Taking What's Hers (Forced Submission Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Taking What's Hers (Forced Submission Book 3)
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Have you ever been in love?”

She looks at me with insecurity in her eyes, and I’m shocked she doesn’t know the answer. Of course I’ve been in love. I fell in love the day I first saw her.


I don’t know why she looks so disappointed. Maybe she thinks I mean someone else. I need her to trust me and to trust us. I don’t want to say something now that makes her think I’m lying. That I’m saying I love her to convince her to let me go. I need to show her.

I’d never leave you if you loved me. I’d do everything in my power to keep you. You might think I’m crazy, but she’s the crazy one. Anyone who would give you up is insane.”

I get a little angry at her words. First, that she would ever think I could feel this way about someone else is infuriating. Second, because she’s just as crazy as I am, and she better never plan on leaving me. I’m so far gone with her it’s psychotic, and I don’t give a shit. She’s mine, I’m hers. End of fucking story.

Is that so? Do you plan on letting me go?”

You won’t give me a choice! Soon your security will come in and take me away from you, but I won’t let that happen until I’m finished. I’ll have to leave before then, but hopefully I’ll have a piece of you I can take with me.”

Like I’d let my security team come in here and let them see her naked. I’d kill every one of them. They know the rules when it comes to her.

I want to give her a baby. I want to give her a life together, but I don’t want her to do this and run from me. “I won’t cum, Valentina. If you think I’d get you pregnant and let you run off with our child, you're crazier than I thought.”

I would track her and our baby to the ends of the earth. There’s no place she could hide that I wouldn’t be able to find her.

Suddenly, she’s on top of me, grabbing my face and looking into my eyes. My words have angered her, but I don’t care. She’s not leaving me.

Archer, my love. You haven’t seen crazy yet. If you only knew the lengths I’ve gone to have you. I wish you could see it as more than crazy, maybe as something else.” I start to confess my own craziness, but at the tears in her eyes, I stop speaking. I need to hold her. I need to tell her everything is going to be okay.

She jumps from the bed and turns so I can’t see her face, and I won’t have that. “Untie me, Valentina.”

Why? So you can leave me like everyone else does? No.”

My heart breaks for her. I know she hasn't had anyone important in her life, real friends or family.

Valentina,” I say, leaving no room for interpretation. I want her attention and I want it now.

No, I’m not letting you go. This is all your fault anyway. If you could have just noticed me, or seen me as something more, we could’ve had it all. Everything. We both could’ve had the family we wanted. I know how you feel about your parents. I feel the same about mine. They left me outside a hospital when I was thirteen. When I saw you, I knew we’d be perfect together, but you just couldn’t see me. I’d have done anything for you!”

It looks like she’s done just as much homework on me as I have on her. I know everything there is to know about this beautiful woman, and I would never deny her what she wants. She wants me, and I’m willing to give it to her.

If you’d do anything for me, you’d untie me,” I plead with her. I know no matter what I say, she won’t believe me, but if she unties me she’ll see I’m not going to run from her.

It’s too late, Archer. You sealed your own fate. Now I’m going to take what I want.”

She can take me, but not like this. I don’t want the first time we make love to be this way. I know she needs to trust me, but right now, it’s gone too far. I need to take over before she does something we can’t undo.

She gets back on the bed and straddles my body. She grabs my cock, rubbing her soaked pussy against the tip, and I can feel her opening kissing me, begging me to dive in. She adjusts a little, and my cock head is in place, slick with her juices and trembling with need.

Valentina, don’t do this.” I’m the most controlled I’ve ever been in my life, but I can’t hold on much longer.

I love you, Archer. I love you so much that I can love enough for both of us. ”

At those words, she seats herself fully on my cock, and I nearly go blind from the pressure. I let out a shout of pleasure and pain at the feel of her pussy wrapped around me. As her tight cunt grips me harder than anything I’ve ever felt, I pop the restraints on my wrists.

I watch as her eyes snap open in shock, and then I pop the ones around my legs. She’s not in control any longer, and she knows it.

Oh shit,” she whispers, as I pin her down to the bed.

I’m angry it had to be this way, but mostly I’m relieved. Finally, I can have her the way I’ve always wanted.




She grips my shoulders and wraps her legs around my waist, clinging to my body with every ounce of strength she has.

Don’t leave me,” she begs, and I can see she’s terrified I’m going to pull out.

Valentina, my darling love, I’ll give you everything you want, and I’ll never leave you.”

She looks at me with wide eyes. I can tell she doesn’t know whether or not to believe me.

I lean down and gently press my lips to hers. It’s a moment before she decides to kiss me back, and when she finally melts against me, I ever so softly thrust into her.

She lets out a moan, and I break the kiss, thinking I may have hurt her.

Please don’t stop. It feels so good to have you in me. I’ve waited for so long. Please don’t let it be over now,” she pleads, moving her hips, eager for me to take more of her. She should be careful because I’ll take every drop of her.

I give her another quick kiss and thrust inside her a little more. “My love, I won’t stop. I’ve waited for this for so long too. I want to be inside you for the rest of my life.”

Really?” Her eyes look a little wild, and I know this is my moment to reassure her.

Since the second I laid eyes on you, I’ve been in love with you. You say you’ve done crazy things because of me. I’ve done crazy things because of you too. One day we can share our stories, but tonight we are going to make love and make our baby.”

You want to have a baby with me too?” I love the hope in her voice. It tells me how much she really does want this.

I rock into her wet pussy a little harder this time, and her hips thrust up to meet me. The feeling of her tightening around me has my eyes rolling to the back of my head, and I know I’ll only last a few more seconds.

Yes, love. I want everything. I want to marry you, and make babies with you, and never have you out of my sight.”

Oh, Archer” she moans, throwing her head back in pleasure and thrusting her hips again to meet my strokes.

I bury my face in her neck and lick her there, getting as much of her inside my body as I can while I move my dick in and out.

I feel her pussy tighten around me, and I thank God she’s close. Reaching down between us, I strum her clit, still keeping my face buried in her neck, listening to her moans of pleasure.

As she starts to orgasm, I finally let go of the load of cum I’ve been holding inside me all night. Her tight pussy milks the cum out of my cock as if it’s sucking the seed from me. I nearly pass out from the strength of my orgasm. I fill her pussy so full that cum somehow manages to leak out the sides and down her ass.

I love you, Archer. Don’t ever leave me.”

Never, my sweet Valentina.”

After a beat, I thrust into her again, before sitting up to look her in the eyes. She looks at me with shock, and I give her my smug smile.

We’ve got a lot of work to do tonight if you want me to put a baby in here,” I say, reaching down and rubbing her lower belly. “I want as much of my cum in you as possible before the sun comes up. Then after that, we can sleep, but I’m still keeping my cock inside you.”

While I sleep?”

I can tell by the look in her eyes that she loves the idea. She wants to stay connected to me as much as I want to stay connected to her.

While you sleep, while you shower, while you cook, basically always.”

I like that,” she says, blushing all over.

Seeing the pink on her cheeks makes her look innocent, but so fucking beautiful.

I love you, Valentina.”

I lean down and kiss her lips, drowning in our passion. As we wrap our bodies around one another and try to become one, I can’t help but think how lucky I am.

We are clearly on a level of obsession that is unhealthy, but we are on the same level. It’s not every day you find the crazy that fits yours, so when you do, tie it to the bed and take it. That’s the only sane thing to do.



Check out all the books in the Forced Submission Series.


Taking What's Mine


Taking What's Ours







My dick pushes against the front of my uniform pants at knowing what’s coming, and I don’t mean my cock. Today I get a taste of my sweet little Rose. I’ve been planning this for weeks. I laugh at the thought of the word “planning.” Planning is putting it mildly. It’s more like obsessing, and invading my every thought. Being sheriff of Kirksville, Nebraska, only makes this that much easier to do.

I don’t care how much she fights this; I know she wants it. I hope she fights; it will only make my cock harder and her submission so much sweeter. By the end of this weekend, she’ll know who she belongs to. Her life will begin and end with me, and I’ll take nothing less.

Glancing over, I pick up the naked pictures I took of her. It’s easy to slip the little camera around her bedroom and bathroom, without her knowing. Of course I always have my eyes on her; she’s mine, after all. She’s been mine since the day I first saw her. A fresh-faced second-grade teacher over at the elementary school. So innocent and pure. She needs me just as much as I need her. I can protect her, because if anyone else felt a tenth of what I did for her – I squeeze the pictures in my hand just thinking about anyone else wanting her. I grind my teeth together in anger. No one else can have her.

The photos range from her in the shower, a few of her changing out of her clothes, and one of her masturbating. In that picture she’s tempting me with her pussy, making me want it. My blood boils thinking that it wasn’t me making her cum, even if that someone else was her. It’s crazy that I’m jealous she got herself off, but it doesn’t matter at this point, because I’ve gone past crazy when it comes to her. There is no going back. At least I know what she was thinking about when she touched herself. Innocent and pure little Rose has dirty fantasies. I’ve read all about them in her diary she thought she’d hidden away so well. I’m going to give her what she wants, even if she begs me to stop, and trust me, there will be all kinds of begging. I can already hear her pleas in my mind, making pre-cum leak from my cock.

Kissing one of the photos, I stack them back together and place them in my glove box with her diary. I slide out of my cruiser, closing the car door behind me, with a smile on my face. She walked right into my trap.

Each day when she leaves the school, she takes the same route home. In the country, many of the houses are spread out and hers is one of them. She takes a shortcut, but the road she uses is all farmland and not paved. It’s just loose gravel that cracks under my boots as I eat up the distance to her.

The summer just started and today was her last day until the next school year begins. I knew she’d be working late, and I used it to my advantage. I’ve waited long enough for this day, and she’s going to make it up to me with her pussy, her mouth, her ass, and her complete submission. I’ve been hanging on to a thin rope with her, and I can feel myself cracking. I need to touch her, bury myself inside her, and cool some of the raging desire she causes.

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