Talons (23 page)

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Authors: Karolyn Cairns

Tags: #paranormal, #romance contemporary

BOOK: Talons
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A pity, she would make you
a good mate,” Eli reflected without expression. “She puts up with
your moody shit. You could do far worse, and have many times, my
friend. You’re sure you wish to leave her? None would question your
loyalty if you made your claim of her.”

No, it’s over and for the
best,” Ty said and his golden eyes became hooded. “She will
probably never speak to me again. She thinks I didn’t tell her I
was leaving the compound to get her into bed.”

Didn’t you?” Eli asked,
grinning as he saw Ty’s lips twist in disgust. “I would have. Come
on, my friend. I have known you too long. You wanted her. I saw it
when you arrived with her. Jericho’s face healed nicely too, by the
way. I saw firsthand how you feel about our Newbreed.”

Ty knew he couldn’t lie to Eli. “It was
more than just lust. For the first time in nearly three hundred
years; I really considered taking a mate.”

Eli said nothing to that. His
expression was stunned. All who knew Ty knew his rigid feelings
about taking a mate.

It wouldn’t have been fair
to her down the road,” Ty went on. “I have only one soul left to
me. She has her whole existence in front of her. It would have been
selfish to do that to her. I don’t want to breed either. She would
doubtless want children one day.”

So you leave her here, at
the mercy of the tribe? One hundred and twenty six of our tribesmen
thank you, self included. ”

Vivvie can hold her own,
Eli,” Ty said with a grin. “She had no human lovers in her former
life. She might be like us now, but she still thinks as a human.
Her nature and her human training are in conflict.”

Eli looked shocked to know Vivian had
no other lovers but Ty. His dumbfounded look made Ty

You think as highly of
human women as you do ours, I see,” Ty remarked. “She has strict
thoughts about mating behaviors. She saw us as a couple, Eli. I
think I knew it, but it only became clear to me this

You broke it off with her?”
Eli asked curiously, cutting more meat, a frown between his

I did, and I’m afraid I
didn’t do a very good job of it. She is upset.”

Don’t be surprised if she
is not alone for long, Ty,” Eli replied, his blue eyes showing
little emotion. “She is new blooded and very attractive. Every male
here counts the hours until you leave.”

Do you count the hours as
well, Eli?” Ty charged softly, his golden eyes

I have more than my share
of females, Ty. They come to me in pairs sometimes. Your Vivvie
doesn’t like me very much,” Eli said in amusement and shrugged.
“Jericho adores her. He has a leg up already. You leave her;
someone else will claim her.”

It’s her choice,” Ty said
stiffly, disgusted by the raw, possessive jealousy he felt to think
of Vivian with any but him.

Eli continued to cut up the deer,
unmindful of the giggling women who entered the kitchen to see him
naked. He was unashamed and sent them both running with a low mock
growl in their direction.

Just a piece of advice,
Ty,” Eli said as he continued cutting up the deer. “When you
realize that one soul you have left isn’t meant to be hoarded to
yourself, but shared, it will be too late for you and

Ty left the kitchens brooding over
Eli’s words. Ty knew he didn’t dare take his advice. Vivian
deserved better, even if she didn’t believe it. The fact her future
faded from his gaze the moment he took her from Florida made him
wonder. She would have her pick of the males now. Thoughts of her
settling down with a young male and having a litter pleased him,
despite his own jealousy.

Eli embraced his nature and didn’t
understand how Ty felt. Eli never denied himself anything that he
wanted, even if it was the right thing to do. His leader had
twenty-one offspring, thirteen grandchildren, and six great
grandchildren. Eli was determined to give the tribe a leader with
his own ability. So far none of his offspring had his

Eli would think nothing of mating with
Vivian as he did the others. The fact she was the only one Eli
hadn’t indulged with would insure his pursuit of her. The Alpha’s
weren’t required to marry if they impregnated a female. It was
considered an honor, and one most of the females sought when they
came of age.

The elders could mate with as many of
the females as they wanted and did. Ty forced the images of Vivian
with another out of his mind. He knew his leaving was for the

Ty returned to his room, determined to
finish his work and quit sulking over her flight from his room. He
missed her presence already. Going to her would only mean more
words to color the fact he left her. She still thought like a human
in that regard.

How quickly she’d gotten under his
skin. The temptation to stay with her alarmed him. No good would
come of it. Her future wasn’t with him, that much was certain.
Telling her wouldn’t diminish her pain. He pushed all thoughts of
her from his mind.


Vivvie arrived at the media room at six
thirty and stole a seat at Jericho’s side, ignoring his knowing
look as he passed her a tub of popcorn.

What are we watching?” she
asked as she munched.

It’s a chick flick called
Dear John,” he replied and chuckled at her disgusted

Do we have to?” she
complained sourly. It sounded ironic, considering her

He told you, I see,”
Jericho noted, referring to Ty’s leaving.

Yeah, he mentioned it this
morning,” she said and snagged his box of Gummy Bears out of his
hand. “He says it’s for the best. I guess he wouldn’t want me
thinking he gave a shit about me, now would he?”

Vivvie, Ty does care for
you,” Jericho pointed out softly. “If he didn’t, he would have just
left without a word.”

Don’t stick up for him,
Jericho!” she snapped and took inventory of his box of Gummy Bears.
“I want to feel scorned for a while.”

Have it your way, but just
so you know, he has a rough time leaving you,” the male replied,
his yellow green gaze thoughtful. “I can feel his

One of your special gifts?”
she asked snidely and he grinned.

It sure isn’t needed to
sense yours right now! You’re really fired up!”

I’m pissed off!” Vivvie
grumbled and nibbled at her popcorn in dismay. “I thought we had
something special. I guess it just wasn’t enough to keep him

Or maybe that is just Ty’s
way and you’re too hard on yourself?”

Whatever, I’m wanting a
pity party here, Jericho,” she said sourly. “Can we just feel sorry
for me some more? I lost my v-card to a dude who turns into a cat
and got dumped a week later.”

Really? How is it a twenty
something human female even waits that long to mate anymore? I
watch Gossip Girl. Vivvie, you don’t need pity from me right now,”
he whispered under his breath and purred softly, leering at her.
“You need another sort of comfort.”

Ok, if you keep hitting on
me, I’m leaving,” she threatened, smiling despite

What does it take to make
you embrace your new nature without this human guilt you have built
up?” Jericho asked with a tolerant smile. “You can take as many
lovers as you want, at the same time even. We don’t frown upon it.
It’s not like we have AIDS or herpes to worry about. You needn’t
worry any would look down on you.”

Thanks, but this kitty has
her own ideas,” she muttered under her breath. “There won’t be a
pussy patrol led by me after Ty leaves, you can be sure of

Jericho laughed in delight, snatching
back his Gummy Bears. “You better hope I don’t catch you in heat in
some dark corner, Vivvie. You make me feel frisky

It’s a pain in the ass
being a good Lutheran, Jericho. But here it is. Morality is still
an issue with me.”

Even Lutheran’s need their
tails stroked once in a while, Vivvie,” he said

My tail is staying down,
pal,” she snapped and he laughed delightedly.

We will see.”


I’m sensing your excitement
now, Vivvie,” Jericho whispered and she blushed furiously. “This
should be interesting to see how long you decide to fight your

Oh, I wouldn’t make any
bets if I were you,” Vivvie said tightly. “I was pretty uptight and
frigid before your grandson took a bite out of me.”

Jericho smiled and said nothing as the
media room filled up. Vivvie was disappointed to see Ty was absent
from the group. She noticed Eli joined them tonight for a change.
He sat with a dozen women around him, enjoying their attentions,
but his glowing blue gaze pinned her to the back of the

She ignored him, finding it disturbing
to see the obvious adoration he received from the tribe’s women.
Even Gideon’s woman, who was devoted to him, cast longing glances
in the leader’s direction. Vivvie felt his eyes moving over her and
blushed to feel her nipples tighten alarmingly under his glowing
blue stare.

You’re welcome to sit in my
lap if you want? The others will make room for you.

Vivvie glared at him as one woman
boldly stroked his muscular thigh.

It looks like your lap is
taken! No thanks!

Eli appeared delighted at her mental
banter and leaned back to allow his fawning companions more access.
His amused blue stare made her feel increasingly warm.

Cat got your tongue,

Shut up! If you think I’m
as easy as these other women; you’re in for a rude one,

Vivvie knew no one else could hear
them. Eli channeled her specifically. Still, her agitation was
making Jericho look at her strangely as the movie began.

You refusing to give in to
your nature won’t last, Vivvie. You might wish to be less a
challenge. Let your inner kitty out. Come play with me.

She refused to answer him, watching the
movie, not really into the predictable, poignant romance. Within
five minutes, she knew how it would end.

Eli never took his eyes from her. She
felt them on her during the whole movie. She wasn’t about to stick
around for the second feature, knowing it was a horror

Her life was a real horror movie. She
ate Bambi’s dad for breakfast, how worse could it get? Bambi’s dad
was yummy too, even without ketchup or A1 sauce.

I’m going to bed early,
Jericho,” she said softly as she got up. “Sorry I was such a buzz
kill tonight.”

No problem, I sensed your
tiredness,” he disclosed with a smile. “I also felt your anger and
jealousy earlier. Do I hope that was for me?”

Don’t flatter yourself,
pal,” she said with a smile. “I’m on the rebound,

Jericho appeared to contemplate her
words and she made her way out of the media room, feeling Eli’s
eyes in her back, praying he didn’t follow her. She had zero
patience tonight.

Vivvie got to her room and went in. She
locked the door behind her, sensing it would be necessary now that
Ty was leaving. It was rather obvious the Alpha’s saw Ty’s leaving
as an invitation to pursue her. She found the hungry male looks
during the movie depressing.

Vivvie flipped on her TV and watched
the news. She yawned and soon decided sleep was the answer. She
brushed her teeth and washed her make-up off, wondering where Ty
was. She was hurt he'd not come to the media room and denied her
the ax she wished to grind.

Ty must have known she was in a mood to
torture him. Even as she thought of him, she felt her body begin to
yearn for his. There weren’t too many parts of her body Ty didn’t
explore the last week. He even mated with her in the wild, his
favorite place. She felt his absence keenly, rolling over and
fidgeting under the covers.

Vivvie was disgusted at her thoughts of
sneaking to Ty’s room. She was acting like a cat in heat, even if
she knew that blessed occurrence was a month away. Her eyes glowed
in the dark, filled with pain. Even if he would leave in a week, it
was still seven days to change his mind. She kicked back the covers
and got out of bed, snatching a robe off the back of her closet

Vivvie tiptoed down the hallway,
wanting to giggle to know it didn’t matter. Everyone in her hall
could hear her progress with their acute senses. Still, old habits
were hard to break. The warrior barracks were quiet. Most of them
were dispatched to Florida. They were a moody group anyway,
steering clear of the rest of the compound.

When she was at Ty’s door, her ears
perked up. She heard the low sighs and moans within, her face
falling. He wasn’t alone. The sounds of lovemaking within the room
were unmistakable. Intense anger filled her to know he could just
pick up with another like what happened between them meant

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