Tales From the Glades of Ballymore (6 page)

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Authors: Bob Brooks,Karen Ross Ohlinger

BOOK: Tales From the Glades of Ballymore
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She was a good cook, and the Rabbit family ate very well.  They were plump but not fat and took pride in maintaining that appearance.


This year, for the first time, she and Morris would work as a team to create the kites for the upcoming contest and flying season.  Morris, and now Birk, would build the frames, and she would cut and attach the cloth.  With the additional help, Morris planned to offer larger and more varied kites than in previous years.


To her pleasant surprise, she spotted Birk coming up the path.  Birk and his family had arisen early at Morris’s.  After breakfast everyone but Birk returned home, by way of the land route.  Morris had asked Birk to visit Rhonda and arrange a meeting to discuss the details of the kite building project.


“Good morning, Birk,” she said.  “Did you and your family have any trouble with the storm last night?”


“Good morning, Mrs. Rabbit.  No, but we did see the ‘Pond Creature’.”


“The Pond Creature?” she asked.


Every time Rhonda heard a story about a sighting of the “Pond Creature”, it seemed to be in bad weather or at night.  No one ever got a good view.  She had her suspicions about the whole thing. 


“Yes, we were at Morris’s cottage when the storm hit.  At about 8 bongs we looked out the window, and there it was, next to the dock.  It was gigantic with huge red eyes!” he exclaimed.


“Then, what happened?” she asked.


“Well, it stared at us for a long time and then disappeared under the water.”


“Wasn’t it difficult seeing through the storm?”


“Yes, but it was so big, you could hardly miss it.  We all saw it,” answered Birk.


“Well, that was an exciting night for you.”


“Yes, it was, but,” as he remembered the reason for his visit, “that’s not why I’m here.  Morris asked me to come and invite you to a meeting about building the kites.  Last night, Morris offered me an apprenticeship, and this is my first job.”


“That’s wonderful.  Congratulations!” she said warmly.  “I’m available later today around 3 bongs if that’s okay?”


Birk said, “Thank you.  I’m sure 3 bongs will be fine.  I’ll go and tell Morris right now.  See you this afternoon Mrs. Rabbit.”


“Goodbye, Birk,” Rhonda shouted as he hurried away.


As agreed, Rhonda arrived at Morris’s cottage at 3 bongs.  Birk had also just arrived after helping his family with a small wall repair job.


The meeting went well.  Morris would design the kites.  They would range in size from about one to four feet.  Most would be of traditional shape with long colorful tails.  For the first time there would also be a few box kites.  The kites would have lightweight frames consisting of two crossed sticks.  The larger kites would have framed edges.  Rhonda would make the fabric parts out of thin, colorful cloths.  Birk would be responsible for gathering the wood from the forest and cutting the framing pieces to the right size.  They planned to make about fifty kites in all.


The kites needed to be completed in two weeks.  On Saturday of that week, everyone would come and make their selection.  Then, they would have one week of practice before contest day.  As in previous years, Morris and Bartholomew would be the judges.


The next few days were spent gathering the materials needed to build the kites.  Since the storm, there was no lack of small branches lying in the forest.  Birk found many and brought them back to the cottage.  With Morris’s help, he chose the best ones for kite frames.  Morris had plenty of string and glue to assemble everything.  Rhonda searched through leftover cloth from her husband’s tailoring and found many nice pieces.


Besides the kites, Morris had other ongoing furniture projects.  He provided direction to Birk on how to cut and assemble the kite frames, but Birk did most of the work.  It was a good arrangement, and the young beaver was a great help to Morris. 


Birk was a quick learner and fast worker.  He had no trouble building the frames, but occasionally he would accidentally tie one of his claws to a kite.  Despite that, the kite frames were completed in a week.  Then, Rhonda brought over the cloth pieces.  She laid them over the frames and, with Birk’s help, cut them to the right size.  The cloth was then attached to each frame with string.  Finally, long tails were made and attached to complete the kites.  Morris’s cottage and shed became very colorful with kites everywhere.


The two weeks passed quickly, and soon it was kite choosing day.  Since the selection was scheduled for 10 bongs, Rhonda and Birk arrived at 9 to help Morris set up.  They carefully laid each kite on the ground in its appropriate group — 1-foot, 2-foot, 3-foot, 4-foot, and box.  What an impressive sight they had created.  They were very pleased.


The day was Blue-Green-Blue, and many animals came early to admire the kites and do preselection.  The atmosphere was like a festival.  Everyone was given a lottery ticket with a symbol on it.  Bartholomew would draw the matching ticket from a barrel and announce the symbol.  The holder of that ticket got to pick the kite of their choice.  It was a fair method and had been used many times.


After a brief welcoming speech, Bartholomew reached into the barrel and grabbed a ticket with a fish symbol on it.  He held it up, and Brie Bluebird yelled, “It’s me!”


The animals cheered as she flew over to the kites.  After about five minutes she chose a 1-foot, blue and white kite with a yellow tail.


The next ticket drawn had an oak leaf symbol on it.  The winner was Merwin Mole.  Again, everyone cheered.  Merwin had arrived early, so he knew exactly which kite he wanted.  He walked directly to a multi-colored, (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) box kite and proudly picked it up.


So the selection process continued until there was only one ticket remaining.  The last one to choose was Dr. Brigit.  There were six kites left, and she selected a solid green box kite.


The whole process took about two hours, and everyone was very happy with their kite.  They were eager to begin practicing.


But now it was Bartholomew’s opportunity to present his sailing ship idea.


He began. “Today, has been a great success.  There are so many beautiful kites here.  Thank you very much Morris, Rhonda, and Birk for the fantastic job you have done.”


Everyone stood and clapped.


“I am sure that you all would like to start practicing with your kites, and today is a perfect day for it.  However, before you leave, please let me propose a new project to you.  As you know, I do a lot of reading.  Recently, I began reading this book about sailing ships.”


He held it up for everyone to see.  


“I saw all of the beautiful ships in the book and thought it would be nice if Ballymore had a ship or boat for the pond.”


An “ooh” went through the crowd.  Bartholomew noticed and smiled.


“The boat could be used for general sailing and for transportation.  Right now, we only have the ducks’ raft.  Based upon our needs and the size of the pond, I estimate that it would be about fifteen feet long and four feet wide.  There would be a single mast about fifteen feet high and three sails.”


They “oohed” again.  


“It would take significant effort to build and maintain, but the boat would be a wonderful and useful asset for Ballymore.  I would design it and manage the building project.  The boat would look like this one but about one-half the size.”


 He held up a picture of a beautiful Irish Hooker on the high seas.  It was obvious that everyone was impressed.


“I ask for your interest and support.  Would everybody who likes the idea, please raise their arm or wing.”


About 90% of the animals raised their arm or wing and cheered. 


“Now, would everybody who does not like the idea, please raise their arm or wing.”


No one raised anything.


“The project is approved.  I thank you so much,” he said.


Another cheer went up.


“I will be organizing the project soon and will be in touch with you.  My goal is to have the boat ready for the Midsummer’s Eve celebration.  Thank you, again.  Now, please go and enjoy the day and your kites.”


 After some final cheering, the group began to breakup and return to their homes.


Morris thanked Rhonda and Birk for their help.  


“You have made a great start as my apprentice,” he said to Birk and patted him on the back.


Birk smiled and looked down bashfully at his furry paws.



It was a good practice week.  Everyone experimented with loops and turns and dives.  The animals had fun learning how their kites responded to the wind or a pull on the string.  However, some kites seemed to have a mind of their own.  The week passed quickly.  When Saturday morning arrived, most were ready, some were not.  


As Grenby had predicted, the weather was partly cloudy and breezy with the wind from the south.  In other words, it was perfect kite flying weather.  The contest site was a small field on the north side of the island.  It was chosen the day before, based upon the expected wind direction.  For the most part, the kites would be flown over the open water, and everyone would have a good view.  The contest was scheduled to begin at 10 bongs, but many were there by 8.  The sky was soon full of darting, bright colors as everyone did some final practicing.


The animals were to participate in and view a scored stylistic flying exhibition.  There were five kite categories — 1-foot, 2-foot, 3-foot, 4-foot, and box.  Each competitor would have five minutes to perform.  The judges would rate each performance for flying skill and originality.  The maximum number of points that could be earned in each category was 10, so the highest possible score was 20.  The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each category would receive beautiful silk award ribbons.


At 10 bongs, Bartholomew called everything to order.  He arranged everyone on the field according to their kite category.  The ticket system was used again to see who would go first, second, and so on.


Brie Bluebird was again chosen first, with her blue, white, and yellow 1-foot kite.  She sent it into the sky and executed some beautiful figure-eights.  She swooped and swirled the kite gracefully for much of the five minutes.  Everyone applauded a very nice opening performance.


There was a lot of similarity in the performances, but some did stand out.  The best performance of the day went to Dr. Brigit.  Among other tricks, she made her green box kite climb very high in the sky and then come hurtling towards the pond.  Just before hitting, it took a sharp U-turn and barely skimmed the water.  She did this three times.  She got a standing ovation from the crowd and was awarded a perfect 20 points.


On the other end of the scale, unfortunately, a few kites crashed.  Finn Frog’s kite went out of control and pulled him into the pond before it went down.  Most embarrassing!


Everyone brought a picnic lunch and had a very enjoyable time.  At the end of the long day, the winners were announced:




1st - Fiona Frog,  18 points

2nd - Brie Bluebird,  16 points

3rd - Faith Frog,  14 points




1st - Sofie Squirrel,  17 points

2nd - Melrose Mole,  16 points

3rd - Bartley Bluebird,  14 points




1st - Conner Chipmunk,  18 points

2nd - Stoddard Swan,  17 points

3rd - Declan Duck,  16 points




1st - Dahlia Duck,  18 points

2nd - Wilde Weasel,  16 points

3rd - Birch Beaver,  13 points




1st - Brigit Badger,  20 points

2nd - Shane Squirrel,  18 points

3rd - Merwin Mole,  16 points


Bartholomew closed the event by congratulating the winners, thanking everyone, and wishing them well.  Most packed up and left the island quickly to return home.


Conner, Colin, and Craig Chipmunk decided to stay a little longer and play with Conner’s winning kite.  Stoddard Swan and Branna and Britt Bluebird also stayed.


At one point, Colin suggested that it would be fun if they could ride on the kite.  The other chipmunks agreed, so Conner pulled the kite down to the ground.  Colin and Craig grabbed onto the crossbar.


Conner said, “This will only be a short ride.  Now, hold on tight.”


Stoddard cautioned, “Please, be careful.”


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