Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (24 page)

BOOK: Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“The Tallusian adults who witnessed what I did are scared of me. They feel terror, repulsion. I can feel it even now. It’s pouring into me. I can hardly stand it.” She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. “I hate it my own people fear me. It’s awful.” She shivered more. “I wish they would stop having such loud emotions.” She leaned back in her seat. “Perhaps the fact they’ve known stories of others who’ve used this type of power badly. Only the bad ones are remembered.”

“That’s usually the case.” Val rubbed her leg.

“We’ve all been told all who possess this type of power will eventually become corrupt from it. It is too much power for one person to wield.” She put her hand to her head.

“Pilot.” Val placed his hand on the back of the pilot’s chair.

“Yes, Captain.” He slightly turned his head.

“I want you to change course.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Take us to Tallusia, to the first Med-Vac camp we established. We’ll be leaving the Tallusians in good hands there. Also, I promised to take Zalora to see her friends.”

“Yes, sir.” The pilot adjusted their course. Zalora sat back to relax in her chair. For the rest of the trip there was silence. Kade, Val, along with a few others closed their eyes. They fell asleep. They’d worked hard. A few snored, including Val. His snores were close to her ear. Lightly she bumped him with her knee. Val moved in his chair, stopping his snoring. His face turned the other way, continuing to sleep. The copilot looked back at her, winking.

“There’s Tallusia,” the pilot announced. “I’m going to have to wake the captain and the commander.”

Out of the front of their ship, Zalora saw her beloved blue planet. Her heart ached. It looked untouched from war from out in space. For a moment, she could almost forget her beautiful capital city was in ruins along with their gorgeous palace, which had been full of art. All the museums were in rubble, too. Their culture hurt from the destruction. “Captain Braeden, Commander, we’re nearing Tallusia.” Zalora helped the pilot by bumping Val’s knee again, this time harder. Val woke. Startled, he looked at her, his eyes heavy with exhaustion.

“Damn, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I guess I’m really tired.” He ran his hand over his face.

“Of course you are. You worked hard carrying me.”

“Captain, we’re near Tallusia. We should be landing shortly. Do you have any special orders?”

“No.” Val leaned forward, head in his hands. “I just need something to eat or some quick energy.”

“There are some energy bars with drinks in the galley.” The copilot looked back at Val.

“Very well, I’ll pick up some.”

“Kade, wake up. We’re close to landing on Tallusia.” Val kicked Kade from across the aisle. Kade woke up with a snarl on his face.

“What?” He sat up quickly when he saw Val kicked him. “Are we already there?”

“Yep.” Others around them came awake, too, as if sensing their alphas had awakened.
They do operate as a pack.

“I’m going to go fetch some energy bars and water. I’ll bring some for others.” Val stood and made his way to the galley. Then she looked out her viewer. Rapidly her planet grew bigger. Val returned before they entered the atmosphere. When they encountered the atmosphere, their loaddisk strained when it met initial resistance, but broke through into the upper air stream. Tallusia was overcast from dust caused from the Realmist bombing. Fortunately, some sunrays did peak through.

It could be much worse. She sighed.
The Xihirians could fear me, too.

“You okay?” Val handed her an energy bar.

“I’m good.” She smiled. Within moments, their ship set down. After, there was complete quiet. Their pilot announced a successful landing. Val with Kade stood. “Some of you may remain on board to rest. I do need the following to go with us, Kade, Tanton, and Clives.” He nodded to each as he mentioned their names. “We’ll take our medteam to transition their patients to the camp’s team. Grab a bar and some water before. Let’s go.” He took Zalora’s hand and helped her stand. Val led her with the others to the medclinic in the back of ship. As she got closer to the medclinic, she could feel the Tallusian’s apprehension about her.

They entered the clinic. It was a smaller version of the one on their large ship. Zalora was amazed at their equipment and resources the room had. There were cots and chairs placed all over. The other rescued Xihirians were resting on cots to one side of the room. They were alert, watching Val and Kade. Kara and Kristal waved at her. They’d been cleaned up. They looked much better. Zalora waved back, smiling. As she’d entered the room behind Val, a mixture of emotions assaulted her. Some emotions were positive, but those came from the children. The children were all smiles, filled with happiness. They felt grateful. The adults’ emotions were intense, confused. She leaned against Val for needed support.

They’ve been through a lot, she assured herself. Val, realizing her distress, wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Moving slightly away from Zalora, Val began to speak to the group.

“Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don’t know who I am.” Val grinned. “After all, we were busy when we first encountered each other.” Val’s charm was softening the Tallusians. “I’m Captain Val Braeden, and this is Commander Kade Braeden.” He pointed to Kade. “And I believe you know your princess, Zalora.” He motioned to her. “For your comfort, we’ve brought you to a Med-Vac camp, which has been set up to aid you. So, relax, you’re home on Tallusia.” Val’ssmiled oozed charisma. “My people are going to try hard to help you restore your home.” More tensions relaxed, letting up on Zalora. “As soon as the medteam clears you for release, my soldiers will direct you out. We’re going to alert the camp’s medteam you are here.”

“Princess Zalora won’t be staying here, will she?” one Tallusian woman spoke up. Her fear, even hatred, was strong. Zalora cringed at the woman’s irrational emotions. For a moment, Zalora was angry with the woman.

How dare she fear me. I am her princess, too. Oh, never mind her ignorance. She is silly and ungrateful.
Zalora sighed. “No, I’ll be going with Captain Val Braeden. You need not be afraid.” Zalora walked further into the room. The woman blushed, looking down. Zalora felt her shame. “You don’t need to fear me. I only meant to save us all. I am not a terrorist or deranged.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself.” Val held up his hand. His tone was sharp. “You.” He pointed at the woman as well as the other adults here. “All of you should be grateful, even honored your princess saved you from a real monster. She risked her life to save you. She did not have to come at all. She did it for all of us. So show some respect for your princess.” The woman retreated behind others. Val was riled. “If you like, I can deliver any of you back to Tomron if you are more comfortable with his arrangements.” He glared at the group. “I didn’t think so.” Val turned, ignoring the Tallusians. He motioned for two of his soldiers to wait for the patients to be excused. “Let’s go talk with the head of their medteam.” Val tapped Kade on his arm. He turned to address his people. “We’ll be back to visit with you very soon. It’s good to have you home.”

“We’re happy to be home,” Kara answered for the group. “Zalora is kickass. We appreciate all she’s done for us. She’s wonderful.” Kara grinned. Val turned to the door, holding onto Zalora’s arm. Kade followed. They walked to the level below to exit. On the way out of the clinic, he took hold of Zalora’s hand. She was doing her best to keep up with them.

“Are we walking too fast?” Val looked down at her.

“Yes.” She nodded, almost panting. She was working up a sweat.

“I’m sorry.” He slowed. “I forgot. Would you like a ride?” He chuckled.

“Later,” she whispered, leaning into him to catch her breath. Val squeezed her hand, getting her message. Kade cleared his throat.

“Excuse me, children. Your uncle has virgin ears here.” He put his hands over his ears, grinning. Zalora felt herself heat up.

“Oh, don’t let him embarrass you.” Val hugged her to him. “I call him Kade the cad. Anyway, he’s lying. He doesn’t have virgin ears. Nothing about him is a virgin.” Val looked over at Kade. Kade shrugged.

“What can I say, I’m a bad boy.” He smirked. “Always getting into trouble, your mate rescues me. I meant nothing. I was just funning you. You’ve got to get used to it.”

“I try to keep you out of trouble. But one of these days you’re going to piss off some one. I may not be able to save you.” Val shook his head. Zalora was still hot from embarrassment.

“Zalora.” She reluctantly looked at him. “If you didn’t want to jump on Val, I’d be worried. Mates are just like that. They act enamored with each other forever. It even can get worse over time. Trust me, I know. I’m surrounded by crazy mated couples at our palace. I never thought Val would be…as nuts. But it’s inevitable.”

“What, Kade?” Val eyed him. “Nuts?”

“Never mind.” Kade shook his head as he moved ahead of them. They walked out the ship’s door into a chilly wind.

“Commander Kade Braeden, Captain Val Braeden, welcome to our camp.” The air was cold but much warmer than Terrian had been.

A Xihirian officer greeted them. “I’m Medtor Sancus.”

“So, these are the cold lands of Tallusia.” Zalora looked around, taking it all in. “I’ve never been to the cold lands. It’s pretty much cold here all year long. Not much of a vacation spot.”

“No, I’m guessing not,” Kade agreed. They were all still dressed in their thermal uniforms. She did not need her jacket or facemask here. She pulled her gloves out of her pocket to put them on.

“Nice to see you, Medtor Sancus.” Val put out his hand to acknowledge their welcome. “I’ve brought you some more Tallusian patients who were rescued off Terrian. They’ve been through a lot while with the Realmist.”

“Very well, we’re prepared to take patients.” Sancus motioned for two of his medadvisors to enter the loaddisk. “I’ll send two of my people to assist. We’ll get them processed into our camp.”

“Sounds good. This is my mate, Princess Zalora.” Val motioned to her. The medtor smiled.

“Yes, I thought so.” Sancus nodded. “You are also the Princess of Tallusia?”

“Yes I am.”

“Zalora would like to locate her friends Anya and Cora.”

“Welcome, Princess, it’s an honor for you to visit our camp. I hope what we’ve done here pleases you. It’s cold, but your people are comfortable. We have thermal tents. They provide excellent shelter.”

“I’m very grateful for your help. I’m looking for Anya Ressic and Cora Stavosic, do you know them? I’m very anxious to see them.”

“Yes, they’ve instituted a school for our children.” Medtor Sancus smiled. “They’re wonderful teachers. I admire their efforts and service. The children love them.”

“Yes, that sounds like them.” Zalora put her hands together in excitement. “Please take me to them.” Zalora was thrilled to see her friends. She’d forgotten the negative feelings from some of the Tallusians she rescued.

“Follow me.” Sancus turned to lead them. “I’ll take you directly to their school. We’ve set up a tent especially for them.” Zalora was thrilled as she followed behind Sancus. When they entered the tent, she saw her friends.

“Hey, what have you two done?” Zalora’s tone was scolding. “Always causing trouble wherever you two go.” Zalora’s hands were on her hips. But a big smile plastered her face. The two women looked up, stunned. Seeing it was Zalora, they broke out in frantic giggles then they ran to her. They nearly knocked Val and Kade out of their way as they reached for Zalora. Anya stepped all over Val’s feet. Zalora saw him grimace. Anya continued to use his shoes as a step to get to Zalora. Zalora looked at him to make sure he wasn’t upset. He grinned. Kindly, he lifted Anya off his feet then moved back.

“Good thing you have little friends.” Anya looked up at him blushing.

“Sorry.” Her face registered surprise. “I know you. You’re Val, the soldier who helped us?” Recognition brightened her eyes.

“Yes, I am, nice to see you again.” He smiled down at her. Anya reached up, pulling him down to kiss his cheek.

“Thanks for saving us.”

“You’re welcome.” Anya turned from him, now fully focused on Zalora.

“Zaza, we’re so happy to see you,” Anya gushed. Cora grabbed her hand, leading her further into their tent. “Come see, Zaza, our children are doing so well.” The two women pulled Zalora away from Val. Zalora looked back at Val. He mouthed “Zaza” then winked. He turned to talk with Kade. After a few minutes, Val interrupted them.

“Zaza,” Val called to her. At first, she did not really hear him. “Zaza, hey, beautiful. I love Zaza. It’s cute, like you.” Six eyes looked at him. Anya’s mouth hung open. “Kade and I are going to go visit with our sisters while you enjoy yourself for a bit. Okay?” There was a glimmer in his eyes as he spoke to her.

“Oh, yes, I’m sorry. Of course you need to go visit with them.” Zalora rushed over to him. Reaching up, she put her arms around his neck. Pulling him down, she kissed him. “Go.” She looked to Kade. “Both of you go. Spend time with your sisters. Tell them I look forward to visiting with them, too.”

“Zaza, stay out of trouble.” Val kissed her on her lips again. “If you need me, just yell or tell one of my people.” The two women were quiet for the first time since they’d walked into the tent.

“We will. I’m eager to talk with them.” Kade patted Zalora on her shoulder. “You have fun here.”

“We’ll stay for a couple hours. I’m sure the others are anxious to get back to our ship. Your friends are free to come back to our ship with us and on to Xihirah if they wish.” Val looked at both women. Their eyes were wide with what they witnessed. “I’ll be back for you. Enjoy yourself.” He kissed her again. “I’ll be thinking of you,” he whispered in her ear. Val released her then left the tent with Kade.

“Zalora?” Anya looked puzzled. “What is that all about?”

Cora pointed after them. “You kissing him like that. Him telling you you’re beautiful. Certainly, he’s handsome, but to be so familiar with a man. What would your father say?” Cora put her hands on her hips.

“Well, at first Father wasn’t happy.” Zalora blew her hair out of her face.

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