Tame the Beast (Ever After #1) (24 page)

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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Adam froze, blinking twice as he focused on the woman before him.

“Clara,” he said, half greeting, half questioning. He blinked a few more times, making sure she wasn’t a hallucination brought on by a guilty conscience and too much alcohol.

She stared back at him, something twisting in her warm brown eyes. She wore a simple, yellow sundress that hugged around her waist but flowed perfectly over her curves. A lump the size of the party grew in Adam’s throat. He knew each of those beautiful curves intimately. The thought made his loss that much harder to swallow.

The desire to run his fingers through her loose curls and pull her to him was almost unbearable. She was here. But why? Why had she come?

An unexpected sense of hope rushed through him, causing him to take a step closer. But Clara averted her gaze and pulled Rose through the crowd and away from where Adam stood, paralyzed. He watched as she was swallowed up by the mob around them. He should have felt discouraged. Hell, he should have taken it as the biggest, “I’m not here for you,” sign, but Luke’s words echoed in his memory.
She’ll come back.


Chapter Twenty-Four


Clara moved through the crowd with measured steps. Why did she come? A series of hollow excuses came rushing to her aid. She wanted to show him who had the upper hand, that she wasn’t some broken damsel in distress. She was going to make him jealous by shamelessly flirting with the first attractive guy who looked her way. That would teach him not to take Clarabelle Paige Wright for granted. Her perfect plan flew out the window when she walked into the party and saw him standing there with a shocked look on his beautiful face.

He’d never expected her to come.

Was it an invitation out of pity? Was it a test to see if she was stupid enough to go walking right back into the lion’s den?

Clara was seconds away from bolting when something else flashed through her mind. She wasn’t going to let him win. He didn’t expect her to show up? Well then, tough tits. She was there now and she damn well wasn’t going to limp away like a scared pup. He’d invited her. He would have to deal with it.

“Are you all right?” Rose said as she handed Clara a drink.

“Of course,” she yelled. The music blared, but Clara didn’t mind. It helped drown out the thoughts of a certain pig-headed man who would not be named. Needing a distraction, she said, “Let’s go dance.”

They glided through the crowd and into the living room. Over the past few months, Clara had learned this place inside and out. The chairs and sofas were moved to the sides of the large room to accommodate the large crowd. Clara fell into the beat with the pounding music, pushing away the memories of every intimate night they’d shared.

It was stupid and pointless to remember such things. No good would come from thinking about the way it tickled when his hands brushed over her soft stomach, or the way they would laugh as she failed to wiggle out of his embrace.

Stop it,
she commanded her thoughts.

Why him? Why did he have to have such an effect on her? No one else had ever come close to making her feel the way Adam did.

“Clara,” Corin greeted her from behind. “Glad you came.”

Clara sent him a soft smile, turning as he danced awkwardly between her and Rose. Without a doubt, Corin could be Adam’s equal. Smart. Established family name. Heck, if she were honest with herself, Corin was equally attractive. But Corin had never evoked such feelings within her. Maybe it was the way he radiated that conceited I-get-what-I-want vibe.

In the back of her mind, an annoying voice reminded her,
Adam had that vibe too. Didn’t he?

Clara glared inwardly and continued to dance. She wanted to feel carefree again. Searching for a safe distraction, she thought about the study abroad programs. The one that pulled her interest the most was Paris. It was a win-win. She could visit a place she would never have the money to go, and she would get away from Beaumont University without losing her scholarship.

Clara’s thoughts were lost in her perfect plan when Corin began closing in on her. His hand brushed her waist as he tried to pull her into a dance. That is if grinding his unwanted hips against her was considered dancing.

“Excuse me,” she said as she pushed past him and Rose. “You guys stay. I just need some air.”

To her relief, they both listened and stayed dancing where they were. Clara shuffled through the crowd. She was almost to the back sunroom when she spotted Luke coming her way. The curse that slipped past her lips was muffled in the crowd as she lowered her head, hoping he wouldn’t see her.

“Oh thank God,” she murmured as he continued on his path. Clara really liked Luke, but the last thing she wanted was to have an awkward moment between ex-girlfriend and best friend. She’d thought she was ready for it, but she was wrong. Dead wrong.

Coming here was a mistake,
she thought as she walked through the sunroom and towards the backyard patio. Adam called it a sunroom. Exotic atrium or tropical winter garden would have been more appropriate terms. It was another reminder of how different they were. Even when her family lived in Trousdale, long before her mother had become ill, Clara’s life wouldn’t have come close to the one Adam lived.

Outside, on the less crowded patio, the warm night breeze helped carry her troubles away. Clara found a vacant spot on the large stone bench that encircled the area. In the center, a fire blazed. Three girls stood next to it, absorbed in a slurred conversation. Clara smiled. The best part about being sober at a party was listening to the drunks around her. It was amusing.

Or it was until the conversation turned to a topic Clara was desperate to avoid.

“I’m telling you,” a brunette said, “his parties are awesome, but you don’t ever want to date him. Ever.”

A petite blonde nodded her head, trying to follow her friend’s words. “But what if it was just like, one date?”

“Oh honey, no,” the third friend said. A slight southern accent danced around her drunken slurs. “But you know who would be worth it? Corin Sander, his best friend.”

Clara thought.

The brunette nodded. “Ooo and he’s just as gorgeous.”

“And rich.”

“And you wouldn’t have to worry about him screwing around on you.”

Wrong again
, Clara mused.

She wasn’t sure if the girls were trying to set their blonde friend up with him, or just discussing which guy would make a better date, but she laughed at how wrong they were. Corin was a vain jerk who would dump whoever he was with the second someone better came along. He had a dangerous temper too. His parents paid more than one pretty penny to keep past fights from turning into assault charges. She remembered all too well the time he almost beat another boy within an inch of his life, all because of some trash talking during the championship football game. Sure, Corin might have grown up a bit since then, but Clara still didn’t trust him. Temper like his didn’t go away by being brushed under the rug.

“But wasn’t he dating someone earlier this year?” the blonde asked, swaying from foot to foot.

“Yeah, some girl named Natalie or something,” the southern belle replied. “I think she’s Olivia’s friend. Or maybe roommate.”

The brunette made a disgusted sound. “Olivia Pierce? I can’t stand her. She’ll spread her legs for just about anyone if it means she gets what she wants. Gawd, I hate her.”

“Ya don’t need to convince me. I went to high school with her and let me tell you, that girl didn’t become queen because of her smile.”

The brunette laughed, but the blonde wrinkled her nose and said, “Eww and Adam is sleeping with her. Why do guys—
—do that?”

Clara would have chuckled at the girl’s unfortunate hiccup stage of drunkenness if she weren’t so irritated by her words. She hated the idea of being replaced so fast.

“Please,” the brunette said with a perfect eye roll, “I know Olivia made that whole thing up. She was just pissed because he started seeing that one girl. What was her name?”

Clara froze. Her heart pounded as she turned her attention back to her drink. She didn’t like being talked about. Or worse, get caught eavesdropping as a group of drunken girls gossiped about her.


“No,” the brunette said with narrowed eyes. “It was something else.”

“Why would—
—Olivia do that?” the blonde asked, interrupting the great name debate.

As the girls discussed the truthfulness of the rumors, Clara’s mind soared. Adam was right. These people who stood in his house knew nothing about him, and yet they drank his booze and judged him based on rumors. Even if the stories were somewhat true, there was so much more to him than the reputation. He was caring and considerate and sometimes extremely silly.

Clara knew why she came to the party. It wasn’t to make him jealous or show him what he was missing. No, she came for a much simpler reason.

He’d asked her to.

Clara glanced up at his bedroom window. What was she going to do? She still cared about him, but did they even stand a second chance? With restless fingers, she pulled out her phone. She wanted to go back to her dorm, but she knew Rose wouldn’t be ready to leave yet. As she flipped through her contacts, her fingers hovered over Ryan’s name. His number was placed in there as a security blanket waiting to be used. Maybe she could call him? He was nice and easy enough to talk to. And he was clearly interested in being more than a friend. Groaning, Clara’s eyes wandered back up to Adam’s window.

The light flickered on.

Like a good little moth, she rose and let her feet carry her back inside. All thoughts of Ryan and his charming compliments were left on the patio.

The staircase was packed, but she moved around the people with ease, thinking about the first time she’d taken each step. The memory of Adam pushing her against the wall and kissing her senseless came flooding to the front of her mind. That was the way she wanted to feel again. Desired.

The light poured out from under the bedroom door. Clara froze. What was she doing? Was she really just going to walk up to the door and knock? Twisting on her heel, Clara leaned against the rail and looked down at the party. She needed to collect her thoughts. What would she say to him? What if he wasn’t alone?

The last question cut into her like a knife. He could easily have another woman in there with him. Her rational side came running to her aid, reminding her the lights would most likely be off if that were the case. For a brief moment, Clara relaxed.

“I was wondering where you ran off to,” Corin said as he forced his way to her side and flashed a winning smile.

Clara wasn’t impressed. “Just enjoying the party,” she lied. “Where’s Rose?”

Corin shrugged. “Talking to Luke. You know, whenever you want to leave, I’d be happy to take you.”

I’m sure you would.
The last thing she wanted was to go anywhere with Corin, especially when he was drunk. Judging by the detached look in his bloodshot eyes, he was passed the point of lucid. “No, I’m good. But thanks.”

Corin pressed on. “Well, let me know if you change your mind. I’m kinda surprised you even came.”

“I was invited.”

At the annoyed look on her face, he slurred, “I know. It’s just after everything, I figured you’d never come around again.” Corin’s hand ran up the length of her arm, causing her to shudder. “I’m glad you did. And if you ever want to talk or just need a distraction, I’m always here for you.” Corin leaned closer, the smell of booze assaulting her senses. “I’m very good at distractions.”

A pool of bile rose in the back of her throat. She needed a few more hands to count how many girls he’d hooked up with in the past semester alone. There was no way she was buying anything that came out of his drunken mouth.

Pushing Corin’s hand away, she said, “Thanks, but no thanks.”

“Oh come on, Clara. How long are you gonna play hard to get?”

Clara’s jaw dropped. A few nice words and she was expected to throw herself at him? She let her words fill up with as much iciness as she could. “How long before you take the hint? I’m. Not. Interested.”

Clara turned to leave before Corin did something stupid, but his rough grip held her in place. “Why not?” he asked. From the look on his face, he was downright pissed, but Clara didn’t care. Before she could reply, he cruelly added, “Or am I not rich enough for your taste? Is that it? Because you put out for Adam pretty fast, and all he had to do was buy you a book.”

Clara couldn’t stop her hand from swinging around and colliding with his face.

Those around them stared in complete shock.

“You little bitch,” he spat.

Corin removed his hand from his cheek and stalked forward. The crazed look in his eye said he was not the type of man who cared that she was weaker than him. Or a woman.

In the distance, Clara heard someone gasp as Corin’s hand rose. Her body tensed, unable to escape his coming assault.

“Don’t you fucking touch her,” Adam’s deep voice yelled, his hand catching Corin’s arm mid-swing.

He was between them within seconds. Clara’s head spun as they began screaming at each other. She caught brief bits of “your little whore” and “get out of my house.” That’s when it started.

Corin’s fists swung in the air between them. Clara retreated backward, her shoulders hitting the wall. It was Adam who took the blow, but Clara had felt the pain burst in her chest.

Again, Corin swung.

Adam deflected, keeping his arms up, protecting his face.

Clara couldn’t breath. It was like watching a horrific dance. She wanted Adam to knock him out, to end the fight, but Corin was like a rabid animal, unstable in every way.

“Had enough?” Adam asked, shoving Corin away for the third time.

Corin slammed into the banister of the second floor. The sound of his hard back colliding with wood filled Clara’s ears. Why wasn’t Adam fighting back? It was as if he was just trying to get Corin to give up and leave, but Corin replied by sending a fist across Adam’s face.

Clara looked at the people around her, praying someone would step in to help, but no one did. They all stood back, watching as the two men tore each other apart. Why wasn’t anyone helping? Why were they just standing there amused?

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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