Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3 (18 page)

BOOK: Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3
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“I hope you are not attached to this material. It is not going to be usable again,” Mak said as he snapped the sides between his fingers. They both groaned when Tansy pushed back against him as the material fell away.

“Oh God,” Tansy whimpered. “I want you so badly I hurt,” she moaned out impatiently.

Mak chuckled at the need in her voice. “I expected you to resist me,” Mak said as he slid his fingers down to stroke her.

His breath released in a loud hiss as his fingers encountered the swollen, slick folds of her cunt. “Tansy, I need you now,” he growled out aligning his pulsing cock with her swollen vaginal channel.

“I claim you as my bond mate. My wife. For always,
je talli
,” Mak said hoarsely as he pushed deeper inside her. “Gods and Goddesses, Tansy,” Mak practically howled as he felt her grip his cock. “I have never felt this way before!”

“You damn well better not have,” Tansy growled back as she leaned forward and gripped the edges of the dresser. Her head fell forward as he pulled almost all the way out and pushed back in driving deeper. “I’m not going to last long this way,” she added breathlessly as he hit every nerve ending both going in and coming out.

Mak grabbed her hips and began rocking faster and harder. He would claim her again and again. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself from doing so. The joy of having his bond mate burned through his soul. He needed to repeat his claim of her in his own language and would release the mating chemical into her again. Suddenly, one hour did not seem like such a very long time as heated moans filled the cabin of the huge jet.

Chapter 16

Tansy shivered as the cool evening air brushed against her exposed shoulders as they walked out
the entrance of the airport. She had changed out of her emerald silk dress into a black and white halter top with matching wide-legged trousers. It had a matching jacket but she forgot it when she finally stumbled off the plane.

she thought as Mak pulled her closer to his side,
she had to find something else to wear after Mak shredded the emerald green dress she had been wearing. And my legs are so damn shaky from all the different ways he took you. Girl, you are in some serious trouble!
Tansy muttered silently.

They had landed without incident almost an hour ago. The processing through customs went faster than Tansy expected. She had anticipated some type of delay but it appeared RITA was an expert at creating forged documents and uploading all the necessary information to the right computers. She could almost hear RITA’s sigh of exasperation at Tansy having any doubts about her ability. Hell
as far as Tansy knew the government didn’t even have a computer as smart as RITA yet.

Tansy glanced at the man walking beside her. Mak’s huge shape dwarfed the men sent as his bodyguards. She would have laughed if the situation hadn’t been so tense. Cosmos had sent a cryptic message to her new cell phone. She had tried to reach him on the satellite phone but he didn’t reply. Now she knew why.

Gone on an exotic vacation with a friend. Aunt Rita says ‘hello’ the door is open but you will need the key. It is in the mailbox at your parents place. Don’t forget to pay your quarterly taxes. Your accountant says it is past due and you are in deep trouble. The head of the firm is looking for you. Tell your boyfriend his friends will be looking for him soon. Love you, Cosmos.

Cosmos had gone through the gateway presumably to get help. He left information with RITA on how to get through the gateway and where to find what Mak would need to get back home. He also warned her that she was in deep shit. It looked like this went all the way to the top and her handler was warning her to proceed with caution. To top all of that off, she was now going to have to deal with the fact there were going to be more aliens running around. She was ready to ship them all back to their own world, get her family back, closed the damn gateway, and clean house. Then, she was going to go find herself a deserted island somewhere and play castaway for the next few years.

My brother, Borj, has an island not far from his home near our ocean. I will take you there,
Mak said.
But, know this, if the gateway is ever closed, I will be on the same side of it as you are.

groaned silently in annoyance
. Can’t you just stay out of my mind? I have enough going on inside it without you butting in all the time. Do you have any idea how you screw up my thinking when you talk to me this way?

I will never be able to keep from touching your mind. And I enjoy screwing you,
Mak whispered unconcerned that she was irritated with him.
Over and over and over, again and again.

Will you just stop it already? God, you must have been taking lessons from my parents! I thought once a man did ‘it’ that they couldn’t do it again for a while? How is it possible for you to have done it three times? And in less than an hour?
Tansy muttered crossly.

I am not human,
Mak said glancing down at Tansy’s flushed face.

Tansy rolled her eyes.
Like I haven’t figured that part out. I can’t wait to send your huge ass back home,
she muttered ignoring the sharp pain in her chest at the thought of never seeing him again.

You are a very stubborn female. Has anyone ever told you that?
Mak asked frowning down at her again before moving to one side so she could get into the limo parked at the curb waiting for them.

Has anyone ever told you that you are very annoying?
Tansy asked impatiently as she slid quickly i

No. At least, no one who has lived afterwards,
Mak said seriously.

Tansy rolled her eyes, again. She wasn’t even going to ask what he meant by that comment. She sighed in gratitude when Natasha leaned into the limo and handed Tansy the jacket to her pantsuit. Tansy pulled the jacket on with a grateful smile and leaned back against the seat. She chuckled when she heard Mak’s sigh of relief when he slid in behind her. He was happy at not having to fold himself up into a ball in an effort to fit into the car.

Helene had laughed when she told Tansy earlier about their trip to the Bykovo Airport. They had come close to tying Mak’s big ass on the roof of the barkeeper’s son’s car. He had not been happy about their joking and even unhappier after the trip from
Ramenskoe to Bykovo. He was stretched across the seat as far as he could go and was still folded almost in half. To top that off, he had to sit with her unconscious body draped across him the entire way. He said that was the only reason he survived it. Helene and Natasha both thought that was hilarious.

“Knapp will be searching for any unusual arrivals,” Tansy said as the limo pulled away from the curb. “He would have made sure all incoming flights from overseas were reviewed carefully. We won’t have much time before he tracks the plane we arrived on.”

“By the time he realizes we are here, we will be gone,” Mak said quietly as he stretched his long legs out in front of him. “If he is stupid enough to come for you, I will kill him.”

“We go with the plan we set up,” Tansy said coolly looking at Rico, the head of their security team. “Rico, do you have the equipment I requested ready for me?”

There were only five people in the limo, Tansy, Mak and Rico in the back and the driver and another security guard in the front. The rest of the team, including Helene and Natasha, followed in several unmarked SUV’s. They would meet at the hotel at different times over the next couple of hours.

A dark smile crossed Rico’s face, pulling the scar near his mouth. “Of course,” he replied in amusement. “When this is over, the two of you should think about doing one of those reality shows. The spy and the…,” he paused a moment returning the intense silver glare Mak was giving him. “I don’t know what in the hell you are, man. Cosmos… he has helped all of us one way or another over the years so we don’t ask him too many questions about what he does; but, damn if you are from any place I’ve heard of.”

Mak grinned letting his canines lower just a little. He chuckled when Rico let out a curse, scooted further away from him, and made the sign of the cross. Tansy rolled her eyes, let out a snort, and backhanded him in the chest.

“Knock it off,” she hissed. “No scaring the locals. You know you are supposed to be acting like you are human.”

“I don’t even want to know what that means,” Rico muttered under his breath in Spanish.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be sending his big ass home shortly,” Tansy said before she turned to look out the window as they passed the Capitol building.


Tansy closed her eyes and breathed deeply. They had checked into the hotel room several hours ago. The rest of the team was scattered along three floors, one upper, one lower, and the same as her and Mak’s suite of rooms. They would move out tomorrow night. Tansy had RITA download the information she stole to a new laptop Cosmos had sent with the rest of the gear Tansy had requested. She also had RITA break into Knapp’s email and check his schedule. He was expected to be at a charity function tomorrow night with several other key members of the defense department. Right now, she needed to take a closer look at the information that men on two continents were more than eager to kill her to get back.

She sat down and powered up the computer. Rolling her shoulders, she entered her password and waited as the files opened. She paled as she began reading it. No wonder Boris was so determined to get this back. He had signed his own death warrant by even having half the names on the files. Tansy began opening each one, reading, memorizing, and swearing. It the information was correct then this did go almost all the way to the top. It stopped at the second-in-command. This was going to blow the lid off the government as she knew it.

“Fuck!” She whispered as her mind reeled at the depth of deception.

“What is it?” Mak's deep voice asked as he walked out of one of the bedrooms in their suite.

Tansy looked up and stared at Mak for just a moment before she stood up and walked over to the window overlooking Washington, D. C. Her mind was in
. She had to make a decision. It didn't seem to matter which scenario she chose, none of it looked good for her. The bad guys wanted her dead and after what she was about to reveal, even the good guys would think it better if she was no longer around. It was a lose-lose situation, at least for her.

“There is a charity event tomorrow night that I need to attend,” Tansy began in a slightly husky voice. “You won't be able to go with me,” she turned to look at him and held up her hand before he could argue with her. “You are too visible and different. It would cause more problems and endanger more lives. You can stay with Rico and back me up if I need help.”

Mak's lips flattened into a straight line of disapproval. “Let others take care of this matter,” he said harshly. “I will not let you go alone.”

Tansy looked carefully at Mak before she turned back to stare out the window again. “I have to go alone. I have to be the one to finish this,” she said softly.

“Why?” Mak bit out harshly walking up to stand behind her. “Why must it be you? There are others who can do this.”

Tansy’s gaze focused on the figure standing behind her before she became lost in the dark memories that sucked at her soul. She wrapped her arms around her defensively as she let them out of the box she kept them tightly concealed in. A cold shiver ran down her spine, seeping into her bones until she felt like one of the many statues that adorned the city.

“My parents are two of the most exceptional people I've ever known,” she began quietly a small smile curved her lips as she thought of them. “They are supportive, smart, talented, creative, and very much in love,” she added with a hollow chuckle. “I don't think there is much that isn't positive about them. Most of all, they are very giving,” Tansy took a deep breath before continuing. “When I was fourteen my mom was asked to go to South America to look over some type of equipment for an oil company. All of us were excited. We enjoyed the traveling but the idea of not living in a motor home for a couple of weeks was really exciting to three girls sharing a closet size bathroom with their parents.”

Tansy turned to look at Mak before she crossed over to a chair and sat down on legs suddenly weak. The fatigue continued to drain her both mentally and physically. If she survived this, it was a good thing she planned on it being her last assignment. Right now, she felt as weak as a kitten.

“The first few days were wonderful. We were staying at the head of the oil company's compound. Each of us had our own bedroom and bathroom. It was heaven,” her voice trailed away as she stared out the window not seeing the glittering lights of the city but the dark shadows of her memories.

“Until...?” Mak prompted gently as he moved to sit across from her on the couch.

Tansy looked at him, blinking several times to bring the vision of him and not what happened back into her mind. “Until the night a group of men attacked. There was a dinner followed by dancing afterwards. Hannah got to stay up an hour later because she was the oldest. Tink and I were supposed to be in bed but I was too excited. I snuck back down the stairs and hid under one of the tables,” she murmured. “It was so grand and everyone was having so much fun. Hannah was dancing with a really cute boy that had been following her around all evening when suddenly a group of armed, masked men burst in. They began firing randomly around the room. I saw the security guards grab my parents and the other two couples from the oil company and take them out of the room. The boy dancing with Hannah was shot...” Tansy's voice faded for a moment as if she suddenly had trouble getting the sound to come out.

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