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Authors: Marie James

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Teach Me Like That (LMLT Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Teach Me Like That (LMLT Book 2)
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I can feel the sidewalk vibrate under my feet as we walk up to
. I don’t know why they’d name a club that, but the name is not keeping people away. After twenty minutes in line, a guy walking up and down the sidewalk picking people at random selected Jillian, and I got to tag along. When I say random, I honestly mean he’s looking for the best-looking people to head inside ahead of everyone else. It happens at almost every club we go to, and Jillian almost always gets picked. If she doesn’t… well, we never go back to that club again.

She’d mentioned wearing a mini skirt, but I should’ve known that her idea of a mini is actually a micro-mini. The lower section of her butt cheeks were visible, but hey, it got us off the sidewalk and into the club, so I’m not complaining.

The pulse of the music seems to change the rhythm of my heart as we step up to the bar and order shots. We decided on the ride over that tonight was going to be wild, so fruity cocktails had no place in our evening.

We start with two shots each, but that turns into three when a guy down the bar buys us each a shot with a wink. We raise our shots to him in thanks but turn our attention back to the dance floor that’s vibrating and moving with dozens of people.

Jillian has a rule about guys that send shots without approaching first. She feels like if they don’t have the balls to come over and offer to buy a drink in person, they’re not worth the time. Me? I just like free booze. So it’s pretty much win-win.

“Want to dance?” she yells over the music.

I nod and smile. I want to get lost in the rhythm. I want to forget the fact that come Monday morning I may not have a job. I want to get Kegan Cole out of my head. He’s taken up too much space over the last couple of weeks, and it’s time to replace him with something else.

I contemplate taking up yoga for the whole, free your body and mind techniques, but then I remember I’m a klutz and nearly killed myself trying the downward dog in my living room a few years back.

Jillian takes my hand and tugs me toward the dance floor. We’re only several feet away when a hand snakes out and grabs mine.

I turn suddenly, gearing up to yank my arm from the stranger’s grasp. “What the fu—”

My eyes meet those of my cousin.

“I thought you were going to attack me!” he hollers over the raging beat of a techno song.

I laugh at the wide-eyed look on his face. “I think I almost did!”

I can feel Jillian at my side, and my body registers the angry vibration of hers. I look past Justin’s shoulder and see exactly what she’s pissed about. Hawke is huddled in close to a woman wearing a lime green wig of all things. She’s not the only one wearing fake hair in the club, but the fact that Hawke is even talking to someone who’d wear one is the oddity.

“Why the fuck are y’all here?” Jillian spits at Justin.

I place a calming hand on her shoulder, but she shrugs me off.

Justin just looks at her like she’s asking a question she already knows the answer to.

“You know exactly why we’re here.” He gives her a frustrated look and takes a long pull on his beer.

I shake my head. It’s clear Justin is as annoyed as I am about the bullshit Jillian and Hawke put each other through. I can tell we’re an incident or two away from an intervention with them.

I tug Jillian’s hand and pull her toward the dance floor. I didn’t come out tonight to watch her and Hawke one-up each other, and if that’s how the night is going to go, I’ll leave right now. I’ve grown weary of Justin and I being dragged into their antics.

Five songs later and I’m covered in sweat, and the mild tingle of the liquor has settled into an incredible languor. I stopped paying attention to Jillian, who’s done nothing but stare at Hawke sucking face with Wig Girl, and found my rhythm dancing with different people on the dance floor.

I motion to Jillian that I’m going to grab another drink and head to the restroom to towel off. She waves me off because I blocked her line of sight. The guy dancing behind her has one hand on her bare thigh and is cupping a breast in his hand, but it’s almost as if she doesn’t even realize he’s there.

Pitiful. I remind myself to never get so wrapped up in a man that I refuse to tell him how I feel. I’d rather put it all out there than dance around each other for years. The mental affirmation automatically brings Kegan to mind. I shake my head as I walk toward the restroom.

I can’t keep my mind off of him. I’m so focused on him that my mind formulates his scent as if he’s standing right beside me. I close my eyes for two brief steps and inhale deeply.

Just like out on the dancefloor, my arm is grabbed again. I don’t mess around. This isn’t the bar area where I’m surrounded by other people; this is a more remote area of the club. I turn on my feet and send a closed fist punch through the air.

By the time I recognize the blue eyes looking back at me, it’s too late to stop the momentum of my hand. Pain radiates up my arm as Kegan grabs his jaw with his free hand.

I cover my mouth in surprise at what I’ve just done.

“That’s twice now you’ve hit me in the face,” he says rubbing the injured flesh.

“And both times you’ve deserved it. You should know better than to grab women the way you just did.”

I shrug out of his grip and cross my arms over my chest. To him, I hope it looks as if I’m closed off and unapproachable, when in fact, I’m doing it to keep my hands off of him. The sight of him in blue jeans and t-shirt, combined with the sexy man scent he seems to carry around with him, is almost too much for my senses.

“I was standing right over there,” he says pointing to the other side of the narrow hallway. “I thought you saw me and were just being stubborn.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Would you think I’m a freak if I told you I followed you?”

My eyes widen. My heart beats faster. We’re nearly forty-five minutes away from my house. What does it mean that he’s willing to go so far?

“Are you freaking stalking me now?”

He shakes his head no.

“I was about to pull into your driveway and saw the town car leaving. I made a hasty decision.”

“Why would you do that?”

He shrugs. “After you didn’t call or text yesterday, I felt like I needed to see you. I want to explain about Amelia.”

I hold my hands up to stop him. “You don’t owe me an explanation, Kegan. But, I’m not that girl. I’m not like Amelia. I lost my head for a minute in the closet, but I don’t do that stuff.

He takes a step closer. I take a step back. This happens several times until my back is against the wall. My body is thrumming with electricity at his proximity.

“I know you’re nothing like Amelia,” he says as his eyes land on my lips. I lick them instinctively. “Do you think I’d follow her just to explain something to her?”

“I have no idea, Kegan. I don’t know a damn thing about you.” I attempt to sound indifferent, but my words come out breathy and aroused.

“Yes you do,” he says closing the remaining couple of inches between our bodies. “You know how I feel when I’m deep inside you.” He licks up my neck to the sensitive spot below my ear. “You know how hard I get just being near you.” He rolls his hips against mine; his blue jean clad erection comes tauntingly close to my clit.

I tilt my head to give him more access. “I bet half of Spokane knows all of those things about you.”

I yelp when he takes a retaliatory nip at my earlobe.

“Are you wet for me?” he asks as his hand glides up my thigh. “Amazing,” he breathes as his fingers slip past the lace of my panties.

“Mmm,” I groan as they slide through the slickness that began to build the second I realized he was the one grabbing me.

“What are you doing?” I whimper when I feel his fingers hook into either side of my thong.

Without a word, he bends and glides the lace down my legs.

“Kegan,” I gasp as he pulls them past my heels and nips my inner thigh.

“Tell me to stop,” he says as he stands, dangling my lingerie between us.

“I can’t,” I confess with a harsh pant.

He makes quick work of his zipper, pulling a condom out of his back pocket.

I glance around, terrified someone is going to walk up, but not really caring.

His mouth takes mine in a feverish kiss, his tongue stroking over mine relentlessly. Mouths still tangled, he grips my ass and lifts me. My legs circle his waist as he lines himself up with my entrance.

“What does all of this mean? What does this make us?” My eyes plead with him to explain his intentions.

I expect him to say fuck buddies or some lame shit like that, but he doesn’t.

“Just feel me,” he says raising my panties up and shoving them in my mouth. “No more talking, Lexi.”

I bend my head forward into the crook of his neck and hold on as he powers in and out of me. The cool feel of the air against my flesh is an amazing contradiction to the heat of his cock as it slams home over and over.

“Fuck, Lexi. I can’t –goddamn it,” he groans in my ear.

I hold on to him tighter, wanting to kiss him but can’t.

He leans his head back and then places it against mine. “I need you to come,” he says never slowing his grueling pace.

His scent, the thrill of being with him again, and the excitement of virtually having public sex had my body on edge the second he entered me. His words, however, are what send me over the edge.

I scream into the fabric of my panties, never taking my eyes off of his, as my body comes with a ferocity I didn’t know I was capable of.

“Jesus, Lexi. Fuck,” he hisses as my body grips him in wrenching pulses.

His eyes soften, and his eyelids grow heavier the second before he climaxes. There’s almost a hint of vulnerability on his face. I was facing away from him last time, so I don’t know if this is how he looks every time he comes, but it’s a sight to behold.

He pulls my panties from my mouth, tucking then into the front pocket of his jeans and kisses me as if it’s going to be the last time. My heart is soaring and breaking all at the same time.

Chapter 19


My feelings and the way my body responds to her scares the life out of me, but it doesn’t stop me from buying a bottle of liquor and dragging her out to my truck.

I wanted to fuck her again. The second I saw her in the tight little blue dress, my cock demanded I make entrance into her body. My intentions, when I followed her and her friend to this club weren’t one hundred percent innocent, but I never planned on fucking her in the dark hallway.

I watch from the corner of my eye as she tilts the bottle of bourbon back and takes a long swig. I drive as quickly yet safely as I can back to her house. I haven’t had a drop to drink, but that’ll be remedied soon. My mouth waters for a taste; the burn of the alcohol and the contrasting sweetness of her pussy is all I can think about as we make our way up her driveway.

She’s not completely smashed as we walk up to her front door, but she’s beyond able to get her key in the door. I make quick work of the lock and have the door closed behind us and locked before she can drop her purse on the table just inside the door.

Without a word, I scoop her up and carry her up the stairs.

“That one,” she instructs, pointing to the door at the end of the hall.

I cover the space between the door and the bed in a few long strides. I shift her from my arms until she’s steady on her feet. Grabbing the bourbon from her hands, I twist the top off and can’t seem to worry about the lid when it hits the floor and rolls away.

I tilt the bottle back and drink deeply.

Lexi’s hands are unbuttoning my jeans before I even pull my lips from the bottle. Lowering the zipper, she drops to her knees, tugging my jeans and boxer briefs down as she goes.

“I want to suck you off,” she slurs mildly, tonguing the wide crest.

Her mouth is hot and beyond impressive. My brain wants to shut down and just let her have her fun, but I know she’s had a lot to drink, and the last thing I need is her to gag on my cock and puke. There’s nothing less sexy than vomit.

I pull her up my body and lick her neck.

“Next time, Lexi,” I promise.

Her grin is radiant. Even with slightly smeared makeup and disheveled hair, she’s absolutely gorgeous. My hands find the hidden zipper on the back of her dress, and I have her naked in seconds. She’s not wearing a bra, which I absolutely love. Her breasts are just a little more than a mouthful and fucking perfect. Her panties are still stuffed in the front pocket of my jeans, where they’ll stay. I have deviant plans for those when I find myself alone and needing her.

I kick my shoes off and shake my legs until my jeans and boxers fall to the side. Her hands find my chest as I pull my t-shirt over my head; the touch sparking a lust that burns deep. I’m rock hard, but her fascination with following each curve and rise of my muscles makes me grow even thicker.

Her attentive touch falters when she leans in and licks the top of my abdomen.

“And here I thought you were going to be the one getting licked tonight,” I manage to say through her mouth’s attention that’s now focused on my nipple.

I lift her with an arm around her waist and place her in the center of her bed. I kiss and lick down her body, paying little attention to anything until my nose nudges her swollen clit. This is where I need my focus for the night. I have no intention on relenting until one orgasm flows into the next.

BOOK: Teach Me Like That (LMLT Book 2)
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