Tara The Great [Nuworld 2] (52 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Claire

BOOK: Tara The Great [Nuworld 2]
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you, to make you aware of Him as well.” She wore her Runner outfit except for the

head covering. And, according to tradition, she wore the long black cape used at the

initiation of a new leader. “Crator guided me back when I was captured by the

Neurians. And He stood by my side as I triumphed in The Test of Wills. He gave me a

vision that led our armies across the mountains to defeat the Lunians, and He will

guide me as leader of the Runners to make our nation the strongest in all of Nuworld.”


Tara stood proud, confident, and encouraging as she spoke of the time ahead for all

of them. “With Crator by our side, we will know prosperity, and respect. His ways are

simple, and as each of you learn of Him, you shall see how your families and clans shall

grow and strengthen. We shall learn about Crator together, my fellow Runners, and

together, as His people, we will be undefeatable.”


Tara paused and smiled as the crowd broke into applause.


Soon they started a repetitive chant as they paid tribute to their new leader. “Tara

the Great, Tara the Great!” the crowd shouted.


She lowered her head in a slight nod, and silently asked Crator to help her not let

them down.


Later that evening, everyone attending the funeral sat down to the celebration

dinner. From an aerial view, it was a magnificent show. Hundreds of tables spread

across the clan site. The Gothman women took to the challenge of feeding such a crowd

with enthusiasm.



Tara had approved the Gothman menu early that morning, and the women had

spent the entire day preparing hundreds of dishes to serve the multitudes. They were

proud to show off part of their culture.


“Runners enjoy dishes from many different cultures,” Tara commented to Reena.

“But Patha always did especially like Gothman food.”


She sat back in her chair at the head of her table, content with a full stomach, when

a guard approached her. It was Arien, one of Darius’ best warriors. He stepped between

Tara and Darius and looked from one to the other, hesitating.


Finally, Darius looked up. “What is it?” he asked, as he wiped the few crumbs from

an apple pie off his face.


“A small group of Neurians sit at the southern border of Gothman, they do,

requesting permission to enter our land.” Arien straightened as he spoke.


Tara looked up at the handsome guard, who in turn gave her the once-over. She

knew Darius was probably pleased that one of his best men made it back from the

Lunian underground city, but Tara thought the man had a rather high opinion of

himself, and knew he had a bad reputation for abusing women.


“Who are they?” Tara asked before Darius could.


“They claim to be a group of Crator’s priests, my lady, but there’s a woman with

them, there is. She’s a pretty young lass, and I daresay doesn’t look like a priest to me.”

Arien winked at Tara.


“Well, who is she?” Darius asked when the guard didn’t offer the information.


“It’s Tealah, the woman who was with Gowsky.”


Darius gave consent for the group to enter his land. He ordered they be taken to a

boarding house in Bryton and be kept under close guard. If they desired to see the Lord

of Gothman or the Leader of the Runner clans, they could have an audience the

following day. The guard left with his instructions.


Tara watched Darius’ face as the guard left. She could tell he was as curious as she

was about why the group was there. He stared across the field with a frown on his face,

and she wondered if he anticipated problems from the visitors.



Chapter Twenty-Five




Andru and Ana awakened them the following morning. The four of them romped

in bed until Fulga politely knocked on the door, asking if she should keep breakfast



“I’m hungee.”


“Me too. I want bwekfast,” the twins yelled amidst giggles.


“We’ll be down shortly,” Darius said.


Darius carried Ana down the stairs on his back, and Andru ran in front of them to

reach the dining room table first.


“I have the daily reports ready for you, my lord.” Geeves approached from the

front room where he’d been awaiting Darius.


Tara took Ana from Darius’ back and placed her in the chair next to her brother.


“You will sit and eat with us, won’t you?” Tara asked, as Darius studied the

landlink Geeves had handed him.


“Duty calls, my man,” Darius told Geeves and swatted Tara on the rear as he

moved next to her at the table. “I’ll contact you within the hour.”


“Of course, my lord.” Geeves nodded and accepted the landlink from Darius, then

left them.


“I want more bacon,” Andru said with his mouth full.


“I can get it.” Ana went up on her knees and reached for the plate.


Tara slid the plate within reach of the twins just as her comm beeped.


“Several of the clans will be leaving within the hour,” she told Darius after talking

briefly into her comm.


It beeped a second time. It was Jolee saying, “We have a large number of gifts down

here, all left by clan leaders.”


“Why don’t you bring them up in one of the jeeps, and we’ll go through everything

together?” Tara spoke between bites of Danish.


“Sounds good. We need to plan your initiation ceremony as well.”


Tara ended the call and reached for a napkin to wipe her daughter’s face.


“I want to fly with you today on your glider, Mama.” Ana had a beautiful smile,

and her long golden hair glistened from the morning sun streaming through the



“The Neurians are asking to see us,” Darius said as he put his comm down on the




Tara could tell he wasn’t overly enthusiastic about the interruptions, just as she

wasn’t. “Mama has to work, sweet child.” Tara lifted her daughter to her lap, but

turned her attention to Darius. “I’ll call the nanny for the children.”


* * * * *


Four Neurian priests entered the living room later that morning. Two large

Gothman guards escorted them, and Tara noticed the presence of the guards seemed to

unsettle the small group as they kept looking behind them at the two muscular



Darius nodded his head and the guards retreated from the room, closing the glass

doors behind them.


Immediately, the small group appeared more at ease. She wondered at their earlier

nervousness, but decided she would know their thoughts soon enough, and took a

moment to study the men standing in front of them. The priests wore long, cream-

colored robes. They each had small circular hats of the same color that came down over

each ear to a point. Roped sandals were visible under their robes. They were quite tall,

and Tealah was hardly visible as she stood quietly behind them in a modest Neurian

khaki outfit.


“What can we do for you?” Darius asked.


He and Tara sat in large, matching wooden chairs in front of the fireplace. The

chairs had been brought to the room just before the meeting. Darius had had them

made for the time when they would rule together, and they’d been stored in the garage

until now. The old living room furniture had been removed and the servants had

hurried to clean the room, preparing it for their rulers’ first audience. Tara and Darius

knew that over the winters, they would spend plenty of time in this room, in these

chairs, hearing the requests and complaints of their people.


Darius reclined in his large chair, enjoying the comfort of the soft cushions beneath

him and against his back. He took a second to watch Tara as the small procession

entered the room, and saw how she straightened, giving him a wonderful profile of her

ample breasts and long neck. Her hair fell past her shoulders; her expression appeared



He didn’t care about these people. More than likely, they wished to offer their

blessing. But Tara took these matters seriously, and for her, he would give the group his

full attention.


One of the tall priests moved forward and bowed. “Lord Darius, Lady Tara, thank

you for seeing us.”


Darius nodded and Tara smiled.


“Lady Tara, we’ve heard great stories of how Crator speaks to you.” When she

didn’t say anything, he continued, “If permissible, we would like to set up a small place



of worship. A place to…ah…spread His laws, discuss the teachings, learn from each

other the ways of Crator.”


* * * * *


Tara felt Darius’ eyes upon her and she turned to study the expression on his face.

The man had less knowledge of Crator than she did, and since he didn’t respond to the

request, she felt he’d given her the floor. She turned her attention back to the small

group and leaned forward, quite interested. “What do you mean by His laws and

teachings?” she asked.


The priest took a step toward her and spoke in a more relaxed tone as he explained,

“On one of our retreats into the desert of our continent, we discovered the ruins of an

ancient Crator temple. The priests found some writings. Of course, they’re still being

translated. We brought some of them with us. We would be honored if you’d look at

them.” The priest was enthusiastic.


“I’d like that,” Tara said thoughtfully. “To find written documentation on Crator

would help so much in understanding Him.” She paused and the room grew quiet.

Tara knew all eyes were on her, but she felt as excited as a child who had just received a

surprise gift. She couldn’t wait to see these writings the priest referred to, but her

priority at the moment was to secure these foreigners among her people. “I’m sure we

could find a trailer for you to stay in. I don’t know how the Runners will accept you. It

will be a challenge for you.”


“And a challenge we are anxious to accept.” The priest grinned, and the other men

around him nodded.


“I don’t want Crator force-fed to anyone, is that understood?”


“Yes, my lady.” The priest bowed his head, then looked up. “Walk with Crator.”


The group bowed their heads and brought their fingers to their foreheads, then to

their mouths, in the gesture Tara had seen before. The priests stepped to the side.


Tealah lifted her head, shifting her glance from Tara to Darius.

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