Taste the Heat (12 page)

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Authors: Rachel Harris

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Love and Games#1

BOOK: Taste the Heat
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Jason’s eyebrows snapped together. Of course he loved Emma. Was that supposed to be
a revelation? He asked his father as much, but the old man didn’t answer. He just
kept watching him with a strange look of annoying, unprecedented patience. Then after
a moment, the meaning behind his words finally sank in.

“Wait, you think I’m in love with

His father shrugged a shoulder. A shade of uncertainty crept into his tone as he said,
“I admit I thought it was rather soon. You’ve only become acquainted again for a couple

,” Jason cut in.

The whiskers framing his mouth twitched. “Eleven days,” he amended. “But the heart
doesn’t always work on a timetable. And besides, you’ve known Colby a long time. The
two of you did grow up together.”

Jason pinched the bridge of his nose, wondering what in the hell was happening. His
emotion-free dad was talking about the
for God’s sake. What would the old man do for an encore, quote Oprah?

Through the crack in the door, Jason could smell sautéed bell peppers and onions.
He could be out there, sampling whatever it was the women were cooking, and pretending
this entire conversation had never happened. His legs twitched with the desire to
bolt. But he owed it to his normally tightlipped father to hear him out—even if what
he was saying was completely ridiculous.

His father steepled his fingers and studied him. “Listen son, life dealt you a hell
of a hand. It takes time to recover from something like that. But you deserve to be
happy.” His voice grew thick with meaning as he added, “And so does my granddaughter.”

Of all the things he said, those words rankled. Jason shot to his feet. No shit, Emma
deserved to be happy. That was why he’d started thinking about marriage again in the
first place. Everything he did was for his daughter.

From his perch beside the window, his father watched silently as Jason paced the length
of the room.

There was no doubt that over the last week and a half, Colby had made a difference
in their lives. She’d been there during the debacle at the convenience store. She’d
offered Emma advice that no amount of book reading would’ve prepared Jason to give.
And she’d given his daughter a much needed role model. As for him, Colby had brought
him to life again. She made him laugh, turned him on, and had him feeling things he
hadn’t felt in years—but that didn’t include love. It couldn’t.


Jason shoved a hand through his hair. After Ashleigh died, his heart had closed itself
off. It wasn’t something he’d consciously tried to do, it just happened. Self-preservation.
He assumed it would always stay that way. That he would
it to stay that way. But could his father be right?

Jason admired Colby. He desired her. They had a level of comfort with each other that
could take him years to develop with someone else, and for the kind of marriage he
wanted, there was no woman in the world who fit him better. She was great with Emma,
and his daughter adored her… But did all that mean he could fall for her?

More than the voice in his head screaming
, his father’s reputation had him wavering. In the Magnolia Springs fire department,
Robert Landry’s shrewd, astute observations were stuff of legend. In an emergency
or pressure situation, he’d been the guy people turned to. He was always able to size
up a problem in moments and make a judgment call. And 99.9 percent of the time, those
decisions had been dead on. They had saved lives. But in this case, if his father
was right, all of Jason’s plans were up in smoke.

During their camping trip, she’d made it more than clear that she wasn’t looking for
love. She didn’t believe in it. If by some miracle Jason did find a way to break through
Colby’s barriers, and help her heal from the past, it was possible she’d consider
sticking around for the future. One that could involve him and Emma. But there was
no guarantee she’d ever fall for him. Or welcome him loving her…if he even did.

He came to a stop in front of his father. “You do realize people don’t fall for each
other at the drop of a hat, right? Not outside of Hollywood.”
And especially not people like me.

His father chuckled. “Maybe they don’t.” Then he placed a solid hand on Jason’s shoulder
and said, “But son, I saw the way you looked at her.”

Chapter Ten

Colby glanced at her future conquest from the passenger side of his truck. The neon
light from LeJeune’s bakery illuminated Jason’s abnormally rigid jaw, reminding her
he’d barely said two words since they’d left his parents’ house. And they hadn’t really
had a chance to talk much before then, either. Every time Colby had felt remotely
brave enough to bring up kicking off their summer fling tonight, there had been an
adolescent or parental ear around, ready to overhear her pitiful attempts at flirtation.
Not exactly the start she’d envisioned for her sexy night of seduction.

But now they were alone. Thoughts of what could lie ahead sent the heat inside the
already toasty truck skyrocketing.
I can do this.
So he hadn’t brought it up since the night of the camping trip. She could take the
bull by the horns, so to speak. Women did this sort of thing every day, right? The
whole ‘equal opportunity, female empowerment, we are women hear us roar’ jazz. She
leaned her face into the stream of cool air coming from the vent. Sadly, right now
she felt less like the siren she needed to be, and closer to throwing up.

Why was she so nervous? She even had a ringing endorsement from above. When it came
time for her to leave and her cute, unreliable car had sputtered, groaned, and then
died a horrible death, she’d figured it
to be a divine blessing on her plans. The unexpected vehicular demise required Jason
to bring her home after all. Granted, the nuns in Sunday school had always given the
impression that booty calls were frowned upon; but perhaps, in this case, heaven had
made an exception for the pathetic.

Jason drummed an erratic beat on the steering wheel, matching the thrum of her nerves.
His grumpy look wasn’t helping. But as her little sister always said, sometimes you
have to fake it to make it. And in this case, Colby definitely wanted to
it. So, after another block of silence, she manned up, poured on the bravado, and
asked, “You okay there, Captain?”

The brief smile he shot her was more like it. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Thank God, because the bad mood vibe so wasn’t cutting it as an aphrodisiac.

Then he added, “It’s just been a long day. Guess I’m more tired than I thought.” And
the knotted muscles in Colby’s stomach clenched back up again.

An exhausted seductee didn’t really scream
let’s get it on,

But one doesn’t become the owner of a popular, thriving restaurant in Vegas by letting
a little complication get in her way. Grabbing hold of her deflating hopes for the
evening, Colby scooted as close to Jason as the dang seat belt would allow and called
upon every ounce of dormant vixen power she had.

“You sure that’s all it is?” she purred, or rather,
to purr in his ear. No one in her right mind would actually call the strange, breathy
rumble that came out of her mouth a purr.
Lord, I’m bad at this
. Slipping her fingers under the collar of his dress shirt, she forged ahead. “Because
you seem awfully tense, and it just so happens that I know an excellent way to release

Jason laughed under his breath. “I don’t doubt that for a second.”

She began kneading the taut muscles of his neck and a low noise emanated from the
back of his throat. He pressed into her fingers. Feeling daring, she scraped her nails
across his skin and his breath hissed through his teeth. Oh yeah, Jason wanted her.
A thrill ran down her spine. But before she could give herself a mental high-five
or begin planning tonight’s lingerie ensemble, he mumbled, “Damn, I’d love to take
you up on that offer.”

Colby’s eager fingers stilled. That didn’t sound very promising. “Why do I hear a
attached to that statement?”

He released a heavy breath and shot her a regretful smile. “
I have to be at the station earlier than normal tomorrow. I have a pile of paperwork
and back to back school tours.”

The neon green numbers on the dash clicked to eleven o’clock, mocking her. There went
her seduction plans. Her inner-vixen rolled her eyes and fell asleep. Could he be
regretting making their arrangement? Or had it been the alcohol talking, and now he’d
changed his mind?

“Another twenty-four-hour shift?” she asked, squeezing his muscles tighter.

“Twenty-four on, forty-eight off.”

That explained why Emma had stayed behind at his parents’ house. Colby had mistakenly
assumed Jason was on the same page as to where their night was headed, but then, that
would’ve implied a parental-approved booty call, which now that she thought about
it, kinda icked her out.

“Then I guess it’s probably best if you just drop me off.” She flinched as the words
left her mouth. There was no way he’d missed the ring of pouting in her voice. She
stole a glance out of the side of her eye and the beam of a passing car highlighted
his amused smile, confirming as much.

Well that’s awesome. Everyone knows there’s nothing sexier than desperation.

Perhaps she should just embrace the spinster life now. Get right on the whole cat
thing, buy a few dozen muumuus, and call it a night.

” Jason said, interrupting her depressing thoughts with that dreaded word again. “I
was hoping that you’d have dinner with me Friday night.”

Colby’s spirits perked up as if they’d received a shot of B-12. It was entirely possible
the man was just throwing her a bone, but it sounded as if he did want to see her.
Maybe their arrangement
still on, and her seduction plans weren’t canceled but rather momentarily delayed.


“I’d love to,” she replied honestly, trying and failing to conceal her mounting frustration.

weekends are crazy at the restaurant. I know I traded shifts last weekend for Emma’s
birthday, but I really shouldn’t make a habit of it. If the head chef starts skipping
out, everyone will.” Pressing her thumb into a stubborn knot at the base of his neck,
perhaps with a bit more force than necessary, she counter-offered with, “Sunday I
get off work at five though.”

He grimaced. “I’m on shift that day.”

Of course he was. So much for the heavenly exception she’d thought she had. At this
rate, she’d be lucky if she got laid again in this century, much less in the next
few days.

Jason shook his head and the soft hairs on the back of his neck tickled her fingers.
“So this is what I’ve been missing by not dating, huh? Coordinating work schedules,
synching up calendars. It’s a damn miracle anyone figures it out.”

Colby’s head snapped up. Color her optimistic, but that sounded like he hadn’t dated
anyone since Ashleigh died. But that couldn’t be right. The man was sex on a stick.
He was gorgeous, smart, kind, and a freaking hero in their town. Magnolia Springs
didn’t exactly have a huge dating pool to begin with, and a catch like Jason floating
around would’ve been like a beacon to every single female in the Greater New Orleans

From their conversation the other night, Colby knew that Jason wasn’t in the hunt
for a relationship. But in the last four years, there had to have been at least a
one-night stands.

Could it be there was never anything more significant than that?

She knew it was none of her business. She wasn’t in the market for a relationship
either, so his dating history shouldn’t matter. But suddenly it did. And she
to know. Telling her reasonable inner voice to stuff it, she blurted, “When was the
last date you went on?”

Smooth, Colby. Real smooth.

date?” Jason scrunched his forehead in thought. “Junior year at LA Tech. Dinner and
a poetry reading.” He shot her a look. “
Ash’s choice, by the way, and I blew off work to do it.”

Colby’s selfish heart did a tap dance. She turned to look out the window, biting off
a grin. “You rebel, you.”

“Reformed rebel,” he corrected. “Sadly, that stuff doesn’t fly when you’re the captain
of the fire department, owner of a gym, and the father of an impressionable girl.”
He paused and added, “No matter how badly I want to see the woman in question.”

Colby couldn’t help herself. Letting her smile fly free, she looked back at Jason
and goose bumps tingled at the heat in his eyes.

“Any chance you’re available Monday?” he asked, holding her gaze for a beat before
returning his attention to the road.

In lieu of the exultant
she wanted to scream, Colby leaned close to Jason’s ear. Brushing her lips across
his skin, and grinning at his sharp intake of breath, she whispered, “I’m always off
on Mondays.”

“Well, hallelujah.”

They both laughed as the truck rolled to a stop in Sherry’s empty driveway. Monday
was still five days away, but at this point, she’d take it. Besides, there was virtue
in delayed gratification, wasn’t there? The important thing was making sure Jason
spent the time between now and then thinking about her—and how good they’d be together
when the blessed night finally arrived.

Feeling emboldened by the shadows and their miraculously synched schedules, Colby
unfastened her seat belt and slid across the bench seat, her linen pants whispering
across the leather as she closed the sliver of distance remaining between them. “Sounds
like you’ve got yourself a date, Captain.”

Even in the dim light of the truck’s cab, she could see the wickedness of Jason’s
grin. “I can’t wait.”

With a flick of his wrist, the engine fell silent. The headlights went next. They
were alone, in the dark, sexual tension snapping, with no preteens sleeping nearby,
and no one to interrupt. Jason tossed his seat belt and then one of them moved. She
didn’t know whom—didn’t care, either—because then she was in his arms. On his lap.
Her thighs straddling his hips, his warm hand curved around her neck, and his mouth
just shy of touching hers. Right where she wanted to be.

The sound of her harsh, impatient breaths and staccato pulse pounded in her ears.
Cinnamon-scented breath fanned across her skin, setting off a fire of anticipation
in her blood. She swallowed, her gaze shifting between the planes of Jason’s lips
to the swirling desire in his caramel-colored eyes. What was he waiting for? If the
man didn’t kiss her soon, she was pretty sure she was going to explode.

An emotion sparked and crossed his face; it almost looked like fear. But before she
could read into it or ask what it meant, his mouth came crashing down on hers. Colby
sighed, her breath mixing with his. Gripping one hand around the headrest to anchor
her, she slid her other down the front of his buttoned shirt and melted into his arms.

She still wasn’t close enough.

Jason deepened the kiss, and she slid her arms around his waist. Dragging her nails
up his back and then curling her hands around his broad shoulders, she pulled herself
up hard against him, smashing her breasts into the wall of his chest. Jason growled
his approval. Plundering her mouth with his lips and tongue, he inhaled her as the
steering wheel dug into her back. The pale skin was going to bruise, but she didn’t
care. He tasted of cinnamon and temptation, and smelled like heaven.

No one had ever kissed her like this. Devoured her, as if the world could fall apart
around them, and it wouldn’t matter. The only thing that did was happening right there
in the cab of his rapidly overheating truck. His mouth shifted lower, and the rasp
of his stubble against the tender flesh of her neck set off an ache between her legs.

She wanted this man.

In her arms.

In her bed.

In her

Colby’s mind tripped at the thought before she whisked it away. Now was not the time
to overthink. She had all night for that. Right now was about Jason and the delicious
things he could do with his mouth. She squirmed in his lap, and the resulting moan
he issued turned the ache into a raging fire in her blood. He pressed up against her.

“You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?” he asked, his raspy voice sending
a shiver down her spine. That shiver became an all-out shudder when his lips brushed
her ear, whispering what he wanted to do to her…things he
to do to her soon. And Colby planned to hold him to those naughty promises.

Every. Last. One.

A sudden bright light flooded the cab. They sprang apart like two horny teenagers
caught making out after curfew and Colby laughed, breathless, as she pressed her fingers
against her swollen lips. She had wanted to give him something to think about, and
that should’ve done the trick.

With a triumphant grin, she glanced outside the fogged up passenger’s side window
and did a double-take when she spotted a familiar car—more specifically, a magenta
colored Bug—whip into the wide driveway.

Oh, God.

Colby smoothed her mussed hair as she quickly ran her sleeve along the window, hoping
to clear the steam away from her sister’s all-knowing gaze. A minute later, Sherry
propped an elbow through her opened window and mouthed the word, “Busted.”

Gleeful eyebrows—if it were possible for eyebrows to be gleeful—wagged up and down
as her sister leaned forward to toss Jason an exaggerated wink. Then with a laugh,
she turned off her engine.

Neither of them spoke as Sherry gathered her things and skipped up the drive, stopping
to turn and wave before closing the front door. Blood that was already pumping through
her body flooded Colby’s face. Yep, that had just happened.

She was a grown woman. Hooking up with Jason had been Sherry’s idea in the first place,
and Colby had no doubt she’d been doing the very same thing on her own date tonight
with a waiter from Robicheaux’s. But that didn’t stop Colby from squeezing her eyes
shut and wishing she could rewind time. Biting her lip, Colby stole a glance at Jason
from the corner of her eye and found him smirking. “What?”

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