Tempest (10 page)

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Authors: Jenna-Lynne Duncan

BOOK: Tempest
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“You never cease to
amaze me. So, you’re not at all worried about having a ghost
wanting your blood and sending a dangerous gang of Hunters to do it?”

A laugh escaped her and
it was a glorious sound.

“You’d still want
to be with me, after knowing what I am?”

“How could you say
that?” She grabbed my hand and her touch was completely

“I’ve been so
selfish when it comes to you. I won’t let you go, despite the

I felt her finger
softly stroke the inside of my palm. Now she was comforting me?
Shouldn’t it be the other way around? “You’ve protected me. I
see that now. Everything you did at the LaLaurie house that one
night, and the kidnapping. I get it now.”

“This isn’t a
normal life. It was really hard on my mother. She had to leave
everything behind.”

“Hayden, I don’t
have anything.” A small 'v' formed on her forehead, probably at the
memories of the hurricane and the conversation with her father.

“The other world is
not like this one. You will never have a normal life, like being able
to go out with friends while not worrying about ghosts, voodouns, or
someone trying to kill you.”

She laughed without
humor. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying
to push me away.”

“Never. But I could
never forgive myself if I knew you didn’t know what you were
getting into. If, down the line, you started having regrets, if you
started to resent me, you don’t know what it would do to me.”

“The way you make me
feel isn’t something I am used to. It’s overwhelming, really. I
didn’t know somebody could feel this way about someone else. I
didn’t know love would feel this way. I know I am inexperienced,”
she looked away and flushed, “but I think it is something worth
risking everything for, despite your thinking you are keeping me here
against my will.” She smiled coyly now, the blush gone. “I am
here because I want to be with you. Besides, I have never been
normal, especially now.”

“Why do you say

She hesitated. “Well,
it’s just that … I can see the future. In my dreams I mean. And
sometimes the future isn’t pleasant. That’s why I have

“Ana, you don’t see
the future. Your dreams are haunted. I’m sorry.”

“Haunted? How? Why?”

“The paranormal can
get into your dreams as a way of haunting you. LaLaurie is after you,
so it’s only logical that this is happening to you. Why did you
think you were seeing the future?”

Her eyes darted side to
side, “My dreams come true. Like meeting you—I saw you and Luke
coming. And the hurricane, and Mr. White’s wife dying in a car

She really predicted
all of those things? What was she? Maybe I was right, I knew she was
different. Special. “You dreamt about us before we met?”

“The night before the
first day of school, I had a dream that there were two new students.”

“I’m not sure what
it all means. I assume it’s still LaLaurie haunting you. She could
have made you think that you could see the future by manipulating
your dreams and then carrying out their actions the next day, like
Mr. White’s wife. But that wouldn’t explain you dreaming Luke and
I were coming to Ecole Classique. I’ll have to tell my parents to
see if they have an explanation. Is that okay?”

She nodded with
complete trust.

I stood up, offering
her my hand. “Come on. I’m sure they’re all really anxious to
see how you took it. It’s not what I expected, that’s for

“Oh, really? And what
did you expect?” her tone was playful.

“Oh, I don’t know.
Running, crying, fainting, the usual,” I teased.

“Hey! That’s not
fair! You’re not the easiest kidnapper!” Her smile was contagious
and all I could think about was tasting her lips again. Impulsively,
I grabbed her and pressed a kiss to her mouth before opening the

I chuckled when I set
her down and she stumbled out the door. I was pleased that I could
have that effect on her.

My family was waiting
in the kitchen. They knew we were coming but only turned when we had
entered the room. My mother, I never saw her more unsure. Even my
father looked nervous. I turned to Ana who gave them a disarming
smile and my parents immediately melted.

My father extended his
hand, smiling a little too brightly. “Adriana, the circumstances
earlier prevented me from introducing myself. I’m Christopher,
Hayden’s father. I believe you have met my wife, Elizabeth.”

“Yes, she took very
good care of me.” Ana was polite and charming. “Your son as
well,” she looked at me, her words laced with meaning.

“Welcome to our
family. Please consider this your home, and of course you are welcome
to stay as long as you wish.”

I had told my father
about her situation and he knew about the aftermath of the hurricane.

Ana bit her lip,
looking embarrassed. I came up behind her, engulfing her in my arms.
She fit perfectly. “We’ll go home as soon as we can,” I
whispered in her ear. She turned to look up at me. Nothing gave me
more pleasure than how she gazed at me right then. “Would you like
a tour?”

“Oh, yes.” I seemed
to have taken her out of a reverie.

I took her hand to lead
her out to the balcony. It was still night, but I knew she would
appreciate the sea and salt breeze. I couldn’t wait to show her
everything in the daylight. We passed Luke on our way out; again I
had almost forgotten he was even there. He was being so quiet, which
was unusual, especially for him. I ignored him. I wasn’t going to
let it ruin the unbelievable good mood I was having.

Chapter Thirteen

The next few weeks with
Ana went by perfectly and I wondered how much longer we would be able
to live like this until something, or someone, sabotaged it. I knew
Ana was missing home, but I had never seen her more carefree than she
was when she was barefoot on the beach. We never left the compound
and I hoped she wasn’t beginning to resent me for such protections.
My family’s home was large, and we owned most of the beach around
it. I had tried to keep her occupied each day by taking her out to do
different things. Most importantly, I had to keep her protected.
Which meant I couldn’t leave her. Luke was gone constantly, taking
over the obligation to Hunt. Ana, on the other hand, continued
predicting the future in her dreams. I didn’t know what it meant
that she could see things in her dreams, and each time a prediction
occurred it just confirmed that it was not the work of LaLaurie
haunting to her. Never was that more true than with the incident on
Halloween night when she snuck out and followed Luke out on a hunt to
a night club in Ybor City. It was then I knew that the little slice
of normal I tried to create for us, wasn’t going to last. Since she
saved Luke’s life that night, he has been going out of his way to
stay out of the house and avoid her.

“I have been all over
the tri-state area, doing double the work just so you can stay home
and play house with some girl!” Luke had cornered me in the kitchen
after a dinner that he was once again absent from.

“She is not just some
girl. And I have to protect her, you know. The Vasquez wanted her
enough to come to our house.
Our house
, Luke. You can’t
expect me to leave.”

“The contract expects
you to leave, Hayden. And I’m tired. You have the next one.
Christopher agrees with me on this. That’s what he is talking about
with her right now.”

“He wouldn’t dare,”
I cursed. I knew it was suspicious that my father had asked Ana if
she would join him for a walk after dinner. I turned toward the
direction they were walking on the beach. I should interrupt.

“Besides, I really
don’t see you having a choice now, do you?” Luke taunted.

He was right. I didn’t
have a choice. What did he lose by not fulfilling his part of the
contract? Nothing. But I had everything to lose. I had Ana.

“I will kill you
myself if you let anything happen to her. And don't you forget: I
know how.” I watched outside as I saw my father and Ana come back
up the beach.

In the sliding glass
door’s reflection I saw Luke’s wicked smile. “Don’t worry,
. I won’t.”

When I came outside,
Ana was swinging in the hammock I had set up for her. She was lying
back, looking up at the darkening sky.

“So are you in
trouble or what?” I teased.

“No. But you are.”
She got up and grabbed a hold of the lapels of my shirt, playfully
pulling me into the hammock with her. I kissed her as I flipped her
over, pulling her on top of me.

“Your hair smells so
good.” I marveled that it still smelled of lavender and vanilla, as
I pulled the silky strands away to place kisses on her neck. “You.
Are. So. Beautiful,” I said between kisses, working my way slowly
up to her lips.

“Hayden,” Ana
wriggled under me and I groaned.

“What is it? What’s
wrong?” I was surprised to see the concern on her face.

“Luke will be here
tomorrow and I’ll be fine. You need to go do what you need to do.”

I sat up with her, “Oh,
so that’s what this is about. I knew it.”

“If you’re afraid
for my safety, think about what will happen if you don’t go.”

I clenched my jaw as
she repeated the same words Luke did minutes ago. She planted a sweet
kiss on my jaw, once again trying to distract me.

“If you won’t go
alone then I’ll go with you,” she offered.

“No!” I growled,
and when she pushed off me, I knew I had been too harsh. “I’m
sorry, love. It’s just that it would be even more dangerous for you
to join me.” God, I couldn’t even imagine, brining her into my
world like that. Certainly, she would be running for the hills after!

“Then you’d better
go alone.”

“I’m not leaving

“Either you go alone
or I go with you. Either way, you're going.”

I rose one brow at her.
“Is that supposed to be an ultimatum? You are so stubborn, you know
that?” I tried to be serious when I said that, but she giggled as I
pulled her back on top of me to finish what she had started.

We had spent some of
the night under the stars before Luke came out to see what my
decision was.

“I’m going, I’m
going. Don’t rush me,” I whispered harshly at him. Ana had fallen
asleep on my chest and I could scarcely move lest I disturb her.

“I can carry her up
to her room, if you need to get ready.”

I wanted to laugh out
loud. But Luke wasn’t joking. What was with him? And suddenly, all
at once, I suspect I know.

I grunted as I worked
to a stand, cradling Ana in my arms. I pointedly ignored Luke as I
carried Ana up to her room.
It’s one day.
I told myself. One
day and then I’ll be back. What’s the worst that could happen in
one day? After that, Luke and I would need to have a very serious

* * *

Finally, I was on my
way home to her. I didn’t even have time to wash the vampire’s
blood off my hands; I could barely stand being away from her. I was
still one state away from her, in Mississippi, and wasn’t going to
follow any human traffic laws. I hadn’t called Ana, wanting to
surprise her with an early return. I hadn’t expected to be back
before dawn. I had at least been able to communicate with my father.
He had told me Ana hadn’t left her room all day. The thought made
me smile. It was just one of the many signs that we were meant for
each other.

When I finally pulled
into the driveway, all my concerns about leaving Ana alone came back
to me. My parents ran out to the driveway and I left the car running
to meet them.

“What happened?” I
nearly shouted.

“She’s safe, she’s
fine,” my mother tried to calm me.

“Where is she? What
happened?” I growled.

“She’s fine, ok?
She’s with Luke,” my father reiterated. “They must have known
you left. Her room was 110 degrees so she went outside to get fresh
air. We weren’t near her, I’m sorry.”

I closed my eyes,
inhaling. I knew something like this would happen. “It sounds like
witchcraft. They must be cashing in favors.”

My father nodded. “They
know you won’t kill her now, even if it means being free from the
curse. They will try harder than ever now—“

“You wanted to kill
me?” Ana was walking off the boardwalk toward us.

“Ana!” She had
taken me by surprise; I was so distracted, I hadn’t even sensed her
near. I opened my arms, happy to see her and relieved that she was

“No,” she stopped
me and shook her head. “Is that why you kidnapped me? Because you
wanted to kill me and be free of the curse?” Her eyes were
glistening and I had never felt such pain as I did then. She has
misunderstood. I would have never hurt her, even then.

“Ana, listen…”

“Is it true?” She


“Tell me,” her
voice came out like a sob, “is it true that if you kill me your
reward will be freedom?
Tell me

I paused, “Yes.”

Ana let out a puff of
air and her whole body slumped. She looked defeated. Hopeless.
Suddenly, her demeanor changed as she looked around. Then she was
running. Before I could react, she was inside my Porsche, locking the

I tried the handle
anyway. “Ana, what are you doing?

What was she looking
for? When she grabbed the stick-shift, I put it together. “Adriana,
open the door.” I pounded on the window, carefully avoiding
smashing it in. My parents came to my side, seeing my panic.

“It’s ok, Adriana,”
my mother called through the window.

“Come inside and we
will sort this all out,” my father added. They weren’t helping,
although I did see Ana hesitate at the sound of my father’s voice.
She wasn’t really going to drive off, was she?

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