Tarnished (13 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Tarnished
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He released her and got down on one knee in front of her as she shook with sobs. “Mackenzie Davis, I am totally, irrevocably in love with you. I will never leave you. I swear to never force you to do anything against your will, including sleep with me. Will you please do me the honor of being my mate for life? Stay with me. If you leave, it will rip my heart out and destroy my soul.”

She cried now, hard. Her nose ran, and her eyes released streaks of tears onto her cheeks. Crazy, stupid, happy tears that she smiled through as she nodded. “If you’re willing to take on someone as broken as me, I’m all yours,” she murmured through the haze of her sad and happy combination.

He pulled her into his embrace and held her tight. “We will get through this together. Always together. Through good times and bad. I love you, Mackenzie.”

“I love you too,” she murmured onto his slobbery shoulder.

He pulled her back, wiped her face with a corner of the comforter, and kissed her soundly on the lips. “This is forever, Kenzie. I promise.”


One year later…

Drake leaned against the door to the playroom with his head against the frame and what he knew to be a goofy smile on his face. His mate sat in the middle of a circle with her legs crossed, a blindfold over her eyes, and the biggest smile on her face. She reached around frantically with her arms, waving and swinging them in wide, erratic circles while a dozen small children giggled with delight and jumped in and out of her grasp.

She knew he was there and waved in his direction, her smile broadening. They were that in tune with each other. Even without sight, she could sense him. And he her.

The laughing swarm of children squealed as they bounced out of her grasp again and again, tiny arms and legs darting around. “You can’t get us,” they taunted.

Of course, she never intended to. But the game was hysterical for the children. And their laughter was music to everyone’s ears. Some of them probably spent days and weeks without smiling in their real lives. Lives filled with all sorts of hardships that were painful, either physically or emotionally, as they dealt with their own personal issues.

It was Friday afternoon. Their parents were watching from the sidelines where they waited to pick up the kids. Each and every mother and father beamed in delight watching the game of “catch me if you can”. They did this nearly every week at closing. It was a perfect ending to a perfect week that allowed the parents to witness the sheer happiness in their children’s eyes and faces as they screamed and ran and played as carefree as any child should be able to do.

Drake watched in awe, so lucky to have a mate this fantastic, who fit in so well with his family and his life on the dude ranch. Hell, she fit in much better than him, if he were truthful. His parents adored her and treated her like their own daughter, insisting she call them Mom and Dad. Secretly, he was sure his mother was overjoyed to have finally gotten a girl in the family.

They’d gotten counseling. Kenzie had gone alone and sometimes with Drake. The noticeable improvement in her outlook was almost immediate. Whatever that doctor said to her each week had helped her lift her head higher and let go of the fear and the guilt. It would always linger, and he would forever be careful of her feelings. No more waking her with bondage. She’d never be able to handle that. But she was whole and happy and carefree. That was all he wanted for her.

When the game ended and the children scrambled toward their parents, Drake entered the room fully and headed toward his mate to give her a hand. She wobbled to a standing position, her balance unsteady with the enormous bulge that was her stomach now. She smiled up at him, and he kissed her on the lips, his love for her fuller and richer every time he saw her.

He hadn’t meant to get her pregnant so damn fast after they’d mated. But he’d been unable to keep his hands off her, as he still was now. For months, he’d taken her several times a day until she’d laughed at him and cried uncle just to get some rest. Somewhere in the fourth month, he’d been too lazy to reach for a condom even though he knew by her scent she was ovulating. It was the only time during the month they ever used condoms. He personally hated the things, preferring the feeling of her skin tight around his bare cock.

It wasn’t a secret from her. She’d been as aware and guilty as he had. But they’d taken that chance, and the next thing they knew, she was pregnant.

She was more beautiful every day. Her baby bump, as she called it, was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. She wasn’t convinced of his adoration, although he reminded her often and spent long hours staring at her tiny frame sporting the huge belly that carried his child.

He hated when she got dressed and left the house. And he tugged her that direction now. “Let’s go home. You need to rest.”

“Ha.” She giggled. “Rest? Is that what you’re calling it nowadays? I haven’t rested since I met you. How will I ever be able to take care of this baby with you constantly pawing at me?”

“Maybe I won’t find you as attractive after the
is gone.” He wiggled his eyebrows and walked backward in front of her toward their house.

She still preferred to walk, even eight months pregnant, saying she needed the exercise. As if. The children alone ran her ragged the first week of every month. He was glad she didn’t work that hard the rest of the month, although she still did innumerable things around the ranch even when she wasn’t specifically needed.

“Riiight. I’ll believe that when I see it.” She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling with laughter. “Thank God your family is so excited. We’re going to need a lot of babysitters just so I can keep my man sexually satisfied.” She raised her brows. “Let’s not forget the condoms in the future, what do you say? I’m gonna need a break after this birth. Do you know how exhausted I am? And awkward? And swollen? And uncomfortable?”

He paused and she ran into the front of him, her huge stomach bouncing into his cock. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m an asshole.” He was a jerk of the largest form for not thinking about all that.

She punched his arm. “You oaf, I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you didn’t strip me down and drive me crazy with need so many times a day, I’d worry something was wrong with you or that you didn’t find this ridiculous huge body attractive anymore.” She stuck out her fake pouty lip and batted her eyes at him.

The baby kicked against his groin, and he flattened his palm against her stomach, spreading his fingers as wide as he could to feel the movement. He gazed into her eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She set her hand on top of his. “Now, get me home, and have your way with me. I’m wet with arousal from all this banter.”

He turned on his heels and took her hand, nearly jogging toward the house. She didn’t have to ask twice. His need for her sexy body would never be sated.

This was a forever thing. Just the two of them. Or three. Or however many their family ended up including. Drake had room in his heart for as many babies as she wanted to have as long as he had her by his side.

About the Author

Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta, Georgia. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking, or taxiing kids. After enjoying several years on the editing side of the business, she decided to give writing a try. Now she can’t stop! And the voices in her head are clamoring to get out faster than she can get them onto “paper”. Becca writes both contemporary romance and paranormal, but there is no telling what she may come up with next.




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Heart of a Warrior by Theodora Lane

Coming August 1, 2013

Chapter One

Fiona groaned softly and forced her eyelids open. The glare from the light made her head hurt, and pain surfaced like a sledgehammer to her brain. She closed her watering eyes, turned her head away from the light, and tried again. Good, eyes open. Next, she struggled to focus, and for a few minutes she saw multiples of everything.

What the hell?

The last thing she remembered was winning both the staff and sword competition at her dojo and beating that big ass who thought that because she was a woman and small, he could take her. Afterward, she’d met Beth, her best friend, at a bar to celebrate and then drove home. She’d gotten out of her car and then…


Fiona’s eyes finally focused. A young girl, no more than thirteen or fourteen, was lying asleep next to her. Completely naked. She blinked to clear her vision. Turning her head, she saw two other girls, both looking younger than eighteen years old, naked and asleep. No wait, she told herself. Not asleep. Unconscious.

Shit, what the hell is going on?
She shivered. Running her hands over her tummy and up to her breasts, the sick realization hit her. She was naked too.

This can’t be good. Someone is going to have to answer a few questions.

She forced her head toward the light. Voices, some talking, some lowered, and others urging someone on, echoed in the chamber.

Across the room, a young couple was having sex on a stone table. The young man lay on top of a bored-looking, long-legged blonde. Fiona’s gaze traveled over the other people in the room.

What the hell? A toga party?

Everyone was either naked or dressed as ancient Romans. Besides the couple on the table, there were two naked men, four men dressed in togas, and two in what looked like Roman gladiator costumes.

Is this some stupid fraternity prank? I am going to kick someone’s ass for this.

She focused on the couple on the table again. He’d pulled the woman on top of him, and she was riding him like a cowgirl as he bucked his hips. Several of the men stood around the table encouraging them.

Fiona’s eyes widened as her gaze swept around the room. A man leaning against the wall jerked off the man next to him.

The woman riding the young guy began to moan, softly at first, and then louder. Fiona jerked her gaze back to them. An orgasm, Fiona thought, but it sounded fake. Way too
When Harry Met Sally
. Way too much thrashing. The young man groaned as he came. He grabbed her wrists, rolled her over, and straddled her. Jerking her hair to the side, he exposed her neck.

The woman struggled. “Get off me, you bastard!”

“Shut up, bitch.”

He pinned her arms on either side of her under his knees. He opened his mouth, and his canine teeth grew very, very long. Using his hand to hold her head to the side, he lowered his mouth to her neck and licked her throat.

“Don’t! I didn’t say you could!” She tried to buck him off, but he had her pinned. The guy laughed and then sank his teeth into her neck.

Fiona blinked. Rubbed her eyes. Blinked again.

The man was lapping—no, slurping up the blood flowing from the bite. A few minutes later, he raised his head, his chin bloody, and licked the blood that had escaped him from her neck and shoulders. Then he stood, fists raised, to applause. The woman sat up, rubbing her throat. The marks on her neck were gone. Crawling off the table, she huddled against the wall with her arms wrapped around her naked body as she glared at everyone around her.

This is no frat party. This just got serious.

She had to get out of there, and if she had to take a few of these assholes out when she did, so be it. They did not know who they were fucking with.

The girl beside her moaned. Fiona turned her head and cursed. There were three young girls to think about. Desperate for some way to get herself and the girls out of there, she looked around at the other people.

I need a plan
Then I kick ass and forget about taking names

Some of the men, the ones dressed like gladiators and the ones with togas, wore swords.

I must be living right.

Rising onto her elbow, she looked at one of the guards. He’d been watching the entertainment, cheering the guy on. Now, he checked out the naked girls. She caught his eye, smiled, and tossed her head like she’d seen Beth do a thousand times at the bar. He grinned at her and approached.

Shit, it works!
Her brain raced. She had his attention, but now she needed him closer so she could get her hands on that sword. It hung at his side, nearly reaching the floor, but was all wrong for the Roman costume. Fuck historical accuracy. Its longer length would be a definite advantage against the shorter swords the others carried.

The young girls were waking. One of them began to whimper. Another sat up and looked around, bewildered. Realizing she was naked, she tried to cover herself with her arms and hands. Frightened eyes looked to Fiona. Children’s eyes.

“Where are we?” one of them asked as she rolled over and stared around the room.

“Shh. Keep your voice down. I don’t know, but don’t worry, I’m going to get us out of here.”

The little girl nodded. Another sniffed and asked, “How? You’re naked.”

Fiona smirked. “Naked or not, I’ve got a few moves.” Whoever these people were, they’d picked the wrong girl for their games. A girl with a black belt. A girl who was a master swordsman. A girl with an attitude.

“Stay behind me, whatever happens.” Fiona’s voice was a whisper. They nodded, eyes wild with fear. As they clung to each other for comfort, the youngest girl wept softly.

The guard sauntered over to Fiona. She glanced up at him. He wasn’t wearing anything under that short skirt, and she could see straight up to his package.

Fiona cocked one leg over the other and ran her hand over her bare hip in a caress. It was the best imitation of Princess Leia she could manage. As she looked up his skirt, unimpressed by what she saw, she had to stop herself from saying, “You’re a little short for a storm trooper.”

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