Teasing Trent (The Alexanders) (3 page)

BOOK: Teasing Trent (The Alexanders)
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, if you can even call them that.” He held up the rhinestone encrusted nipple clamps. Mara didn’t even look embarrassed. He, on the other hand, was embarrassingly interested to know if she’d ever worn them.

“I’m not some little kid, Trent. I’m a grown woman.” She crossed her arms and stuck out her chin.

Trent clenched his fists. “Believe me, princess, I know that. I’ve been trying to keep my mind off just how grown you are for the past year.”

Mara uncrossed her arms and marched over to him. She barely reached his chin. “Well, if you think about me that way, why’d you stop earlier? And how come you've never said anything?”

“Mara, I’m not the settling down type. You know that.”

Mara stared at him for a long moment. He cringed under her scrutiny but at least he’d been honest. The two of them together was a bad idea for a lot of reasons, beginning with the beat down he’d get from her brother and ending with the simple fact that she deserved better. Period.

“You’re worried about me getting too attached?” Mara chuckled. Then she broke down into another fit of giggles.

“I fail to see the humor in this.” Trent felt the scowl on his face growing the longer she laughed.

“Who said I’m looking to settle down?” Mara hopped up on the bed and crossed her legs. When he managed to rip his eyes away from the view, she raised her eyebrows.

“You don’t think I have needs just like any other woman? You don’t think I need someone to take care of them?”

“Needs?” he parroted, his throat instantly going dry when she trailed a hand down her thigh and rested it there. He gulped and turned around. He took a deep breath and then another.

“Why are you telling me all of this?” He was angry but he didn’t know who to blame: Mara or himself.

“Because I want it to be
, Trent.” Her voice wavered a little at the end and he turned slightly to see her sit up. She leaned forward until she entered his line of sight. He squeezed his eyes shut. Looking at her on the bed wasn’t helping the situation.

“But if I can't have you, I have my vibrator and my imagination. It’s the next best thing.” Mara’s voice moved closer. When he opened his eyes, she stood directly before him.

“I can't think about that right now. It's hard enough not to think about you that way without the mental image of you …” He backed up as she came even closer.

“Maybe I want you to think about me that way. Maybe I've wanted that for a long time.” Her hands toyed with the waistband of her shorts, revealing the top of her black lace panties.

Trent broke out into a sweat. “Sweet Jesus, Mara. You’re killing me here. I’m supposed to look out for you, not take advantage. I won’t even blame Matt for kicking my ass if we do this.”

Mara stood on tiptoe and pressed her mouth against his. “If you don’t want me that way then just say so, but don’t use my brother as an excuse. He has nothing to do with this.” Her breath came in little pants that washed softly over his cheek.

Trent laughed, a hard crack that carried no amusement. “He won’t see it that way. But damn if I don't care about that now.”

She leaned against him, her breasts pressing against his chest. He held out for all of two seconds before he scooped her up and held her captive for his crushing kiss.

It was like drowning, with her long legs wrapped around his waist and her thick dark hair falling over his face. She tasted sweet and rich like the red wine they’d had earlier. Trent swallowed her shocked moan as he absorbed her taste. She melted against him, her body molding to his as she clawed at his chest, fighting to get closer. She shifted in his arms and he soon found his hands filled with her soft bottom as he leaned against the wall to steady them.

“Damn, you’re a sexy handful.”

He took her mouth again, angling her head back so he could penetrate her mouth the way he wanted to penetrate her body. She accepted the movement with a little sigh in the back of her throat. God, that sound turned him on. He could just imagine she’d sound like that while he was inside her.

“Are you sure, Mara?” He kissed his way down her throat, sucking on the soft skin at the curve of her shoulder. “There’s no going back if we do this.”

Mara looked up at him, her brown eyes languid and soft. “God, you talk too much.” Then she reached down and captured his erection in a firm grip.

All thought fled his mind then and he turned blindly toward the bed. He stumbled when he reached the edge and they tumbled on top of the covers. With one hand, Mara tugged her shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor. Her shorts and black lace thong soon followed. She gave him a saucy look as she scooted back until she reclined into the soft fluffy pillows at the head of the bed.

“I’m going to hell for this.” He pulled his shirt over his head and stepped out of his shoes. Bending over, he quickly shucked his jeans and briefs. The longer he looked at Mara lying quietly, her hand trailing up and down her bare thigh, the faster he moved.

He crawled over the bed until he hovered above her. He skimmed his hands over the diamond-tight tips of her breasts, enjoying the way her breath hitched when he continued past them down to the skin of her belly.

“Don’t tease me, Trent.” Mara whimpered when he circled her navel with the tip of his finger, dipping into the sensitive indentation a few times before continuing his exploration downward. Her mound was shaved except for a small patch of dark curls on the top.

“I’m not the one who’s the tease here. Did you do this for me?” He brushed his knuckles over the small thatch of curls, satisfied when she let out a hoarse cry. He repeated the motion, bumping against the small knot of sensitive nerves at the top. Her legs fell open as she shuddered.

“Yes, I did it for you. I was hoping you’d like it.”

He leaned down and licked her. She moaned and arched upward, her body stretching in one long, sinuous line.

“I definitely like it, princess.” He nipped at her, drawing the lips of her sex through his teeth gently.

“Oh my god, Trent.” Her fingers curled into the bed linen next to his head until she had a fistful of the sheets. He pressed her thighs up as he licked into her repeatedly, his tongue searching out her unique flavor. She moaned and trembled in his grip. He thrust two long fingers inside her and smiled in triumph when she cried out and shuddered beneath his mouth.

“I really hope you have some protection in your bag of tricks, princess.” He reached over and pulled open the night table drawer. He let out a breath when he saw a box of condoms in the back.

He ripped open one of the small packets and rolled the protection on quickly. Her scent still clung to his lips, teasing his nostrils. The urge to get inside her, to press her legs up and take her, roared through his blood. A primal call he couldn’t ignore.

He rested his damp forehead against hers and looked down into her eyes. He swallowed her gasps of pleasure as he sipped at her mouth, his gaze on hers the entire time.

“Trent, I’ve been dreaming about this for so long.” Her voice broke as he surged inside her in a sudden hard thrust. She was so tight he could barely move. Her eyes drifted closed.

“Look at me. Look at me as I take you.”

Her eyes widened at his command. It was such a rush, being inside her tight sheath, feeling her tremble as he worked himself deeper and deeper. Every fantasy he’d ever had about her paled in comparison to the reality. He was here, with his Mara, her legs around his waist, her nails digging into his shoulders.

It was a wet dream come to life.

“I love being inside you. I don’t plan to let you out of this bed for a while.” He lifted her legs up and hooked them over his shoulders, angling deeper, rubbing himself against her with every thrust. It was amazingly erotic to watch her round breasts bounce in time with his strokes. He held them in the palm of his hands and rolled the tips between his fingers.

“Oh my god!” Mara screamed. Her eyes fluttered shut as she came and she clamped down so hard Trent shuddered at the force of her pleasure. She sobbed as he continued to move within her, raising himself up onto his knees so he could pump faster, harder.

“I’ve been dreaming about this for years…”

His words were muffled against her neck as he clutched her tighter against his chest and roared as he came. He slumped against her for a moment before he gathered the strength to pull out and roll to the side. He threw a heavy arm over her middle and pulled her back until she nestled against him.

He looked past her and his gaze landed on a framed picture of her and Matt. His friend had an arm around Mara and stared at the camera as if daring anyone to come too close.

Well, Trent had gotten as close as anyone could get and he'd be damned if he would regret it.


“Stop thinking so hard.” Mara peeked over her shoulder and snuggled deeper into Trent's embrace. “I can almost hear the thoughts banging around in that brain of yours. Just turn it off for a little while.”

Trent sighed but at least he stopped scowling. “That's easier said than done. Every action carries consequences.”

Mara pushed up onto her elbow until they were face to face. “There is nothing wrong with us being together. It’s nobody’s business but our own. However, if this is just a one-time thing for you, I understand. I won’t hold it against you if you move on.”

She sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover her naked breasts. “Just like I’m sure you won’t hold it against me if I go out with your friend, Jackson. We ran into each other at the post office the other day and he asked me out.”

The words were barely out of her mouth before she was flat on her back with Trent hovering over her.

“I’ll be damned if I've kept my hands off you the past few years just to see you with a pig like Jackson,” he growled.

Mara shoved at his shoulders. “Why do you even care? This is just a one night stand, right?”

He stilled and looked down at her. His eyes held hers until she stopped struggling beneath him.

“This isn't a one night anything. You're
Mara. I fell for you somewhere between helping you with your chemistry labs and that time you dressed up as a burrito on Halloween to cheer me up.”

He slid an arm beneath her and held her to his heart. She felt it beating so strongly it was like a hand rapping against her chest.

“I’ve loved you for so long and I'm done resisting it. Let the chips fall where they may.”

Mara blinked back the tears that welled in her eyes. She was finally hearing the man of her dreams say “I love you” and she didn’t want to be a sobbing mess as it happened.

“I’ve loved you for a long time too, Trent. It just took me a while to work up the nerve to do anything about it.”

He leered down at her. “Well, thank god for that. If you'd decided to tease me while we were in school, I might not have graduated. That was the skimpiest yoga outfit I've ever seen.”

Mara covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she laughed. “So I guess it’s not a one night stand after all, then?” she joked.

He shook his head, smiling down at her affectionately. “Hardly. I don’t think there are enough nights left in my lifetime for me to do all the things to you I’ve imagined doing.”

“I guess you’d better stick around then. And from now on, we need to be honest with each other. No more pushing me away because you think it's best for me. Okay?” She pinched his arm to make her point.

Trent laughed, the sound rumbling over her skin where his mouth pressed against her shoulders. “I guess you told me, huh?”

Mara grinned up at him and wrapped her legs around him, holding him in the cradle of her thighs. His erection poked her belly like a hard spike. She sucked in an appreciative breath as he ground against her.

“That’s right. You know I don’t take any crap off anyone. Even the man I love.”

She sighed and angled her head, giving him greater access to her neck. He trailed soft little kisses along her skin until he reached her ear. She whimpered when he nibbled on her earlobe.

“Your skin is so soft.” Trent bit down on the lobe gently and Mara clenched her thighs around him. Too much longer and she wouldn't know what they were talking about anymore.

“Well, I’m glad it all worked out because otherwise I was going to resort to Plan B.” He looked up at her in surprise.

She smirked and leaned over to rummage in her drawer. It took a few minutes of rooting around before she found what she’d ordered off the internet the previous week.

She dropped the maroon colored velvet rope on the bed. Trent picked it up and raised his eyebrows.

“Maybe you should proceed with Plan B, anyway. Just in case I need further convincing.” His breathing was coming noticeably faster now.

Mara crawled up his chest and pushed him back until he lay flat. She stretched his arms above his head and tied them loosely to the rungs of her wrought iron headboard with the rope. Trent tugged gently, his eyes widening slightly when she swatted his arm.

“Don't move.” She leaned over and took one of his tiny brown nipples between her lips. He swelled beneath her.

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