Teaching Maya (17 page)

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Authors: Tara Crescent

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

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“What do you want, pet?” he asked me. His voice was expressionless.

“I don’t want you to call me pet,” I said. “Call me Emily.”

I’d startled him; I could see that. First, there was surprise in his eyes; and then, an expression I couldn’t read, only for an instant, and then, finally, that hated amusement. But there was no mockery in his gaze this time, as he looked at me, his lips twitched.

My heart was racing as I waited for him to speak.

“Emily,” he said. “I had a different reward in mind…”

He bent his mouth to my pussy.


Chapter 2


Okay, I felt a slight twinge of guilt when she looked at me with those fiery eyes and asked me to call her Emily.

I didn’t feel bad about making her suck me off; I didn’t feel bad about laughing at her; I didn’t even feel bad about the whole ‘jump, how high’ nonsense. But I did feel a semblance of guilt for the basically shitty introduction to BDSM that I was giving her; and I felt more than a slight twinge of guilt for deliberately objectifying her.

I knew her, of course; we’d worked on the same floor for five years. We were both early risers; we were often the only two people on the floor in the cool, clear hours of dawn; both preferring to work in the quiet, before the building got crowded and noisy and filled with chatter. I’d seen her in the break room, grabbing a candy bar from the vending machine for energy; seen her microwave a mug of water for tea.

But I’d never paid much attention to her. I’d been in a relationship for a lot of that time; other women existed, but not in any way that was relevant to me sexually. And in any case, though she was pretty, in a delicate, understated way, I didn’t find tongue-tied stammering attractive.

Then I’d flipped through her Kindle, and my initial amusement at the seriously extensive collection of bodice-rippers had been quickly overtaken by anger; I was tired of the Fifty-Shades-of-Grey poseurs who thought they knew what dominance and submission was because they owned a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold. And so I’d pushed, and she’d responded in a way that was totally unexpected, and my arousal had taken me entirely by surprise.

And now I was being a jackass.

It wasn’t supposed to be that way – this connection; this trust that one partner gave another during a session was usually the strongest and most personal of bonds; way more intense and connected than sex. Trust was a powerful aphrodisiac.

“Jenny would kill me right now for being such an asshole,” I thought to myself. Jenny Stone been my girlfriend and my submissive for three years. The breakup had been six months ago, and though it had been the right thing to do for both of us, there was still pain. Something that had existed for three years always left behind scars.

I braced myself for the usual flash of pain that acc
ompanied thoughts of Jenny, and it was there, but it was muffled by Emily’s presence in my bed. That was interesting; it hadn’t happened before.

“Ok, Ballard, ease up a tiny bit, she’s actually supposed to have fun as well,” I muttered to myself, as I lowered my mouth on that pretty, pretty cunt.


Does Jake become less of an asshole? Is Emily right to trust him?
The Professor’s Pet
to find out more.
The Professor’s Pet is a 46,000 word/180 page novel.

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