Talania - a Trip Down Memory Lane... (17 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

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She gestures for me to hand her the phone. She tells him to go to reception and someone will escort him to me. Why are they being so vague? What is going on?

The nurse hands me back my phone and I quickly keep in step with her. I hate hospitals. They remind me of death. Shit!

“Why can’t you tell me what the hell is going on?”

The nurse sighs and shakes her head no.

“Is she still alive? Please tell me she’s still alive!”

It comes out as a shout. She turns to me while she continues to walk. If I thought I was going to have a heart attack before, it is nothing compared to what I am feeling right now.

“She’s still alive, but that’s all I can say.” She turns back.

I breathe a sigh of relief, but her tone has done nothing to calm my nerves.

We go up the elevator to the Cancer Ward. Why on earth are we in the Cancer Ward? She is in remission.

As soon as the elevator doors open, the nurse guides me to the desk.

“This is the gentlemen I called and told you about. Is Dr. Mongetto back yet?”

“Yes, I’ll page him,” the nurse at the station answers.

She pages Dr. Mongetto over the intercom.

“He’ll be right here. And you are?”

I am looking all around for Evelyn. I don’t like what I am thinking. She repeats herself before I answer her.

“I’m Tristan Monroe, Evelyn’s boyfriend,” I croak.

“Okay, yes, you’re on the list. Her father called and made sure to let us know they were on the way. He gave us your name as well.”

Wait, she called her parents and not me? My thoughts are all over the place. I pace back and forth across the floor trying to think of one reason why Evelyn didn’t call me.

Does she not want me in her life? I just don’t get it. I am not going anywhere, so why can’t she just understand this? I refuse to lose her again. As I am racking my brain, a doctor comes over and introduces himself.

“I’m Dr. Mongetto. I was told you are Tristan Monroe?” The doctor sticks his hand out to shake mine. I quickly shake his hand and nod yes.

“I am one of two main Oncologists. My partner Dr. Rocalli is the Radiation Oncologist and he is with Evelyn now. Would you follow me please?”

He takes me to what appears to be his office. Three walls are made of glass and the fourth wall is covered with diplomas, plaques and awards.

“Please have a seat Mr. Monroe.”

I don’t know how he thinks I am able to sit right now. He senses my hesitation or at least I assume he does.

“I’m going to try to explain to you what is going on with Miss. Beaumont. Please sit.”

I raise my hands to my head and run my fingers through my hair, exasperated at the run around these people are putting me through. I just want to see Ev damn it!

“I don’t feel like sitting. Please just tell me what’s going on.”

My patience is wearing thin. My girlfriend needs me and these people are pissing me off.

“Fine. Miss. Beaumont is in a cooling tub right now. We tried to get her fever down with medications and an IV drip, but the fever was unresponsive. Since she is in remission, we drew blood immediately.”

Dr. Mongetto sighs and his next words hit me in the gut like a concrete block.

“Mr. Monroe, we think Miss Beaumont is no longer in remission. In fact, we think its Acute Leukemia caused from her many doses of radiation. Symptoms and signs would start appearing around this time. Acute Leukemia is very rapid; it comes out of nowhere.”

The word Leukemia hits me like a ton of bricks and my legs begin to shake; I need to sit now. Dr. Mongetto comes to my assistance before I collapse. He helps me sit in the chair and then moves back to his desk.

“It won’t take us long to know if our suspicions are correct. Right now, it is purely a waiting game. I assure you, we will get the fever down, but I am warning you now that her appearance is not going to be easy to handle. You must be calm for her sake. Do you understand?”

What does that mean? “I’m not following you on her appearance.”

“In easy terms, she’s pale with discoloration around the eyes and she’s very fragile right now. She is suffering from seizures from the fever and is experiencing heavy nausea. In fact, when the paramedics arrived, she had vomited all over herself and the bed where they found her. It is most likely she has come out of remission. Her parents are flying in her specialist and he will work with Dr. Rocalli and me.”

She told me she was fine! I keep repeating in my head. My pulse speeds up. My palms start sweating even more. The doctor’s voice is coming in and out. I feel like I am going to be sick.

“Mr. Monroe, are you all right?” He stands and walks over to me.

Am I all right? Is this a fucking joke?

“Mr. Monroe, you’re having a panic attack. Take deep slow breaths.”

“Tristan, what are you doing? I can’t see a thing!”

I chuckle with my hands over her eyes. “It’s a surprise Ev.”

“I get that Tristan, but I hate not being able to see. You know this. It’s nothing new,” she pouts with her husky cracked voice.

I walk us to the bathroom and uncover her eyes.

“Oh my God,” she says as her breath catches.

My parents are out of town and Evelyn is sick. It’s our anniversary, so I had to do something special. I bought a hundred candles and lit them all over the bathroom. I also bought bubbles and calming crap for her.

“Happy Anniversary baby. I had to do something even though you’re sick. We had to celebrate somehow. I figured I would take care of you.”

Her sweet laugh turns into a cough and I frown.

“Time to take a bath by candle light, babe.” I gesture her into the tub.

“It’s so beautiful Tristan. Thank you. You’re always taking care of me,” she sighs, taking off her shirt.

“It’s my job,” I croak.

Damn, even though I know she’s sick, I still want her so bad.

She strips completely down and gets into the warm bubble bath. Slowly killing me, she smiles and gathering bubbles in her hand, she blows them at me.

“Damn tease.”

“You know it,” she giggles. She stops and looks me directly in the eyes with a serious face. “I love you.”

She is so serious and it causes my chest to tighten. I know she loves me, but damn if I don’t like hearing it.

“I love you too baby.”

I wake up in a hospital bed with my clothes still on.

What the hell?

I look around and spot Drake, Shawn, Kyle and Adella sitting along the wall.

“Why am I in a hospital bed?”

Drake gets up and walks over to me as I swing my legs over the edge.

“You had a panic attack and passed out.”

“What’s going on with Ev? Why aren’t you with her?”

Drake looks back at the others and grunts. “Her parents are here,” is all he says and that explains it all.

“Well, what’s going on?”

“Her father wanted to wait until you were awake to tell us. Guess he didn’t want to repeat himself.”

That is bullshit. I fly out of the room as quick as I can with all four of them on my tail. I reach the nurse’s station and she points me to Ev’s room. I am not prepared for what I am about to see. Evelyn is lying completely still, with monitors attached to her chest and arms. I hear a gasp escape my throat.

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” says a stern voice from the side of me.

I look over and see Mr. Beaumont. “Not as bad as it looks?” Is he serious right now?

“Shush, she’s asleep. And yes, it is not as bad as it looks. Follow me.” He gestures us out of the room right as the others get here.

“Hello Mr. Beaumont,” Drake grunts.

“Hello Drake. I know it looks bad, but she is just sleeping. They finally got her fever down. Right now, they are just monitoring her vitals. Her test results should be here shortly, and her own doctor is on the way here as well. I’m flying him in.”

I already know this, but I nod and look back in the doorway at my baby laying there. Tears well up in my eyes and I try to blink them away. I am not very successful.

“Oh Tristan, she’s been through this before. She is so strong. Don’t get upset yet, when we still don’t know anything,” Adella whispers.

Evelyn’s dad looks over at Adella. “Who are you?”

Adella spears him with a look that says ‘I dare you to mess with me’. “I’m Adella, her roommate, and this is Kyle and Shawn.” She points each of the boys out.

I am not up for damn chitchat. I walk back into the room and drag a chair over to the bed. I grab Ev’s hand. It is so cold that I tenderly try to warm it by rubbing it between mine. I don’t even see Evelyn’s mother as she move towards me.

“Hello Tristan,” she hisses.

“Don’t start with me Alexandra,” I snarl back.

She grins a cheeky grin. “Touchy, touchy.”

“You lost my respect when you took Evelyn away from me.”

“Alexandra, what is Tristan going on about?”

“Nothing Stephan; don’t worry yourself with it,” she softly whispers.

“Alexandra.” he warns.

“You always make a mess of things, don’t you Tristan?” She hisses. I can feel the anger that is sparking in her eyes.

I look over at the witch and smirk.

“No, not really. I just want the truth, and obviously, we have the time. Why don’t you pull up a chair and spill it.”

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