his attention to Jacie. “We got a possible lead on your sister’s location.”

Jacie’s eyes widened and she started to take a step forward.

Zach held her firmly in place, schooling his face to give away nothing. If the FBI truly had a lead, good. In the meantime, they had their own information to follow up on. But he’d hear the agent out.

“Where is she?” Jacie asked. “Is she okay?”

Bruce raised his hand and snorted. “Not so fast. It’s a lead, not yet confirmed. I sent agents across the border to check it out. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out anything.”

“Oh, thank you.” She touched Masterson’s arm.

“Where will you be? Do you have a number I can reach you at?”

Jacie hesitated.

“You can leave word at the Big Elk Lodge,” Zach offered. “Giddings will pass the message on.”

“Right.” Jacie gave the man a stiff smile. “I’ll be busy working outside, away from my phone and out of decent reception.”

“Okay, then.” Bruce clapped his hands together. “I feel good about this, so don’t go too far out of touch in case we bring her back. I’m sure Tracie will want to see you.”

Jacie sighed. “Just bring her back alive.”

“We will.” Bruce spun on his heel and returned to the tent.

Zach turned Jacie toward his truck.

“Why did you tell him to call the lodge?” Jacie asked. “I’ll have my phone on me.”

“I’d just as soon not give him the number. You don’t know who in that operations tent is on our side. Remember there’s a mole inside either the FBI or the DEA. We’re not sure which, but I’m not willing to take chances.”

“Right.” Jacie nodded. “And phones can be traced through the global positioning system.”

Zach handed her up into the truck and closed the door before climbing into the driver’s seat.

They accomplished the drive to town in silence. As soon as they headed back out of town on the other end, Zach’s fingers tightened on the wheel. “I’m not going to drive right up into Enrique’s yard.”

Jacie turned toward him. “I’m listening.”

“I’ll park the truck back about half a mile from his place, hide it in the brush and hike in on foot. I’m going to pretend I broke down. That way they don’t start shooting right away.”

“Sounds good so far.”

He breathed in and let it out, then continued, knowing exactly what her reaction would be to his next words. “I want you to stay with the truck and watch for other vehicles that might enter or leave.”

“In other words, you’re not taking me in.” She crossed her arms. “You know how I feel about that.”

“I need live backup. By staying back, if you hear gunfire, get the hell back to town, where you’ll have cell phone reception and can get Hank’s help.”

She shook her head. “Not getting any better. Why can’t I come with you and we pretend we’re the happy, lost couple?”

“Because Enrique might know you or recognize your face if he had anything to do with Tracie’s disappearance. It would be like waving a red flag in the bull’s face.”

Jacie sat back against her seat, her gaze riveted on his. Finally she sighed, her shoulders sagging. “I hate it when you make sense. Okay, I’ll stay put, but I’m not going to like it.”

“Thanks.” He pulled off the highway and onto the side of the road, bumping across the uneven terrain, fitting the truck in the middle of a clump of scrubby juniper trees.

Cedar scent filled the interior of the truck.

Zach switched the engine off and faced Jacie. “I also didn’t want to worry about you.” He leaned across the seat, cupped the back of her neck and kissed her soundly on the lips. “Damn it, you’re growing on me and it scares the crap out of me.”

A lump formed in Jacie’s throat. “Goes the same for me.”

Zach climbed out of the truck and struck out across the scrubby terrain without a backward glance.

The sky rumbled in the distance, and a single raindrop hit the windshield. Jacie hoped the rain would hold off a little longer until Zach came back.

* * *

to the highway until he reached the dirt track leading into Enrique’s place. Old cars littered the front yard, some with the hoods lifted, others jacked up, the tires long gone.

Though he knew he’d be a big target, Zach stepped out in the open, pretending to be a motorist whose car had broken down on the highway.

“Hello. Anyone home?” Zach called out. No one answered.

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