Read Taming the Fire Online

Authors: Sydney Croft

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Erotic fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Occult fiction, #Erotica, #Occult, #Sexual dominance and submission

Taming the Fire (34 page)

BOOK: Taming the Fire
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She laved attention on the sensitive area on his inner thighs with little kisses, tiny nips, and long sweeps of her tongue.

“God, Rik,” he panted. “I thought we weren't doing the torture thing anymore.”

She pressed the flat of her tongue against the smooth spot behind his balls, and grinned. “I didn't agree to that.”

He sucked air. “Clearly.”

“Are you complaining?” She opened her mouth over one of his testicles and blew warm air over his sac.

“Not even close…
ah, yes!”

Her mouth watered as she dragged her tongue from his balls to the head of his cock. A crystal drop had formed at the tip, and she lapped at it greedily. This was something that normally sent the beast into a rage, but she remained calm and content, and Rik took advantage of the wolf's relaxed attitude.

Taking him deep, she wrapped her hand around his hard shaft and pumped as she sucked. Trance's hands gripped her head and his whispered curses drifted down to her, his naughty words working her into a frenzy. Moisture pooled at her core and her clit throbbed and this wasn't going to continue for long. She wanted—needed—him inside her.

“You'd better stop,” he rasped, even as he thrust his hips upward. More pre-cum coated her tongue, tempting her to bring him off so she could taste him fully, but he made the decision for her by lifting her head away from him. “As much as I love this, I want you on top, like you were the first time at the club.”

Her breath caught. She understood what he was saying—that first time had been rough and raw, and both had been playing a role. He wanted to wipe the roles away, to repeat the position and make new, better memories.

Emotion made her eyes water as she climbed on him and lowered herself onto his shaft. They both groaned at the delicious, slick friction. She rocked slowly, loving the way Trance's breathing came faster, how he moaned when she reached back to cup his sac. It drew up tight as she stroked the seam separating his heavy balls. She could still taste the bold, smoky flavor on her lips, an aphrodisiac that had her grinding against him with increasing enthusiasm.

She absorbed everything—the rough whoosh of his breath, the strain of his body beneath hers, the sight of him fisting the bedsheets, his thick biceps bunching and rolling against the wicked sensations that gripped them both. She wanted to remember this forever.

He swallowed hard and kicked his head back as she ground her hips. “God, this is amazing.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “But I want more. Bind my hands.”

He froze, rocked his head up off the pillow. “What?”

“I… I liked when you bound me at the ACRO place in England,” she said softly. “For the first time, I was able to let myself go and trust and just feel good. I mean, it all turned out messed up, but I want to do that again. This time, it'll turn out different.”

“You don't need to control yourself like that anymore. I don't need to either—”

“Shh.” She put a finger against his lips. “It's not about control, Trance. It's about pleasure. You remember, don't you? You remember how strong your orgasms were when I had you bound and helpless?”

One corner of his made-for-pleasure mouth quirked up. “I wasn't helpless.”

She rolled her eyes. Men. “You know what I mean. When you had nothing to worry about but how you felt, it made everything better, didn't it?” She tilted her hips so he went as deep as he could go, and then bit her lip at the lightning strike of pleasure the motion caused. “Every sensation is magnified. Better.”

His eyes darkened, and he nodded. “Oh, yeah.”

“So don't be afraid of the bonds,” she said, dragging her finger down his chest to tweak a nipple. He hissed a breath between clenched teeth. “Embrace them. I want to make love to you with nothing between us, but I also want to love you using the skills we both have.”

“Well, when you put it that way…” He stretched for his nightstand and opened the drawer. Inside, he kept condoms, lube, a blindfold, and a long silk sash. His blue gaze was intense as he looked up at her. “Help yourself.”

Her hand shook with anticipation as she pulled the black length of cloth from the drawer, but before she gave it to him, she brushed the tip over the rim of his ear, the sensitive skin of his eyelids, and down to trace his lips. By the time she was done, a new sheen of sweat had broken out across his body.

“Enough,” he said roughly, but his hands were gentle as he tied her wrists with the sash. He let them settle on his chest and gripped her waist. “Kiss me. I want you to be kissing me when you come.”

Oh, she wanted that too. She fell forward, bracing her forearms on his sternum so her breasts rubbed against his hard chest and her hair fell in a curtain around his face. One of his hands still rested on her hip, but the other slid up her back to the nape of her neck to bring her mouth to his.

The kiss was soft as a whisper. Trance slid his lips across hers, sometimes stroking them with his tongue, and sometimes pulling back so there was only a thin veil of air to caress her mouth. God, he was good, so skilled, and she never in a million years would have guessed that a man could nearly make her come by doing nothing more than kiss her.

But he was driving her to new heights with his teasing, made worse by the fact that she couldn't touch him with her hands, couldn't guide his ministrations to her liking. The denial was delicious, beyond anything she could ever have predicted.

And then, as though he couldn't take it anymore, he arched his hips and drove deep as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. The double penetration made her moan with pleasure.

She rode him faster, the heat at her core building so quickly and so intensely that she couldn't hold back, and when Trance bent one leg up for leverage, the new angle of his cock sliding into her slick channel sent her over the edge.

She shouted into his mouth. He shouted back. Locked together as fully as they could be, they rode out their pleasure until they were nothing but a quivering, panting tangle. Though Rik could barely think, let alone move, Trance managed to pet her hair and her back with long, soothing strokes. The attention felt amazing, like nothing she'd encountered before. Yes, the sex was incredible—beyond incredible—but the way he held her now was the most intimate act she'd ever experienced.

“Don't stop,” she murmured. “Don't ever stop.”

“I won't.”


Trance didn't hesitate. He drew back, looked deeply into her eyes and whispered, “Ever.”

The look on Ryan's face when Dev had admitted he'd been the one to betray him to Itor kept flashing in Dev's mind. Ryan was a long way from forgiving him, if it ever happened, and there was nothing Dev could do about that. He refused to grovel—couldn't, really—not in his position.

But when he thought of the months of torture Ryan had gone through—the times he still had ahead of him…

. He'd never felt so alone in his life, despite the fact he was surrounded by hundreds of agents and staff and Marlena.

And Gabriel. Zach had reported that working at the animal facility was helping Gabriel. Annika reported that he seemed calmer, albeit distracted.

“You know why he's distracted,” Marlena said after skimming the report.

“Because he's new. Because he has no idea how to deal with his gift.” Dev had pushed the papers aside, not really wanting to get involved any more than he had. He'd let Gabriel's direct sup know about the basics of what Gabriel could do and left it at that.

“You can't do this to him—it's not his fault that Oz is keeping his promise.”

“How do I know the kid didn't manipulate this entire situation? It's not that hard to find out about me and Oz. Not that difficult to find out what kind of car Oz drove,” Dev shot back.

“You'd know,” Marlena said calmly, and he bit back the urge to retort further. She didn't deserve the brunt of this. “ACRO is functioning at its most efficient level ever. Peak performance. All missions in the last six months have been accomplished with minimal injury to ACRO agents and very little collateral damage, except to Itor. You can't be this hard on yourself.”

But he was, always would be. He'd watched his father go through the same thing—his mother too. It was why he'd gone into the Air Force instead of joining the family business when he'd turned eighteen. And right before Marlena left his office, he told her he didn't want to see Gabriel again, on any level, told Marlena the young recruit wasn't allowed near his office, finished with “And make sure to tell the guards to keep him away from my premises.”

He was well aware he was past the verge of behaving like a complete and total asshole. He was pissed and horny, a horrid combination, and yet Marlena still wanted to be around him. She'd forced him home early, promising him the kind of surprise he enjoyed. And so now he waited in the guest bedroom, like Marlena told him to. He'd showered and he lay naked under the sheets, eyes closed.

But still, he knew when Marlena entered. She was alone, waiting by the door. “Turn it off, Devlin.”

He knew what she was asking—she wanted him to turn off his gift of second sight and CRV. As much as he hated the vulnerability, he understood why she felt it important for him to do so. For him, it took away any element of potential awkwardness when he and the Seducers sat across from each other at a meeting. They were consummate professionals, but still, what he didn't know, in this case, couldn't hurt him. “It's done.”

“Then sit up—come to the edge of the bed,” she told him.

He was totally and completely naked now as Marlena shut the lights and stripped off her clothing. She was easily one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, and if he'd swung more that way, he had no doubt he'd marry her, love or no love. She had a way with men.

She tied a blindfold over his eyes, whispered, “Relax,” as she bound his wrists behind his back with soft, black silk ties. They were all for show, of course, but his cock hardened instantly.

Marlena gave an appreciative moan as he took one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked hard—her hands wound into his hair as her naked body writhed in his lap.

And then, just as suddenly, they weren't alone anymore. The air changed as he heard footsteps come toward the bed. Clothing was unzipped, fell to the floor with soft sounds as Marlena moved behind him, her breasts pressing against his back.

Someone knelt on the floor between his legs. Jesus. His hands tugged at the soft bindings as a hot mouth worked his cock.

He was intimately acquainted with Marlena's hands, her mouth, and knew that it was a man sucking him, not her. The pace was different—harder, more knowing.

Lately, he'd resisted being with men, had allowed Marlena to bring in a male Seducer only once in an effort to banish Oz's ghost.

Now that ghost appeared to be gone. In its place was the young, chiseled face of Gabriel, and even though Dev tried to block out the face, he couldn't.

And so he pretended that whoever was down there was Gabriel, because no one would have to know that. The mystery man's tongue flicked over the slit on the top of his cock and then firmly pushed in and out of the small hole.

“Holy fuck.” His body jolted as his voice went up an octave, and still hands held him down hard and fast to the bed. He couldn't move and he knew two things immediately—one, that Marlena had long since left the room, and second, that this was Gabriel holding him down. He recognized the touch of the excedo… the strength, and he heard himself say, “Take the blindfold off me. I want to watch you.”

Gabriel complied, taking only a moment to free Dev's eyes from the black cloth. By the time Dev blinked, Gabriel was back between his legs, deep-throating his cock, looking up at Devlin the entire time.

It was so fucking hot, watching that, feeling the way his balls throbbed, and no, there was no reason to hold out. He'd been too far gone from the second Gabriel had arrived on his doorstep.

He came—with a loud groan that made Gabriel tighten his grip on him. Their eyes remained locked until Dev stopped shuddering from his orgasm and lay back on the bed on his elbows, his wrists still tied behind him. He was breathing hard, had come harder than he could remember, and he was still erect. Gabriel stood and climbed onto Dev—the young man's body was beautiful, carved and covered with a thin sheen of sweat.

“Are you going to be able to do this—to let me fuck you?” Dev asked.

BOOK: Taming the Fire
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