Tap Out (40 page)

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Authors: Eric Devine

BOOK: Tap Out
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I must first thank my agent, Kate McKean, who has been a true champion of my work. She has guided and nudged and has helped me see my words as she does, thus providing the insight necessary to develop. Her gifts to me cannot be quantified and I thank her profusely.
My editor, Lisa Cheng, and Running Press deserve my thanks. Lisa posed questions that needed answers and pushed me to consider the depths of my story. With her help, the soul of
Tap Out
emerged. Running Press has been considerate of my ideas and supportive at every step of the process. I couldn't ask for a better relationship.
My wife, Carrie. I don't know how you have been so patient with me for all these years, but without your continued support, I would not be a writer. None of this would exist without your compassion and belief in my dream. I will continue to thank you for the rest of my life.
My daughters, Grace and Kaygan. Some day you will read this story and you will come to this page probably shocked by what your dad has written. I'm sorry, but I do hope you enjoyed the story. We'll talk when you're ready.
To my family, who has always known I'm on a different path than most, thank you for understanding, and thank you for never discouraging, and thank you for providing me the kind of life that allowed me to write Tony's and not live it.
Mark Ayotte, my first reader. Thank you for loving MMA and writing and for your willingness to be objective and read your friend's work.
MMA fighters. Your existence is so thoroughly symbolic for so many today. Please never forget the literal and figurative power you have. Fight the good fight, fully knowledgeable of the eyes on you.
Eric Devine
is currently a writer, high-school English teacher, and educational consultant. He is also the author of
This Side of Normal
. He lives in Waterford, NY, with his family and can be found online at
Copyright © 2012 by Eric Devine
All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions
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eISBN : 978-0-762-44700-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012934247
Digit on the right indicates the number of this printing
Edited by Lisa Cheng
Typography: ITC Century Book, Gotham
Published by Running Press Teens
An Imprint of Running Press Book Publishers
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
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Philadelphia, PA 19103–4371
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