Tempestuous Relations

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Authors: Amanda Young

Tags: #Source: AllRomanceEbooks, #M/M Contemporary

BOOK: Tempestuous Relations
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Tempestuous Relations








About Tempestuous Relations


Dominic Mackenzie isn’t too proud to take advantage of the local gloryhole. As far as he’s concerned, there’s nothing better than a warm, wet mouth without any strings attached. It’s only by accident that he discovers the shocking identity of the man on his knees. Once the secret’s out, then all bets are off.




Smashwords Edition

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Copyright © 2011 by Amanda Young

Cover Design by Amanda Young


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



Chapter One


Dominic Mackenzie turned into the rest area parking lot, his dick hardening at the sight of the squat brick building located directly off the interstate outside of his hometown. Other than the closet, there was no gay scene in Smithville. The clandestine, anonymous hookups that took place within this structure were as good as it got for a single man, unless he was willing to drive over two hours to the nearest city. Dom didn’t have the time or the inclination. When he wasn’t pulling double shifts at the factory, his free time was better spent working on the fixer-upper he and his brother bought the year before.

He set the emergency brake more out of habit than thought and got out of the truck. Just because the asphalt lot was level didn’t mean much. Better safe than sorry applied to more than horseshoes and hand grenades. The last thing he needed was for his truck to roll away while he was getting his dick sucked.

Dom slammed the door shut behind him and gave a surreptitious glance at his surroundings. Six other vehicles were parked alongside his Ford, although that wasn’t unusual. People had been known to use the area as a pick up spot for years. His brother even used it occasionally for carpooling, as evident by the dark blue half-ton truck parked halfway down the lot.

After pulling the bill of his ball cap down lower, Dom strolled into the men’s room. The very thought of his twin brother quickened Dom’s pace, although he couldn’t have explained why and wasn’t comfortable thinking about it. Now certainly wasn’t the time to ponder one of life’s little mysteries.

He imagined his long strides made him look like any other guy in desperate need of a piss, although nothing could be farther from the truth. If anyone glanced closely they would undoubtedly see the stiff proof of his desire pressing against the fly of his jeans in search of the satisfaction he hoped to find inside.

Dom had been visiting the rest stop almost weekly for past two months, thanks to a conversation he’d overheard that clued him in to what happened here. Although he was surprised someone was willing to sit in a foul-smelling restroom and suck cock for whomever had the balls to shove their meat through a strategically cut hole, he wasn’t above making use of some stranger’s willing mouth in order to assuage his needs.

Upon entering the bathroom, Dom was relieved to find it seemingly deserted. Amid the pungent aromas of sweat, piss, and cum, he quickly made his way to the back and slipped inside the last stall on the left. Although the room remained silent, a pair of scuffed sneakers could be seen beneath the panel separating his compartment from the next.

A shiver crept down his spine and lodged in his balls as he thought about what might happen in the near future. Things would either go well, as they had in the past, or he would find himself in a fantastically bad situation. If word of this spot had gotten out since the last time he’d come by, there was every likelihood that he might get his ass arrested. He could easily imagine a police sting being arranged to capture all the deviant men like himself who took advantage of a little anonymous action within the rest area’s semi-private environment. Although it wouldn’t be the first time he’d found himself on the wrong side of the law, he didn’t relish the thought of being hauled in to the police station for lewd behavior. The rumor mill would decimate him faster than any outlandish charges the court system slung his way.

Nevertheless, he wasn’t about to turn back now. His dick was like steel inside his jeans. It knew what was up and wouldn’t accept any less than the warm, wet mouth that had serviced him so well in recent months. Actually, for all he knew it might be different men.

Frankly, he didn’t want to attach a face with the mouth that sucked him off. That would make the dude too real. As it stood, Dom could come in, blow his load, and leave. He didn’t have to make small talk or any of the inane gestures that came with meeting someone and trying to get into their pants.

Dom turned to face the dividing wall. A lewd, baseball-sized hole was carved in the metal to the left of the broken toilet paper holder. He tapped his foot, impatience welling inside him as he waited for the stranger to make his move.

After only a moment, a slim finger with a square, trimmed nail appeared through the hole and made a come-hither motion. Not wasting any time, Dom unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out through the fly. He gave himself a nice hard stroke from root to tip, stepped forward, and slid his erection through the hole.

A heartbeat passed while Dom’s tension grew. Every muscle in his body felt strung tight, waiting…

It began like always. Humid breath wafted over the damp tip of his dick, followed by a wicked tongue that darted over his slit and slurped up the moisture welling from his body. The nimble appendage worked up one side of his cock and down the other, wetting every inch of his insatiable flesh. Dom held still, not daring to move as warm lips smacked over his tip in a loud, wet kiss.

Dom leaned forward against the wall and rested his head on the cushion of one bent arm. Under the circumstances, there was no real way to make himself comfortable, but he needed something to brace against if he planned to stay on his feet during the pleasure to come. The stranger’s talented mouth had turned him inside out more than once, draining his balls and making his knees quiver like jelly.

The stranger lapped and teased, using the very tip of his tongue to gently fuck Dom’s slit before moving on. Wet heat tapped against the underside of Dom’s crown, lighting up one sensitive nerve ending after another. Tension ratcheted higher as warm, wet lips wrapped around his crown and sucked lightly. The hypersensitive ridge of his crown was laved with one caress after another, until Dom was sure he couldn’t stand another moment of the agonizing pleasure. What the guy was doing felt damn good, but Dom needed further stimulation. He ground his teeth in frustration, wishing he could call out and tell the man to suck him harder. It would take forever for him to get off like this.

Ever so slowly heat began to envelope him. Dom rolled his hips, wordlessly begging for the guy to go faster, to give him more. Sweet pressure surrounded his prick, gradually reeling him in. He groaned and tried to hold still, although it was nearly impossible with a mouth descending his shaft, wetting his skin and massaging every stiff inch with a damp, supple tongue.

He stared downward, watching as his dick moved in and out of the hole, more and more of his ruddy flesh glistening with saliva. The visual alone threatened to drive him insane. The man working his tool knew what he was doing. That was for damn sure.

Pleasure sluiced through Dom’s body as his shaft was bathed from tip to root and back again, the stranger’s mouth soft and wet on the way down, followed by agonizingly tight suction on the return trip toward the head.

The man swinging off the other end of his dick bobbed up and down, his lips and tongue working Dom’s flesh with precision. Slick heat and pressure combined to make him tremble with longing. Although he didn’t see how it was possible, his cock swelled larger within the hot cavern surrounding his greedy flesh.

As if the guy blowing him heard his silent plea for more, Dom was pulled in deeper until his blunt crown butted against the back of the stranger’s throat. There was a moment of resistance and then his cock forced beyond wet, clinging throat muscles and squeezed so perfectly Dom wanted to cry from the exquisite agony of it. Air rushed from his lungs, the pleasure nearly overwhelming.

His balls drew taut, damn near trying to crawl back up inside his body. He wanted to hold back, enjoy the sensations coursing through his flesh, but his pleasure was mounting, his body aching to release his seed.

Warmth flooded his groin and spread outward in short, sharp pulses as his body gave in to the inevitable. Dom threw his head back and bit into the inside of his cheek to stifle the sound of his release. His body clenched in rhythmic waves, spilling every drop he had to offer while he trembled through the electric current running roughshod over his body. The mouth around him eased its ministrations, softly cleaning him of the final weak spurts.

With one last shiver, Dom pulled free of moist heat and tucked himself back into his pants. He whispered a quiet “thanks” and bent to retrieve his ball cap from the floor. Nearly eye level with the glory hole, his curiosity pinged. A sudden desire to see the man who’d provided so much pleasure nearly overwhelmed him. He knew he shouldn’t peek. There were a ton of very good reasons for why he shouldn’t snoop.

Dom turned his head to the right and looked. Heat drained from his face and then returned with aplomb as eyes the same shape and color as his own stared back at him. “What the fuck? Mason?”

A flurry of movement took Dom by surprise. The stall next door slammed open, followed by frantic footsteps trailing across the tiled floor.

Reacting out of pure instinct, Dom burst out of the stall. He didn’t know what the fuck was going on but he planned to find out. “Mason. Wait.”

The man by the sinks froze with his back to Dom. His shoulders sagged beneath a thin white cotton tank top. “Christ, Dom. Can’t we just pretend this never happened?”

Dom’s pulse thundered in his ears as he circled the other man. “How am I supposed to look at you and not remember today? You’re my brother, for fuck’s sake. And I… And you…” Dom shook his head, trying to dislodge the sweet sensation of his twin’s lips wrapped around his cock, swallowing his cum.

Please.” Mason’s watery gaze lifted. “This was a mistake. I don’t—”

Damn right it was,” Dom interrupted. Before he could say anything more a middle-aged man with a receding hairline stepped into the restroom. A young boy held the man’s hand like a lifeline. Dom shot the man a disgruntled look and then returned his attention to his brother. “This isn’t finished. We’re going to talk about this when I get home. You can count on it.”

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