Team: Alpha (Knights of Ares) (16 page)

BOOK: Team: Alpha (Knights of Ares)
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“Undo my jeans, put your hand on my cock,” he groaned out leaning back in the chair to give her as much room as possible. Squeezing her ass in his hands he panted out hard, “Daisy, for the love of God put your hand on my cock.”


Doing what he demanded she put her hand on his cock and began to stroke him. “I love just how hard you get when I touch you.” She said and stroked him harder, faster and squeezed the top of his cock as she did so. “How does this feel baby?”


“Perfect,” he growled out and lifted his hips to drive his cock into her hand. “Harder and put your mouth back on my skin,” he hissed out throwing his head back onto the chair. Groaning, he moved his hands into her jeans to cup her ass and massage the smooth skin.


Daisy did just that. She put her mouth onto his chest again, marking him over and over again. “Come for me.” She shouldn’t ask him to come right there in her living room, but damn she wanted him to.


Squeezing her ass he thrust into her hand, “Bite me harder and make me come,” he moaned. “I’m close Daisy but you need to make me cum,” he told her rolling his hips. Finding her anus with a finger he rubbed at the tight pucker.


Daisy did just that. She bit him so hard she literally tasted blood and moaned as she did so, pushing back on his finger that dove into her ass and crying out against his chest. “Mikhail.” His name came out as a breathy sound, just before she sucked the mark she had made, tasting his blood as well.


Shivering he came, his semen squirting up onto his belly and over her hand. “Fuck,” he growled out pressing his finger deeper into her ass. Catching her hair he hauled her up and kissed her as his cock gave another kick and more semen spilled.


She pushed against him and rubbed hard against him. Kissing him back she finally pulled back. Whimpering she pressed her forehead to his and smiled. “Damn that was so very, very good.” She moaned.


“I think we should go to the bathroom so we can clean up and I can lick you into an orgasm too,” he murmured. “How long until the food arrives?” he asked slowly stroking his finger in and out of her tight hole.


“Ten minutes.” She panted. “You going to carry me so that you can keep from showing your goods or should I go first and then you follow me babe?” She asked with a smile. “I really think that you need to carry me. I’ve decided.”


“I wasn’t planning on letting you go,” he said quietly. “But you should undo your shirt so you don’t get all this across it. You running upstairs to change it might be hard to explain to eagle eyed Honey,” he murmured.


“Good point.” She tugged at her shirt and undid it so that she wouldn’t get his semen on her clothing. Holding onto him she leaned into him and smiled. “I happen to really love this. I think that this is going to be fun.” Anything with him was fun.


Sliding forward he pushed up to his feet and lifted a brow, “Fun? What is this fun you speak of woman?” he asked. Walking towards the main floor bathroom he stepped inside, “Lights please,” he told her and waited until she turned them on before kicking the door shut.


She turned the lock on the door and grinned, “Honey doesn’t knock, trust me.” She murmured and leaned in closer to him when he dropped her ass on the sink. “The wash clothes are under the sink, grab one while I get the water warming up?”


Nodding, he pulled back and dropped to his heels to grab a couple of the cloths. Standing, he handed them to her and leaned in to kiss her gently. “I much prefer shooting into you than all over myself babe,” he murmured.


“Oh that’s totally my preference as well. I would much rather have you coming deep inside of my pussy or ass instead of on yourself. Down my throat or even on me instead of yourself. Just saying, I prefer that.”


Chuckling, he shook his head, “You definitely have a couple of odd preferences D,” he murmured running a finger over her jaw. “But I adore you anyway. I can get you so I’m good with whatever you want. Now,” he stepped back a little, “You need to ditch the pants because I want to suck your clit.”


“Oh hell yes.” But the moment that Daisy’s hand went to her button on her jeans she groaned, “Damn-it. Food’s here.” She muttered. “Since I have clothes on, I will go and pay for the food and get it. You might want to get ready.” Leaning in she kissed him quickly and then jumped off, “Rain check though?”


Growling he caught her and pulled her in close, “Do up your shirt so I don’t have to kill the driver,” he said. Kissing her hard and fast Mik let her go. Once she was gone he pressed his hands to the vanity and fought his body. When he finally had a measure of control, he wiped the cum from his belly and chest and only then realized his shirt was still in the other room. Cursing, he slid out of the bathroom and made his way to collect it on silent feet.


With the bags of food unloaded Daisy moved just outside of the kitchen and called out, “Food is here, wash up and get your fannies in here so that we can eat. It’s Chinese.” She smiled when she heard Honey’s squeal and then giggled when she heard a thump and an ‘oomf’ from Gareth. Snickering, she looked at Mikhail as he approached her, “I bet she ran him over, knocked him over. Have I mentioned Honey loves Chinese food?”


“You may have mentioned something of the sort,” he said leaving his shirt hanging loose over his jeans. Looking up at the loud pitter patter of little feet, he watched as Honey slid through the kitchen, “Does she do that often?” he asked.


“Every chance she gets.” Daisy ruffled Honey’s hair and smiled when her daughter looked up at her. “Did you knock your father over?”


“I might have.” Honey looked toward where Gareth was beginning to come down and grinned, “You made it daddy G.”


Grunting, Gareth shot her a look, “Had to disentangle myself after being mowed over by you darling,” he said. Moving to Daisy he leaned in and kissed her gently, “All good?” he asked under his breath his eyes twitching to Mik and then back to her before he lifted a brow.


Daisy smiled and nodded, “Yes, thank you for spending time with Honey; even if she mowed you down.” She patted his chest and sighed happily. “One more kiss and then we will eat, please?” She asked with a grin.


Smiling, he nodded and pulling her in tight to him gave her a kiss, long and deep. Cupping her ass he squeezed her to him as he sucked on her tongue, teased her and nibbled on her lip. Pulling back he chuckled softly, “I may have to let her mow me down more often.”


“Hurm, that sounds very good.” Daisy’s hands moved up his chest and wrapped around his neck to hold him close. “She would run over even me for Chinese food, fair warning,” she teased him. “I think that child needs warning lights and sirens at times.”


“She’d probably love having bells and whistles,” Gareth chuckled. Brushing his lips to her cheek he nuzzled at her throat and lower. Groaning he lifted his head, “Food babe, I’m starving. Military flights are seriously lacking on the amenities of things like service, food and real seats.”


“Well then it’s a very good thing that I got lots of food. Warning though, Honey loves the spring rolls and will likely beat you if you try to take more than one. Sorry, but there it is.” Honey would only eat the spring rolls, wonton and pork fried rice.


“She can have mine,” Mikhail said and shrugged at everyone’s looks. “I’ve never particularly cared for them so it’s not a hardship,” he murmured. Sitting down at the table he looked to Honey, “Don’t worry about them poppet, just eat what you will, and smack Gareth if he tries to steal more than his share.”


Honey grinned and all but danced on her chair. “He’s so good, my daddy Mikhail is.” She hummed happily as she did so and moved in closer to him as she did so. “And daddy G won’t take any because he knows that he loves me and he won’t do anything that will make me upset at all.” She had the utmost confidence in her fathers, both of them.


“You say that now Honey but wait until you’re older and trying to date a guy like me,” Mikhail said and shot Gareth a look before smiling at the stunned expression. “Daddy G won’t be so easy going or so easily swayed by how adorable you are or how much he loves you.”


Honey smirked, “Yes he will. My Daddy G loves me and he knows that if I want to date someone like you Daddy M then he will be a loyal, trustworthy, kind, and protective man that will do anything that he has to in order to ensure my safety and happiness, right?”


Daisy snorted, “She’s got you there Mik.” She told her lover.


“Daddy G knows me a lot better than that poppet and also knows what boys think at that age and any age. And trust me, it’s not all loyalty and whatnot kiddo. Boys have raging hormones on the best of days, as teens and young men we’re pretty much controlled by them. Sometimes as adults too,” he said shooting Daisy a hot look.


Daisy flushed and cleared her throat, “But its not only the boys that have them you know.” She said softly and then looked to Honey, “Don’t worry Honey. I won’t let your dads be too hard on your dates. Just don’t complain when you are followed and we pop up where you are having dinner and whatnot.” When Honey looked ready to complain Daisy shook her head. “Pick your battles kiddo.”


“She should be glad if that’s the least of what we do,” Gareth said shaking his head scraping some rice onto his plate. “What I have planned will likely have her screaming. But I’ll save that until she’s of dating age.”


Honey snorted, “I don’t think that will ever happen. I don’t like boys. They are gross. And they are mean. I don’t think that I should ever date anyone that is mean, right daddy?’ Honey asked softly.


Daisy reached out and put her hand on her daughters and gave it a squeeze, “Talk to us Honey, what’s happening? Is it Ryce Rodgers again?”


“Yes, he’s a mean doodie face and I don’t like him.”


“What have I said about that?”


“Well its true mom. He picks on everyone and is just mean. Someone needs to teach him manners before I do.” She grumbled.


“Honey, do not, and I repeat, do not do anything that will get you in trouble.”


“It’s only trouble if you are caught.” She said under her breath.


Mikhail reached out and touched Honey’s hand staying quiet until her chin came up. “Do you remember what we talked about that first day on the farm?” he asked softly. “What others say and do are only hurtful if you let it hurt you poppet. But if this boy is acting out, striking out at you or others you need to say something Honey. Physical violence isn’t the solution. It’s good that you want to defend your friends and protect them but take it from someone that knows, reacting to their actions will only cause more pain and harm.”


“But how do you stop them when they do that? If someone doesn’t stand up to him how does someone stop him? I’m able to defend myself because Aunt Penny made sure that I was able to, just like she made sure mom was able to but how do you deal with someone like that? Mom told me to use my words, but they don’t work. It makes it worse.”


“Have you told someone about it, a teacher or the principal?” Gareth asked leaning forward. “You have to tell someone in authority at the school munchkin. And if that doesn’t produce results then you tell your mom and she will deal with the school directly.”


“He’s the principal's son and he’s one of the teachers godchild. He does no wrong.” She said with a roll of her eyes. “He’s a meany pants and no one will do anything. I would rather be suspended than let him hurt another of my friends again daddy M.”


“Well poppet let’s just avoid the suspension,” Mikhail said quietly. “When we walk you to school point him out to Gareth and me. We’ll do a little investigating on the DL and see if we can’t get some proof to take to the school board. But you need to trust us and not do anything physical that can get you kicked out.”


Huffing slightly Honey finally nodded, “Okay daddy if that’s what you think is best I will listen. But if he tries to hurt someone smaller than him again I’m going to step in. No one hurts anyone who can’t fight back for themselves when I’m around.”


“No violence of the physical sort, make noise and get someone’s attention,” Mik said squeezing her fingers. “I mean it, if I find out you did something like that without just cause there will be some serious hell to pay. We clear?”


“Okay.” She finally gave to him. “I love you Daddy M.” She said and jumped into his arms, hugging him close as she did so. “Thank you for being my daddy, thank you for coming into my life daddy.” She whispered against her father’s cheek.

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