Tangled (17 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Tangled
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Trying to get her to relax, she realized. Trying to ease her fear. Though she was excited yes, she was

also fearful. A little scared that it might hurt though she knew Trevor would never hurt her on purpose.

Without a word, Drake slid inside her, his cock hard and pulsing, filling her completely. She gasped at

the unexpected invasion. He felt good, amazing and when Trevor nudged against her ass once more, she

tensed again.

“Come on, Scarlett.” Trevor ran his hands all over ass, fingers stroking first one, then the other cheek

before they landed in between. “Open up for me and let me in.”

She breathed deep and relaxed her lower muscles as best she could, tried to be loose for him. He

nudged again, harder this time, the head of his cock almost breeching her ass and she cried out.




Drake fucked her nice and slow, his hands going to her waist, tilting her up so Trevor had better

advantage. She moaned when he went deep, the base of his cock bumping her clit and Trevor took

advantage, sliding deeper until he was fully seated in her ass.

It burned. It stung. She was full, fuller than she’d ever been before, and she hung her head, breathed


Trevor stayed still, his cock throbbing in her ass, long and hot. Drake didn’t move either, and it hit her

that she had not just one but two cocks buried inside her body.

And then they started to move, Drake sliding deeper while Trevor slid out. Back and forth, in rhythm,

in and out, in and out and Scarlett tried to move with them.

It was impossible. She was being so thoroughly fucked there was no need to find any sort of rhythm

to keep up with them. They fucked her completely, their cocks sliding against each other, the only barrier

the thin skin that separated them. They had to feel each other, had to find that arousing and the thought

alone could send her flying to yet another climax.

She didn’t know if her poor worn out body could take it. She was exhausted, exhilarated, thrilled,

amazed and when she felt the familiar tremor in her belly she knew it was about to happen.

“She’s gonna come,” Trevor muttered, increasing his movements, thrusting so deep inside her the

sting intensified, the pleasure pain so overwhelming she came with a scream that Drake’s neighbors

probably heard.

They continued to fuck her through her orgasm, and she came again when she felt Trevor’s wash over

him. Her body shuddered, twitched through her release and made Drake orgasm as well. All three of them

were writhing, shuddering masses of flesh, coming and groaning until they all fell to a heap on top of each

other, Scarlett crushed between both men.

It felt unbelievably delicious and if she never experienced anything like this again, she was all right

with that.

At least she’d done it once. Just to do it. And it had been amazing.

Trevor drew her into his arms and held her close, her face pressed against his muscled chest. She

slipped her arms around him and breathed deep, loving how he held her so carefully yet had fucked her so


Such a contradiction, one she wanted to explore and experience again and again. But only with him.

All she needed was him. Trevor.

“Are you all right? Did I hurt you?” His words of concern washed over her, and he stroked a hand

over her hair in comfort.

“No.” She shook her head, her face against his chest.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes.” She withdrew from him, shooting him a smile. “Definitely.”



Karen Erickson

He touched her cheek, his fingers gentle upon her skin, his gaze dimming. He studied her carefully,

his lips parted as if he wanted to say something. Her heart lurched.

It looked serious, whatever he wanted to say. And it scared her.

But then his face cleared and he smiled, leaned in and kissed her. Gently, lovingly and she felt herself

tumble over.

Headed straight into love.



Chapter Ten

“Where’s Trevor? I thought he’d come with you.”

Scarlett glanced up to find Austin studying her with a questioning expression on his face, a beer

clutched in his hand. She shrugged, hoping for nonchalance when feeling anything but. “He’s in New York

for that audition.”

“Still?” Austin whistled low. “Must be some audition.”

“Are you talking about Trevor?” Michaela appeared out of nowhere, wrapping her arms tight around

Austin’s middle, laying claim to what was hers. Not like anyone would deny her claim. This couple was so

together, so in love with each other it made everyone around them a little sick.

With envy, at least on Scarlett’s part. She wished she could be open, free in showing her feelings for

Trevor as Michaela was with Austin. She knew it had been a struggle between them, and Austin had had to

fight to prove to Michaela that she was the one he wanted.

Their ease, their comfort with each other was both beautiful and disgusting, Scarlett thought, her

normal cynicism shining through. Maybe someday…

Hah. With the way things were going in New York with Trevor, she had a feeling she’d be wishing

him goodbye versus hello-let-me-hand-you-my-heart.

Well, too late. She’d already handed him her heart. He just didn’t know it.

They were at a barbecue at the director’s house on a Sunday afternoon. Relaxing and eating and

drinking. Lots of people were there, not just from the theatre but from all over the place. Scarlett had spent

the majority of her time since she’d showed up gabbing and catching up with friends.

She spotted Michaela’s friend Carly talking with a man she didn’t know, a very handsome man. Well,

she should consider Carly her friend as well since the three of them still met once a week for margaritas,

chips and salsa and gossip. Michaela had proven to be a good friend, and Carly was slowly earning her

trust, too.

It was nice, having friends. People she could count on, confess to.

A commotion went on at the wooden gate that led into the giant backyard, and Scarlett craned her

neck to see Drake enter holding hands with…Brad.

“Holy shit, I never saw that coming,” Austin muttered, shaking his head.

Michaela laughed with delight. “I think it’s perfect. They make a cute couple.”

Karen Erickson

Scarlett couldn’t deny that they did. Drake was tall and handsome, his wavy hair slicked back from

his head and wearing a coral colored polo shirt and tight fighting jeans. The somewhat feminine color

worked on him, making him appear even more masculine, especially next to the handsome yet pretty Brad.

They were both beaming, happiness clearly shining on their faces, and Scarlett shook her head. She

had to agree with Austin.

She kind of couldn’t believe it either.

The men headed toward them, Brad’s gaze fixed on Austin, Drake’s fixed on Scarlett. They each had

a history going on with the men. Scarlett’s threesome with Drake had been almost a month ago, hard to

believe the time had gone by so quickly. And of course, Austin’s long suffering relationship with Brad.

From friends to lovers to friends again, those two had been through so much and were still close. Michaela

understood and accepted their relationship—Austin was lucky to have her.

Jealousy was an ugly thing. Scarlett was surrounded by happy couples, and she ached for Trevor.

Physically and mentally ached for him.

“Hey, Scarlett.” Drake smiled at her, slung his arm around Brad’s shoulders. “You know Brad, right?”

“Of course. We go way back.” She smiled at both of them, hoping like crazy it didn’t look forced.

“Hi, Brad.”

“Hey, Scarlett.” He disengaged himself from Drake and hugged her, held her close for a brief moment

until he let her go. “You’re looking good.”

“So are you two.” She paused, her gaze going from Brad to Drake. “I didn’t realize you guys were a


“It’s new. We’ve only been seeing each other for a few weeks.” Drake reached for Brad’s hand again.

“But when you know, you know, right?”

Wow. No, she didn’t know. She’d been in denial for so long it had taken her a while to see that a

really good thing had been in her face all along. “That’s great.”

“Where’s Trevor?” Brad asked, looking around the backyard. “I thought you two have been seeing

each other.”

“We have. We are. He’s, um, he’s in New York.” He’d been gone for five days when it was supposed

to be a two-day trip. He’d planned on going to this get together with her, but now she was facing the

questions alone.

It sucked.

“Oh right, I heard about that. An audition, right?”

God, was nothing a secret? She’d learned this long ago but, jeez, news traveled fast around here. She

shouldn’t complain since it was good news.

And she had to keep on telling herself it was good news, too. Great news, the opportunity Trevor was

being given. She’d talked to him last night on the phone, briefly. He’d sounded happy, ecstatic to be in the




city, auditioning for a Broadway play. Not off-Broadway either but the real deal. He’d been a semi-finalist

and was now a finalist for the part. There were four other men he was competing with for the role, and the

way he talked, he had it in the bag.

That meant he would leave Los Angeles and Scarlett for at least a six-month run, maybe longer. The

minute she’d hung up the phone she’d started to cry.

She was losing him, and she hated that.

“Yes, an audition,” she finally answered, wrapping her arms around herself. “I think he might get it.”

Drake’s eyebrows rose. “That’s major. I bet he’s excited.”


“How about you, honey? Are you excited?” Brad watched her carefully. Like he knew exactly what

she thought, how she felt.

“I’m happy for him. This is what he wants, to further his career.” She chose her words with care, not

wanting to reveal her complete and utter sadness over the situation.

“But what about you two and your relationship?” Drake asked.

“It was never anything that serious, you know.” Scarlett shrugged, playing it off. Like it didn’t matter

when it really mattered more than anything. “We’ve had our fun, but if he needs to go, then he goes.”

“You sound amazingly okay with everything,” Drake said, wonder in his voice.

“Uh huh.” Brad shook his head, not believing a word she said, she could tell. He’d always been far

too perceptive. It made her uncomfortable. “You’re in love with him, right?”

Drake’s mouth dropped open, as did Scarlett’s. “Uh, no. I don’t think so.”

“De Nile isn’t just a river in Egypt you know.” Brad reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder,

giving her a little shake. “Tell that man how you feel, honey. Don’t let him get away if this opportunity is

going to snatch him up. Maybe he would want you to go with him.”

“I doubt that.” She actually snorted. She’d contemplated it, dreamed about it. She would go with him

to New York, become a makeup artist or costume designer for an off-Broadway production, getting her

name out there until ultimately she worked on Broadway. Maybe someday get nominated for a Tony…

Okay, she was really reaching, but a girl was allowed to dream.

“I don’t know,” Drake said quietly. “I don’t doubt that he’s in love with you. He seems pretty taken

with you.”

A secret look passed between them, and Scarlett knew exactly what he was referring to. That night

and the three of them together. How commanding and possessive Trevor had been, yet tender and sweet,

too. Always taking care of her needs. He had made it known that she was his, that she belonged to him. If

any other man would’ve tried, she would’ve laughed in their faces.

With Trevor, she wanted it, craved his possessive nature. It made her feel even more womanly,

feminine, yet in control. Really she had no control whatsoever when it came to him.



Karen Erickson

“I don’t think it’s love. It’s just lust.” That’s what she tried to convince herself. Love was so damn


“Go to him,” Brad urged with a soft smile. “Tell him how you feel. Let him know you would do

anything for him.”

She laughed nervously, glanced about the yard. She’d forgotten Austin and Michaela had been

standing next to them, but they were gone, almost clear across the yard deep in conversation with another

couple. She didn’t want anyone else to hear this ridiculous conversation.

Scarlett wanted to believe though. She wanted to believe in her heart that if she went to Trevor and

said all of those things he would welcome her words, her feelings and
with open arms.

“Talk about going out on a limb,” Drake muttered with a shake of his head. “Come on, Brad.”

“Oh please, you loved it when I confessed my feelings to you.” Brad nudged him with an elbow to the

side. “I’m just giving her advice. She doesn’t have to take it if she doesn’t want to.”

“I do appreciate your advice, Brad, thank you. I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t think too long, honey. You don’t want to lose that man.” Brad wagged a finger at her.

“I won’t.” Her smile was weak. Nerves ate at her insides, and the smell of cooking meat suddenly

held no appeal. She’d come to the party starving.

Now there was no way she could eat. She was too worried about her feelings for Trevor and his

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