Taking What's His (Entangled Brazen) (4 page)

BOOK: Taking What's His (Entangled Brazen)
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Chapter Four

Lydia rolled her tongue over him, shutting out the world. She
how to do this, and for the first time that night, she didn’t feel like a fish out of the water. Everything else they’d done had been way, way outta her league. Hopefully he hadn’t noticed how nervous she was. But in spite of the nerves, she wasn’t second-guessing her decision to come home with him. She’d been waiting for a long time for a guy like him to come along. One who made her want…well,

And with him, she wanted so freaking much.

The way he touched her. Teased her. Caressed her, and yes, spanked her, drove her wild. She had a feeling she could easily become hooked on this. On him.

Good thing she wouldn’t get the chance.

Gripping his balls, she tugged his boxers down and closed her mouth over his erection, sucking gently. He groaned and flexed his fingers in her hair, pulling hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. Good ones, not bad. His grip was rough, yet reassuring.

Tight, yet gentle. Perfection.

He groaned. “Lydia, fuck, more.”

She took more of him in, moaning deep in her throat. Holt wasn’t just large, he was
. Her jaw ached from opening her mouth to accommodate him, but she didn’t care. He’d done nothing but blow her mind all night long. Now, it was her turn.

She pulled on his balls, applying what she hoped was the perfect amount of pressure to his sack, as she sucked harder. He groaned and fisted her hair even tighter, yanking it with his movements. “Watching you fuck me with your mouth is so hot.”

She lifted her lids and stared up at him. He was even stormier now, all turbulence and passion. His eyes reminded her of the sky on a winter afternoon, right before a blizzard. Deep, dark, and addictive. She could lose herself in him so easily.

“I’ll let you go another second, but then you’re fucking mine to take. Got it?”

She nodded, sucking even more of him in. He groaned and his arms tightened, flexing in that super sexy way that only men like him could do. His abs jerked, tightening. He didn’t have a scrap of ink on him, but he didn’t need it. His body was a work of art all on its own. To change it would be a crime to humanity.

She scraped her teeth over the head of his shaft, and he jerked. “Enough. In my room.

She let go of him instantly, even though she didn’t want to. She knew what came next, and it made her stomach tighten with a mixture of fear and excitement. And need. So much need. As she rose to her feet, he helped her up with a soft touch. “Yes, sir,” she said, her heart racing so loudly she barely heard her own words. “Right away, sir.”

He cupped her cheek and smiled at her, his gaze tender. But his grip was anything but. Spinning her around, he slammed his body against her back, his hard erection pressing against her butt. He rested his hand across her throat possessively. Not squeezing. Just holding her still. “You’re way too good at fucking me with your mouth.”

Her stomach clenched tight, doing a flip-flop, and she moaned. She couldn’t help it. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Nah.” He nibbled on her shoulder. “It’s time to get the rest of these clothes off. Follow me.”

“Y-Yes, sir.”

He led her into his bedroom, never dropping his hold on her. One slow step at a time. “Such a good girl. So obedient.”

His hand closed over her breast, and he squeezed it. Desire shot through her, straight to her core. They’d finally entered his bedroom. It was as neat as the rest of the house. It was immaculate. Big bed. One dresser. No pictures. Very impersonal.

Who are you, Holt Cunningham, and what are you hiding from the world?

He led her to the bed, flipped her over, and gently pushed her back until she hit the mattress. Her legs were spread as she fell, and he slipped between them and lowered himself onto her body. The sensation of his skin on hers, with nothing but a few scraps of fabric separating them, was electrifying.

She’d never felt anything like this before.

“You have no idea how crazy you’re driving me. I want to fuck you hard, right here, right now. No rules. No foreplay. Just you and me, naked and sweating.”

She stiffened beneath him. Because she’d been trying to avoid falling for the wrong guy yet again, she hadn’t exactly been climbing in and out of beds throughout college. And after one disastrous, disappointing night with one of the men she’d made an exception for…she hadn’t even wanted to. It had been
since she’d been in a guy’s bed, so she might need a gentler touch than that. “Holt. There’s something—”

“Shh.” He kissed her, brushing his mouth against hers lightly. “I said I wanted to, not that I would. Do you really think I’d leave you hanging like that? Not make you come? Scream? Beg? Cry for more until I finally gave it to you?”

She moaned when he tugged her hard nipple. “Oh my God.”

“Nope, just me.” He slid down her body, dropping kisses as he went. “Just you and me.”

He bit the skin right above her panty line, making her cry out. Then, without warning, he yanked her panties off and his mouth was on her, making her whole body scream with joy. “Yes. Oh my God,

When his tongue rolled over her, she squeezed his head with her legs, letting out a strangled moan. She’d never felt so…so…
. Every touch, every stroke, drove her higher and higher, until she swore she was floating in the sky. She even saw the stars. His hand slipped under her butt, and he gripped her tight, his fingers digging into her flesh. The mixture of the almost-pain combined with the crazy pleasure sent her flying.

With a cry, she came, her whole body exploding with pleasure. He let her fall onto the mattress, climbing over her body to open a drawer by his bed. As he took care of business, safety wise, she lay on the bed, blinking up at the ceiling. Holy. Crap. He was amazing. As soon as he had a condom on, he gripped her hips, tilted them up, and slammed his mouth onto hers. She barely had a chance to draw in a breath before he was driving inside of her fully. She stiffened, waiting for her body to adjust to his size.

It took longer than she’d thought it would.

He froze, his mouth still pressed to hers. It was as if someone had hit pause on the DVR, and neither of them could move. And then slowly, oh so freaking slowly, he pulled back and stared at her. “Lydia. Did I…were you…?”

She bit her lip. “No, God, no. I’m not a virgin. It’s just been a while. Like…only with one other guy. It was…not good. And it was freshman year in college…so, yeah.”

“Jesus.” He caught her chin, his touch a little bit rough. “Don’t you think you should have fucking told me that? I’d have been slower. More gentle. I wouldn’t have…

“I’m sorry. I-I can go, if you want.”

He reared back. “Not fucking happening.” Then he hesitated. “Unless you’re regretting…do you
to leave?”

“No. Not at all.” She bit her lip even harder. “But you seem mad…”

“Not mad. Never mad.” He ran his knuckles over her cheek, his eyes tender and no longer stormy blue. Now they were like the soft summer sky on a clear day. “I just feel like an asshole. I should have been gentle. Sweet.”

She shook her head. “Don’t you dare change a thing you’re doing.” Tightening her legs on him, she dug her heels into his butt and wiggled her hips experimentally. It didn’t hurt anymore, now that her body had remembered what it felt like to have a man inside of her. In fact, it felt pretty darn amazing. “Keep going. It was obviously working for me.”

His lips twitched into a smile. “If that’s what you want.”

Before she could answer, or even form an opinion, he kissed her and moved. And when he moved inside of her…thoughts ceased. Everything did except this.

Growling low in his throat, he moved his hips, thrusting in a measured, steady pattern. The slow buildup was a sneaky bastard, creeping up on her when she least expected it. But then it was there, and there was no denying the fact that he was going to kill her. Not
kill her, but
her. He moved his hips faster, his mouth never leaving hers, and cradled her face with both hands. It was amazing how he managed to be both tender and rough, all at once. Were all men like this? Had she been missing out all these years with no lover in her bed? Or was what he had, what
had, special?

He broke the kiss off, his lips pressed against her temple. “Fuck, you’re going to make me come already. You feel so good…so amazing.”

You’re telling me
Believe me, I know
. She wanted to ask if this was different for him, better, but she bit the words back. Nothing would make her sound more immature than asking
He lifted her hips and thrust into her harder, sending a surge of pleasure rushing through her veins.

“Come for me.” He kissed her, resting his mouth on hers as he said, “Let go. I’m here. I have you.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and let go, just as he asked. He moved his hips, and the pressure inside of her built so high it was amazing it didn’t rip her in half. Lifting her hips, she bit down on her lip and strained to grasp onto…something. Anything. She didn’t even know what. But she needed…

Something sparked inside of her, and it set off a domino effect. The spark lit a flame of pleasure, and it consumed her completely. Every nerve within her came alive, and the pleasure took over.

“Fuck yeah,” he groaned, moving inside of her faster. “So tight. So hot.”

He thrust his hips faster, his face red and his expression lost in rapture. It was so sexy, seeing him like this. His shadowy scruff highlighted the darkness of his eyes until he closed them. And then he stilled, his entire body tightening as he came.

With a sigh, he dropped his weight on her, cradling her close. “Jesus, Lydia. That was…you are…

She smiled and buried her face in his shoulder. Yep. A girl could totally get used to this.

Too easily. Too fast.

Chapter Five

Early the next morning, Holt laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, his arm draped over Lydia. He’d slept like a baby. He didn’t remember the last time he’d slept through the night, without nightmares. Without waking up in a cold sweat.

But with her in his arms…he’d done it.

And he’d loved every fucking minute of it, too.

Turning his head, he glanced over at her. The sunlight hit her strawberry blonde hair, making it almost red like her lashes, and her lips were pursed in sleep. She looked even younger like this, and almost angelic. All soft and sweet. He knew better. She
soft and sweet—but she had a naughty streak, too. One he’d only just begun to discover.

One he wanted to get to know even better.

He had so many questions for her. Like, what had made her come up to him and say hello, when she’d been so inexperienced in such matters? And what had made her come home with him and give him the best fuck of his life, followed by the best sleep he’d had in years? He didn’t know…

But he wanted to find out. And he would.

Because he wasn’t ready to let her go yet.

More than anything, he wanted to show her more. Show her how much fun sex could be, since her previous lover had obviously failed in that area. Sex was good. It was fun and freeing. And he wanted to show her
how good it could be.

With him.

And if he did that, the feeling he had in the pit of his stomach that he needed more,
lots more
, would go away. It would be the best way to get her out of his system, so to speak. Then when he walked away, he’d know he was good. He’d be done.

They’d both be done.

Her nose scrunched up adorably, and then she rolled over, giving him her back. He stared at the clock, and sighed. It was almost seven, which meant he had to leave for work in an hour. Time to get up and get in the shower. When he got out, he’d wake her up and tell her they should do this a few more times. And if she wasn’t on the same page as him?

He’d find a way to change her mind.

Preferably while naked.

Carefully, he extracted his arm from underneath her head and got out of the bed, walking into his bathroom with a grin on his face. For the first time in…well…forever, he had a goal in his life besides work and sleep and living day by day.

He needed to keep her around for a little while longer. Learn what made her tick, and what made her special. Discover why she, out of everyone, made him want
than the typical one-night stand from her. There had to be a reason he wanted more.

And once I figure it out, and fix it, I’ll run like hell in the opposite direction.

Not yet, though.

He turned on the shower and got in, his mind on her the whole time. And when he shut the water off, his mind was still on her. He made quick work of brushing his teeth and his hair, and came into his bedroom wearing nothing but a towel. Time to wake his sleeping beauty with a kiss.

He walked over to the bed, but when he reached it…it was empty.

He spun in a circle, scanning the floor. The spot where her clothes had been lying in the hallway was as empty as the bed. “Son of a bitch.”

She’d pulled a fuck-and-dash on him.

That was usually his play.

Letting out a string of curses, he walked over to the bed, the towel clenched tight in his hands. There was a note on the pillow. Reaching out, he picked it up and scanned it.


Thank you for an unforgettable night. It was perfect in every way. Something tells me this morning, if I hung around, would only ruin the perfectness of it all. So…thank you. Again. It was a night to remember forever.


He stared down at her elegant scrawl. She’d run…and left him a thank you note. Un-fucking-believable. She thought her hanging around would ruin things?

Okay. Sure. For most one-night stands, he’d agree, but not with her. She was different. He’d wanted…

It didn’t matter what he’d wanted, because she was gone. Whether he’d felt finished or not…
was. It was over.

He walked into the office an hour later, his steps wide and hurried, and irritation at everything in the world eating away at him. Ever since an adorable strawberry blonde had fled his bed, nothing had been going his way. If only he hadn’t left her alone…but it was too late. Nothing would change that except a TARDIS.

If he had one of those, he could go back in time. He’d wake her with an orgasm or two, and keep her there until they were

But that wasn’t gonna fucking happen.

Jake Forsythe nodded at him as he passed, and he nodded back. Normally he’d stop and shoot the shit, but he was already late, and he had a ton of work to do. Closing his office door behind him, he settled into his chair and opened his browser.

A bunch of files sat on his desk, but he ignored them. He really needed to get started…but the nagging memory of the woman who’d left his house this morning wouldn’t shut the fuck up. Maybe if he searched her name, and learned more about her, he’d get over her and move on, like he should have done already.

Let’s see
…what did he know about Lydia? Well…her name was Lydia. She’d gone to St. Joseph’s, and had recently graduated. And she liked
Doctor Who
. Yeah…

That was it.

Fuck me

He opened Google and typed in
Lydia, St. Joseph’s College.
A bunch of results popped up, but it was all shit. After a quick knock, his buddy and coworker, Steven Thomas, came in. He slammed his laptop shut guiltily and glanced up. “H-Hey. What’s up?”

“Not much.” He sat in the chair opposite Holt’s desk. “Shit, man, I had a long night last night.”

Yeah, so had he. And the migraine building behind his brows was annoying as fuck. “Why? What happened?”

“I got in a fight with Heather, and she broke it off with me.” He ran his hands down his face and sighed. “She said I don’t love her enough.”

“You don’t,” Holt said. “You don’t love her at all.”

“I know.” He lowered his hands and stared at Holt. His hazel eyes pierced through him, reminding him of Lydia. “But, honestly, I don’t think it’s possible to love someone who hates my mother. If they can’t get along, then every fucking holiday will be forever ruined.”

“There is that,” Holt said. He’d never liked Heather. She’d always been standoffish to him. “I’m sorry, man.”

“It’s fine. I’ll be fine.” Steven shoved his hands in his pockets. “But now I don’t have anyone to bring to that dinner tonight.”

“I—” He swallowed hard, the words not coming out right. “Shit, I forgot about that. I’m not even going.”

“Is that an option?” Steven asked.

“It is for an IT guy.” Holt shrugged and rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know about you, though.”

“Oh. In that case.” Steven grinned. “Want to be my date, man?”

“Hell, no,” Holt said, shaking his head for emphasis. The last thing he wanted to do with a migraine coming was socialize with his boss and coworkers. He’d end up coming across as an idiot. “I got out of it, so I’ll be damned if I agree to go now. Not even for you.”


“Yep.” He leaned back in his chair. “What about Lauren?”

Lauren was Steven’s other best friend, who Holt was ninety-nine percent sure was actually his soul mate…if those even existed. They’d never gone there, but it was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, in Holt’s opinion.

They were both just too stubborn to admit it.

“Already tried her.” Steven shook his head. “She’s got dinner with her latest boyfriend…so that leaves you.”

“Ah.” Holt shrugged. “Sorry man. Not interested.”

“Whatever. Be a dick. I’m out of here. I have to go out to the Branson mansion to watch the old man golf.” He dragged his hands down his face. “I’d rather stare at a code all day like you.”

“Yeah, well, not everyone can be as awesome as me.”

Steven snorted. “If that’s what you want to call it. Myself, I’d say ‘dorky,’ not awesome.”

“You can’t insult me today.” Holt cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders. “It’s just not possible.”

“Why not?” Steven stared at Holt, his hazel eyes latched onto him. “What did you do last night that has you in such a cheery mood? Let me guess. You had another meaningless fuck with some faceless woman who fell for the whole tortured nerdy thing you have going on?”

He cocked a brow. “Tortured nerdy thing? I don’t—”

“Yeah, you do. And you make it work.” Steven crossed his arms. “Spill it. What did you do last night?”

“Nothing much. Just went to the bar with Gordon, then met someone.” He shuffled through the papers on his desk, taking his time to carefully form the thoughts in his head. “And for some reason, I can’t stop thinking about her.”

Steven sat down. “Seriously? She’s actually still on your mind the next morning?”

Holt didn’t want to give away too much, since he didn’t really know why she was different from the others either, so he shrugged and set the papers back down in the same exact order as before. “What can I say? She was pretty fucking amazing in bed, man.”

“Apparently.” Steven leaned his elbows on his knees. “Tell me about this paragon of a woman who has you smiling like a fool.”

? Holt froze. He hadn’t even realized he’d
smiling. He pushed his glasses up into place and shifted his position. “She’s got strawberry blonde hair, and does this thing with her tongue and fingers that made me—”

Steven held up a hand. “You know what? Never mind.”

“Pussy,” Holt teased.

“I jut broke up with my girl, man. I’m not ready to listen to you wax poetic about some redhead yet.”

“Strawberry blonde, not red. And when you are ready, I’ll be here. I’ll even be your wingman.”

Steven stood up. “You might not be single for much longer, from the sounds of it.”

“The hell I won’t be.” Holt’s phone rang, and he rested his hand on the receiver. “She might be good, but she’s not going to hook me like that. I just wanted one more go at her, but she left before I could have one. So she’s in the past now…just like the rest of them.”

“Famous last words, dude.”

Holt flipped Steven off, and the other man left. As soon as the door shut behind him, he picked up the phone. “Holt Cunningham.”

“Hey,” his boss, Cooper Shillings, said. “Can you come to my office, please?”

“Sure thing.”

The line clicked off, and he stood. When the head of Shillings Agency called you down to his office, you didn’t waste time. You fucking went. He’d been avoiding him, since he hadn’t wanted to stumble over his words in front of the man who could fire him, but he couldn’t avoid a direct call like that.

When he got to Cooper’s door, he knocked once and heard, “Come in.”

Holt walked in. “What can I do for you?”

“I have a new assignment for you.”

“Okay.” Holt sat down in the chair across from Cooper, who looked at him with bright green eyes. ”Where am I going?”

“There’s a problem with the system in building five. It’s a fucking mess.” Cooper dragged his hands down his face and sighed. “I need you to go over there and fix it ASAP, before my dad comes this afternoon. He’s been in panic mode over all the technical changes I’ve made around here, and I don’t want to give him more reason to dig his heels in.”

Holt stood. “On it.”

“Oh, I have a question, too.” Cooper said. His brown hair was messy, as if he’d been running his fingers through it all morning long. “Before you go.”

“Yeah, boss?”

Cooper shuffled through some papers. “Are you bringing anyone with you to the party tonight?”


“To the company dinner we’re throwing.” Cooper cocked his head. “Don’t tell me you forgot. I sent out reminder emails last week.”

“Of course he didn’t forget,” Gordon, the man he’d gone drinking with last night, said from behind him. He looked even worse off this morning than he had the last time Holt had seen him. His brown hair was standing on end, just like Cooper’s. And he looked like shit—like he hadn’t slept at all. “He just wasn’t going to go. Said so last night.”

“Everyone has to go,” Cooper said. “It’s a company event.”

Gordon pressed his lips together and set a file on Cooper’s desk. “So you told me. Don’t worry. I’ll be there. Here’s the VanGuard file.”

“Thanks. Since you’re at work this morning, I see you didn’t leave with the princess after all,” Cooper said, frowning.

“Nope. So it’ll just be me.”

Holt cleared his throat. “I’m not bringing anyone, either.”

“Great, I’ll let Kayla know.”

“Kayla is here, so you don’t have to let her know anything,” she said from the doorway, her long, wavy hair falling down her back.

Cooper perked up, his shoulders straightening at the entrance of his fiancée. “Hey, babe. What brings you here?”

“Wedding stuff,” she said, smiling. “I was looking at dresses down the road, and thought I’d stop in and see how your day was going so far.”

“Better now,” Cooper said. If possible, he brightened up even more at the mention of their upcoming wedding. Around her, Cooper seemed like a totally different dude. “Did you find the dress?”

“The likelihood of that happening on the first try is one in eight,” Kayla said, a soft smile on her face.

Cooper nodded. “So you found it?”

“I totally did.” Kayla’s face glowed beautifully as she turned his way. “Hi, Holt. Gordon.”

“Hi,” Holt said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Gordon cleared his throat, watching the two of them with his fists tight at his sides. For the first time ever, he could sympathize with the feeling. He wasn’t sure why, but he could. “I’ll leave you guys alone.”

“Me, too,” Holt said quickly, following Gordon’s lead.

“Building five,” Cooper called out. As the door shut behind them, Holt heard him say, “Lock the door.”

The door lock latched, and Holt looked at Gordon. The other man shrugged back at him. “Don’t blame him. If I had someone like her here, I’d lock my fucking door, too. Speaking of which, I heard you met someone last night. Who is she?”

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