Tales Of Lola The Black (12 page)

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Authors: A.J. Martinez

BOOK: Tales Of Lola The Black
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Lola and Shastih also stared into the realm. Lola gazed in a daze almost emotionless. Shastih clutched her shoulder and Lola flinched. “Are you feeling well my dear?”

“Yes I am fine. Just in a bit of a shock.” She answered. She readied her black rod and turned to Dougal. The wolf seemed as shocked as she was. Lola saw the fear in the wolf’s face and she worried. “We did not come all this way for nothing. Come on Dougal. You are jumping in with me.”

“Lola I want you to know that I cannot guarantee your survival. Do you understand?” Shastih asked solemnly.

“I am not too worried. Darkness is my natural attribute after all.” She said and forced a smile.

“Good. Grab on to the chain and I will lower you down.” Shastih walked over to the crane. Lola lifted Dougal from his underbelly. The wolf was heavy but she managed to carry his weight with ease. She grabbed on to the chain with one arm and wrapped the chain around her ankle. “Godspeed Lola.” Shastih’s last words before he lowered t
he girl and the wolf down to Necrovania.

The chains rattle as she descended into the dark world. Into the portal she went. Once her entire body was inside the realm with Dougal she felt her mana rising. Immediately she surveys the area and saw nothing but wastelands. Naked trees, fields of ash, rocky mount
ains with trails of bones.  In the horizon she saw giants trudging through the land. The sky was nothing but dark clouds. She looked down below and saw vultures eating the intestines of an old man. The chains lowered her close to the ground. She let go and landed on a rocky path. The wind was strong and cold. Crows flew over her, cawing. “This is Necrovania.” She whispered.

“Yes” Dougal answered. “I can feel my mana rising. I feel stronger here. Everything is as I imagine.”

The wind blew ash on their faces. They commence to walk the rocky path then a thought came to Lola. “Shastih did not mention how we would exit Necrovania.”

“No he did not.” The wolf responded and looked up at the portal from which they came. It was still there. The chain that had brought them down wa
s reeled up. “It is too late. Now that I am here I am not too worried. I find this place somewhat comforting.”

“I agree. Let’s go my love.” Lola said. In the foggy horizon Lola spotted a fortress. Sharp pillars rose around the fortress. It looked like a castle and it almost reached the dark sky. Around it many ghoulish creatures coiled limbless. Lacerated hands emerged from the black clouds and reached down. They were like the hands of a titan. They reached into a volcano, scooped lava and returned to the dark clouds.

“Do you think that fortress up there is the den of the dark dragon god?” Dougal asked gazing at the fortress.

“Perhaps but first we would have to find those stones.” Lola instructed.

As they stared at the foggy horizon Lola saw the figure of a man on horseback. She squinted to see more detail of the approaching horseman. His skin was purple, he was bald and spikes protrude from his arms and shoulders. He has long horns that warped backwards of the side of his head. The horse was but a living armored skeleton. “Dougal raise your guard.” Lola alerted.

“I am one stepped ahead of you” responded the wolf.

Lola saw a large fireball coming from the horseman. She swirled her rod and when the fireball reached her she deflected it with her rod and it detonated. Dougal shot his blue flames but the horseman slapped the flames away. The purple fiend then jumped off the horse and dashed for Lola. The girl immediately released her dark magic. Wide wings sprouted from her back and fangs grew from her gums. Her nails grew longer and sharp. She gusted the purple fiend with razor winds but it was futile. The purple fiend was muscular. He had the anatomy of a man with a long tail flailing on his back. Dougal pounce at the fiend but it pounded Dougal fiercely with a fish bathed in fire. The wolf was sent flying through rocks and ash.

“Pikan Exploda!” Lola yelled before the fiend could get any closer. A ball of fire swelled before her rod. It grew twice her size rapidly. Lola launched her spell. The fiend ram right through the giant ball of fire like a spear through a shield. Lola gasped and swung her rod for another spell but the fiend grabbed her forearm as if it were a wooden stick. He pulled Lola in and grabbed her neck as if to choke her. The purple fiend then clutches Lola’s wings and yanks them off with such force. Lola gave an incredible scream of pain. Tears left her eyes and shrieked from the deep pain in her back. It was as if someone had torn a part of her soul. So quickly and so p
ainful. It felt worst than taking a sword to the gut. Although her wings only appeared when she transformed, they were part of her body. It was like yanking off one of her limbs.

The purple fiend tossed her rod and dropped Lola on the ground. “Foolish girl. You should know better than to raise your weapon against Flinch. The guardian of Necrovania.” The fiend spoke.

Lola kissed the ground with tears and blood on her back. It burned and it was painful. She tried to stand up. She looked up at the purple fiend. He had small eyes and a tattoo on his forehead of three moons. “What is a mortal girl like you doing in the realm of the dead?” Asked the fiend. “The living are not welcome here unless you carry a relic of Odiamus. Since you did not enter the realm by death then your soul and your body will remain here.”

“No! Wait!” Lola yells.
“I have come here in search for the eye of the moon stones. My friend is curse. I am simply looking for a way to break the spell.”

“It does not matter little girl.” The fiend said showing no expression in his small face. “Unless you have a relic of Odiamus, I cannot allow you to wonder the realm of darkness.” Flinch then raised his fist bathed in dark blue flames. “Your soul will remain here for eternity little girl.” Flinch aim to kill Lola. Suddenly the fiend was bashed from the side by another creature. Flinched staggered
but quickly recovered. The Flinch saw black blood on his purple skin. He looked at the beast that had attacked him. The beast had six horns sprouting from its head. It had the head of a dragon. It’s fur was all black. It dug its claws into the ground with only two bulky toes and growled at Flinch.

“Interesting transformation your wolf has.” Flinch commented.

“Get away from her or I will crunch your bones in my jaw.” Dougal said in his transformed state, dark blue flames rose from his maw.

“You are no threat to me in Necrovania.” Flinched responded. “Either
you leave this realm or I will kill you and your soul will remain here for eternity. You cannot enter Necrovania without a relic of Odiamus. I will not repeat myself again.”

“Wait!” Lola bellows. She finally stood up and her jaw dropped seeing Dougal’s transformation. “How did you?” She whispered.

“I am not sure. It just happened when I saw you at the brink of death.” Dougal answered with a new deep voice of a monster. The transformed beast turned to the purple fiend and said “the girl is with me. Where I go she goes. I am a fiend just like you and I should be allowed to wonder this realm.”

“You are a curse
d human.” Flinch answered. “You are but a vessel for the fiend that is trying to take your body. You do not fool me. The only way to break your curse is with death itself. Death is your only cure.” The fiend then dashed towards Dougal with the speed of a horse. The fiend was seven feet tall, burly and fast. Dougal ram towards the fiend. They collided and Dougal incinerated them both into flames. The transformed beast dug his jaws into the purple fiend and taste black blood. Flinch yowled and hefted the beast and tossed it aside. Dougal landed on four feet and dashed with his horns out. Flinch grabbed the horns as Dougal pushed him.

“Surrender your soul to Odiamus and set yourself free from this curse.” Flinch said and lifted Dougal. He slammed the horned beast on the ground and made a small crater. Flinch then breathe dark blue flames on Dougal. He bathed the horned beast in flames that burn hotter than regular fire.

“No!” Lola yells. She thought Dougal had been killed that very moment.
No, he is not dead, he can withstand the fire
, she told herself.  Lola then stood up. Her back bleeding from the wounds of her torn wings. Pain still swirls through her body. Dark steam rose from her body as her mana increases. She leers Flinch as she felt the anger feeding her dark magic.

“I advice that you surrender now or you will end up like your friend.” Flinch said, chin up high, looking down at Lola like
a pest.

“I am not leaving this realm till I find a way to break my friend’s curse.” Lola responded with a wide grin. “If you don’t know where it is then I will have to search for it myself.”

“Very well then little girl. I will put you to rest as well. You will join the other urchins in the pits of solitude.” Flinch said with a deep and haunting voice like a ghost whispering the past.

Lola extended her arm, palm wide open. She called upon her black rod and it reappeared with swirling shadows and black smoke at the palm of her hand. Her feet levitated off the ground. Her hair began t
o grow. It extended and made long strands of hair cover her body. Flinch ran towards her with both fist bathed in dark blue fires. Suddenly two snake fiends were summoned from Lola’s hair. The snakes were made from Lola’s raven black hair. White fangs sprouted from their mouths. Flinch dodged their attacks and jumped to attack Lola. The dark magus summoned more hair snakes and binded the purple fiend.

Flinch tears himself free and backed away from Lola. “Interesting magic. You remind me of her…” The purple fiend then hears a roar from behind him. A roar so loud, it sounded like a hundred canines at once. “A persistent one.” Flinch said as he looked over his shoulder. He saw a beast standing on two legs. It was seven feet tall and it had four arms. It’s horns warped backwards. It had a small face and no nose. It was furry, muscular with claws and it had a scar on its chest in the shape of an arrow pointing down.

“Dougal…is that you?” Lola asked with a long smile and shed a tear. She thought it was beautiful. Her wolf’s transformation was incredible. His transformation was fierce and powerful. She was so proud. “Such a beautiful creature” she said and her long snake hair coiled with the cold wind of the realm.

Dougal ran towards Flinch. It steps made loud quaking sounds like that of rhino. Dougal growled and blasted blue flames at Flinch. Both fiends pushed each other hand to hand. “I know every fiend in this realm. I defeated you before Galgoriff and I will do it again.” Said the purple fiend. Dougal blasted Flinch with his purple flames. It had no effect on flinch, it only left burnt marks on his purple skin. Dougal delivered a front kick and Flinch staggered back. Dougal grabbed Flinch with four arms then bit into a chunk of shoulder flesh. Flinch groans but shows no emotions. “This is the second time I have to put you to rest Galgoriff.” Flinch says. The purple fiend plunges his fist into Dougal’s chest. It was like piercing through someone with a large boulder. A fist
went right through his chest. Like a shaft through the heart. Dougal could not gasp for air. His monstrous form was unable to sustain such damage. Flinch slowly removes his hand from Dougal and begins to pull the boy’s soul.

“No!” Lola bellows. Her snake hair extended and snapped their fangs at Flinch. The snakes sunk their fangs into Flinch and although the fiend groans in pain, he refuses to let go of Dougal’s soul. “Let him go!”Lola bellows again, seeing Dougal’s soul being pulled half way. Rage filled her at that moment. Her dark magic exploded and she let out a shriek that could leave one deaf.

Flinch saw Lola aiming to kill. He whipped his tail, ten feet long. He lashed Lola so severely that it turned her skin red. Lola was in great pain yet she refuse to be weak. Her mana became so hot it began to burn her clothes. Only her long hair clothed her. Her body then became incinerated with black flames. The never ending flames. Lola summons the black flames on the purple fiend. Flinch is unable to sustain the heat of the black flames. He lets go of Dougal’s soul and tries to stop the flames. This time the fiend screams in pain from the black flames.

Lola uses her snake hair and pulls Dougal’s body over to her. “Not even fiends can sustain the power of my black flames.”

“Ah yes I know who you are.” Flinch says in a raspy voice as the flames continue to burn him. He kneels as he tries to withstand the irritable fire. Although the black flames did not consume his flesh, the flames drained his dark mana. Flinch’s body was able to prevent the flames from consuming him. “You are definitely her daughter.”

Lola paused her spell having heard what Flinch had said. The black flames ceased. “I am the daughter of who?” asked Lola The Black.

“Yes, she will be in awe when she sees you here…oh…there she is now.” The purple fiend tossed his head back and looked up at the dark clouds. Crows and gargoyles flew by. Lola gazed up as well. Someone was descending upon them. It looked like a human but flew with wide black feathered wings. Lola raised her guard and prepared for the foe that approached. She hid Dougal’s body under her snake hair.
I am not sure how long I can endure against two fiends but I can at least run and hide until I find those moon stones

The fiend finally reached the ground. Lola’s eyes bloomed at what she saw. It was a beautiful fiend. Not a fiend of claws, rough skin, fur or scars. It was a beautiful woman, she was nude and only her wide feathered wings cloaked her. Her hair was raven black just like Lola and her eyes were a zombified pale white. She had olive skin, full lips and a lion’s tail wagged behind her.  Her feet were talons of a hawk and her hands gentle with long sharp nails clad with snake armlets jeweled with red rubies. Her eyes were narrow with purple eyeliner and seductive. “Flinch, you should know better than to treat a young girl so savagely.” Said the fiendish woman.

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