Tell Me a Story (The Story Series Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Tell Me a Story (The Story Series Book 1)
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“Okay, here goes.”

I began reading and grinned as I spoke. My heart beat fast, because Caleb and I were lying on his sofa, my soft, smaller body curled next to his warm muscular frame. Because I’d chosen to let him into my life and vowed to not build walls between us. Because we were giving each other a chance.

Because we had the very real possibility of creating something pure and permanent.

“Emma, slow down. Don’t speak so fast,” he whispered. “I want to savor your words. We’ve got all the time in the world for this story.”

Taking a deep breath, I started from the top.

I wanted him the second I looked into his steel-blue eyes.



you to my critique partner, Kat Faitour. Your wisdom and wit sustain me. Also to Tiffany Razzano, the creator of Story Brothel in St. Petersburg, Florida. I also owe a huge thank you to G.G. Andrew and Tina Ellery for the early read.

And to my husband, Marco: I’m eternally grateful for all you do. I love you.

Also by Tamara Lush
About the Author

uring the day
, Tamara Lush is a journalist. At night, she writes fictional romance tales about complicated, sexy men and the women who love them.

When Tamara isn’t reporting, writing or reading, she’s doing yoga, cooking for her Italian husband or chasing her dogs on a beach on Florida's Gulf Coast.

She loves connecting with people on social media. Go to her website and sign up for her newsletter if you’d like details on new releases, exclusive content and adorable photos of her dogs.

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