Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Tallusian Nights [Xihirian Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“You better keep all your promises to me.”

“I’ll always keep my promises to you.” He smiled up at her. “Now come on down. The water’s freezing me.” His complaint of being cold seemed to push her to move faster.

“You’re making a big promise to me.” She made sure she had all she needed as she mustered up her nerve. “I’m going to keep you at your word, Val…what’s your full name? I don’t even know.”

“Steval Kael Braeden.” He gazed up at her. “Pleasure to know you, Zalora Aria Zimbali. Despite all of this.” He motioned around them. “I’m enjoying knowing you.”

“Yep, we’ve had a great time from the first moment we met.” Zalora laughed. His teasing eased her panic.

“Never had a better time, lovely Zalora,” He held his hand up toward her. “I’m not kidding, so let’s go.”

“Okay, Steval Kael Braeden, here I come. You’d better catch me.” Zalora shook her finger at him then did as he suggested and slid down the smooth side. When she opened her eyes, she was in his arms. The water was cold, making her shudder against him. Warmth enclosed her as he wrapped his arms about her. For sure, he was a furnace.

“See, I caught you. I’ll not let you go now.” He spoke close to her face. Impulsively, she kissed his uninjured cheek. However, she was amazed his injuries looked much better. Dried blood remained, but he had definitely healed. His eye did not appear as swollen.

“Don’t you dare let me go.” She playfully smacked his arm. “I’m not swimming in this gook.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll not let you go. Not without a fight.” He pressed her into him. “Okay, let’s get to dry land.” He kissed her mouth briskly. “I want to kiss you more.”

“Shame on me for being so bold.” She grinned. “It’s really not like me. But I’m always starting something. I tend to get into trouble at times. We have to survive this so I can kiss you some more. ” She ran her hand through his damp hair. “Your lip, even your eye looks so much better.”

“I heal quickly. I definitely like your kisses. You can be bold with me.” He rubbed his face against hers. “I want to do more.” His actions and his statement made a surge of desire land in her gut. For now, it was overriding her fear of their very bad circumstances. Therefore, she openly welcomed her peculiar feelings.

Dear me, I want to do more, too. What does he mean more? What does more mean? Is he talking about more kissing?
A heat wave passed through her chilled body.
I totally lost my last brain cell when we crashed. I’m near death, yet I’m wanting to do more things with him. Things I’ve never done before, but he makes me feel good. I hardly know him, and we could die.
Her face heated, embarrassed by her thoughts. Her breasts were tender pressed against him. In fact, she ached all over from both the landing as well as her need to be closer to him.

“Carry this bag with your backpack”—he handed her one of their survival bags—“then get up on my back.”

“I can walk, if it’s not too deep.” She shook her head. “I hate riding you all of the time.”

“Don’t worry.” His eyes twinkled. “You’ll make up for it.” He winked. “Maybe I’ll ride you? Anyway, you can’t walk through this. Just get on my back.”

“Okay.” She climbed on him, confused as to why he winked.
How can I make it up? How can you ride me?

“Hold this”—he handed her his other bag—“so I can carry my gun to be ready for saraguys or whatever.” She did exactly as instructed. Val started his trudge through the swamp. He made good time pushing through the stinky water.

“How can I make it up? I can’t carry you.” Val was slowing. They were making it to the shore. He paused. A quiver ran through his body as he was carrying her.

“We’ll talk about it later.” He turned his head to look at her. Her face was close to his as she rode him piggyback. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll show you what I mean later.”

“You’re cold? I can feel you shiver.” She rubbed his chest where she gripped him.

“Yes, I’m cold, but that’s not why I shivered. When we get to shore, I’ll be okay. My uniform dries fast. I know you’re cold, too. Your clothes don’t dry fast. You’ll need to get out of them to get dried off.”

“Yes, I know.” Her lips were close to his ear. Temptation to kiss his ear washed over her. At the same time, an animal’s howl echoed, bouncing off the trees. “Did you hear that?” Zalora’s legs tightened around him.

“Yes, someone’s calling to hunt or mate. Be at ease. It’s just the way of animals. I’m not worried about these saraguys. I’m bigger and a more fierce predator. Trust me, Zalora, these saraguys are the least of our worries.” Finally, reaching the shore, he walked out of the water. She slid off his back. “The pulse deadened my personal communicator.” He motioned to his communicator on his uniform. “No communicator is our bigger worry.”

“Oh.” Suddenly she was more anxious. This new feeling flooded over her again, replacing her more passionate thoughts. The reality of their conditions was dawning on her more and more.

“We’ll have to wait to be rescued. They have to find us. I don’t know how long it’ll take. We need to worry about water, shelter, food, and Realmist.” He surveyed the area.

“There’s the Tallaria trees.” She pointed toward the closest tree. “We can eat those.”

“Yes, there’s Tallaria leaves.” He grinned. “The survivor bags have some supplies. I prefer meat.” He took one of the bags from her. “When we get inside the woods, we’ll be safer.”

“The woods?” Zalora yelped.

“Yes.” He nodded. “To make a shelter. It’s warmer inside the woods. Plus, it’s more hidden from our enemies.”

“Our enemies?”

“Yes, Realmist ground troops. Remember them?”

“Oh.” She felt dazed.
I’m such an idiot I’d never make it without him.

“The winds are picking up. It’s going to rain.” He looked up into the sky. “Smells like rain.”

“Smells? How can you smell anything but the stink of this swamp?”

“Yes, it smells like rain.” He nodded. “I’ll build a fire then make us a tent. As soon as we have a fire, you can get out of your wet clothes. Our survivor bags have all we need for our basic comforts. I have fire pits, which will withstand rain. They’ll warm us nicely.”

She reluctantly followed him into the forest. “You can smell rain?” The trees were tall with huge trunks. Beneath the trees was very little undergrowth. The wind still whipped through the trees, pushing against her. Any harder, it would move her or push her down. It took all she had to keep up with Val.

“Yes. I have excellent senses, like an animal.” He looked back at her. “Do my abilities bother you?” He raised his brow as he watched for her reaction. “I told you I was a predator. I meant it.”

“No, I’m not bothered.”
What am I supposed to say?
She jogged a bit to close up the gap. “You walk fast, too.” Val gave her a quizzical look. “How far are we going? It’s getting much dimmer as we travel deeper into the forest. I guess you do see in the dark, too,” she mumbled to herself.

“Just a bit further. I want to get us away from the forest edge so our fire won’t be easily seen from a distance.” She followed him in silence. “Here” He suddenly stopped. “We’ll set up here.” He threw his survivor bag down then reached for hers. Taking it off her back, she handed it to him. He emptied one of the bags. “Sit on this.” He laid an empty bag on the ground. “I’m going to build our tent and fire. You need to get dried off. I don’t want you to become ill. Your lips are blue.” He looked concerned. Dazed, she sat down. She was nearly numb all over, her mind, too. He draped a blanket over her shoulders. “This is a part of the other tent. It holds in heat.” He pulled the material close around her then he kissed her. Their relationship had definitely altered from when they first met. “I need to get busy setting up things.” He turned to start putting up a fire pit. Within minutes, a full flame burned, and its warmth stimulated her. It began to thaw her out, waking her out of her stupor she’d been sinking further into. Her mind was jumbled with thoughts of all of what was happening. It all seemed as a dream. “Are you better?” He interrupted her dazed inattention.

“Yes.” She mechanically nodded as she opened her coat to allow more heat to penetrate to her bones. Her stomach clenched with hunger, making a loud noise.

“You hungry?”


“Take your clothes off and put the tent over you while close to the fire.” He touched her arm. “I’m busy making a tent. Then I’ll find us some food.” He nodded in the direction of the partially built tent. “You’ll have privacy. You have to get dried off and warm.” His tone was insistent.

“Okay.” Zalora watched him move away. Quickly she removed her coat, boots, and pants. She kept her damp panties as well as her shirt on. Val was busy making their tent. It seemed to be a challenge to him. “This fire’s really warm.” He turned to look at her. His eyes scanned her. Blood rushed to her face, and she realized he was really looking hard. His face had fully healed, stunning her.

“You’re a beautiful woman.” He looked away as he continued to struggle with their tent. “Are you comfortable now?”

“Yes, I’m comfortable. Thanks.” After putting another side of the tent up, he walked over to the fire pit. Val stooped down next to her. “The fire does feel good.” He held his hands up to warm them. “I’m cold, too.” His eyes were brighter. They had a light of their own in the dim woods. She watched his pupils transform from circles to vertical slits. It fascinated her. All she could do was stare at him. Thoughts of wrapping herself around him bombarded her mind again. She licked her lips as she recalled the way he tasted. Val stared back. He really was studying her. For several minutes, they did not speak. They just looked at each other. She felt warmer as he watched her.

“You need to get warm, Val.” Boldly, she reached out, touching his arm. He was as a furnace, almost hot to her touch. It surprised her. “I don’t want you to get sick. I can’t make it without you. I need you.” She smiled. “Regardless, I don’t want you to be sick. Thank you for everything you’ve done.”

“Thanks for what?” He cocked his head to its side, and his eyes gleamed. “It’s nice to be needed by a beautiful woman.” He looked so foreign, alien to her, yet he was gorgeous. Her reaction to him was nearly uncontrollable.

“Well, for everything.” She shrugged. “And for telling me I’m beautiful, too. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.” She smiled, looking away from him. Shyness besieged her she fiddled with her hands.


* * * *


“I feel the same about you.” He watched her play with her fingers. She seemed much younger than when he first met her. “Not only are you beautiful, you’re brave. I’m not one to give out compliments if not deserved.”

“I’m not brave at all.” Her curly hair bounced around her head as she looked back up at him. He wanted to run his hands through it, to bury his nose in it.

“You are. You saved so many children. They needed you. Those other adults and children looked to you for leadership. You’re an alpha.” Her purple eyes shone with unshed tears. “You affect me like no other.” Rosiness colored her cheeks from the fire, and then it increased by her blush. “You’re sweet, too, with feistiness. I like feistiness.” He grinned as he stood up. “Let me get our shelter done so I can get warm, too, and then we can both get comfortable for the night. We need to rest and eat.”

“Yes, you do need to rest. I should be helping you with the tent.” She gazed over to where he’d been working. “I’m useless.” She shook her head.

“No, I’m almost done. You’re not useless.” He winked, causing her to blush pink again. “I have one more side to anchor then another fire to make. I’ll put this one out when I start the one by the tent’s entrance. We should use one fire pit at a time to save fuel. After I get warmed, I’m going to gather twigs and leaves to put on the flame to make it last.”

“I can help you gather leaves and twigs. The Tallaria leaves smell nice when burned.”

“I’ll keep your offer in mind.” He grinned. “We can eat some rations, too, before we go to sleep.” He started to move back to his tent making then paused. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-four annums.”

“Good.” He continued building their tent.

“Why is being twenty-four annums good?” He turned back to look at her.

“It just is.” He shrugged. “I’m thirty-two.”

“Xihirians age slower than we do. At least I’ve heard you do. My father’s very interested in Xihirah.”

“Yes, we do age slower. Unless a Tallusian mates with one of us, and then they’re aging would slow to match their Xihirian mate’s.” He resumed his tent building. She watched him, seeming more alert now. For a moment she’d seemed too inattentive, almost dazed. “The tent’s done.” He walked over to her fire then put it out. “Come on.” He reached down for her and helped her up. Her hand was small, delicate in his. He caressed the back of her hand’s soft skin with his thumb.

“You’re soft.” She looked up at him, smiling. Her lips were pinker now. His cock stirred. He’d had an erection since he got out of the cold swamp. His remarkable self-imposed discipline was all but gone. He always worked hard at controlling his emotions. They could be volatile at times. It was characteristic of an Alpha Prime. He needed every ounce of his self-control to stop from throwing her to the damp ground to fuck her.
Damn I want you. You smell wonderful.
He inhaled when she stood up. The need to mate weighed on him like nothing he’d ever experienced. His glands in his mouth increased their hormone production, escalating his yearning. The spicy taste filled his mouth. “Get inside the tent and lay down.” His tone came out a bit gruffer than intended.

He had a longing to yell or growl out to the entire forest she was his. This strong temptation was seriously affecting him. Flexing his muscles to refocus his control, he rolled his head to the side. His neck cracked, relieving some pressure. His Wolfton’s animal tendencies were in full force, pushing to the surface of his human facade.
I have to shift to run soon.
Running his hand through his hair in agitation, he looked off into the woods around them. Groups of little beady eyes watched them from behind trees. He could hear them scurrying about. No doubt, they sensed his lurking beast. He captivated, even scared, the little furry creatures who watched him. “I’ll take care of you.” He looked back into her eyes. “You’re mine.” His voice was so low he wondered if she heard him.

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