TamingTai (6 page)

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Authors: Chloe Cole

BOOK: TamingTai
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Right then, she hated her too.

* * * * *

It was dark. The smell hit him first. Stale, recycled
air. That astringent, almost metallic smell straining to mask the pervasive
aroma of body odor. Panic hit hard as he squinted to see through the shadows.
He stood, blindly stumbling forward, straight into iron bars.


Panic clawed at him as he tried to process what was
happening. That this was to be his life for the next two years. From science
class and yearbooks to this. The catcalls echoed in his ears and he ran to the
toilet and vomited.

A cool hand in his hair, a tug and a groan and the smell
faded. Honeysuckle and fresh air. Christa at the lake. She was kissing him,
running her hand over his back. Lower. The panic receded and he leaned forward
to talk to her. Tell her how much he loved her.

He stared down into her face, but her eyes were lifeless,
blood trickling from her mouth. He screamed and laid her on the ground, shaking
her, calling her name through broken sobs.

“She was a slut anyway,” Pierce said on a laugh.

Tai stood, blessed rage coalescing in his heart,
momentarily eclipsing his sorrow.

His foot snapped out like a whip, high and fast,
with pinpoint accuracy, followed by the sickening yet satisfying crack of bone.

“Again!” his brain screamed.

As if on a loop, that foot flew, over and over.





His eyes snapped open as he sucked in a breath.
Sweat poured from his body and the sheets clung to his chest like seaweed as he
looked around the dimly lit room.

The Man Bus.

Okay. He was okay. His thundering heart began to slow as he
scrubbed a hand down his slick face.

One night with Christa Reilly and this was the result.

Even as the thought occurred to him, guilt prickled some small,
rational part of his mind. She’d been a kid. Same as him. What did she know
back then? Could it be that the woman she was today would have made better

Like choosing him.

He sat up and hung his head in his hands. He was just
rationalizing now. Trying to make some excuse for her abandonment so he could
be with her. Funny, he used to do the same thing with his dad. Bastard would
blow him off for the third time in a row, without even a phone call. How many
times had Tai made up excuses for him, to himself and his mom?

“He probably had to work late”. Or “Maybe he forgot. He does
that sometimes, even with real important stuff”.

His mother, God bless her, would give him a sad little smile
and nod, never contradicting him. Never saying a bad word about the useless
piece of shit. Her tongue should have been nothing more than a mass of scar
tissue from all the biting.

Tai pushed off the bed and padded into the kitchen. He took
a carton of orange juice from the fridge and drank deeply.

“You’re a real shit.”

Tai cursed under his breath, set the carton back into the
fridge and turned to face a furious Gigi.

“Okay, I’ll buy another one and drink out of a glass next
time. But for the record, I think you’re overreacting.”

He closed the refrigerator door and attempted to leave the
room, but Gigi stepped in his way.

“Don’t try to be cute, Tai. I’m talking about Christa. But
ew on the juice too. That’s disgusting,” she said, her tone softening as her
sharp eyes scanned his face.

“Babe, come on, go easy on him. It looks like he’s had a
rough night,” Beau called from the living room where he sat balancing a plate
of pancakes on his knee.

Truer words. Tai had spent most of the night tossing and
turning. When he did finally fall asleep, he regretted it. Those dreams were

“I saw her. In fact I just left there.”

Shock and fury hit him hard and fast. “What the fuck, Gi?
Who do you think you are? This was none of your business. And you? You let her
go?” he asked Beau incredulously.

Beau shrugged and held up a placating hand. “Hey, this isn’t
the eighteen hundreds. I don’t get to tell her where to go or what to do, man.
Besides, she was really upset and felt like it was the right thing to do. Who
am I to say different?”

The anger drained away as quick as it had come. This was his
own stupid fault. Gigi had been awake when he got home, claiming she couldn’t
sleep, but it was pretty obvious she was waiting up for him. He should have
never told her he’d slept with Christa.

“You’re my friend and I care about you,” Gigi said. “That
makes it my business. I just went to tell her to leave you alone. Dammit, Tai,
if I came home looking like you did last night, you’d have done the same. I
wanted to kill her for toying with you that way.” She broke off and looked away
before pinning him with a teary gaze. “But then I saw her. You think you look

“And you do,” Beau chimed in.

Gigi shot him a look then continued. “Even before she told
me what happened, I knew you and I had it wrong somehow. The woman loves you,

Fear crashed over him in waves. “Bullshit. You went there,
fine. What’s done is done. But don’t fucking do
, okay? I can’t take
it.” He turned and went around the island, desperate for escape.

The last thing he needed was someone giving him a reason to
break the vow he’d made to himself. If he gave Christa another chance, he was
just opening himself to more pain, and she’d served up more than his fill.
People didn’t change. He only needed to look at his father to drive that lesson

Gigi moved, again blocking his way. “She didn’t know.”

He put a firm hand on her shoulder and thrust her to the
side. “I need to get some air.”

“Are you listening to me? She didn’t know, Tai,” Gigi said,
hot on his tail. “Her father told her you’d gone to a juvenile detention center
for a few months. Until this morning, she didn’t even know you went to a real
prison, never mind that you spent two years there.”

He paused, mid-step, as the implications washed over him.
Blood pounded in his ears as he tried to make sense of it all. “Well, if she
didn’t know it was because she didn’t want to know.” Even as he spoke, the
words fell flat. Still. “Why didn’t she try to see me? She would’ve known

“Her parents wouldn’t allow it. Once things calmed down
some, she went to see your mother, but she was gone. There was another tenant
living in your apartment.” Gigi took his hand. “Tai, she isn’t perfect. Maybe
she could’ve done something differently. But she was a kid under the thumb of a
powerful man.”

A tiny kernel of hope took residence in his chest as Gigi
turned him to face her. “You have a lot to talk about, and maybe too much time
has passed. Maybe it can’t be fixed. But I promise you one thing. That woman
loves you. I would bet my business on it.”

He didn’t speak. He couldn’t. His brain was on overload
trying to reconcile what she was saying with everything he’d “known” for the
past decade.

She released him with a sigh and stepped back. “That’s it.
You can run away now. I just wanted to make sure you had all the information
before you made a decision you might regret. Remember what you told me about
regret, Tai? It’s a terrible, all-encompassing thing. It fucks with you
constantly, makes you feel like if you’d only done that one thing differently,
everything just might be perfect right now. Even when your shit is going good,
it keeps it from ever being great because you wonder if it could have been
better if only…”

Damn if that wasn’t
what he’d said.

“Man, what are you waiting for?” Beau asked, his typical,
teasing grin notably absent. “You gotta go make this right.”

Fucking A, he did.

Chapter Seven


“You want me to put that in a to-go container?” the
bartender asked with a puzzled glance at the still-full bowl of chili in front
of her.

“No thanks. I’m getting on a plane. It was very good, I just
wasn’t as hungry as I thought.” Christa forced a smile and laid a twenty on the

She turned to stare out the window. It was raining again but
she hardly minded. A gorgeous, sunny day wouldn’t have seemed at all fitting.
She flicked a glance at her watch. Her plane would be leaving in two hours.
Time to call a cab and get ready to leave Cincinnati—and Tai—behind.

Tai. She pressed a hand to her lips and tried to remember
exactly what his mouth had felt like.

Gigi’s words from earlier that morning still rang in her
head. How could she not have known? Surely it had been in the newspapers, or
maybe gossip in school? She’d been so blind. The sorrow threatened to spill
over again, but she slammed the brakes on. Plenty of time for that when she got
home. Her leave of absence was open-ended so she could snuggle her Boston
Terrier Milo tight and not leave her bed for a week if she wanted. Hell, maybe
she’d never go back.

The sound of music interrupted her thoughts. Little early
for the jukebox to be cranking.


When your baby

Leaves you all alone


Her stomach clenched tight and her heart broke just a little
more. Of all the songs they could’ve picked.


And nobody

Calls you on the phone


Tears rushed to her eyes and she swiped at them with
her sleeve. Time to get the hell out of there before she came unhinged. She
stood, nearly toppling her chair, and turned. Keeping her head down, she made
her way to the exit. A male voice stopped her in her tracks.

“Well, it just looks silly doing the dance by myself.”

The breath whooshed from her lungs as she looked up to see
Tai swaying on the empty dance floor. Despite the teasing words, his face was
grave, his eyes full of sorrow.

“Come here,” he murmured.

She searched his face for a sign that he was toying with
her. That once she got there, in the warmth of his arms, he might snatch them
away. Because how could he ever possibly get past what she’d done, and worse,
what she hadn’t?

She took a tentative step forward. “Tai, I’m so sorry.” The
meltdown she’d hoped to stave off came on like an avalanche and sobs racked her
body. And then he was there, scooping her into his arms, holding her close,
rocking her to the music while he whispered into her ear.

“It’s okay, doll.

“B-b-but I never found you. I should have tried harder. How
can you forgive me?”

He pulled back, his dark eyes shiny with unshed tears “The
same way you’ll forgive
. I could’ve come back for you when I got out,
at least to see what happened instead of assuming the worst. And last night I
could’ve listened when you tried to tell me the truth.”

A couple stepped into the bar, sending them a curious look.

“Can we go to your room and talk?”

“Checkout is in a half hour. I have a two o’clock
flight.” She refused to look at him, despite the weight of his stare. She’d
hunted him down and forced him to see her, she wasn’t going to beg him to stay

“You’re not going anywhere. Not now. Change your flight, at
least until tomorrow. We don’t need to decide anything, but we need time to
talk, okay?”

She nodded, too overwhelmed to trust her voice. Could he
really forgive her? And could she forgive herself? Only one way to find out. If
they couldn’t work through it, it would ruin her, but Tai was worth the risk.

By the time they’d made it to her room and arranged for
another night’s stay, the tears had dried. They settled on the couch and faced
one another. She mustered up the courage and asked the question that had kept
her awake all night.

“How did you survive those two years, Tai? Did they hurt


Her terrified gaze cut through to the bone, like a cleaver.
He knew what she was asking. The question that hung, unspoken, between the


She stared hard at him, her eyes silently begging for the

“No,” he said more firmly this time. “I promise you. I was
young, but I was strong and made sure I stayed in top condition. One guy tried.
A couple well-placed punches to the kidney convinced him it was a bad idea.
After that, no one bothered me.”

“Thank God for that, at least,” she whispered, trembling
with relief.

“It was one of the darkest times of my life, but I’m coming
to the realization that I was partly to blame. I’ve replayed that night over
and over in my head, and you know what? The prosecutor was right. I
want to hurt him. It
my intent to maim. I lost control.”

As he spoke, a heaviness that had weighed on him for the
past ten years vanished.

“That goes against everything the art of Shotokan stands
for. I acted in anger, and I paid for that choice. I could’ve easily subdued
him without the kick. It burns my ass to admit it, but there it is. When I made
that choice I shamed myself. But I also shamed my sensei, the one positive male
figure in my life. Back when I was a kid and the dojo in Chinatown refused to
teach me real kung fu because I wasn’t “true Chinese”, Takahashi-san took me
under his wing and taught me the Japanese art despite my heritage. I repaid him
by smearing his name and teachings with a two-year stint in jail. In fact,
after this tour I’m going to pay him a visit.”

She burrowed into his chest and held him tight. “I think
that’s a wonderful idea. And really, I hear what you’re saying, but the fact
is, if it wasn’t me and Pierce wasn’t a Ridell you never would have gotten such
a stiff sentence. The punishment didn’t fit the crime. I’m not convinced that
your useless public defender wasn’t a friend of my father’s. Who recommends a
plea on a case like that? Especially in light of my statement.”

He brushed the hair from her cheek and remained silent. A
sick look washed over her face as she pushed away from him and sat up. “Tai?
What aren’t you telling me?”

“I don’t know how to tell you this, Chris, but there was no

“Of course there was a statement. I had to recite it to the
policeman twice to make sure he got it all. They made me sign it.”

Tai shook his head, tugging her back to him gently. “I don’t
know who that man was, but he wasn’t a police officer. When I was being
interrogated, the police told me that no one else backed my story and it would
be better if I just confessed to attacking Pierce out of jealousy. I tried to
argue for so long, but they wore me down. The public defender swore I’d do less
than six months if I pled. My mom and I decided it was the only option, so I
did. When the sentence was handed down we were stunned.”

The horror on her face spoke volumes. “This was my father’s
doing. I knew it was bad, but I never would have thought he was capable of
this. He’s dead to me.”

“Hey, let’s not do this, okay? There’s a lot to digest and I
know it hurts. But I’ve been living in the past for so long now. Let’s be
selfish, focus on here and now and me and you, just for a little while. We’ve
wasted ten years. All I want is to make up for some of that time.”

“Anything you want. The fact that you are even willing to
give me another chance after what knowing me has cost you means everything to

He thought carefully before he spoke the words on his
tongue, letting loose when he felt the absolute truth of them. “It was worth
it. If I had to do it all again to have you with me like this, I would.”

She stared at him for a long moment as tears filled her
eyes, then pulled back and punched him in the gut. “I f-f-finally stopped
crying and then you go and say something unbearably sweet and totally
unreasonable like that. I love you so much, Tai.” She dove on top of him,
wrapping her arms and legs around him the best she could while she sobbed
against his neck.

He squeezed her tight, reveling in the warm sense of
fullness in his chest as his heart settled back into its rightful place. “I
love you too, doll.”

She lifted her head and pressed a damp, salty kiss to his
mouth. The taste of her tears made everything in his body clench in protest but
a moment later, she nipped his lower lip and pulled back.

“Cheer me up,” she demanded with a trembling smile. She bent
to him again and kissed him, tongue and all. His body responded instantly, his
cock standing at attention.

“Let’s take it into the bedroom this time,” he muttered
before rolling her off him and standing. He bent low and scooped her up into
his arms.

Her eyes twinkled as the tears dried. She let out a
delighted laugh. “Aren’t you the romantic?”

“After last time, it’s the least I can do. I acted like a
real asshole.” He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers.

She laid a hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. No more blame, no
more guilt. Just be with me.”

“Always.” He strode into the bedroom and laid her down on
the bed. She was gorgeous in the late-afternoon light and he ran a finger over
the neckline of her shirt. “I can’t wait to look at you.”

“You too.”

He set to work on the buttons of her blouse, each one
revealing another inch of creamy skin. Her nipples peeked through the white
lace of her bra and he bent low to clamp on to one, tugging with his teeth.

“Mmm,” she groaned as she slipped her fingers into his hair,
pressing him tighter to her breast. He sucked hard, pulling on the firm peak,
until she began to fidget beneath him, wordlessly begging for more. He backed
away, unclasping the front of her bra. It fell open, leaving her heaving
breasts bare to his gaze.

“Hips up.”


Christa complied and a moment later her pants and underwear
were off. A cool rush of air caressed her overheated skin.

“Amazing,” he breathed, his eyes hungrily sweeping her from
head to toe. His gaze narrowed on her pussy and he bent at the waist, pressing
a firm kiss to her pubic bone. She arched forward helplessly, aching for his

“Oh don’t worry, doll. There is nothing I want more in the
world than my mouth on your pussy. Let me get out of these clothes.”

He straightened and yanked the shirt over his head in one
motion. His abs were glorious. “If you keep looking at me like that this is
going to go way faster than either of us want it to,” he warned, issuing a
pained laugh.

He unbuttoned his fly and slid out of his jeans then stood,
buck-naked. His cock stood at attention, thick and long, just begging for her
mouth. She rolled to her side and hoisted herself up on her elbow.

“Come closer,” she whispered.

He groaned and took a tentative step toward the bed, just
close enough for her to flick the head of his cock with her tongue. She reveled
in the warm, musky taste, going back for another long lick.

“Fuck,” he growled, then stepped in, bringing himself more
fully into her mouth. She moaned around him, working her throat muscles to suck
his swollen cock deeper. He speared his hand into her hair, urging her on.
Power and desire pulsed through her, her clit aching with need. She worked him
over and over with her lips and tongue until he jerked away. His cock pulsed
and quivered as his harsh breathing echoed through the room. “I want to come in
your mouth so bad, but that pussy is calling me. Lay back,” he demanded,
closing a hand over his cock and fisting himself as she complied.

“Spread your legs.”

She did. Her nipples grew impossibly tight, the heat of his
gaze setting her aflame.

He moved to the foot of the bed, never taking his eyes off
her. Leaning forward, he traced a path from her ankles to the inside her
thighs, grunting when he connected with her pussy.

“So wet, Jesus, Chris, you’re killing me.” He climbed onto
the bed between her legs, positioning his elbows by her hips. For a long
moment, he just stared. When he finally dipped his head down and put his mouth
to her, she nearly bucked him off but he held her hips captive. He dragged his
tongue over her crease, then traced around her clit with just the tip.

“Tai,” she whispered urgently, arching upward.

He growled and he closed his lips over the swollen knot and
began rubbing rhythmically with his tongue. She shuddered and her muscles
strained as her body hurtled toward release. She threaded her fingers into his
hair, willing him to finish it, to make the ache go away. Despite her
insistence, he kept the same, slow, gentle rhythm. With a whimper, she writhed,
desperate for him to ease the pressure building tight, tighter in her belly.

His hand slid over her hip, down her thigh, then between,
teasing her creamy folds.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted.

Two fingers nudged her entrance, pausing, then thrusting

Her world became a pinprick and he was the center. Her back
bowed at the exquisite invasion even as he closed his lips over her clit for a
firm suck that sent her headlong over the edge. She came hard, twisting and
grinding against his face as his fingers drove in and out.

Her body was still quivering when she finally came back to
earth. Tai rained gentle kisses on her thighs and hips, slipping his fingers
from her pussy.

“That was so beautiful. Better than Christmas. That’s how I
want to wake you up every morning,” he whispered.

“I’m so into that idea,” she gasped, still reeling.

“But first, roll over. I want to take you from behind.”

The need she’d thought was quenched came back in a rush. She
flipped onto her stomach, the feel of his hot gaze encouraging her to take her
time, pose a little for him. She rose onto her knees and leaned forward until
she was resting on her elbows. He must have liked the view because he let out a
muffled groan. She gave her bottom a wiggle and peered over her shoulder to see
his gaze locked on her.

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