Tease Me (9 page)

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Authors: Donna Kauffman

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Women, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Tease Me
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“I’d say being a people person is a trait passed on from aunt to niece,” Tucker said,
proceeding on instinct.

She rinsed the towel in the stainless-steel sink next to the prep table. “What makes
you say that? You hardly know me.”

He noticed she still wasn’t making eye contact. He turned and rested a hip on the
table, only a foot away from her. “I know there are two older ladies out there who
care enough about you to want to see you happy.” That made her turn her head, but
he raised a hand to still her defense. “And a blind person could see the affection
in Sam’s eyes when he’s haggling with you.”

She opened her mouth, then closed it again. After a short pause, she shrugged. “Okay,
so I’ve made good friends here. I know it sounds odd to some, given the age difference,
but I really enjoy the people of Sunset Shores. Most of them, anyway,” she added with
a pointed look and a dry smile.

He ignored the last part. “It shows,” he said. “And I don’t think it odd at all that
you’ve formed attachments to the folks around here.”

It suddenly occurred to him that perhaps her connection to the mystery man might in
some way be related to her helping her aunt and their Sunset Shores friends. Maybe
she’d been trying to do the same thing he was: find out who the guy was and make sure
her friends and aunt weren’t involved in anything that could hurt them. If the guy
was into something “shady,” as Lillian had put it, then Lainey would be wise to stay
clear of him.

“A refreshing attitude,” she said lightly. “And one that would have suited you well
around here.”

“ ‘Would have’?”

“If you were going to stay. You said you were only temporary.”

That he had. He studied her openly. Just who are you, Lainey Cooper, and why can’t
I get you out of my head? he wanted to shout.

According to Minerva, she was someone who had no patience and who made hasty decisions.
That may all be true, Tucker decided, but the Lainey Cooper in front of him also had
inner strength, a keen intellect, and a big, kind heart. He thought the combination
was rather delightful, foibles and all. Hasty decisions weren’t all bad, not when
the motivating factor was care and concern for others. And impatience could be a good
foundation in motivating a person to get things done.

He avoided answering her comment about his temporary status and returned to his previous
point. “I assume that there are others who do think it’s odd?”

“Oh, I could give you a list, beginning with my former mother-in-law.”

He was pleased to see that her expression remained open. He didn’t want to shutter
the life out of those wonderful eyes by probing too far, too soon. “I thought we already
determined that your ex-mother-in-law was a poor judge of character.”

“Boy, I could have used a guy like you back in Philly.” Her eyes lit up with humor
and something else. Something … wistful. Something … needy.

Something inside Tucker shifted, making his heart suddenly feel warmer, heavier, fuller.
He realized he’d like nothing better than to come to her rescue. The idea of being
needed by Lainey Cooper was a heady thing. He’d spent a good chunk of his life being
a protector, but
it had been pride and integrity in a job well done that had driven him to excel. This
feeling, this urge she created inside him … it was baser, more primal. Personal. Possessive.
Necessary in a way that had nothing whatsoever to do with job performance.

“Anytime, anywhere,” he heard himself say, the words quiet yet unshakable. He was
deeply gratified by the way her pupils shot wide and color rose to her cheeks.

“Beware of offers made in haste,” she warned, but her wry tone was undercut with a
huskiness that sizzled a path straight to his heart. Something of his feelings must
have shown in his expression, because the humor faded from her eyes, leaving only
wariness and maybe a hint of wistful need.

“I won’t ever regret this one,” he said softly.

She started to turn away, but something in her eyes, some flicker of vulnerability
that pained him even more for being the cause of it, had him reaching out and touching
her chin. He gently turned her face back to his, waiting for her to raise her gaze
to his. Patience.
, he thought as he willingly lost himself in her green-gold eyes,
I have all the time in the world for you
Madelaine Cooper

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he said softly. “And it wasn’t a line.
I know we just met, but I meant what I said, Lainey.” His gaze dropped to her lips
and it was all he could do not to lower his mouth and let his kiss explain what he
could not. He dragged his gaze back to hers. “If there is anything I can ever do,
all you have to do is ask.”

She searched his eyes. He didn’t blame her for being wary, for looking for reassurance.
Her lips parted, but she
said nothing. Tucker drew closer, moved his head a fraction of an inch closer, then
Don’t push
, he schooled himself.
Don’t rush
. Hasty decisions. Impatience. Bad judgments. Not this time, he vowed, not with him.

“Lainey, I—”

The abrupt movement of the swinging doors had them all but leaping apart. Minerva
bustled in, and if she was surprised to see the two of them behind the counter, she
didn’t show it.

On closer inspection, he noticed her eyes were on full twinkle. Tucker’s eyes narrowed
in suspicion. Just who had been eavesdropping on whom?

“I thought I heard you out here,” she said to Lainey. “Betty Louise is having another
one of her spells.”

“I’m sure a slice of your yogurt chiffon pie put her to rights,” Lainey said with
what looked to Tucker like a relieved smile. She was relieved he hadn’t kissed her?

And, oh, he wanted to kiss Lainey Cooper. If he were completely honest, he’d admit
that kissing was only the beginning of what he wanted to do for, to, and with Lainey

“Well, I thank you both for holding down the fort out here for me,” Minerva said as
she moved the coffeepot back to the warmer and rinsed out the pickle-juice bowl in
the sink. She dried her hands on a fresh towel as she turned to face them both. “Of
course, I have no idea what you’re doing in here on your day off,” she said to Lainey,
then turned her warmest, most grandmotherly smile on Tucker. He resisted the urge
to stand straighter. “She’s such a dear, but she has no idea how to relax.” Lainey
sputtered, but Minerva talked right over her. “According
to Lillian, neither do you,” she added, quelling Tucker’s smug smile and earning him
a smirk from Lainey. “So why don’t you both do yourselves a favor and go out and enjoy
the sunshine? You’ll have plenty of time to stay indoors when you’re old and wrinkled
like me.”

Before he could figure out how to stop her, Tucker found himself standing next to
Lainey on the sidewalk in front of the café.

“We’ve been evicted,” he said.

“I’d say more like hornswoggled.” She glanced back at the door. “I adore my aunt,
but sometimes she’s a wee bit pushy.”

“Lainey, a handcart is a wee bit pushy. Your aunt Minerva is a bulldozer. But you
gotta give her points on style.”

“You’re too forgiving, believe me.”

“She’s forever in my favor on the merits of her blueberry muffins alone.” He rubbed
his stomach with remembered reverence.

Lainey gasped in mock horror. “She tortured you with muffins? My God, man, I can’t
blame you for caving.” She clasped a hand to her chest and leaned closer. In a dramatic
tone she whispered, “Did you tell all?”

Chuckling, he shook his head. “Saved by Betty Louise Strickmeyer.”

“Well, it’s nice to know the woman’s spells are good for something.”

She’d said it teasingly, but Tucker had heard the underlying irritation. His mind
jumped back to the you-know-who situation. “Yeah, she seemed a bit wired when she
rushed in. I guess every circle has to have their drama queen.”

“Please, whatever you do, spare us all and don’t ever let her hear you say that.”

He crossed his heart. “You have my solemn vow.”

She smiled and nodded, but the silence grew from a brief pause to an uncomfortable
lag. “Well, enjoy the rest of your day. Hope your hand is okay.”

Tucker didn’t want her to go. His reasons had little to do with the mystery he was
in charge of solving, but it was as good a reason as any to keep her around. Whatever
had caused Betty Louise’s “spell” apparently involved Lainey, which meant she was
tied up in this somehow. He wasn’t sure if he should explain everything to her yet,
but until he was, the best plan would be to keep her with him. “You in a hurry to
go somewhere?”

Her expression sobered, and she shifted from one foot to the other. “Well, there are
some things I should be—”

“There’s a park near here, isn’t there?” he asked, not giving her time to come up
with an excuse.

“There’s one two blocks from here, by the water-front.”

“Do you have time to show me?”

“It’s straight ahead that way,” she said, pointing down the street behind him.

He gave her his most winning smile. “I get lost easily.”

She propped her hands on her hips, but a smile kicked around the corners of her mouth.
“There’s a big body of water at the end of the street. It’s called the Gulf of Mexico.
You can’t miss it. The park is right in front of it. If your feet get wet, you’ve
gone too far.”

“I appreciate that, but I still need you to come with me.”

“Why do you
me to go with you?”

An amazing list of reasons why he needed her by his side sprang easily to mind, but
he offered the one that was most likely to get him what he wanted.

“How else are you going to find out what I was really doing behind Minerva’s counter?”


He had her there, Lainey thought, her curiosity piqued despite her internal alarm
system, which was telling her to vacate the premises immediately before she did something
rash and foolish instead of doing the sensible thing, which was finding out what had
caused Betty Louise’s spell.

Had Betty Louise seen her talking to Damian? she wondered with renewed frustration.
He’d cleaned up nicely since their days in college together, but he was still a weasel
under the expensive clothes and polished speech.

She’d had another heart-to-heart with her aunt the previous day, and Minerva had finally
admitted that she had become an investor in a land deal she’d heard about while catering
a luncheon at the hotel several weeks earlier. Bernice and Betty Louise had been with
her and had also decided to get in on the deal. Minnie hadn’t wanted to discuss it
because the window of opportunity had been small, and the three had decided to keep
it to themselves so that no one’s feelings would get hurt over not being included.

She hadn’t discussed it with Lainey, because, after the incident with Charlie, she
hadn’t wanted to worry her niece unnecessarily. Lainey’d tried to question her further
about the specifics of the deal but had gotten nowhere. Minerva had reassured her
that it was a sound deal that would make her more comfortable in her retirement and
to not worry about it any longer.

But Lainey was worried. Then she’d spotted Damian in town again and warning bells
had gone off in her head. Minerva hadn’t mentioned his name in conjunction with the
company she’d dealt with—something Lainey had planned to track down that afternoon—but
when she’d tried to get some answers, he’d smoothly evaded her questions and more
or less politely warned her to back off.


She snapped her attention back to Tucker. She really didn’t have time for this right
now. Still … what
he been doing behind the counter?

Almost kissing you, that’s what. Her body grew warmer at the memory of the intent
way he’d focused on her mouth and how she’d felt when he’d started to move closer,
his intentions clear in his dark blue eyes. She swallowed a sigh. Of relief? It should
be, she scolded herself. She had no business thinking about, much less participating
in, a kiss or anything else with Tucker Morgan.

She’d sworn to start being more practical, less impulsive. Her reaction to Tucker
was all the proof she needed that she wasn’t even close to achieving her goal. Her
aunt and her friends needed her, and she needed to be calm and levelheaded if she
was going to help them. She couldn’t seem to be either around this bodyguard-turned-masseur.

“If you really have things to do—”

She almost jumped when he touched her arm. “I …” I really have to go, she prompted
herself to say, but what came out was “I guess a short break won’t hurt.”

Any remorse she felt over her continued failure to rehabilitate herself was extinguished
by his brilliant smile. The man was certainly not difficult to look at.

Conrad hadn’t been either, she reminded herself. Yeah, but Conrad, sweet, rich, and
rebelling against his family’s stuffy attitudes—which had been a large part of why
she’d impulsively decided to elope with him after a one-month whirlwind romance—had
turned out to be a spineless wimp who quickly reverted to his mother’s domineering
control. So what if he happened to clean up nicely? He’d had the carte blanche help
of his mother’s charge accounts, New York City’s finest personal tailors, and the
entire staff at Estée Lauder. Despite the fact that her romantic bubble had burst
shortly after the honeymoon, Lainey had stuck it out for seven years. Yet all of those
things combined hadn’t been enough to transform her into the proper society matron
that Conrad and his mother were determined the wife of Conrad Maitland III must be.

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