Tap (Lovibond #1) (14 page)

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Authors: Georgia Cates

BOOK: Tap (Lovibond #1)
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“You’re good people, Wren.”
You’re good people.
Ollie uses that same phrase.

“I’m sorry you’ve been worried about Stout. And I hate that you’ve been putting yourself through hell over this decision about your birth mother, but I’m not a bit sorry those things brought you to Birmingham.”

“Me either.”

He takes my glass from my hand and places it on the coffee table before sliding closer. His hand cups the side of my face and then glides around to the back of my neck. “Your hair. It’s beautiful.” He pushes all of it over one shoulder and drags his nose up the side of my neck. “You smell so good. It’s driving me insane.”

He presses a kiss below my earlobe. Chills erupt down the left side of my body.
He is making a habit of this. And I’m okay with it.
“We’re even because that drives me crazy too.”

We both know what we’re here for so there’s no need pretending to be virtuous.
I want hot sex.

I move so one knee is on each side of his hips. I lower my body and feel his erection pressing between my legs.
That didn’t take long.

As he shoves my shirt up, his hot mouth and wet tongue land between my breasts. I lean back with my palms on his thighs, arching my back while thrusting my chest forward.
I don’t have a perfect, fit body but I do have great boobs. And I want to show them to him.

I reach for the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head, tossing it to the floor. He unfastens the back of my bra and reunites it with my shirt.
I’m completely bare for him from the waist up.

He cups my breasts and pushes them up and together. His thumb and index fingers pinch my nipples, sending a message directly to my groin.
You better get ready, Lawrence. He wants you. And you’re going to happily let him have you.

“Fuck, these are magnificent.” He flattens his tongue against my breast and drags it upward in one clean sweep until the tip reaches my nipple. He sucks it into his mouth and holds it prisoner for a moment before releasing it. “Mmm.”

I grind my hips against his groin when he moves over to give my other breast the same attention. My maxi skirt is riding high so my panty-only covered crotch easily feels the huge erection confined within his jeans.
I held that impressive cock in my hand this morning so I’m already well acquainted with its magnitude. I can’t wait to have it moving inside me.

“Bedroom. Now. This couch isn’t working for the things I want to do to you.”

The things he wants to do to me.
The probability of what those words mean makes me wetter than I already am. “I think that’s an excellent idea.”

I move from his lap to stand. He grasps my hand and leads me down the hallway to his bedroom. He stops at the bedside and removes his wallet and phone from his pocket before dropping both on the nightstand.

I grab the bottom of his T-shirt and give it a tug. “I think you’re overdressed.”

“I know how to fix that.”

He crosses his arms and grabs the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. I stand in awe, taking in his male beauty. Broad shoulders. Pecs filled with muscle. A deep V at his waist, pointing right to his dick. That shit is awesome. Any woman who says it isn’t is a damn liar.

He has ink. A lot.
I will take my time exploring that a little later. Maybe even outline it with the tip of my tongue.

My hands splay over the mounds of muscle covering the top of his chest. I suck a nipple into my mouth and give it a tug with my teeth.
Women pay too little attention to men’s nipples. But not me. I love them.

Brou’s hands lace through my hair at the nape. “I have a confession.”

I look up but don’t release his nipple. “Mmm hmm?”

“When I turned around and saw you yesterday, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. And then you told me you were Stout’s sister. I was crushed because I knew that meant you were out of my reach.”

I release his nipple and straighten so we’re face to face. Sort of. He is quite a bit taller than me.

I snake my arms around his shoulders. “I think I’m very much within your reach. I’m yours until the morning so make it count.”

He slides his hands down my sides into the waist of my maxi skirt and panties. “We may not sleep at all tonight.”

“I’m all in.” Even if it means I won’t be worth shit driving home tomorrow.
Every orgasm he gives me will make it worth it.

His mouth possesses mine as he pushes my bottoms down. I step out when both pieces drop to my feet and reach for the button of his jeans.

Brou ignores his phone vibrating on the nightstand. “You need to get that?”

“No fucking way. I’ve waited all day for this.”

A full minute doesn’t pass before the phone dances again. “You sure?”


The phone rings a third time within two minutes. “They’re persistent.”

“They’re dead if they don’t leave us alone.”

He groans as he releases me and reaches for his phone. “It’s Warren. I need to take this.”

I’m guessing he wouldn’t be calling Brou late on a Sunday night for no good reason. “Hey, man. What’s going on?”

Brou turns and sits on the bed. “What are they telling you?”

I sit next to him and loop my arm through his free one. I’m surprised when he laces his fingers through mine and squeezes.

“Have they told you how they think he’ll do if she delivers this early?” Suspicions confirmed. Bridgette and the baby may be in trouble.

“I’m on my way.”

Brou ends his call with Warren and releases my hand. “Bridgette’s in the hospital.” He gets up and goes for his shirt on the floor. “I’m sorry, but I really need to be there.”

“Of course you do. Completely understandable.” I’m concerned for Bridgette and her baby, but it doesn’t mask my disappointment.

Brou comes to me and cradles my face. His lips wrap around his teeth and he closes his eyes so tightly his lashes almost disappear.

Going to Bridgette is a given, but he isn’t dropping me and running out the door despite his concern.
I don’t think leaving me is easy for him. So good for my ego.

He presses his forehead to mine and laces his fingers through the hair at my nape. “Fuck. I wanted this so much.” His voice is a growl of frustration.
I know the feeling.

“I did too.” He’ll never know how much.

“I wish I could hit pause, or rewind, so we could have more moments together.”

“You don’t wish it harder than me.”

He kisses my forehead. “It’s late. I’d feel better if you stayed here instead of getting on the road to drive back to Stout’s.”

“I may do that if you don’t mind.”

He slips his wallet and phone into his pocket. “I don’t mind at all. What time are you planning to leave?”

“Probably around seven.” I really need to get back to relieve Wynter at the shop.

He pulls me into his arms and looks deeply into my eyes for a moment. “Don’t you dare come back to Birmingham without seeing me.” It’s almost a whisper.

“I think I know where to find you.”

He kisses the top of my head, and inhales deeply as he holds me for a brief moment. “Drive carefully.”

“I will. I hope Bridgette and the baby are okay.”

He squeezes me hard and I know it’s because he’s about to let me go.

And just like that . . . he’s gone.

Lucas Broussard

the numbers three times and come to the same conclusion. “I think it’ll make money. It won’t be a killing but it’s worth trying.”

Stout returned from the rehabilitation center refreshed. Functioning at one hundred ten percent. He came up with great ideas while he was there.
That’s good for everyone.

Contract brewing. That was Stout’s big brainstorm while he was away. We’ll brew beer for those who don’t have their own brick and mortar brewery. They employ us, then use our resources and equipment to produce their product.

“Where are these people located?”

“A small town outside of Macon, Georgia. It’s on the way to Savannah so I thought I might swing by and see the fam after my meeting with them.”
Hmm. I need to get in on that trip.

“You should if you’re that close already. How are your parents? I haven’t seen them in a while.”

“They’re good. Been traveling all over, but I think they’re planning to stay home for a few months.”

“How is Lawrence?” This is the first time I’ve uttered her name to Stout since the festival.

“Lawrence is Lawrence.” Generic answer. I want to know more.

“Still a hippie?”

“Always and forever.”

It’s been a month since we parted ways. We haven’t spoken since. I’ve picked up my phone at least twenty times to call or text. But didn’t. I see very little point when she’s four hundred miles away.
We agreed to sex. Not a long-distance relationship.

“How would you feel about some company on the Macon trip?” I specifically say Macon although Savannah is my ultimate destination.

“I don’t mind but this meeting is preliminary. An informal meeting over a late lunch. Won’t be much to it.”

“This is a new concept. I’d like to follow it through from the beginning.” But even more, I’d like to see Wren again.

“Okay. I’m on board with you going.”
Fuck, yeah

“When is the meeting?”

“Tomorrow.” Shit. That soon? “I thought I’d stay over in Savannah tomorrow night, Saturday, Sunday, and leave early Monday so I could be back by lunch.”

Two days and three nights in the same town as Wren. Surely, we can find a little time to sneak away. That is if she’s still up for it.
Damn, I hope so.

“I’ve never been to Savannah.”

“Lawrence is the tour host of the family and the history buff. I bet she’d be happy to take you around town for a tour.”
She’s falling right into my lap.

“That would be cool.”

Porter stops in my office doorway. “What would be cool?”

“Tap’s going with me to the meeting with the Macon guys and then on to Savannah. I told him Lawrence would give him a tour.”

“You’re gonna turn him loose in Savannah with your sister?”

“It’s a tour of Savannah.”

“He’ll probably take her to the nearest hotel and give her a tour of his dick. You didn’t see the two of them together at the festival.”
Come on, Porter. Don’t ruin this for me.

“You need to shut the fuck up talking about my sister like that.”

“Stout put me in charge of covering for him. It was easier to keep up the façade if I kept her close.” Lie.

“He kept her close all right.”
What the hell?

“I’m warning you once more. Be careful what you say where Lawry is involved so you don’t find your ass yanked over your ears.”

“Tell me you didn’t fuck her.” Porter points to his face with his index and middle finger. “And look me in the eyes when you say it.”

“I did not fuck Lawrence.” But I wanted to.
. Still do.

“We’re done talking about this. Tap didn’t touch Lawry so give him a break.” I never said I didn’t touch her but if he wants to assume that without asking, I’m okay with that.

Stout gets up to leave. “Be ready to roll out at eight if you plan on going with me.”

“I’ll be ready.”

“What’s your fucking problem, dude?”

“I saw you together. I know you tried. Did she turn you down?” I think he’s seriously hung-up on Wren and believes he can snuff out any chances I have with her by ratting me out to Stout.

“Drop it. You’re annoying me.” I crumble a piece of paper and throw it at his head, hitting him between the eyes. “Get out of my office, jackass. I have work to do.”

He gets up but stops in my doorway. “I know you’re planning to get Lawrence in bed.”

I swipe the stapler from my desk and throw it at him, narrowly missing his nuts.

“Motherfucker. You could have hit me in my nads with that.”

“Not another word to Stout about me and Lawrence. Mention it again and I will hit you in the balls with a speed stapler next time. You won’t ever walk right again.” Porter knows I can; I was starting pitcher. “I’ve still got it.”

“Okay, okay. But a warning from one friend to another. Stout’s gonna know something’s going on when he sees the way you are with her.” He’s talking complete nonsense.

“How the hell am I when I’m with her?”

.” What does that mean? I’m not me around Lawrence?
Who the fuck could be? She’s . . . all-consuming.
But his arrogance is pissing me off.

“I think we can agree Lawrence is unlike other women. Have you considered maybe I’m different with her because she’s unique and needs to be handled in a specific manner?”

“You handle women one way and one way only.” The ass is referring to my four-step dating process.

“Back down, motherfucker. I’m not planning on
Lawrence at all.” Lie. And he knows me well enough to probably see that. “I’m done talking about this.”

“Okay. Let me say this and then I’ll shut up. It’s obvious you want her so bad you can’t stand it. When Stout finds out, there’s going to be a fallout. Serious repercussions. You’d better be damn sure she’s worth whatever you’re planning.”

Don’t worry. She is.

ur meeting
with the Macon guys ran so long it’s after five when we pull into Savannah. “Mom and Dad said you’re welcome to stay at their house. You don’t have to go to a hotel.”

“I don’t want to put them out.” I have no idea where the Thorns live but I’m certain it isn’t within walking distance to Wren’s shop like the hotel I chose.

“Sure you don’t want to come out to the house for dinner? Mom will have plenty.”

No. I have somewhere to be. “It’s been a long day. I think I’ll have room service brought up and turn in early.”

“Want me to call Lawrence and see if she can do a tour with you tomorrow?”

I’m not ready for her to know I’m in town. “Wait until I’ve done a little research. There may be some public tours I want to do.”


I’m having him hold off because I assume he hasn’t already told Wren I’m in Savannah with him. I guess we’ll see.

I didn’t want Wren to have notice I was coming; I was afraid she might put too much thought into this and decide spending time together was a bad idea.
It may be but it’s still what I want. I haven’t stopped thinking about it once since the night I had to leave her at my house.

It’s a short walk to River Street from my hotel.
Wren is right. With its cobblestone streets, picturesque parks, and historic buildings, this is a beautiful city. I can see why she loves living here.

I have no trouble finding Law of Attraction Boutique. It’s right across from the river, just as Wren described.

A bell rings when I enter her shop. Dammit. I didn’t want to immediately draw attention to myself. I sort of imagined us having one of those movie-like reunions where our eyes meet and we race into each other’s arms.

Damn, I must be growing a vagina. That sounded like something a woman would dream.

What is this woman doing to me?

“Hello. May I help you?”

Not Wren. That’s good. I still have a chance at the reunion I want. “Just came in to look around.”

“Feel free. My name is Wynter. Let me know if I can help you with anything.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you.”

I browse the store while searching out Wren. I occasionally catch the sales associate eyeing me but I don’t get the feeling she’s checking me out.
Maybe she’s surprised I’m looking around this kind of boutique. I’m guessing they don’t get a ton of men shopping in this store considering most of the items are for women.

I circle the store for ten minutes without hearing or seeing a trace of Wren. I’m starting to think she may not even be here.

“Are you looking for a gift?”

“No. Actually I’m looking for Lawrence Thorn.”

“She stepped out to grab dinner at the restaurant on the corner. Want me to call down there and let her know you’re here to see her?”

I’m relieved to know she’s here. “Has she been gone a while?”

“Long enough I would expect her to be back soon.”

I don’t want her to have notice of my arrival. “I’m not in a hurry so I’ll keep browsing around the store until she gets back.”

“All right. Would you care for some water or chai tea while you wait?”

I smile inside remembering the morning we had chai tea together. “I’m fine, thank you.”

I look around and come across an oddity.
Looks like a grass dildo.
“Wynter, what is this?”

“A sage and sweet grass smudging stick.”

“What do you do with it?” I’m a little frightened to hear the answer.

“You burn it and use the smoke to purify or bless people and places.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed that.”
Wren, you have weird shit in your store. I think you may be much deeper into this bohemian stuff than I thought.

“Have you ever been in?”

“No. I have no idea what most of this stuff is or what you do with it.”

“That’s okay. I’m happy to answer any of your questions.”

There’s an entire wall of natural remedies. Insomnia. Depression. Cold and flu symptoms. The list goes on and on.
Looks like there’s an oil, herb, extract, or healing stone for whatever ails you.

The display of lavender catches my eye so I open the tester for a sniff.
Mmm. Smells so much like Wren.

The door chimes but I don’t turn. If it’s Wren I don’t want to be seen. Not yet.

A minute later, I hear the aged wood-plank flooring creak behind me. “I might be able to help with choosing an oil if you . . . give me a description of your symptoms.”

Ahh. Sweet Wren’s child-like voice is music to my ears. A melody my ears have craved. It’s been too long since I heard it.

I return the bottle of lavender to the shelf, keeping my back turned on Wren. “I met a woman last month and I believe she has bewitched me.”

I hear her gasp and know she’s pegged me. “Brou?” Her voice is a whisper.

I continue standing with my back to her. “I can’t sleep. I can’t concentrate. It’s impossible to work because she’s in my head.
All. The. Fucking. Time.”

I turn around and my eyes meet Wren’s. But more than that happens. She’s beaming. And I may even see a glisten around those beautiful baby blues.
I realize in this moment how very much I want her. It’s worse than I thought. I’ve come here like an ocean reaching and running toward her as though she’s my shore.

Fuck. I’ve never chased a woman. Only ran from them.

“I need something to remedy this overwhelming desire I have to see her.”

She doesn’t throw herself into my arms so I’ll not get my movie-like reunion. “It’s probably not an oil you need. Have you tried calling her? Or maybe texting?”

“I wanted to. Thought about it every day since she left.”


“I was afraid she might have come to her senses and decided I was a bad idea.”

“I bet she doesn’t think you’re a bad anything. This woman’s probably been feeling the exact same way. Scared.”

I move closer to Wren and place my hand on the side of her face. Hers comes to rest on top of mine as she turns her face inward to kiss my palm. “You’re here with Ollie?”

“It came together at the last minute. I didn’t want to call because I was afraid you’d tell me it would be better if I didn’t come.” Easier to get forgiveness than permission.

“I’m very happy you’re here.”

Wren wraps her hand around mine and uses it to lead me to the checkout counter. “Wynter, can you close tonight without me? Brou and I haven’t seen each other in a while. We have some catching up to do.” That sounds promising.

“No problem. Have a good time.”

“I need to get my bag and then we can go.”

I follow her to the back of the store, and we slip out the exit. She stops in the dark alley and takes my hands. “I wanted to stay that next day to see you. But I couldn’t.”

“I understand. I wish I didn’t have to leave you to go to Bridgette that night. But I had no choice.”

“I keep up with them through Ollie. He said she and the baby are doing well.”

“He’s still a little guy but a big fighter. The doctor calls him a growing preemie. He says he sees no long-term problems from coming so early. We’ll be playing baseball together before you know it. I’m going to make a pitcher out of him.”

“I’m glad everything turned out okay. I know and understand how much they mean to you.”

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