Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3)
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I closed my eyes and took a breath in as his mouth touched down to mine. His lips were incredibly soft and filled with the sweetness I’d imagined for days. Anthony’s hands slid in my hair until he cradled my head, pulling our kisses deeper and rekindling a desire I’d tried so hard to keep at bay.

My lips parted, welcoming him deeper into my mouth, and I knew my world would never be the same.

His kisses.

The passion from just a kiss.

Oh, dear God. I loved the way this man kissed. His mouth moved in a rhythm that nearly hypnotized me. The smoothness of his movements as he drove his tongue deeper into my mouth, knowing this was going to be our first and last kiss, was painfully delicious.

It was gutting, but I loved every second of his mouth opening into mine.

Anthony’s hands ran down my back, and he pulled me into the hardness of him, spinning me into a world of confusion and longing. I wanted more than either of us could give, but I let myself sink into him and the moment, the kisses, his touch.

He growled softly, the vibration running between us as his lips broke free from mine.

Anthony rubbed his jaw against my skin, his slight stubble tickling my cheek, while I attempted to catch my breath and my wits.

“Is this how you say goodbye to everyone?” I whispered.

His eyes smiled before it touched his mouth.

“I’ve never had a goodbye like that,” he breathed.

“Is this allowed in the world of interior decorating? You’re my client now.”

“You haven’t billed me yet.”

“Is this your way of trying to get a discount?” I giggled softly.

He pressed his lips to mine once more, placing a soft kiss on my mouth. My fingers tangled through his hair, and I imagined what it would be like to spend just one night with him. His kisses slowed, and he gently pulled his lips away from mine, placing one last kiss against my cheek.

If I thought everything about Anthony was perfect before, his kisses ended me right where I stood.

“You know, you’re making it really difficult to get on that flight.”

“How so?” I asked, feeling dopey with lust.

He groaned softly and touched my lips with his thumb.

“It’s good this didn’t happen sooner. It would’ve complicated things.”

“Definitely could’ve made a mess of things,” I agreed, my pulse still climbing.

I was so lost in the moment and everything Anthony that I didn’t realize a small group of tourists had congregated about ten feet away by the library’s entrance. It wasn’t until they started clapping that I knew our worlds were too different to ever complement one another.

My cheeks flamed red, and I watched as several women had their phones in hand, ready to get a selfie with the lead singer of Crimson Strings, not the guy who just happened to kiss a girl and maybe wanted a private moment.

I turned back to face Anthony and took in a deep breath in. “So you wanted to kiss and confuse me before you left.”

“Actually, no. That wasn’t what I’d planned.”

My chest tightened, wanting to know what he’d planned instead.

But a woman in her fifties, with a man I suspected was her husband standing behind her, came rushing over to Anthony. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have reservations in ten minutes, and I’ve never met anyone famous before. We’re only on the island for the night. Would you mind?”

She held up her phone and Anthony smiled, giving a slow nod. “That would be fine.”

The moment he agreed, the larger group that had been lurking hurried over.

I watched as Anthony graciously took pictures with the group and waited for them to trundle away.

“Note to self. Check the ferry times before coming to town.”

“At least on the weekends.” I smiled and wondered how to start where we left off.

I glanced back at the library and brought my gaze back to Anthony.

“So you should probably get going.”

Great. That was what I managed to spit out?

He nodded. “Probably.”

“So why did you want to see me before you left Fireweed?”

He let out a sigh and gruffly scratched his cheek, making me wonder what it would be like to feel that stubble elsewhere.

“After that photo in the magazine, it worried me about when I go back to LA.”

“How so?”

“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

“About what?” I asked, puzzled. “The kiss? I know it’s not—”

“No, not the kiss. What you might see about me when I’m in California.”

“What would I see?”

“I kind of hoped the tabloids thought I was old news, but I guess I’m not that lucky yet.”


“I’ve got a few events I’m scheduled to attend, and I’m sure the press is going to have a field day. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me.”

“I can honestly tell you have I absolutely no idea about you one way or another. How you treat me and what I’ve seen around Fireweed is nothing like what I read about you.”

“Exactly my point. My hope is that you’ll remember that and ignore the rest.”

“Sure.” I shrugged. “But it’s really not my business one way or the other. You’re a single guy in the land of beautiful women and whatever else is down there. Sandy beaches, I guess?”

Anthony’s gaze hardened, and he glanced back at his car. “Yeah. I guess that’s my world, isn’t it? I don’t want to miss my flight.”

I nodded and he came in for one last hug, even though I hoped it would be one last kiss.

“Take care,” I whispered.

He nodded. “I’ll send over all the information when I get to my house. If you need anything else, let me know.”

“Totally, and thanks.” I felt a lump in my throat and quickly pushed it down.

“For what?”

“For letting me dream again.”

The muscles in his neck tensed, and he looked away before shaking his head.

“It wasn’t me who did that for you.”

“You did.”

He sucked on his lower lip. “Promise me you won’t believe everything you read.”

“Promise me you won’t make it so interesting.”

He smiled and drew me in for one last kiss, and this time, I let myself imagine a different kind of life.




“Well, I highly doubt you cooled off out here,” Natalie teased, coming outside to check on me as Anthony pulled away in his car. “Regardless of the frigid temps.”

I turned around, unable to wipe the sappy grin off my face and still absorbing the very intense emotions running wild through me. Sure, I’d been with men before, but none of them produced anything remotely like this in me.




“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I cleared my throat and saw my breath float away.

“If that doesn’t wind up in next week’s issue, I’ll buy you lunch for a week. That was hot,” she teased. “Even if he is going to be my brother-in-law.”

She was absolutely right. It was freezing outside, but I was on fire. The thrill of kissing him topped every dream I’d fabricated about Anthony Hill. For some reason, this new clarity also gave me the last boost I needed to straighten out things with my stepmom. Parameters needed to be laid out, and I needed to get my life back on track. If I didn’t take control of my own life, someone else would be more than willing to steer me in the wrong direction.

I smoothed my skirt and glanced at Natalie. “So you saw that?

“Pretty hard to miss when an audience can be heard clapping from outside. The library is a pretty quiet place. Jewels even peered out the window to check out the action.”

“Speaking of your sister, how does she like working at the library?”

“It’s her dream job. Now spill the beans.”

“There are no beans to spill. He kissed me, and he left, which is what I should be doing.” I eyed Natalie, hoping she’d agree to what I was about to ask.

“Where are you off to?” Natalie said, handing me my bag.

“I have a favor, but if you’d rather not, I totally understand. The request is asking a lot.”

“Now you’ve got me nervous.”

“It’s Cindy. I need to square things away with her. If I’m going to concentrate on getting out of the hospitality industry, I’m going to need to make some changes.”

“Wow. I’m amazed you’re actually thinking of talking to her, and you know I’ll always support you.”

I took in a deep breath, wondering what in particular gave me the courage to seek a different path on Fireweed Island. Two months ago, I was resigned to being in debt and spreading myself too thin, but now I was actually letting myself dream of another way of existing. It was like the moment I started vocalizing my goals, they became a reality, not a dream.

Or at least that thought was what was pushing me to go talk to my stepmom.

“I’ve had almost a week or so to think about things since I found out about Cindy. You know how I told you she bought drinks for everyone at the bar? She spent a hundred dollars, and while that might not seem like a lot to some, to me it’s the difference between making rent or not. That’s how tight things have become for me since I started helping them out.”

Shock registered behind Natalie’s gaze. No one knew what I’d been juggling financially, and that was on purpose. I’d prided myself on keeping things together. After all, I always had until my dad got sick.

“It’s only recently that things have gotten this tight, but between paying for medical bills, buying groceries for them, and trying to buy supplies for my own business, things are balancing on the line between complete disaster and divine intervention.”

Natalie smiled and reached for my hand. “I’m always a fan of divine intervention. So, how can I help?”

“Will you come with me to their house tonight?”

“Absolutely.” Natalie nodded. “And I’ll treat you to dinner to celebrate the outcome.”

“Let’s hope we make it out in one piece.”

Natalie grimaced. “That’s right. Your stepmom has quite the temper.”

“Only when she doesn’t get what she wants.”

“Well, that sounds promising.” She chuckled. “Something tells me we’re in for lots of potholes on the road ahead of us.”

“My hope is to avoid most of the big ones. Thank you so much for doing this with me.” I gave Natalie a huge squeeze and she hugged me back. “You don’t have to say a word, but being there will help me not chicken out.”

“I wish I could do more.” She let go and took in a deep breath. “But this tells me exactly what we need to focus on. We need to get your business off the ground.”

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” I rolled my eyes. “Any other one-liners we should throw at the situation? Good things come to those who wait?”

“I’ve never bought into that expression. Patience isn’t always a virtue, especially when there are bills to pay.” Natalie winked. “Now let’s get going. We’ll leave your car here and come back for it when we grab a bite to eat.”

“Thank you.”

“You have nothing to thank me for. I’ll drive so you can concentrate on what you want to say.”

I nodded, following Natalie to her car, and I hopped right in.

Natalie shut the driver’s side and off we went. I glanced at the crowd of people hanging out at Island Bluff. Too bad I didn’t have a shift tonight. It would be a lucrative night, judging by the people willing to wait in the cold for a table.

“So she knows you’re coming?” Natalie confirmed.

I nodded. “But she has no idea why. I just don’t want to upset my dad. I’m sure he has no idea what she’s been up to, and I’m not sure how he’ll handle it.”

“Are you bringing up that certain situation?” she asked, turning on the road leading to my dad’s house.

“You mean the possible cheating? No way.” I let out a deep breath. “One step at a time.”

“I agree.”

“There’s very little I can actually say at all about anything other than what I am or am not able to do for them any longer. They’re both adults, and his relationship isn’t my business, no matter how much it might tear me up inside.”

“True, and I think if you go into the discussion with those parameters, everything should work out well. You’re just telling them what you can handle on your side.”


Natalie turned into my dad’s driveway, and my pulse accelerated as I sat in front of my childhood home. It was hard to believe that I grew up here with my brother, Charles, who shared the same name with my dad. The brick veneer on the mid-century modern crumbled away on the corners from the salty sea air, and even in the dark, the rhododendrons managed to hide the oversized living room window. Grass had grown over the once wide sidewalk leading up to the entry, making it nothing more than a narrow pathway.

I imagined my dad sitting in his recliner, watching a football game and slowly sipping a beer. I swallowed the lump in my throat, knowing how hard it was for him to even swallow. The truth of it was that as long as it took him to get down one glass of beer with a straw, whatever release he was hoping to feel from the alcohol would never surface.

Their car was sitting in the carport that my dad built the year my mom left him. She’d wanted a carport since we’d moved in, and she’d finally gotten one. She just didn’t happen to be in the state to see it, and she wasn’t married to my dad any longer to care. But that was how my parents’ relationship worked. Neither one gave each other what they wanted, purely out of spite, only to give each other exactly what they wanted when it no longer mattered.

BOOK: Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3)
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